The impact from the punch was so strong that the tree fell ten metres away from it's trunk.

"How about that, sensei?" I yelled proudly.

He looked up then continued with his magazine.

"Huh?. Aren't you going to say anything?" I yelled.

"Eighty percent"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I score you eighty percent out of hundred"

"What about the rest twenty?" I said angrily. He kept quiet. "Come on, say something!"

He closed the magazine and folded it into his pocket.

"The eighty percent is for a successful punch, you missed the rest twenty because you used too much karma in that attack, if you keep that up, you'll end up exhausting your karma which makes you vulnerable to attacks from your opponent.

You have to always maintain a certain amount of karma when you're in a battle" He stood up and walked to me before removing a piece of paper from his back pocket and gave it to me.

"What is this for?"

"Just opened and read it first" Yaze ordered. I look at his face, trying to read his expression but he always had that serious look in his face, nothing else.

I opened it up and read aloud.

"Name- Jumbe Yamaha, Age- 38, Sex- male, Marital status- married. I don't get it, what is this?"

"It was a report about the man you got killed"

I froze, he really did die. But, I thought Yaze must have saved him when he came.

"Soul transfiguration" Yaze continued. I looked up at him, he didn't look like he was angry or anything but as for me, I was scared and maybe a little bit angry. Any word relating to death makes me shiver, it reminds of that day when everyone was cut into pieces. "It's a technique that allows him to change the shape of a human by interacting with their soul. To keep it simple, it means, even though you're the greatest healer, you can't undo his technique"

"Then what happened to him?" I said weakly, it was like, I was being choke by my own words.

"After few hours of suffering from a disfigured body, we decided to kill him quickly as a way to end his suffering" Yaze walked away slowly before stopping. "It was your fault that he got killed. We supernaturals exist to protect human and that's it, we are the reason why there are demons in the first place. We you fight an enemy, especially a demon, you lead him away from the civilians not to them. You didn't even ask about him after then, that only shows that you don't care."

"But.... but...I thoug..."

"I know. You though I saved him. Human, no, everyone gets scared and run when someone they don't know is killed in front of them, but they get angry and seek revenge when someone they care about is killed. And that's same with you. I guess in the end, we're all demons, aren't we, Kakashi" Yaze walked away, but kept talking as he walked. "That's it for today. Before the end of the exchange program, I want you to make up your own battle technique using the divergent fist, I thought you. And, there will be no more lessons from today. I'm disappointed in you"

"But I"

"I didn't say it was your fault but you should at least fell sad, I know how it feels, not being able to save anyone no matter how hard you try"

Yaze walked out of sight. I looked down on the paper, the paper suddenly started spilling blood.


I threw the paper away but the blood started flowing towards me, I moved backwards and tripped then fei down. The blood kept on flowing till it was around me.

'you killed us! you killed us! you killed us! you killed us! you killed us! you killed us! you killed us! you killed us! you killed us! you killed us! you killed us!'

The voice of multiple people echoed around the forest.

Multiple corpse came out of the blood, each of them trying to to hold me. I pushed them away but they were too much. I yelled for help.

I jumped up, I was still in the forest. Yaze was still reading him magazine. Was I dreaming?, What actually happened?.

"Looks like you finally decided to wake up" Yaze said in a mockery manner.

"W....what happened?" I asked in confusion.

"You passed out after I told you that the man who you tried to rescue when fighting the demon died" Yaze said, this time he was serious. "I don't blame you, I've lost more people than I could ever save. You must have cared about saving him, but I sorry we couldn't. The demon that kill him was using soul transfiguration to change the shape of his soul, which means, no amount of healing could do anything. He died few hours after bearing the pain long enough to speak to his family for the last time before dying slowly and painfully"

I looked at my hand and saw the paper, it wasn't a dream. I quickly pocketed It.

"You can't always save everyone, no matter how hard you try." Yaze-sensei quoted. "I learned that the hard way."

I held my head and and fell down.

"Are you okay?" Yaze walked to me and helped me up. "You must be weak after wasting almost all your karma. Go home and take a nap, no more training and before the end of the exchange program, I want you to make up your own battle technique using the divergent fist, I thought you. Okay?. I'll be off for a mission, so you'll have to go home yourself, it's getting late"

I nodded slowly.

"Kakashi" he called.


"Do you know where demons come from?"

"What?" I freezed, why would he ask me that. "Why are you asking me?"

"Nothing!" Yaze smirked. "Just asking"

Yaze walked away, leaving me scared and confused.


I made it to my room about twenty minutes later. There was water in the kettle that was kept on top of the stove, I already knew what this mean. Instant Rumen!, Again.

I heated the water a mixed it with the ramen and gulp it down, and switched off the lights before heading to bed.

The bed had earlier been changed to a bunk bed. Apparently, Natski thought it was going to tighten my relationship with Ayaka. I mean, if she wanted a tight relationship, she should have gotten us a couple sized bed. I took the lower bunk while Ayaka took the upper one. At least now we can both stay besides the window.

I laid down on my bed thinking, did all that really happened or was it just a dream?. I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket and looked at it again.

"Mr. Jumbe, I will avenge you!"

NOTE: This novel is being rewritten as Days of my Life: Rewrite