Issues Vanish

It is 10 am and the morning sun shone brightly through the large kitchen windows, filling the space with a warm, golden light.

The servants stood in shock as they watched their head alpha Anastasia, standing in the kitchen with her phone in hand.

Claire walked over, eyes wide in disbelief. "Alpha, can I help with something?" she asked.

Anastasia did not look up from her video, focused intently on the pancakes sizzling in the pan. "No, it's okay. I can do it myself," she replied calmly.

Claire nodded in understanding, still stunned by this unprecedented turn of events, and stood back to observe.

She remained nearby in case her assistance became needed.

After plating the fluffy pancakes and topping them with butter and syrup, Anastasia moved to the fridge and retrieved eggs along with cottage cheese for extra protein.

She then began blending vegetables to create a smoothie, looking robust yet healthy.