The Saintess of Darkness

The moment Rahu started lending me his divine power...

I realized something.....His worries were quite groundless...


Who am I kidding ?

They were completely baseless !

So much that I started thinking he was actually overestimating me all along

( It would have explained the hell training )



In a sane state of mind....

Would have even thought of trying to control 



An immense no...

An endless amount of Darkness..

And I hadn't even got my 'hands' on it yet

I was just sensing it

I just knew it was there


The first time he explained he was weaker than other gods... I though he had less divine power...

And yet...

What I felt was a flow I had no chance of stopping

Something that was immeasurable and that I instantly knew would always be


What was the difference with Theia ?

How stronger was she ?

What level did I need to reach ?

Did she have a greater infinity ?


As much as I would have wanted to...

I didn't have time to understand


This was a power that could have destroyed both mine and Aveline's bodies, something that was increasing exponentially every second 

Something that needed to be used in the right way


I had to focus


I closed my eyes



Here I was, yet again, in my mind's void

Weirdly... From that day on...

I could access it every time I wanted


This time... It wasn't empty

In front of me...

I saw Aveline's body...


A thin film of a subtle light covered her

That was what I had to 'clean'


However.... Where was Rahu's power ?

I couldn't find the source....




The ground was shaking a little 


I felt a sudden urge to walk in the other direction

Was it a gut feeling ?


-Pit Pat-







I was on top of my Darkness


It seemed like a very large puddle

... Harmless, I'd say


I continued walking...

The trembling grew stronger...


I reached a wall 


I could see what was beyond it

It was made of glass


That was my barrier...

A wall so fragile...

That was somehow containing the sea of Darkness behind it

... Harmful, I'd say


The constant roaring and crashing of the waves was frightening me

Every time they clashed with the wall the clock that was marking the time of my death moved forward by a tick


"I have to direct"

"This ?"


I wasn't behaving like usually


This feeling of endlessness was seriously scaring my hearth

Unyielding mind wouldn't even work....

Coming from the same power I was now wary of


"I better treat Rahu's right from now on..."




"What do I do ?"

Visible cracks could already be seen

If I waited a bit more my body would have been destroyed 


"Think, Think, Think of something...."

The wall started to crumble


I started to feel the pain


"Shit...How the heck am I supposed to put a limit on it ?"

"Dams... I can't even try to block it !"


Small bits of Darkness began to leak


They were already reaching Aveline, who was behind me 


"Isn't there a way to...."



As the Darkness reached my knees...

I had finally thought of something



"This might work !"


How could I have forgotten about such an important detail...


One of the 2 channels between me and Aveline...

My left arm... Which barely got regenerated during the night....


It was completely made of Mana-Darkness


Truth to be told, Mana and Divine power are different



In my particular case...

Since my element was Darkness anyway

They were similar enough to be at least 'conductors...' 


[ What he wanted to say, is that 99.9 % of my divine power could pass through his left arm ]

[ The other 0.01 % could reach Aveline using his right arm as the link ]

[ Doing this, he could technically control only the small bit he needed... ]


[ Obviously... He would have felt all the pain nonetheless ] 

I was just about to sum up...

Also.. You should stop to intervene


You'll get fired if you continue like this....

[ Retirement is coming closer... ]

[ Don't worry too much... Just a few more % ]

Haven't we just started ?

[ Things will speed up much more in the future... ]


If that's what you think...



I forgot what to say...


Can you pass me the script ?

[ Here you go... ]



You might be wondering...

Where would have all the divine power gone, if my left arm wasn't used as a channel anymore ?







I opened my eyes

I lowered my left arm...

It was now touching the ground


"Time to roll the dice"

"Let's see a glimpse of what Rahu could actually do if he truly wanted...."


I started releasing all the Darkness I didn't need....

Control ?

I couldn't bother.


From my hand... To every part of the plain


Began their march...

Swallowing everything that came to stop them


The grass became pitch black

The flowers couldn't be seen anymore


The entire area was now flooded with Darkness...


And YET...



At this point... I couldn't stop



I couldn't just continue to go width wise


I don't know what could have happened if Rahu's powers reached someone without any means of defense to it


"Let's see how much It'll go in height"


I raised my hand from the ground


It was now standing right on top of me


Darkness continued to leak...


"Hmm ?"


"Why is there still so much ?"


I looked at the pillar of Divine power that was constantly increasing in height


"This isn't what was supposed to happen...."


It didn't have any intention of stopping his rise

It had already the clouds and Rahu's power reserve wasn't even flinching


"Fuck it"

"At this point.... I'll just release all of it"


"If it's infinite... I should still be able to continue with the process"



It was actually working !

The decrease was faster than the regeneration of Rahu's power, eventually leading to a controllable amount of Darkness...

There were just 2....TINY problems....


Firstly.... I was immersed in divine power....From head to toe...

That means I was at the bottom of the ocean... 

And being used as a god to human filter was hurting like hell...

No really... The script says to focus on the pillar, but I was really suffering


Oh... Right... The ocean


More like a beam of Darkness as wide as the plain ?

No... We need to ask a witness to let you understand everything fully


We're currently connecting with our reporter in Ashen-Emberfell Kingdom




-Don't run around !-

-It's time to eat-


-Where have you gone ?-


-Oh... I finally found you !-

-What are you looking at outside the window ?-




-What's 'that' ?-



Her legs just gave out


-I'm sorry... Honey... I don't know...-


-Here...Come here...-


-Give your mom a hug...-


She held tight her son

And thought...

-"This might be our last one..."-



Thank you for the report !



[ Just say it ]


Well guys.... To put it bluntly...

I had fucked up

This was my second biggest mistake so far



At least something worked out in the end





"Wait... I'm not even drowning...."


It seems that one could actually breath in Rahu's Darkness


"The pain is gone..."


"I didn't think It would actually work..."


Fortunately, I could actually start the 'cleanse'


I closed my eyes

I walked back and returned to Aveline's body

When I touched it... 


"Hmm ?"

"I can't feel any traces of light..."


"Rather... She has even more divine power than I do..."

"What just happened ?"



-I could feel something that was the opposite of light...-

-It was a power full of resentment and yet... It felt sincere...-


-It was definitely Rahu's darkness-

-It felt like it was all around me-

-I accepted it and endured the pain...-


-I didn't feel anything-

-Not even a bit of pain...-

-I wondered if the process had even started-


-I opened my eyes...-




-The plain was pitch black-

-The sun wasn't visible anymore-


-I turned my head towards Ethan...-


-He was completely covered in Darkness-


-Oh... I was too-


-We were immersed in divine power- 



-I was amazed-

-Never in my life had I felt so relaxed-


-This Darkness didn't have any intention of harming me-

-I could feel it-

This Darkness was harming me, and it was quite good at doing it


-I was lost in my thoughts, but I wasn't even thinking of anything-

I was lost in thoughts, feeling anguished


-My mind was simply wandering, I was completely immersed in this fuzzy and comfy feeling-

My mind was wandering, realizing I should have had a better plan


-I heard a voice...-

[ You dumb ass ! ]

[ Don't you think this is a totally overkill ? ]



The power system is finally cut of...

[ Did you want to notice everyone of your presence ? ]

Did it really go up that much ?

[ IT DID ]

-What did ?-

-Is the process finished ?-

-I can already feel Rahu's power !-


I imagined her with an interested an puzzled expression..

Because I still couldn't see her


It would take a bit for Rahu, to reabsorb all of the divine power I wasted


I'm still wondering how he is able to do so many things, since he his blind...

[ Trade secret ]


[ Plot Armor acquisition rate ]

[ Damien 98.3 % ( -0.3 % ) ]

[ Ethan 1.7 % ( +0.3 % ) ]