Thank you...

And there was light !


Actually, It didn't take much for Rahu, to reabsorb all of his powers....

( The column of darkness literally vanished bit by bit, as if it was crumbling... )



He was now even more weakened than he was before...


Apparently.... He hadn't expected my....


'Great control'


And maybe...

Just for saying...


NOT ONLY did I have wasted so much divine power...

But I had also revealed my position to our enemies...


At least... Aveline was now the Saintess of Darkness



[ I'm done... ]

[ It should be good enough ]



[ Ethan... It's time to... ]

[ Explain yourself ]


[ When I said dams... I wanted to avoid situations like this ! ]

[ You should hI'm exhausted...


I let myself go, lying down on the grass 


The grass ?

Shouldn't It have been some sort of land of death after a freaking ocean of Darkness literally appeared above it ?


And yet.... 

Everything was the same as before....


Rahu's power didn't really want to hurt anything...


Except me ! 

Because I fucking felt every drop of his Darkness


Shit... I'm never doing something like this

Ever again


Are you all right, Aveline ?

How do you feel ?

[ You... ]

-I feel great !-



Ahh.... That smile....

It really melts one's hearth


I attempted to stand up


If I wanted to be her shield, I needed to be 'though'



It didn't work


-Right !-

-How could I forget about you !-


-Relax... And wait for me to finish my healing...-


Eh... You don't have to worry....



This brings back memories....

Oh... Wait...

I wasn't present when that scene happened !

[ We weren't even employees.... Yet ] 



Cough Cough


It seems my conditions were much worse than I originally had expected...

Maybe the same Darkness that had destroyed my body, was also keeping it together 


Aveline acted as fast as she could, rushing to somehow treat something that wasn't even visible

-Darkness heal-

It took me weeks to learn it...

She used it in a few minutes...

-Hang in there !-

I hoped she realized she was curing wounds caused by 'fire' with 'fire'


She didn't.


But still...

How could she be so cute ?!

Even with a worried expression, all her best traits could be seen...



With her healing... I felt so much better...




Didn't I just say fire with fire ?

Who wrote this script ?

It makes me contradict every second....

[ 'He' wrote it ]


"I'm going to get fired !"


Ahaha, I was joking ! This is just normal comic relief after all ! Best script I've ever read !



I successfully escaped from an early retirement


Just like Ethan, who, thanks to Aveline, escaped from death !

( I meant.... Just like me !? )


Aveline, with her astonishing talent, did really a great job...

I was also helped by the classic phrase --> "She's too close...." --> This gave me a lot of Dopamine

I was able to get my shit together and was, at least partially, healed !


[ Great save ! ]

[ I'll rate it 8/10 because at the end you had a bit of confusion ]



"Fuck... Why couldn't be in a much worse condition..."


I was really enjoying this


Being touched on the chest by Aveline, was certainly something worth the pain...


I know... I know... She was just doing it to heal me...

But still....

I didn't mind staying like this for a while... 


Thanks... Aveline

Sm[ Imbecile ! ]

[ Do you think it's time to relax ? ]

[ Return to the carriage and go somewhere far.... ]

[ They'll come here to check what happened... ]


[ And if they find traces of my Darkness.... ]


[ They'll hunt you... ]


[ Until you're just a trophy to show off ]


Who are you even talking about ?

[ Ethan... ] [ .... ]

Yes, sir. I understand

You'll tell me everything in the carriage... 


Ehm... Aveline...

Will you give me you shoulder ?


-With pleasure !-



I still didn't know how Aveline became a Saintess but this is something that I'll understand later...


At the moment, I want you to see....


WHO are the hunters that Rahu is so wary of


We need to move....

At the center of Emberfell...


In the inner part of the capital....

That we will just call

'The sky'


In the biggest Cathedral of the church of light...



We need to follow 2 paladins....

Walking arrogantly through a fancy hallway....

And keeping a slave by force

Bringing HER


To the personal room

Of The Holy Regent

The High Priest

The Eminence of Light


The Pope


Lucius IV



-Hey, Torin.... -

-Do you think we can use one of the Eminence's toys ?-

-You know he has a habit of disregarding things he gets bored of-




-You're a fucking genius !-


-Wouldn't it be even better... To... Trick them ?-

-If we needed to kill them anyway... We could at least extend their life by giving them some hope !-

- 'If you come with me... I'll save you' or something like that-


-Then.... After they'll have given themselves to us....-

-We could make them do everything we wanted.... -

-And they would be happy about it !-


He laughed.... 


-Don't you think it's so funny, Rennick ?-

-We would be able to control them like puppets....-


-S** puppets...- 




-You were really quick to understand what I wanted...-


-Fuck, Yeah !-

-Tonight... I'll finally be able to relieve some stress on one of those beast man bitches !-

[ ..... ]

[ Sometimes.... ]

[ I wonder whether 'he' is actually souls less... ]


[ I know you're checking on us.... ]


[ So... ]

[ Do you have a hearth ? ]




[ No response.... ]


[ You're so pathetic... ]

[ You can't even take responsibility for what you have created... ]



[ Ah... ]

[ What am I even saying... ]

[ Maybe... I got too caught up in this role... ]


[ Just continue... ( Ethan ? ) ]



T...The slave was a beast man girl...

Apparently.... The pope... Liked them more....

...When they were young


No.... When they were still children....


In particular.....

The one they were bringing to Lucius...


S..She was twelve....



( Rahu ? )


I'll answer your question...


It is impossible for him to have something called 'hearth'





-Oh... Sweetie... Why are you resisting ?-

-You understand that.... -

-If you don't fucking listen to me-


-I'll tell the Eminence to focus on you today !-

-Right ?-


-You know....He likes two types of woman-




-Those bitches like you... Who still think they have a chance....-


-Well... You don't !-




-You dare growl at me !-

-You !-

-Wait Torin !-

-We can't damage the goods !-



-I'll see you after you satisfy the Regent-


-Who knows... Maybe I'll give you a kind chance to redeem yourself !-


The young beast man knew what was going to happen...

And yet...

She wanted to believe in the arrival of some sort of 




When the paladins brought her in front of the Eminence



She lost all hope



-Thank you for you services Torin, Rennick-

-You should give me some time now...-


-Let's see how long this one will last...-




-We'll leave you alone, then-




W...Who was the pope ?

A middle aged obese pervert...

That liked young girls....

[ Did 'he' create this motherfucker based on himself ? ]


He was almost naked....

In his white vest...

Waiting for the slave to jump on the bed...


Until now...

He had lived a life of pleasure and leisure


The pope always had a particular taste for beast mans....


How many did he ?

Just.... How many.... ....


[ Tch ]

[ Just continue to read ]



He was expectant of the new good


He loved that expression of pure fear and disgust that she had on her face...


He was excited and h****



-Come here...-

-Don't be scared !-

-I promise... You won't end up like them if you listen to my orders...-



The cause of the young slave despair...


In that vast room... 


She saw 'them'


Her companions


Other beast man girls...


Some younger

Some older


Some drugged

Some covered in blood 

Some that stared at her...


What did they want to say ?






The slave didn't have any intention of resisting anymore...

Maybe she would have become boring...

And she would have reached her end sooner...



-I said come here you bitch !-


-Tch... If you're like this, I won't be able to use the whip !-


She quietly walked toward the pope...


He had almost got his hands on her...


But then !


Wait !

There's a But then !


Someone knocked on the door


-Who's disturbing me ?-

-It'll better be important or you'll die on the spot...-


-I..I'm sorry-

-No... Excuse Me, Your Eminence !-

-My name is D-Darian.... I've come to deliver a letter from Ashen...-

-It was sent from the Bishop through teleportation magic....-


-A-Apparently... It's extremely important....-


-Open the door-


-Come closer-


-Now, give it here-

...He snatched the letter from the young boy hands....


As he read the content his excited and annoyed face...

Turned in one of complete shock


For the first time in his life...

The pope had a distraught expression...


-Is this true ?-

-If I find out, that the information here is not verified...-


-Your future will not be very bright-


-Y-Yes... It se..ems...-

-Speak clearly !-

-A new Saint of Darkness might have appeared near Ashen !-

-There are numerous sources that confirm the appearance of -

-As stated in the letter...-

-'A huge beam of A Darkness-like power'-


-SHIT !-

-I need to ask Theia herself later....-


-Why would he act now of all times ?-



-You, Darian or whatever, go and send a letter of reply to the bishop-

-'We will send an investigation team'-


-Y...Yes, your Eminence !-





The shock turned into anger


-You fucking beast mans !-


-You want to take revenge on me ?-

-That's not going to happen !-

-Never !-



-I'll start from all of you...-


-I'll kill you here !-



All his toys were already ruined...

There wasn't even a single one worth the time...


No... There was...


The new good



He smiled


The Pope took a knife from one of the many drawers...


And brought it closer to the young slave 


The teenage beast man....

She was now...




At first... She was scared

Death is irreparable....


But her fate...

Before that letter was...


One full of Suffering


That's why...

Those death threats...


They were kind words that could lead her to an escape...



The young slave knew...

That it was too late for her to run away...


That's why...

She had found hope....




In a quick death



When the pope was about to slice her throat without any hint of hesitation.... During her last moments...

She had realized something...


The Savior she wanted so badly...

Had already arrived...



The Darkness she had always worshipped...


Was finally helping her



Her eyes were full of tears...


She tried to smile





The other beast mans watched her death in awe...


They couldn't do anything....


And yet...

They knew...

That the young slave hadn't been afraid of her own death


With her last breath...


With her last tears...


She had said her last words...

Directed to her Savior...



'Thank you'