
Anastasia was buried in paperwork in the office the next day, her mind a whirlwind of concern as she had been asking about Liam everywhere, yet he seemed to have vanished.

The steady hum of office noise was no comfort as her worry grew.

Suddenly, the door to her office burst open, and Liam came running in, his face lit with excitement.

"Anastasia, you need to come with me right now!" he said, practically bouncing on his feet.

"Liam! Where have you been?" she exclaimed, a mixture of relief and frustration in her voice. "I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"I know, I know," Liam said hurriedly, "but trust me, it was worth it. Just come with me. You have to see this."

Before she could protest, Liam grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the office.

They rushed through the corridors, Anastasia's curiosity and anxiety mounting with every step.

Finally, they reached her bedroom door.