Chapter 7

Once the King arrived, the sounds of drums were played and the wedding started. Many of the guests at this wedding were from Kingdoms all over the world that were allied with the Moral Empire. Although the King of a rather exceptional Kingdom was getting married, it was more favored in terms of the Moral Empire to form the wedding in their domain. The King gritted his teeth, he knew the difference between his Kingdom and the Moral Empire which was the power. The Moral Empire was extremely more powerful than the Regin Kingdom. Even if the King's mother hadn't requested this marriage, they have no power to refuse if the Moral Empire had personally asked. The power between both Kingdoms was too great. 

'Your Majesty, I see you have arrived. Allow this humble servant to show you inside.' One of the Moral Empire servants greeted the King.

The King and his three concubines followed. They entered a large hall. Many people were already seated, chattering amongst themselves. In front of the hall were two seats, one for himself and the Queen. The servant escorted the King after seating his three concubines alongside the King's mother and took him to meet the Queen beforehand. 

This was not allowed but the Queen had more or less begged the servant. 'I need to check something for myself! Please!' The servant felt anxious as he showed the King to the Queen's room. 

The King himself furrowed his brows, he had no idea what was happening. The door opened and he was dragged into it. He looked up and saw the Queen, she was dressed quite beautifully. Her green dress was embroidered with flower designs and it highlighted her slim figure. He looked up at her and his eyes had been focused on her hair for a while. It wasn't because it was suddenly so short but because of how it was designed. 

Her hair was like a sensational waterfall, brushed out with flowers and gems that were all decorated in. It was truly a stunning sight for the King, never had he thought of the Queen's beauty before but this time, seeing her up this close he felt maybe this marriage wasn't so bad after all. 

'Hello?? Are you even listening, you fool?' The Queen grabbed the King's face and shook it repeatedly. The King was beyond shocked that the Queen was this comfortable touching him already. He calmed for a second, kept his collected cool manner, and responded to the Queen. 

'Your Highness, the wedding has started, isn't it wrong for the husband and wife to meet earlier?' 

The Queen nodded along and waited for him to finish speaking and then spoke. 

'I know, I know, I know all too well. I just had to ask a question.'


The Queen walked closer to the King, but he was still standing in front of the door and once the Queen stopped, the King realized he unconsciously took a few steps back as well and his back was leaned against the door. The King knew of the Queen's insane habits, he was there in person to see how crazy this woman was. But to corner him like this was... outrageous! However, he remained quiet before the Queen spoke again. 

'You're the guy with the three concubines... am I right?' 

The King was baffled, he looked towards the Queen and looked at her eyes piercing into him. Wait, is it possible... the Queen has no idea who I am??? The King thought to himself. 

He cleared his throat, trying to act nonchalant even if he was just centimeters from the Queen. Her fearless aura made him feel frozen, for a man to feel like this because of a woman, it was truly despicable. He didn't want to admit to himself that even he felt intimidated by the Queen. 

'Edward Regin of the Regin Kingdom,' The King spoke, he looked up at the Queen and smiled despite feeling his stomach churning inside. 'Is it possible the Queen isn't aware of who I am?'

The Queen looked amused, she raised one of her eyebrows and slightly smiled. 'I know who you are, your majesty. I spoke to you once before. Now that I've answered your question,' The Queen daringly went closer to the King, 'Will you answer mine?'

Even if she said it in an unbothered tone, her cold brown eyes felt like they were piercing right into the King's heart. Her gaze, her presence is too much... The King looked down in embarrassment before he responded. 

'Answering the Queen's question from earlier... yes I do have three concubines.' 

The Queen then walked away and sighed in relief. 

'I'm really glad it was you then!' She exclaimed, smiling to herself. After the Queen had heard what she wanted, she kicked the King out of her room. 

The King felt nothing but shame as he left. His cheeks were burning and his heart felt heavy. Never has anyone made him feel such embarrassment before... The King thought to himself, I will surely get her back for this!


The Queen had to make sure of something, once speaking to the King she felt reassured. Two years ago, she recalled seeing one of the King's concubines. She still remembered how extraordinary this girl looked, her beauty was unique and her deep dimples were attractive. The Queen had thought back to the moment when she paid the brothels gold and bought all of the prostitutes. The Queen felt pleasure looking at her Kingdom's men's faces filled with despair. Curiously, she also wanted to see how the concubine would react. The Queen had a girl on her lap, their kiss was deepening and the Queen brushed a look at the concubine. She noticed the King and the other two concubines were looking away with their red faces, except for one. This was undoubtedly that girl. The Queen smiled and grabbed the prostitute, kissing her even more but the Queen continued to look at the concubine. The latter noticed and her face had turned into a dark shade of red, however, she continued to stare. This whole time, the Queen and the girl stared at each other, keeping eye contact. 

The Queen had not one clue who she was marrying till she was informed on the day of her wedding. This brought back the memory of two years ago when she first met the King and his concubines. However, the Queen's memory wasn't as stable as she thought therefore she thought it was best to confront the King himself. The Queen had never thought she would meet this girl again and so she smiled thinking about how they would be much more acquainted with each other as she was marrying the King now. Arisa looked forward to their interactions.