Two Men

Anastasia sat rigid and unmoving as the doctor treated her wound, avoiding his pitying gaze.

The lavish furnishings provided no comfort as she tracked Cobra's restless, intense prowling.

He hovered protectively by her side, cradling her hand and repeatedly kissing her knuckles with tender reverence. "I'm so sorry for hurting you," he murmured fervently between kisses. "Knowing I caused you pain sickens me."

As soon as the fresh bandages were secured, Cobra swiftly scooped Anastasia into his arms before the doctor could leave.

Anastasia crossed her arms on her chest and blankly looked at corridors while being carried by Cobra.

Cradling her gently against his powerful frame, he carried her from the room with a tenderness that contrasted his forceful alpha presence.

Striding through the corridors, Cobra beamed with pride at every possessive glance towards his beautiful mate.