5,5-Very High Hopes

A jerky nod was his only immediate reply.

Long moments stretched in reverent silence before he finally murmured in a low, graveled rasp, "For you?"

"Yes," she exhaled fervently. "For me, please. Please be well and do as they say. The faster you gain control...the sooner we can be together freely."

The words seemed to reverberate through his frame with the same rippling potency as her initial aura pulse.

Cobra's eyes slid open, and in one fluid, insistent motion, his hands rose to span her waist, drawing her form flush against his.

Anastasia let him.

Cobra dipped his proud head into the slender curve where her neck and shoulder met, his nose breathing in her scent.

Scenting her.

He started scenting and she did not mind at all, she was actually happy with it and even scented him back.

"Thank you," he rasped against the hammering pulse in her throat. "Thank you for doing it back."