Darkest Light

She had died...

The young slave had died...


And the other beast mans quickly followed her...


The pope had killed them all...


With a smile on his face...

He felt relieved...



It was time to pray, and ask the Goddess Theia herself...

Whether she knew about the new Saint of Darkness appearance...

Or if it was just a trick, maybe used by other countries...


Let's think outside of the 'box'


What if they were actually just demons ?

True demons, not some facade made from pure greed...


The pope would have just found them, and killed them all...


It wouldn't have been such a big hassle

The three races had always been in war with them


It wouldn't have even costed anything


The pope could have just sent some expendables


A few paladins would have died, but that would have been the end of it




If if it was truly the appearance of the new Saint of Darkness



 It would have been the start


Of A Rebellion 


Hundreds of Thousands of best mans that fought back....

With a replenished morale....


Enemy soldiers that had new hope

Something that was lost for centuries...



The pope was scared of such an occurrence



The weakened Beast Mans army....

Wasn't nearly strong enough to beat the church of light...


The years...

The decades....

They couldn't just be erased through the actions of a single person...


All the suffering...

It couldn't vanish from one day to another...


The 3 races...

They had instilled 







Day of the beast mans life


And yet....

There was still someone that wanted to fight...



But that wasn't the right time.... yet



Let's return to the pope...

Who was now getting ready to pray...


He was now on his knees, looking quite submissive


Knowing that Theia actually had a nasty temper...

To please her...

He thoughtfully placed the dead corpses of the beast mans around him...

As if they were trophies...



He then began the prayer


He called forth

The Darkest Light !

The Corrupted Sun !


The Bitch...

Whose name was 




-Oh ! Light above us, that will lead us to Salvation !-

-Please... Heed to my call....-

-And listen to this poor believer's doubts...-



[ What do you want you fat ass ? ]

[ New slaves ? ]

[ I don't have time to help you this time ]

[ Damien is still shocked and needs this wonderful Goddess to give him some answers ]


[ No... Now that I think of it... ]

[ You might be able to be at least useful for once ]


[ Basically, there's this wimp who's a fucking pussy, but like, the worst you will ever encounter ]

[ You can recognize him easily, he's got mid looks, a shitty physique and is weak as fuck ]


[ I think his name was Ethan or something ]


[ I felt Rahu's power from him... Well... It was so feeble that Damien could have killed this motherfucker in one hit... ]


[ Tch ]

[ I don't understand how he was able to push my dear special one back... ]


The pope was even more shocked than before


A huge amount of Darkness had been release all at once near Ashen, and she didn't even care

To add more, The hero

That the Goddess herself had presented him as the future ruler of the world...


This being chosen by Theia !

He had been 'pushed back' by some nobody !



-Excuse me for my rudeness..-

-However... I would like to ask... If you know about the 'incident' at Ashen....-


[ Ah ! ]

[ To think that this Fucking Fat Ass even dares to question me now ]


[ Did you really think I didn't know about it ? ]

-No... I....-

[ Lucius... ]


[ Were you doubting me ? ]


The pope lowered his head, by instinct


-No !-

-How could I d[ Lucius... ]


[ You DO realize your just my dog ]

[ Right ? ]


[ The moment I got to know Damien... ]

[ Your value vanished ]


[ You're just a pawn ]

[ A fucking obese one, at That ! ]


[ I can replace you, any time ]


[ You better ]

[ Remember ]

[ Your ]

[ Miserable and puny ]

[ Place ]


[ So ! Where were we ? ]


[ Right ! ]

[ I was trying so hard to help Damien that I forgot to tell you to ]


[ Fucking exterminate whoever you find with even a glimpse of Darkness ] 

[ Smile ]


[ I'm sure you can do that ]

[ I'm sure you won't disappoint me ]


-I..I won't !-


[ What are you doing ? ]


[ Lift up your ass and tell the paladins to go to Ashen ! ]


-Y..Yes !-


[ What kind of dumb fucker did I appoint as the pope ? ]

[ Maybe I should just kill him ]


The pope, who was still in his white vest, run through the hallway and called for Senia


It seems that the Goddess' last statement gave him a boost in speed



You know... That was really refreshing !


Seeing the pope like this... 

I'm sure that young slave would have been happy...


With all that running around, looking for Senia, he really made a fool on himself !


[ I... ]

[ Also enjoyed it ]


[ However... You mustn't forget who's our 'real' enemy... ]


So... You realized it too...



Anyway !

I can finally talk about Aveline and myself


Let's move forward to just a few minutes after we got on the carriage and headed to

'Somewhere but not Ashen'


Fortunately, the road divided in two main courses

One that would have lead us to the only place we didn't want to go to

And one that Is leading us to some nameless village


You already know what we chose





Can you tell us who you're so wary of ?

[ The paladins ]

Oh, well...

That's not really surprising

[ It should be ]

[ I'm not talking about Arthur ]

Don't even mention that crazy motherfucker...

[ I guess you're not taking me seriously ]

[ I'm sure Aveline, who's more knowledgeable than me on the matter, will be able to explain you everything ]



-Rahu is right-


If Aveline says so, then it must be true !

[ You dumb ass ! ]



Rahu was the same as always


Aveline instead...

She was much more worried than I expected


-The hunters Rahu is talking about...-

-They're probably Senia personal team-


I know

-Then... You should....-

Senia is the sword master who's the head of the paladins 

The squad your thinking of is practically only made of sword experts...

-How can you not be worried...-


She watched me with a disappointed expression

Like she expected me to be more clever


This time, though

I was the one in the right


Don't worry, Aveline

Senia won't be able to come...


She's currently fighting demons...


Very far from here....



I'm sorry...

I need to make another digression


I hope you won't get bored of my narrative


[ You don't have to feel anxious ]

[ After all, they won't just leave for this... ]


[ No... Trust me... They'll be excited ]


[ You're about to show them... ]


[ A Sword Master Hot Mommy ]

[ S.M.H.M. in short ! ]


I feel like... You're the one who's secretly a fan...


A fan of whom ?


Senia !

The rank 8 aura knight that was currently facing a bunch of black hounds


I know

The most observant readers may have complaints...

For example :

'Why is this world a mix of Japanese and Korean Isekai ?'


'Decide ! You either talk about goblins, orcs and ogres or Black hounds + any advanced monster that isn't basic'


My answer :

Write a bad ?????


Well, as you can see, 'he' won't let me even talk about it...


That's why...

I'll just continue to read...



It was truly the land of Death


A plain full of nothing but skulls



The other races


They share 2 things in common :


They are made of bones


Their bones get obliterated when they try to face Senia's sword 


This absolute goddess that was both op and beautiful...

She would truly make everyone want to be stepped on by her...




Nah, I'm outta here




[ Cough ]

[ He just left for a coffe break ]


[ So... What was truly special about Senia ? ]


[ Her swordsmanship ]

[ One that took the life of many souls ]


[ It was... ]

[ Slow... And yet Sharp ]

[ Because she had always stuck to the basics ]


[ Upward cut ]

[ Horizontal cut ]

[ Downward cut ]


[ Those were the 3 pillars that sustained her immense power ]


[ What did this meant ? ]


[ That it didn't make sense for her to not use any sword art ? ]

[ That she was just a cliche character ? ]

[ That the author made her to be good looking with that fine hourglass, high heels, and tight clothes ? ]


[ As much as this claims actually makes sense... ]


[ In this particular case.... ]


[ It meant.... ]



[ That her sword was ]

[ Unavoidable ]



-You know It's not very polite to gang up against a single person-



-No answer ?-

-Oh... Right... I almost forgot you were just a bunch of puppies-


-If I forget about those bloody red eyes....-

-I might even call you cute !-


[ She was making fun of them ]


[ In such situation... She wanted to tell a joke ]

[ However... She couldn't refrain herself from excluding such an oppressing aura... ]


[ They were just black hounds... ]

[ All they could do was growl and attack in groups...]


[ Still... She wanted to give them a chance ]


-So ?-

-No one is laughing...-

-No one is backing down...-

-No one is running away...-


-Do you want to die so badly ?-




[ She unsheathed her sword... ]

[ Calmly walked toward the group of hounds... ]


[ She slowly slashed the air ]

[ A single time ]


-Horizontal cut-


[ The amount of things in front of her doubled ]


[ The boulders ? ]

[ Split in two ]


[ The hounds ? ]

[ Split in two ]


[ They had died, the moment she said the name of her move ]


[ Negative Karma acquisition rate ]

[ Ethan 98.3 % ]

[ Damien 1.7 % ]