First Kiss

Liam chuckled softly as Cobra fidgeted, licking his lips nervously. "For what?" he prodded gently.

"For saying that I can call them our kids," Cobra replied gruffly, his voice catching ever so slightly on the simple admission.

A warm smile spread across Liam's face as he nodded. "You are welcome, blondie."

Liam smiled squeezing some whipped cream on a strawberry and offering it to Cobra who timidly took it and bit into it while listening to Liam who spoke "So what do I call you now? Co-parent? Co-mate?"

Cobra smacked his shoulder with a low growl, but the atmosphere shifted as their playful banter ebbed into something more serious and heavy.

"Seriously though, I...I mean it." He fell quiet for a beat, gaze averting, Cobra sighed and swallowed the strawberry in his mouth "I have never… like literally never had a family before."

The levity drained from Liam's expression as he turned to give Cobra his full attention.