A Girl

Sitting at the kitchen island, Cobra glares at Liam, the tension palpable in the air.

The kitchen, bathed in the soft morning light filtering through the large windows, is usually a place of comfort.

Today, it feels like a stage for a confrontation.

The aroma of fresh coffee fills the room, but it does little to ease the atmosphere.

"Blondie, what do you want to eat?" Liam's voice is edged with cheerfulness.

Cobra's muscular frame, clad in a tight black T-shirt, contrasts with Liam's more relaxed, casual attire.

Anastasia glanced at Cobra to make sure he was calm enough before speaking.

Cobra side glared at Liam, finding the name ' blondie' so annoying especially coming from Liam, before looking at Anastasia with loving eyes "My love, this thing here has another surprise for you."

This thing?

Did Cobra just call Liam a thing?

She glanced at Liam, only to find him smiling nervously not minding being called a thing.