Chapter 35:"Fika with tea and fundraising projects of Wilhelm​ and friends"

Inger had brought back four cans of tea from Fortnum & Mason, and she had given the rose and black teas to her mother-in-law. She kept the Earl Gray and fruit teas for the family to drink during their Fika meal. As they sat down to enjoy their tea, Wilhelm noticed that there was a lot of Earl Gray tea, which he didn't particularly enjoy.

"How much Earl Gray tea did you get, Mom?" Wilhelm asked, wrinkling his nose. "I don't really like the taste, it's too bitter and astringent.

Inger smiled at her son. "Don't worry, Wilhelm. You can add some lemon juice and honey to it, that should help to balance out the flavor."

Wilhelm took his mother's advice and added some lemon juice and honey to his tea. He found that it did indeed improve the taste, and he was able to enjoy his cup of tea with the rest of his family and friends.

As they sipped their tea, Wilhelm and his friends discussed a school fundraiser that they had been planning. They wanted to raise money to provide wildlife safety education and help students who had been attacked by wild animals. Although their school was not located in the countryside, there was a pine forest behind the school, and students often wandered into it.

Inger listened to their plan and agreed that it was a good thing for Wilhelm and his friends to do. "I think it's great that you want to help others, Wilhelm," she said. "I'll support your fundraising efforts in any way that I can."

Wilhelm and his friends were thrilled to have Inger's support, and they continued to discuss their fundraising ideas over their cup of tea. It was clear that they were all passionate about making a difference in their community, and they were excited to see their plans come to fruition.