I Want This

Liam's POV:

Her hand is still lying cold upon my belly, Anastasia's eyes met mine with a gaze like frozen midnight.

"You are pregnant," This escaped her lips, each word was a sharp sliver of ice to my core.

Within my bones, a crushing bucket of icy water washed over every part of me.

Nervous panic gripped my insides so tight, I couldn't breathe at all.

Scared as never before, I internally trembled head to toe with the terror of what she would do now, knowing one of my deepest secrets.

Would this make my mate despise me, and scorn our pup growing in my womb, all because of my stupidity that night and the fact that she doesn't want it?

I didn't mean for this to happen, I was not even in my right mind that, how was I supposed to remind her of protection?

but now she knew, and there was no taking it back.

All I saw behind those bitter eyes was hatred for what I carried or so I thought.