Chapter chapter 63"Hamlet"

Another day had passed. The following morning, the second day of celebration of the founding anniversary of the school had arrived. However, at this point, the turn of the second play had come. This time, it was about to present the play of "Hamlet". Wilhelm had invited Göran, Lars, and Sebastian to the performance of "Hamlet", since Lena was about to act Ophelia. Wilhelm had promised her a day before that he would arrange an audience for her.

The curtains opened, and the role of Hamlet was played by Orjan who is a class mate in G. Göran had fired at Wilhelm "Hey! Wilhem why you take yourself not jock to playing Hamlet? I thought you were lead actor."

Wilhelm just giggled to Hohenzollern, "I may not be the starring actor Göran! We were visiting Lena after all!!!

Göran was not put off by Wilhelm's stubbornness, "So if you are the best to play Hamlet who played Antonio in 'The Merchant of Venice' yesterday at all?

Wilhelm laughed, "Why don't you stop being Shylock and become Claudius in stead of Felix?"

Lars and Sebastian laughed at their banter while they watched the play go on. It was captivating, with Lena playing the role of Ophelia, and neither of them could avert his eyes from her.

After the play was over, they all congratulated Lena on her performance. "You were amazing, Lena," Wilhelm said, with a smile on his face.

Lena blushed. "Thank you, Wilhelm. I'm glad you guys came to watch me."

Göran added, "Yeah, you were great. Maybe we should start calling you Ophelia now."

Lena laughed, "I don't think that's necessary, Göran."

They all left the theater feeling proud about their friend's performance. They were all there for one another, and that felt awesome. They couldn't wait to see what other performances the future held for them.