I made it to my room about twenty minutes later. There was water in the kettle that was kept on top of the stove, I already knew what this mean. Instant Rumen!, Again.

I heated the water a mixed it with the ramen and gulp it down before heading to bed.

The bed had earlier been changed to a bunk bed. Apparently, Natski thought it was going to tighten my relationship with Ayaka. I mean, if she wanted a tight relationship, she should have gotten us a couple sized bed. I took the lower bunk while Ayaka took the upper one. At least now we can both stay besides the window.

I laid down on my bed thinking, did all that really happened or was it just a dream?. I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket and looked at it again.

"Mr. Jumbe, I will avenge you!"


Kanade-sensei and I went to Tokyo Metro Shibuya Station.

It was already late, Kanade-sensei had said it would be best if we went 10 o'clock. By that time, no one will be at the station.

"Sensei, why didn't Kurumi or Michael come with us. We don't know how strong he is, don't you think it would be better to have as much manpower as we can have" I asked.

Kanade-sensei kept walking, she answered me but didn't look back. It was like she was looking for something, or maybe it's the effect of the alcohol.

"The more supernaturals we take along, the less the chance of the demon coming out. Besides, fighting him with manpower is useless, we'll just be endangering more people"

"But we met the demon in shinjuku, so why are we here?. Shouldn't we be at the place we met him last?" I asked.

Kanade-sensei stopped at a deserted area and faced me.

"You said the demon was after Kakashi, right?" Kanade-sensei inquired.

"Yes, he talked as if he knew Kakashi somewhere before"

"And you didn't see after Yaze came?"

I didn't get why she was asking all this questions but maybe she was up to something.

"Hmm" I nodded.

"And there was no report that he was dispatched" Kanade-sensei said to herself, my ears were quick to receive that. "He must have gotten away. Did he injure Kakashi?, Like a bleed or something"

"Yes sensei, he broke Kakashi's hand but Kakashi was also bleeding. When he followed Kakashi, it wasn't hard for him to find him, even though Kakashi had hid himself"

"The boy's body which the demon possess doesn't have any karma, so he can't sense karma. He just have to depend on the smell of blood" Kanade-sensei confirmed. "Did you bring it?"

"Yes ma'am!" I brought out a little bottle from my pocket. It contained Kakashi's blood. I usually keep blood of my teammates incase I need to summon them when I'm in battle, Kakashi's blood was easy to get with the help of Mira. "But, what do we need it for anyways?. Do you think summoning Kakashi will help?"

"Nope" Kanade-sensei smashed the bottle on the road and told me to hide, "The demon was likely to come here if he smells the blood."

The ground opened, Kanade-sensei carried me and jump into it.




A demon was above us, I could sense it. I wanted to jump out and attack it but Kanade-sensei held me back. I could easily sense anything, as long as it has karma and with it's flow, I can tell what the demon was doing. It was the same demon that Kakashi fought, Tomura. It wanted to lick Kakashi blood from the ground, this was the perfect time to attack from under.

_3rd P.O.V._

Tomura bends down to lick the blood from the ground when Ayaka punched him from below, the punch lifted him to the shy as Kanade kicked him from above sending him crashing down.

Ayaka and Kanade jumped some meters back, allowing the dust to clear out first.

"Kanade, I never thought I'd see you again" Tomura stood up, the dust was still settling, so they couldn't see him clearly. "Tell me something, how's Yaze doing?"

"Why would you care?, You said you don't need us anymore" Kanade replied. It was clear that they knew each other.

"Do you know him, sensei?" Ayaka asked.

"Yaze was my best friend" Tomura said. He started walking slowly towards them. "That was till I got tired and chased my own dream"

"That means, you are the reason why Yaze-sensei is like that now?" Ayaka asked. She was getting angry and even Kanade couldn't tell why. "He used to talk about you everyday, he cares about you, even till this moment"

Ayaka ran towards Tomura, using both her hands and her legs like a cat chasing a rat. A mud wall suddenly appeared in-between them as Kanade pushed Ayaka out of the way, a fleshly spike grew out of the ground.

"Be careful, they are traps all over the place" Kanade warned. "His technique, soul transfiguration is dangerous, if he touches you, that's it. So, calm down if you really want to help your dad"

"Thanks, sensei" Ayaka said. "But he can only use his technique when he touches his target, so how are there traps underground?"

"That's my technique, soul transfiguration. I can not just manipulate the target I've touched, I can also change their physical form by tampering with their soul allowing me to control them" Tomura yelled. There was a wide smile on his face, it was like he was going mad. "I capture humans and store them in my mouth by changing their physical form by swallowing them, that way I can use them whenever I like. I've already stored hundreds of people and even though I release them, I can still use them. My technique doesn't stop at that with my technique I can transfer into another person's body" Tomura screamed, he doesn't seem bothered in the slightest.

"Into another person?" Kanade repeated, she didn't know he could do that.

"With this new body, I can transfer my soul into another person's body and control it like mine, and the best part is that, if I transfer into someone else body, I will still have to technique of the last body that I was in. This enables me to use multiple technique no matter the karma type, but there is one flaw to my technique....."

"He's blabbing, why is he giving us so much detail about his technique?" Ayaka asked. Tomura paid no attention to her are he keeps on talking.

"I don't know, but we shouldn't interrupt him. We should get as much information as possible" Kanade replied.

NOTE: This novel is being rewritten as Days of my Life: Rewrite