Chapter 27:"Wilhelm's Ice Skating Experience"

Wilhelm told his friends how it went for him. He explained that since he was only four years old, he already took up training for ice skates. "That's great!", Lena exclaimed."I had no idea how to skate until middle school" The first moment that she met a pair of skates face to face was only in middle school. Emma joined in on the self-reflection, saying, "Yeah, me too, Wilhelm, you really do have natural talent." Wilhelm beamed at the compliment. To which he replied "Thank you, Practice played an important role. It's not just talent. "Göran answered "But how did you practice when you moved to Thailand? I remember there were no ice skating rinks there was there?"Wilhelm said, "Actually, there are lots of many indoor ice-skating facilities that are located in department stores or shopping malls Infact my parents used to take me to those places to practice although it is quite different from practicing on the outdoors rink". Do you ever think that you will be a professional player?" Max asked. Wilhelm paused for seconds and said, "Well, I do love skating but there are other things that mean so much to me too; maybe i will different ways find it as a sport" The whole group skated as they relished the winter ethos and Wilhelm's proficiency of skating.