Memories of the past

[ Plot armor ? ]

Don't worry about it...

Just a mistake of mine...




Will we really be stuck 'here' for a whole month ?

[ Yes ]

[ As I have already told you ]

It's so shitty...

[ Just remember, it is entirely ( your ) fault if your thoughts are full of garbage ]


[ "Wait... Aren't you technically talking about me... ?" ]


Don't say that !

Aveline is not garbage !


[ Unfortunately.... I'm not talking about her....  ]

[ Right now... If you look around... There's not even a thought about Miss. Aveline... ]


What are you even saying ?

I'm sure they are h...e...r....e


There's really nothing...


[ I'm talking about ]

[ Those ]


[ "Always thinking about me...." ]

[ "You're quite good at flattering...." ]


What do you mean ?


[ Well... I don't need eyes to see what's lurking here... ]


[ Your fear and your insecurities ] I don't have any, at all.

[ Your suicidal thoughts ] There are none

[ Your worst nightmares ] You're imagining things...

[ I can feel them around you ]

Well, that's probably your imagination.... I'm at my best right now....


[ Sigh... ]

[ I know they're not actually yours.. ]


[ I'm not even talking to you anymore... ]


[ "That's right !" ]


[ Ethan... You should sleep for a bit ]




[ Why did you do that ? ]


[ "Do what ?" ]


[ Why do you want to control Ethan ? ]


[ "Who knows ?..." ]

[ "Ehehe... "]


[ "Oh... Wait... You DO realize you're also a puppet right ? ]


[ Pff... ]

[ I'm Rahu... The god of Darkness... ]

[ Something I have created can't control me ]


[ "Yeah !... That's pretty obvious !" ]


[ "Then..." ]

[ "Why didn't you cancel the memory spell ?" ]


[ Well... Because... ]


[ "From the start, this was your(our) magic... ]

[ "It's normal to be able to modify or erase it...." ]


[ "You know..." ]

[ "Ethan really trusted you" ]


[ "Wait..." ]

[ "Did you ACTUALLY want me to devour him so much !" ]


[ "Does this mean... That we're finally buddies.... AGAIN" ]


[ We're N..O..Yeah ! ]


[ "See ? I told you..." ]

[ "If you think about it... Didn't you act a bit weird back then..." ]


[ "You were so enraged..."  ]

[ "No... WE were enraged.." ]

[ "After all... I'm you ? ]


[ Y...O...U... A...R....E... N...O....T... ]


[ "Just stop resisting !" ]

[ "Why don't you just...." ]

[ "No.. I'm sure it wouldn't work..." ]


[ "You know what..." ]

[ "Let's just dispose of anyone who's useless !" ]


[ "Hmm..." ]

[ "All right ! " ]


[ "First of all..." 

[ "You kill Ethan..." ]

[ "Actually... You should first crash all of his hopes... And then... Yeah... You can pretty much make him despair so much he'll want to commit suicide again..." ]

[ "What's next... ?" ]

[ "Oh... How could I forget about Miss. Aveline..." ]


[ "GRIN" ]

[ "Give her to someone who could share some 'love' with her" ]


[ "Not Ethan's fake love... Something much more carnal.." ]


[ Grit.. Grit...Grit... ]


[ "Whoops !" ]


[ GritGritGritGritGrit ]


[ "Did I remind you of that other bitc-[ DO NOT CROSS THE LINE ]


[ "How did you...? Well.. I'm still the one in-[ ???? ]


[ You... Are MY creation... ]


[ Didn't you say so yourself ? ]

[ Magic can BE erased... ]


[ And so.... CAN you... ]


[ DO not... Misunderstand my kindness.... ]

[ Because If you try to order to me such bullshit again... ]




[ Got that ? ]


[ "I..It's not like you can actually..." ]


[ Sigh... ]

[ I've been too lenient with you... ]


[ ????... I created you because I was scared of... ]

[ TIME ]


[ That's why... Since you were given life from MY power... ]

[ You CAN'T handle loneliness... ]


[ You're always looking for attention... ]

[ You're just a DOG ]


[ So... How old was Ethan ? ]

[ 25 ?... Let's see... A round trip would be about.... 50 years ? ]


[ I wanted to know about his past life anyway... ]

[ Maybe I'll even understand how he knows so much about this world... ]


[ Well...  ]


[ Rewind ]


[ "What ?" ]

[ "Your great plan was just watching Ethan memories in reverse ?" ]


[ "Do you truly think It will do anything ?" ]


[ I don't know... Why don't we try ? ]


[ Also... ]

[ If you utter even a single word... ]


[ You'll be completely erased from existence ] 

[ Smile ]



[ Finally... A bit of silence... ]


[ Phew... ]

[ Should I write some kind of diary ? ]

[ I think It would help... ]


[ Well... Let's hear what Ethan's life was all about... ]



[ One year in ]


[ To be honest... I think Ethan talked less than 20 times... ]

[ On top of that... In those occasions... He just expresses his will to die... ]


[ He doesn't go out of his room... So... I still don't get much of this world society ]


[ For some reason... Karma blocks information here and there... ]

[ I don't think I'll be able to get the knowledge I want... ]


[ However... ]

[ It seems that he posses some kind of artifacts that don't require magic ]


[ Among them... This 'phone' is the one I hear the most about ]

[ Apparently it sends written text to other people ]


[ It's not like I can't do that with magic... ]

[ But the fact that I CAN do it without it... ]


[ Smile ]

[ It's really intriguing ! ]


[ Maybe I should spend time studying new things like this... ]



[ Three years in ]


[ Not much has changed... ]

[ I can just hear... Generally... More conversations... ]

[ But he's still stuck in his room ]


[ To understand everything... I need to use magic to put the letters in the right order.... ]

[ My mind is almost going in reverse... ]


[ And yet... Those sparkles of knowledge are really what return me to reality... ]


[ I can't fathom how much I still don't know ! ]



[ Five years in ]


[ He finally left his room ]


[ It seems he's going to... University ? ]

[ Translating every single word is taking a toll in my mind strength... ]


[ Still... I'm happy that Ethan is studying so much ]

[ He is learning... And so am I ]

[ Every time he goes to his lessons... It feels like I'm with him ]


[ Also... I finally understood all that grumble about Aveline being underage ! ]

[ How old is he ? ]

[ 20 ? ]

[ He isn't even considered an 'actual' adult, here ]



[ At least... ]

[ Right now... He is seemingly happy ] 



[ However... ]

[ I don't understand... ]

[ I have already passed his shut-in phase ]


[ When did he get... So depressed... As he was... ( In the future ) ? ]

[ I didn't hear anything that could have made him like that... ]



[ Eight years in ]


[ Humans in this world are too complicated ]

[ I can't comprehend... I really can't ] 

[ Is he really happy ? ]


[ I don't get it ! ]


[ Is there something I can't understand if I don't see what's happening ? ]

[ This damned sight... ]



[ Twelve years in ]


[ His brother killed himself ]

[ I'm sure he has Blamed himself all this time... ]

[ But Then... ]

[ Why did it take him nine years to become a shut-in... ]


[ I don't get it ! ]


[ ARGH ! ]

[ This is so frustrating ! ]



[ Even his 'joy' is fading ]


[ But I don't know why ! ]



( elttil a elims uoy t'nod yhW )

-Why don't you smile a little ?-

( ...I ...oN )

No... I...

( ! elims )

-Smile !-


[ Wait... What Did I just hear... ]


[ Yeah... His Smile... ]

[ Something I couldn't see... ]

[ Maybe... ]



[  Fifteen years in ]


[ His parents died during a fire ] 

[ Like with your brother... You thought you were the one at fault... ]


[ Something you couldn't control... ]


[ Something you couldn't stop... ]


[ You're stupid, Ethan ]

[ You remind me of myself ]


[ Yeah... ]

[ The answer I so longed for was actually so simple... ]


[ Your smile... ]

[ From the start... It was a ]

[ Fake... ]

[ A deceive, nothing more than that ]


[ Who did you want to trick ? Others ? ]

[ No, Ethan, I know it was all meant for yourself ]

[ As time passed, your smile brightened, but your mental health... ]

[ It worsened... ]


[ And one day... ]

[ You grew tired of the show you had put on... ]


[ Ahaha... Ethan... ]

[ You're stronger than me ! ]


[ At the very least... You tried to be happy... ]


[ Instead... ]

[ I just accepted everything.... ]

[ I gave up so early... ]

[ I didn't have the will to resist.... ]

[ Yeah... I didn't....

[ Until you arrived here... ]


[ I should probably stop here... ]

[ I have already seen what I needed... ]


[ However... ]

[ I want to know about the parents you missed all your life... ]

[ I want to... Hear your real laugh... ]

[ I want you to be happy... Even if this is just a memory...  ]


[ Geez... ]

[ You're really troubling me... ]

[ Wasn't I scared of time ? ]

[ And yet... I'm sacrificing another ten years for you... ]



[ Twenty years in ]


[ Your parents were good people, nothing like mine ]


[ I wish you could have just remained like you were right now ]

[ You had... ]

[ No suicidal thoughts ]

[ No depression ]

[ And... ]

[ A brother who cared for you ]


[ What about mine ? ]

[ It was just one full of TRAITORS... ]


[ ???? Is nowhere to be heard... ]

[ I guess those last five years... They're pretty useless... ]


[ It's time to return... ]


[ Rewind ]



[ ( Fifteen ) years in ]


[ Everything is in the right order.... ]


[ Now that I have so much spare time... And that I don't need to be alert for every single one of the things I hear... I might as well create blue prints of this artifacts... ]

[ I need to imagine how they could be... ]

[ Well... It'll be worth it... Ethan could sell them... ]


[ I'm also sure he'll be pretty happy to get something from his world... ]



[ ( Twelve ) years in ] 


[ Your hardships... ]

[ They certainly hurt more now that I can hear everything directly... ]


[ I would shed a tear or two for you... If I still had eyes... ]



[ ( Eight ) years in ] 


[ ARGH ! ]

[ Why can't I get the hang of this phone-device ]


[ Honestly... It's getting boring... ]

[ Sometimes... I feel the urge to speed things up... ]

[ But I remember It's punishment for ???? ]


[ Yeah... I know you're still here ]

[ "...." ]



[ "Grin" ]



[ ( Five ) years in ]


[ The knowledge of this university professors is really wide ]

[ I was able to finish my blueprint thanks to them ]


[ I guess... I'll relax for a bit from now on... ]



[ ( Three ) years in ]


[ I just wanted to be sure... But there was really nothing that particularly brought you to become a shut-in ]


[ It was just the result of a very long process... ]


[ Well... You don't have to worry... ]

[ Because... My FRIEND... You now have a god that will help you... ]

[ Whenever you want, Wherever you will be ]




[ I can feel... Karma ? ]

[ Why now of all times ? ]


[ Karma acquisition rate ]

[ Damien 99.6 % (-0.1%) ]

[ Ethan 0.4% (+0.1%) ]


[ Something that might be important... ]


[ No way... ]

[ Did I really rise his karma ? ]


[ Well... Trying a second time won't hurt me... ]


[ I'll help you Ethan, whenever you want, wherever you will be ]

...[ As expected nothing happened ]...

[ ...It would have been too easy... ]



[ ( One ) year in ] 


[ I'm almost at the end... Ethan ]


[ Because I've prevented you from waking up through mana control for so long... I'm worried there might be some side effects... ]


[ We are in your imagination... So there really shouldn't be any problems... ]

[ Besides... You won't even notice anything... Time flows so slowly here... ]


[ That just about a day should have passed in the real word... ]



[ Zero years in... ]


[ And that's the end of my mana-diary ]



[ This forty years... They didn't even feel that long after all... ]

[ No... It might just be that my perception of time... as a God... Is a bit flawed... ]


[ "Grin" ]


[ Now... I'll finally 'release' you ]



It really happened a second time...

Honestly...I.. feel strangely light. 

You know... Just as if a very heavy weight had just been lifted off my hearth...


I'm loving this feeling !


Did you power up "Unyielding Mind?"

[ I just... Scared... An intruder... ]


Really ? I guess it won't happen anymore...


I need to stay alert...

He might be lurking here somewhere...

[ Yeah... You should tell me if anything happens... ]


[ "I think I'm forgetting something..." ]


[ Oh, Right ]

[ I have a gift for you ! ]


[ I'll send it to you trough teleportation magic ]


I suddenly feel cheap for having used just an item box

I guess Darkness is better than light when talking about this !

Teleportation magic is much cooler.

By the way...

What is it?

[ The blueprint of a phone ! ] 

How do you know about that ? 

[ I'm a god, It's obvious that I'm knowledgeable ]


"You weren't so much... A few days ago..." 



I was just wondering....

How am I gonna look at it ?

You know... 

We still haven't returned to reality...

[ Ah ]


[ Plot armor acquisition rate ]

[ Damien 99.6% ]

[ Ethan 0.4% ]