What’s Waiting For Him

Anastasia let go of Cobra who gasped for air after she broke the kiss, before he could breathe, Liam grabbed his jaw turned his face to the back, and slammed their lips in a kiss.

Cobra groaned, closing his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lips getting bitten and sucked by Liam's fuller ones.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked lowly as he slowly broke the kiss with a saliva line connecting their lips.

Cobra nodded, his face was reddened as he glanced at the line and approached Liam's lips to kiss that line away.

" Damn." Liam chuckled and glanced at Anastasia who was watching them.

Liam grabbed Cobra by his shoulder and spun him toward Anastasia, with a smirk " Cobra would like to have his mouth filled."

Cobra's fists clenched the bedsheet and shyly looked at Anastasia whose lip curled in a smirk " Sure."

She stood up, her hips right in front of Cobra's face.