Be Okay

The drive to the clinic passed in tense, leaden silence.

Cobra's hulking frame was wedged into the backseat of Anastasia's SUV, his broad shoulders hunched and his expression unreadable beneath the curtain of his blond hair.

In the front, Philip and Caleb exchanged worried glances, their grips visibly tightening on the heavy manacles shackling the volatile Cobra's wrists and ankles.

As the sleek, towering facade of the clinic came into view, its elegant architecture stood in stark contrast to the palpable tension filling the vehicle's interior.

Glossy black iron wrought in sweeping, decorative curves bordered the property, and lush, manicured grounds surrounded the imposing main edifice.

Anastasia let out a slow, steadying breath as she guided the car through the arched front gates and up the immaculate drive.

Despite the pristine, almost regal facade, she found herself assailed by doubts and misgivings.