Video Call

Anastasia came the next morning to the clinic only to find the doctor in his office, with his face long, with worry lines across his forehead.

"So, how did Cobra do on his first day?" Anastasia asked, trying to hide the tremble in her voice.

The doctor sighed heavily, seeming tired down to his bones. "Alpha, I apologize but it was terrible. I have never dealt with someone holding that much anger inside them."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Anastasia sighed too. "What happened?"

The doctor explained slowly. "It was supposed to be just normal first-day troubles as he got used to the new place. He hated answering simple questions about himself. Hated being in my office for check-ups. Then nurses tried giving him medication, and he started shouting - demanding to see you, and demanding to see his 'mate'. He attacked everyone and tried escaping while yelling for you to come get him. The guards had to drug and drag him back to his room."