Liam is Safe

Liam felt a wave of shocked disbelief wash over him as the full reality of Anastasia's words hit home.

She was actually proposing to sacrifice her own freedom, to remain trapped with this unhinged lunatic...all to secure Liam's release.

A part of him had still clung to the blind hope that her steadfast loyalty would never waver, that she would have rejected Cobra's deranged claims outright.

But she hadn't.

His gaze bored into her impassive expression, searching for any flicker of doubt or deception.

Yet Anastasia's beautiful countenance remained an inscrutable mask, giving no hint of her inner turmoil.

Swallowing hard against the lump of dread in his throat, Liam forced himself to remain silent.

If this was the play she was making to buy them time, to attempt to survive this nightmare, he would follow her lead without question.