The Kiss

The morning sun shone through the curtained window of Anastasia's bedroom, its light falling upon her closed eyelids.

She stirred gently, rousing from a deep sleep.

As consciousness returned, the memories of her encounter with Nickolas the previous day came flooding back.

A soft smile formed on her lips as she recalled his smile.

She stretched and rose from the soft mattress, the fine linen sheets sliding off her bare skin.

After a refreshing shower, she towel-dried her long hair and dressed in comfortable clothes - leggings and a loose blouse, perfect for a day of learning.

The scent of breakfast drifted up the stairs as she made her way down to the dining room.

One of the cooks had prepared eggs, toast, and fruit.

Anastasia ate slowly, still thinking of Nickolas.

All too soon, it was time for her morning lessons.