Life Is Perfect

Liam's heart throbbed as Anastasia hugged him close, her nearness setting his blood aflame.

When he asked "You...You want what?", disbelief coursed through him.

Slowly, Anastasia pulled away yet remained near, a flush creeping her cheeks.

Gulping, nervousness shone in her darting eyes, the first time he'd seen her so unguarded.

Lifting her hand, she whispered while stroking his stomach "This..."

Pausing, she circled her arms around his waist once more and rested her head on his chest, even quieter whispering "And this... I want you and the baby."

The confirmation of her deepest longing rendered Liam shocked and unable to move.

Through the overwhelming rapture filling every pore, soothing peace stole over his racing mind and heart.

Liam did not waste any time, immediately pulling Anastasia into a tight hug until she disappeared into his embrace.