I’m Pregnant

Anastasia slowly awoke with a throbbing headache.

As she opened her eyes, the blinding sunlight caused her vision to swim.

Glancing around in confusion, she realized this unfamiliar room was not her own.

The furnishings and strange wall color brought on further disorientation.

Struggling to sit up only intensified her dizziness.

She desperately tried to recall how she came to be here, but her memory was an empty haze.

Then, fragments started coming back - the fight between her parents back at home, crying and running in the rain, reaching Nicholas's house and crying in his embrace from the night before.

But was she really that tired and sad to the point of blacking out?

An uneasy feeling rose in her stomach.

Grasping that she must be at Nicholas's home did nothing to shed light on why.

this was clearly his personal space.