????... Part 1


If you have arrived here... Please don't read this !

Not yet !

I realized I need to fix some things here and there....

So... Just wait for about a day... And I promise... You'll be able to continue !

Still... If you're here... You like 'this' novel....

Well... Thanks !



[ (-‸ლ) ]

[ "I literally had decades to think about this..." ]


[ Ahem... ]

[ It seems... You'll need to wait... For about a month.... ]


Don't worry !

I'm already happy enough from the thought of having received a gift !




By the way....

Can't you... Teach me something, now that we have a LOT of spare time...

We'll need to wait for a while before the past me wakes up....


( Yeah... )

( That's probably a good idea )




Ehi Rahu

Are you still there ?

( Kid, what are you saying ? )

You're making me worry !

( Sigh... )

( It's not best time to make this kind of jokes... )


( Oi.. Just read the message on the system window... )

Fuck, answer !

( I AM ! )

( There's no problem with my.... )


( No.. No way... )


( I can't use my powers... )

( I can't.... )

( I can't communicate with Ethan.... )


( ! )


( You... )

( ????.... you still haven't gave up... )

( You're going to pay... )

( .... )


( "Who's going to pay ?" )

( "Who ? When ? Where ?" )


( "Hmm... Definitely...." )

( "Not me !" )

( "Never" )

( "Not here !" )


( Have you gone.... Crazy.... )


( "Me ?" )

( No..No...No....No....No......NO )


( "I... Just want what I want !" )


( "Wait... What did I want ?" )

( Right.... Ethan ! )


( "Breaking him is going to be soooo fun !" )


( "Well... It'll be the same for you..." )

( "Did you really think I did nothing during all this years ?" )


( "GRIN" )

( "If you actually did..." )


( "You're going to Suffer" )

( "From HIM( me )" )




Argh !

Is it that 'intruder' again ?

Answer !

Ahem !

I'm sorry, but it seems he was still here !


You don't have to worry anymore !



I was scared there for a minute....


I mean...

I have tons of questions...

Who even is he ?


I guess it would be normal to be curious...

But before that...

Turn around !


I want to show you something !


W..Wow !

Rahu... I... Didn't know you had a human form !


Well... It's not very reassuring...

I mean... You're... a black figure, that's literally a mass of darkness in the shape of SOMEONE....

( Clench )

But still !

I'm sure you placed a lot of effort in that !


You can truly recognize when something is wort-Smack-










I am


A dumb ass ?


Tell me


Where is


THE real RAHU !




"What is he made of ?"



"This bastard has melted with the floor"



Whoops !


My bad !


"He's... just right under me"


You missed me :(

Don't escape you motherfucker !

"Shit !"

"Where has this bastard gone now ?"


You know...

I really committed to this part...

And YOU...

You ruined all of it a matter of seconds....

No... NO


That's not how you should behave...


I don't care about your dumb play


Tell me where Rahu is....


Not available right now !

He's having a chitty-chat with me, his best friend...


Dusk !

Yeah ! That's right !

I'm Dusk, I'm the best,

I am...


What am I again ?


Your Nightmare

Your Executioner

Your Enemy


I am the END of your journey


Ethan !

You're as good as dead !



You know...

Even if they scare you...

You always wake up from nightmares....


Playing like your brave... Aren't ya ?


I'm sure we will have a wonderful conversation !


I'm so excited !


Like hell, we will....



Hmm... You know...

It's been soooo long since I talked to someone other than Rahu...

I'm a bit shy with strangers...


All right !

I found the perfect topic !


Wait just a moment...





How dare you use my brother's appearance...

No... How do you even know about him...

What ?

I thought you would have liked a family reunion !


Isn't it best to talk with someone you already know ?







Why aren't you laughing ?


"This bastard is completely mad.."

( Clench )

Oh !

Is what I am seeing real ?

The depressed kid is ready to throw punches !


No PHYSICAL violence here ! 

Smile a little !

Aren't you good at that ?

Smiling when you feel like shit !


( Stare )

What's with that gaze ?

Oh No... Oh my lord !

I'm feeling very threatened right now...


Or not !



Clap Clap Clap Clap



My congrats !

You're really much calmer than I had originally thought !


That betrayal... Yeah... It must have really helped you !

Is this what they call character development ?


Oh... Wait.... You can't have any.... After all...


You're just A FUCKING EXTRA !






Kid... You're really getting on my nerves...


You'll either laugh... Right now...


Or I'll kill you immediately 


"I think... He might actually do it..."


"Rahu... I'm waiting for you...."



Very good !

I already feel like we'll become great friends !


So... What was I talking about ?


I already forgot...


I found another common topic !


Pain !

You felt so much... And yet.... Don't you think you're still missing some ?


What do they say on Earth ?

No Pain, No gain ?


That might even become your motto !


Well... This is just a personal opinion... But honestly...

Despair is best, when there's so much you want to die...


Now... Now... You should tell me if you agree or not !



There's no fun with you...

There's no fun with Rahu...


I mean... I still have one left to try.... But...

Nah... You know what ?


Rahu is going to die


You're just bluffing, no matter how strong you are, you can't kill a god if you're not one...

or Damien.

Correct ! I'm neither a god nor Karma chosen one !



I'll just make him kill himself... After all... He doesn't have the guts to end me...

It took me veeerryy long to understand this....

But he's really much softer than he might look !

( Clench )

Again Again Again Again....

Why... are you trying to defy me ?

You should have been crying and asking for help.... 


You're fucking pissing me off !







S...C....R....E....W.... Y....O...U..


Stop resisting !

You're like him.... You're just a fucking wimp !


What's the point of trying to act strong...


You SHOULD be happy I'm going to make Rahu kill himself !

He's just a liar !

He didn't even tell you everything about Karma !



Hmm ?

I can't hear you...

Oh right...

I forgot...





I said...

That you're just a weak bastard who thinks he can control a god !



Listen here...

That softy...

He can't even hold a candle when compared to the other gods !


He doesn't even have any actual authority...

Just useless pride

And maybe... 

Some dated knowledge... 



Am more of a god than him...

He's just a grumpy old man


You still don't believe me... 



Let me tell you something !

After the great war, he was chained and left alone for centuries...

Gods have a strange sense of 'time'.

They shouldn't be fazed by it, because they're immortals...

They are special beings that do NOT have those things called human feelings !

Theia ? She's just acting in order to gain faith...

And yet, Rahu couldn't bear the loneliness...


He almost seemed human...


To bear the loneliness.... he needed a friend !


And that's how I came to life !

My ONLY purpose was to help him overcome the situation !


During the Decades and Centuries...

We became buddies !


He would tell me everything...

But Despite that.... He never called me friend... Not even once...


I realized I wasn't treated as a living being...





I wasn't even real to begin with !

I can manifest myself because we are in your thoughts, but I'm just an imaginary tool ( friend )

Then... Why me ?

I didn't even know you existed....


"He's giving in"


Because you deserve it !


You're a walking calamity, someone who will bring pain to everyone he'll meet !

Up until now... 'That' thing affected only yourself...


It's going to change...

What.... do you mean ?

No way !

Did you really think you were just very unlucky ?



Use that puny head of yours to reflect a bit

You didn't get a single peaceful moment from the start...


You got hope.... 


You got betrayed....


You despaired....


And now....

You found hope again...


Oh... Ethan.... Trust me...


You'll soon be betrayed.... 

A second time...

And then a third, and maybe you'll despair and then you'll be momentarily happy....

What are you insinuating ?


Don't you feel like there's something more ?


This cycle.... It will just repeat... 


You're nothing more than a pawn...

You're just going on by yourself...

Dusk... You have completely gone crazy...


See for yourself !


[ Negative karma acquisition rate ]

[ Damien 0.4 % ]

[ Ethan 99.6% ]

There's nothing that tells me... 

That It's the truth....

What did you say back then....

That you were on your second run ?


Oh... Don't get me wrong...

You were absolutely right....



You forgot about something...


Every game has a Game Master... 

Every story has an Author...

Every world has a Creator...

What are you trying to say ?

"This is it !"


Nothing... At all...


You just need to connect the pieces... 

All you have to do... 

Is just simple additions...


Yeah... Let's start from Rahu...


A god who can't even cancel his own magic.... 

It seems pretty weird to me...


How do you think I knew about your family...


It's quite obvious that we watched your memories...

We laughed at every single of your fails and felt joy when your parents died...


Oh... You can't even imagine the pleasure I felt when I saw them burn...

( Clench )


"I must... Stay calm.... And wait.... For Rahu...."


Yeah... Let's say... You watched my memories without me knowing....

It doesn't seem like it's such a big issue...



Your really stupid aren't you ?

You trusted him and he lied....


Now think about other things he didn't tell you...



You know...

I have never met The Game Master...

But I remember him being quite close to Rahu...


What was his name again ?



Well.... He's THE Owner...


He's also that softies father...


Finally... I can proudly say....


He is the .....

What ? ...

No... This... Is..... Not[ That's Enough ]

He... He....[ Smack ]

Finally !

You have arrived....



Why.... Is your appearance the same as this bastard ?

[ Ethan... We can talk about that later ]

"The seed of doubt... It's already sprouting...."


No... You, the defect of gods, You weren't able to do that.

You aren't able to kill even a fly....

[ I'm sorry Ethan, I should have really done this earlier ]

[ Dusk ]

[ I really cared for you ] [ The only reason i wasn't able to destroy you, was because i thought of you as a friend, I'm serious ]

Shut up ! After you found Ethan, you ignored me ! I wasn't needed ! I was just the plaything you got bored of !

[ You were with me for centuries, I knew what i needed to do... ] [ You weren't supposed to be alive for such a long time ] [ Fabricating life is a taboo ] 

[ Dusk ] [ You don't have a soul ! ] [ And yet I treated you like a person, because i felt bad about killing you ] 

[ You shouldn't have developed human feelings like this ! ] [ Right now, you're nothing more than a psycho ! ]


You see, Ethan ! That's who Rahu is ! Just a killer who didn't finish his job properly !

I'm Right !

[ I'm sorry Dusk, I'm the one at fault ] [ I turned a blind eye on you ] [ Even when you took control of Ethan, even when you tried to take control of me.... ]

[ I Should take responsibility for my actions and Erase you ]

"He is not joking... He wants to end me !"

I...I'm Sorry ! Please, if you still have a bit of-

-Slash-  "What did I just hear ?" "There isn't a sword anywhere... Did Rahu just use Aura on his hand ?" "It was a split second, no less than that.."

"He killed him" "I'm sure" "I feel something within me just disappeared" 

"He died..." 

"Right now, he really seems like the villain..." "I.

[ Ethan, you saw something you shouldn't have ]

[ A side of me buried deep in my hearth... ]

Y..Yeah...D..Don't worry about it...

[ 'Unyielding mind' is being used ] 

"It really works" " I'm not even scared right now..."

I'm starting to doubt you, Rahu

How are you here ? You're basically the same as Dusk in appearance

[ This is just a copy of myself... No need to worry ]

Why didn't you do it earlier ?

[ Because I need to return to a true god to gain enough power to maintain it ]

... "True god" ... "If you had this much strength, why didn't you fight Theia..."

You're too suspicious right now

Rahu, Is it true that you could always modify the memory spell ?

[ -Sigh- ]

[ Yes, I deliberately lied to you... ]

"...." "That shitty feeling is returning..."

How many other things have you hid from me ?

[ Not many ]

"That means there are other..." Tell me about it

No... Wait...


Dusk wasn't a pleasant experience, but i don't think he was lying.

[ It is... real ] [ Karma and negative karma are like two faces of the same coin ]

[ While one is the friend of the chosen ones, the other is the antagonist of the words' hated... ]

"This feeling that is crushing my chest... again" 

[ If karma increases, negative karma decreases... That's how it works... ]

[ While karma is only for a very few special beings.... Negative karma is something that everyone has ] 

[ It works like the opposite of karma ]

[ It's not how lucky you are, but how unlucky you aren't... ]

[ And you, Ethan.... Are the only being who has reached 100 % without being Killed in the most atrocious ways... ]

So.... I.... I....WILL ALWAYS REMAIN fucking dogshit ?

What was the point of training ? Why didn't you tell me earlier ?

I would have just gave up everything, even Aveline, if necessary...

[ Oh, should I put some sense you ? ] 

[ Did you just say you would give up Aveline ? ]

[ She is literally the one you died for ! ] [ Stop being a crybaby and fight ! ]

[ Yes, It's true, You're the most hated person in the world right now ]

[ Maybe you'll die from a meteorite, Maybe you'll be framed as a killer ]

[ But does that really matters ? ]

[ Listen here ! ]

[ It's true, that I didn't tell you things ! ]

[ I even watched your whole life to understand your needs ]

[ While you were asleep i stayed here, for 40 years, every single moment ! ]

[ I couldn't even speed it up, I devoted myself to it, because I'm a god and I need to protect humans ! ]

[ And now you're saying you got betrayed a second time and feel like shit ? ]

[ Erase that low self esteem of your, and snap back to reality ]

[ I'm Your Fucking FRIEND ! ]




Thanks, bud. I really needed that...

I'm sorry for doubting you... I almost fell into Dusk's trap again...


Did you really watch my whole life just to help me... ?

[ Yes ]

Did you watch me while I was-

[ It's best if you don't continue that phrase... ]

[ Negative karma acquisition rate ]

[ Ethan 99.6% ]

[ Damien 0.4 % ]