Chapter 6

Finally, it was the day of the wedding. The day the Queen was going to be forced into marrying a King. The executive gathered enough information and learned of the Queen's only weak point. He threatened the Queen that if she pulled one of her stupid pranks during this wedding, he would execute all of her servants at once and have them replaced. 

The Queen had been pondering about this nights before, racking her brain to think of ways around this but nothing had come to mind. She felt helpless, the old man had surely won this round. 


'Your Highness-


'Please, it's not that ba-' The servants couldn't stop themselves from laughing. The Queen was getting dressed for her wedding and had been randomly ordered by the top executive to cut the Queen's hair. The Queen had jet-black silky hair and her precious long hair was all cut off. However, the Queen didn't mind, she always wanted to cut her hair but knowing the order came from the executive, out of pure spite she refused and refused. But that day, the servants had surprising strength and held down the Queen while they cut her hair, but that didn't stop her from moving about which led her hair to look like a tangled mess. 


The servant's laughter was triggered even more after hearing that line from the Queen.

One of the servants, Yara spoke. 'Your Highness is looking like a boy necessarily a bad thing.' Yara hadn't laughed like the rest but her mouth was slightly curved showing a cheeky grin. 

'Yara, you-

'Yeah, Your Highness, once we clean it up it'll be fine.' Another spoke. 

Her hair wasn't as awful as the Queen made it out to be and the servants were being truthful, their reaction was purely because of how odd it looked on the Queen. The eldest servant had gotten the order to cut her hair shorter however as one of them began they couldn't stop. Her hair was trimmed shorter, crafting her hair into a wild tune of different layers and textures. The servant used their knife carefully and transformed a section of the Queen's hair into a dark curtain of soft bangs that only made the lady's beauty more evident. 

The eldest servant smiled as she looked proud of the art she had painted. Although it was unnatural for women to hold haircuts like this, the servant felt it was appropriate for the Queen. The haircut was boyish but the Queen's feminine features made up for it. 

Another servant stopped laughing and looked at the lady with a strange look. The Queen noticed and shot a look towards her.

'What's wrong Gracie?' When the latter heard the Queen, her cheeks blushed. Gracie, seventeen years old had recently joined the Queen and her servants. She always feared she would be treated wrong due to the power difference. Yet, the Queen had accepted her as one of her own, which made the once closed-off Gracie warm up to the Queen. The Queen adored Gracie like a younger sister and was glad to see Gracie opening up herself to the rest. 

'Your Highness, you look like a pretty man.'


Once Gracie spoke, the rest stopped laughing and observed the Queen straight away. To the Queen's surprise, the servants nodded their heads in agreement and one of them spoke, 'She sure does make a fine young gentleman, maybe if the Queen was a King she would have many secret admirers.' 

The Queen's face had reddened, hearing all of these strange compliments. She sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. Her presence and aura were deeply felt just from her cold gaze and her piercing brown eyes felt intimidating. Her piercing look deepened even more when she smiled. The look of a crazy person, she thought to herself and smirked. 


The King had been dressed and waited patiently for his mother to arrive. Edward had his horse ready and a carriage set for his mother. Ten guards surrounded him and his carriage to ensure safety on the way. It would take at least two hours for them to arrive in the Moral Empire, so they had gotten up earlier to leave in advance. 

Once the King's mother had arrived, the King smiled. 

He had prepared a surprise for her that was waiting in the carriage. The King's mother was helped into the carriage by the King's men. As soon as she entered, her eyes had widened. Three other women were already seated and the King's mother was truly shocked.

'What are you-'

'I've decided to bring my three concubines.'

The King interrupted his mother with a malicious smile. He observed his mother's red face and snorted. He knew how much his mother despised his concubines and thought of how to anger his mother the most. 

The three girls, all radiating shimmering beauty amongst each other looked down embarrassed except for one. This one looked at the King's mother dumbfounded. Her name was Kira, she was the King's most desired concubine. Kira was undoubtedly the prettiest among the concubines, however her personality leveled them out. Kira was quite straightforward, she said whatever came to her mind without a trace of malice behind her eyes. She was quite pure and outgoing despite her position as nothing but a lowly concubine. The King's mother despised Kira the most because of this, as she was a woman herself she felt it was extremely inappropriate for girls to speak more than they had to. Kira had annoying traits that any 'mother-in-law' would hate. She was much interested in gossip, she was laid-back in situations that concerned herself and she was quite stupid. Kira had a habit of laughing at stupid things. She found anything funny and that pissed the King's mother a lot. 

Kira was staring at the King's mother for a while, she had not gotten the hint and realized when she looked at the other concubines who had their heads bowed in respect as soon as the lady came, and so she followed. 

'My apologies, I had no idea the King's mother was also coming.'

'Nonsense!' The King's mother shouted. 'It would be more reasonable for me to come, wouldn't it?' 

Kira looked up at the lady, realizing she asked a question. She squinted her eyes and tried to think of how to answer. Seeing how seriously the concubine was trying so hard to answer, the King's mother was greatly annoyed. She left the carriage at once and shot a look at the King. 

'Is something troubling you mother?' The King said, trying as hard as possible to contain his smile.

'You-' The King's mother walked off and ordered a few of the servants to follow her and she brought out another carriage. The King was just about to set off, realizing his mother wasn't coming with them when he heard his mother say something.

'If you think I'm going to sit in the same carriage as them, you are gravely mistaken boy.'

He turned and looked at her, his gaze turning cold. His mother's sudden transformation into this corrupt witch was something he didn't expect. 

Edward looked at the sunset before him, he sighed before setting out to the Moral Empire.