Unvilied Abilities (1)

[Ark -01 ( Finding The X)

Length - Chapter 1-13]


- So you are The god?

- I am you.



12:38 Pm

A kid with black hair and blue eyes wearing a brown school bag and a school dress (a light gray shirt and black pants) is running.

He stops in front of a house. He opens the outer gate and starts walking faster to the main door of the house, which was slightly opened.

The boy reaches the slightly opened door

Gunshot sound-

He opened the slightly opened door widely and saw a middle-aged man with a gun standing and two dead bodies on the ground.

(A male body and a female body )

The middle-aged guy notices the boy and says,

"It looks like someone else wants to die.

Well, to be honest, I thought you had died that day, but surprisingly, you did survive, kiddo. But this time, I won't repeat that mistake again."

The guy pointed his gun in the direction of the kid. He was going to press the trigger. While posing, he looked into the boy's eyes. He saw the emotionless eyes of the boy. Looking into the boy's eyes, his expression changed to fear. His eyes started to bleed.

His arm became weak, and he dropped his gun.

Dropping sound

The sound reached the ear of the guy, and he quickly lifted the red bag, which was beside one of the dead bodies, and without wasting time, he started running outside.

He gets into the car outside, and with a fearful expression, he quickly starts the car and escapes the place.

4/5 Year Later

In the bustling cityscape, A young man,his striking features masked by an inscrutable expression, stood at a bicycle stand, frustration etched on his face. Wrestling with his memory, he grumbled while trying to unlock his cycle, muttering, "Ah, I hate this. I can't even recall my own cycle password. Let me think... It's not 7, it's 1. That means the password is 81656. With this memory, how will I ever get admission to the university entrance exam?"

🔴Character stats - Tamim ( The Young man included in the story previously)

Age 18🔴- Main -

[ Noticeable facial features ATM (At this moment)Black hair, Blue eyes, Fear skin, Wearing brown t -shirt, Black full slave pant ]

As he walked alongside his cycle.

suddenly, searing pain gripped his entire being, a torment that felt like fleeting eternity. While the pain is making his body suffer.

Gasping for breath, he collapsed on the ground.

He starts thinking, "What the..ahh, my body, why is it burning? It feels like every nerve in my body is melting with extreme heat. I can't see anything. Am I dying?....

< His veins starts to glow >

No, it's getting better. The pain is reducing. I think I am regaining composure."

He swiftly regained composure. His physical state turned back to normal.

"What the hell was that?. It felt like my entire body was burning from inside. "He was thinking while he was trying to stand up.

His phone's shrill ring at that moment disrupted the silence.

The phone screen showed the name "Fahim."

Tamim picked up

" Can't talk now, call me after a few moments.." Says Tamim and going to press the end call button.

A voice ( Fahim's voice ) crackled through the phone. "Hey Tamim. Listen, I've got something crucial to show you. Swing by after your gym session today."

Tamim Stood Up From The Ground And Replied " Did you call me because you want to talk with me about that bullshit crystal ?"

Fahim persisted: "Bro, trust me this time, no trash talk. "

"Fine, see you then, I am not in a situation to talk with you now," Tamim conceded before ending the call.

Tamim cleaned his soiled clothes with pink fabric. Then he picks up his bicycle, which is lying on the ground.

A few moments later.

He came in front of a door and unlocked it with a face scan.

He started walking inside and turned on the light with a voice command. He sat on the sofa with a tired face.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and, after unlocking the phone with FaceUnlock,. He sees some notifications.

Notification 1: 8 people unfollowed you; press to see feedback.

Notification 2: 1762 new people followed you; press to see feedback.

Notification 3: Xonj's revenge attack defeated the Lenju clan, and the Conj team will be the next Supreme Nexoleader. Tap to know more.

Other notifications were visible.

Tamim pressed the first notification and saw a comment from a user named Samiul (a Hack user).

Tanjida commented, (You can't behave well with fans. I asked for a photo, and you ignored me. That's really disrespectful and offensive . I am not your fan anymore.)

Tamims gave a resentful expression, seeing the comment.

Tamim thought, "Ahh,these brainless people."

Tamim closed the tab, pressed the music application, and searched for a song named

"Car's outside"

Tamim took his earphone and put it in his ear. While doing this, he was thinking, "Listening to music is way better than consuming toxicity." After putting the earphone in his ear, he closed his eyes. He fell asleep.

Hours turned into days in a blink.

Tamim woke to Fahim's persistent voice from outside, to which he can listen because the scanner outside is connected to his phone, which is now connected to his earphone. He looked at the watch and saw it was 10 a.m.

"Wait, 10 a.m.? I was sleeping all this time."

Tamim stood up and opened the door.

Fahim's relief was palpable. "Dude, I was worried. You were not picking up my phone." He trailed off, relief mingling with concern.

🔴Character stats - Fahim Ghrian

Age 18🔴- Main -

Tamim brushed it off: "Just overslept, I guess."

Concern etched on Fahim's face: "You need to ease up on yourself, man. locking yourself away-this exam shouldn't consume you like this."

Tamim feigned indifference. "I'm fine, really."

Fahim persisted, "Alright, answer the question: were you sleeping past 20 freaking hours?"

"Yah, I guess. I slept at 2 p.m., so maybe "says Tamim.

"It seems fishy, you okay?"" says Fahim.

"Yuh, I'm," says Tamim.

"That means you didn't eat for 20 hours," says Fahim.

"Yah, maybe," replied Tamim.

"That means you will be going to my house now; you gonna have lunch, and then I am gonna show you something really amazing ," says Fahim.

That evening, Fahims House, a two-story small building,.

In a small room with scientific equipment, Tamim and Fahim are looking at a glowing stone that is placed inside a firetube (a tube made of high-intensity fire that is covered by Len, the strongest metal on earth), protected inside a cubic glass box.

"So, when the outer layer melts, these glowing objects will emerge?" Tamim raised an eyebrow.

Fahim's eyes sparkled with fervor. "Yes, believe me. Five years of dedication won't be in vain."


The scene shifted.

Tamim was wandering through a supermarket after he left Fahim's house, contemplating the rising egg prices. "Even with the hike, I can't skip these," he mumbled, picking up a dozen and heading home.

Amidst the usual city crowd, Tamim's journey took an unexpected turn.

Tamim saw, a few meters away, an elderly woman and man crossing the road. A truck is coming at full speed. Going to hit the elderly couple.

The truck driver is pressing the brake, but it isn't working.

Tamim, seeing this, suddenly felt an unusual pressure in his brain. His hand moved automatically, and the truck stopped with sudden pressure. Tamim's body also felt that pressure. Because of that, the eggs in Tamim's hand dropped to the ground.

Shaken, he pondered the inexplicable events, Fahim's enigmatic words resurfacing in his thoughts. The memory of their conversation materialized.

"You know what happened yesterday?" Fahim had begun to have a tone of urgency in his voice.

Tamim, clueless, replied, "What happened?"

An exasperated Fahim exclaimed, "You really don't know?"

Tamim sighed. "I was asleep, remember?"

Fahim hesitated before revealing, "Yesterday, millions experienced unbearable pain and died. One guy on V-Tube claimed that he survived, stating that he felt stronger than ever and also said he can now create fire from his body, like he'd become a superhuman."

The flashback faded, leaving Tamim grappling with reality. "Could it be? Did I truly stop that truck?" His mind swirled with doubt; the concept of possessing superhuman abilities seemed preposterous.

Tamim comes home after a few moments.

Tamim was engrossed in cooking the eggs, and his mind reeled with unanswered questions. Lost in thought, an unforeseen jolt interrupted-the knife carelessly slipped, seemingly aiming for his hand. A split second later, shock surged through Tamim as the blade shattered on impact, leaving his hand unharmed.

"What the hell..?" says Tamim, and he looks at the knife.

"No way, I bought this knife a few days ago. It was sharp as hell, and it broke?" said Tamim to himself as he looked at his hand. "And how is this even possible? It broke because it hit my arm?.

Tamim sat and grabbed the water bottle beside him, his face full of tension. "It's surely a dream, a lucid dream, I guess. Maybe this dream is happening because I read that light novel a few days ago. I really hope it's a dream," thinks Tamim, who gets out of the kitchen and sits on the sofa.

" !!, Everything that is happening today seems a bit fishy. I never sleep more than 10 hours, but today I slept 20 hours. Maybe I didn't sleep that much. Maybe I am still in my dream. Even though there are countless times I have seen this kind of dream," thinks Tamim.

Tamim added, "And this dream never ends quickly. The last time I saw this kind of dream a few months ago, I ended the dream by sleeping inside it. I think I should try to sleep now. Maybe I can get back to reality," says Tamim, who gets up using the stairs to his room.

Tamim lied on the bed and thought, "I can clearly understand I am in a dream now because I am not hungry at all, and in a dream, pain can't be felt." And he closes his eyes. Time passes, and Tamim is not feeling sleepy at all.

"..it's been 2 hours, I am trying to sleep, but my brain is not letting me sleep." Tamim says to himself. Suddenly, he felt pain in his brain, and he became unconscious.

Morning -

Tamim woke up and saw himself in bed.

" I am in bed. What. I slept in bed in that lucid dream, but in reality, I slept on the sofa, right? So does that mean it was not a lucid dream?" says Tamim to himself.

Urgency consumed him. Rushing into the kitchen, he deliberately stabbed his hand with a knife. To his relief, blood began to trickle out. The sensation of pain and the sight of his bleeding hand oddly comforted him.

"That's a relief. I felt pain, which means it was not something I thought. I am normal again," thinks Tamim.

Eagerly grabbing a bandage, his intention to wrap the wound was disrupted by a miraculous sight-the wound began healing before his eyes, his arm regenerating to its undamaged state.

Tamim looked at his hand and was shocked. "What? What the actual shit is happening to me?" Tamim said.

A few moments .

Tamim is in his room with a book. Tamim closed his book, lied on the bed, and started thinking, "It's been a while since I got to know that I am one of those people who got power. I got the hint when Fahim told me about the panic attack, but still, why me? I never wanted to be something like that. And after I get to know about it, I can't stop thinking about it, even when I am studying."

Tamim sits up and thinks, "I think I should take a visit to the team. If I go and play a game on stream, it might help a lot.".

Tamim went to the washroom, and he was washing his face. He looked in the mirror, and suddenly Tamim felt pain again in his head and a vision in his eyes. He sees a beautiful garden with lots of flowers and butterflies, and in a split second, the gardren's structure starts to change, and all the flowers become dark red like the color of blood. The grass turns into blood and bones, and from the inside of the red flower, blood is flooding.

Tamim's vision ended with a glass-breaking sound, and Tamim opened his eyes and saw that the mirror was broken and his hand was bleeding.

The hand starts to heal slowly. Tamim looked at his arm and saw that, in a second, his arm had healed back to normal.

Tamim gets out of the washroom and says, "This powers; I should stop thinking about this shit."

He opens his closet, grabs a jacket, and gets out of his house.

After a few moments, Tamim came in front of a big, seven-story building. There is a big signboard named Nextera.co.

The guard saw Tamim and said, "Good morning, sir."

Tamim looked at the guy and said, "Morning, has anyone come yet?"

"Yah, they just came. By the way, you had an exam, right, sir?" says the gatekeeper.

"Don't call me sir," Tamim said, entering the area.

Tamim got inside using a card and got inside a lift. He pressed the 4th floor button, and the lift started going up and reaching the 4th floor, where there is a single big room. The banner said, "Nextera E-Sports, under 19."

He was going to open the door, and the door opened before he could. Tamim encountered a woman, who opened the door. The woman has long, orange hair.

The woman was shocked in a happy way.

🔴 Character - Samia Akter (The woman Tamim is talking to ) 🔴 -Side - Unimportant.

"Tamim, I didn't expect you today," she said.

Tamim responded , "With the exam still 17 days away, I thought I'd stream today."

Concern etched on her face, the woman probed gently, "You seem frustrated. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Samia, sis. Please, don't ask," Tamim deflected.

Samia persisted, "As your manager, I need to ensure our team members are doing well."

"Thanks, but I'm fine," Tamim reiterated, his desire for solitude evident.

"Ok, by the way, I am going down; Riya and Rafi are inside," says Samia.


Tamim entered the room.

"Hey, big brother Neon, what's up?" A teen girl with long hair and headphones greeted Tamim as he entered the room.

🔴 Character - Riya Tasuba (The teen girl )🔴- Side - Unimportant.

"Yo, Tamim, I didn't expect you here," a teen boy with curly hair and headphones remarked.

Strolling toward an empty gaming chair, Tamim shrugged. "Came for no reason, maybe just to practice or pass the time."

🔴 Character - Rafi Islan (The teen boy )🔴-Side - Unimportant.

The door swung open, and another boy with spiky hair entered, his words laced with disdain: "Yeah, we all know how selfish you are. That's why I hate you."

🔴 Character - Nabil Kumar /Rocky (The another boy )🔴 -Side

"No one hates Tamim, bro. You're the only one who feels that way," the teen girl, Riya, defended.

"Exactly! Tamim Bro can solo all of us in-game, right, Riya?" The curly-haired boy chimed in.

Tamim interjected, "You don't have to defend me, Rafi. It was my fault for showing up today. I should go."

With that, Tamim left the room.

Tamim entered the lift and pressed the G floor. Tamim's thoughts lingered on his departure. "I'm not leaving because of their conversation about me. The real reason I'm heading home is because, while they were talking, I accidentally moved a bottle using my mind. If I stayed longer, they might realize I have powers. I can't control them yet. I shouldn't have come out; I don't know what my powers are and how to use them.

16 days later

Nighttime -

Tamim strode through the street, thinking, "Let's see... I can move objects without touching, heal myself, endure beyond limits, and I don't feel hunger or sleep. Ah, and there's the teleportation-every possible place I observe," he pondered while sipping on "Rin," his favorite drink. "But these days, I don't feel hungry or sleepy . To be honest, it really helped me study, and I've also gained some control; maybe it's time not to fear, now that I have some command over my abilities."

As he traversed, a police car in pursuit of a bullet-ridden truck caught Tamim's attention. A man from the truck's window unleashed light bullets, disabling the police car's driver. Chaos ensued as the truck halted abruptly in front of Tamim, drawing a crowd of people and robots.

"That guy from the truck stole an important formula and chemical; it's critical, but we couldn't stop them," explained one of the officers amidst the commotion.

The scene shifted. The truck driver was driving, and the guy beside him said, "Hell yeah! Now this is ours. By selling this formula, we can be the owners of millions of notes.

Suddenly, a human figure dropped from the sky. Stopping the car.

"Ouch, but I stopped it," Tamim muttered as he found himself on the truck, concealed beneath his mask.

The assailant, with a laser gun, opened fire. Tamim swiftly dodged the lights and bullets, his mind racing. "I thought I could escape after stopping the truck, but where are the police? If I get shot, it's over. I never signed up for this. Why am I even here?" A bullet grazed him, but he felt no pain. Reacting on instinct, he incapacitated the shooter with a swift blow.

A second adversary injected himself, transforming into a towering 7'1" monster before Tamim's eyes. Overwhelmed, Tamim's thoughts raced. "I don't want to help people. My mind dragged me here, not my will. I won't fight and risk my life. I must escape."

Tamim glanced back and witnessed that monstrous transformation as the creature lunged toward a nearby child. Reacting swiftly, Tamim teleported to shield the child from harm and whisked them to safety just in time.

"I know every time I do something good, something bad happens to me. But I have to protect everyone here before the police, Supercop, or soul sorcerer," Tamim resolved, attempting to fend off the monstrous attacker. However, each blow from the creature reverberated through the bridge, jeopardizing the safety of bystanders.

With the situation escalating, Tamim swiftly teleported them to a nearby park, determined to confront the adversary seriously. However, despite his efforts, the ferocity of the monster's attacks overwhelmed Tamim.

Every strike landed with bone-crushing force, leaving Tamim unable to defend himself adequately. The monster's relentless assault continued, each punch distorting Tamim's features and rendering his eye a swollen blur. His attempts to counter or evade proved futile, as he was repeatedly thrown across the park, unable to halt the onslaught.

The force of the monster's blows and the repeated tosses left Tamim reeling, his body a canvas of bruises and agony. Frustration and desperation seeped into his thoughts as he struggled to make any effective defense or retaliation.

"Every time I try to help, I end up in a worse situation. If I survive this, I'll never assist anyone again," Tamim lamented, his resolve crumbling.

Suddenly, a mysterious figure emerged, intervening in the battle, yet Tamim's injured eye prevented him from identifying the savior. The mysterious character effortlessly subdued the monster, delivering a final thunderous blow that reverted the creature back to its human form.

As police sirens blared, the enigmatic figure vanished, leaving Tamim with the dilemma of evading the authorities.

His one eye healed, Tamim listening to the siren sound thought, " Aghh, police are coming maybe. I have to go now "

Tamim looked at a five-story building roof. His body disappeared from the place. Teleporting to the nearby rooftop, Tamim's battered body slowly began to heal, despite enduring excruciating pain.

"This is the most physically painful night I've experienced. I'll never use my powers again, no matter the circumstances," Tamim vowed, his determination faltering under the weight of his injuries.

Returning home, his torn clothes concealed the extent of his injuries, thanks to his healing abilities. "I have an exam tomorrow, and now I have fallen into this shitty ordeal." Tamim says this and sits on the sofa.

The next day, Dakka Business University -

Surrounded by hopeful students and their parents, Tamim pondered the exam's simplicity. His thoughts were interrupted by a girl nearby expressing her worries about the exam to her parents.

"Mom, I think I won't get admission here. It was my dream to enter this university, but the exam was hard. I am sorry."

Tamim's attention shifted, captivated by the emotional exchange between them.

Tamim looked at his watch and waited for the red light of the traffic light to turn green.

Behind Tamim, there is a Tennis ground where two teenage boys are playing Tennis.

One of the boys made a powerful attack on the ball that broke the Tennis Court iron fence and was going to hit Tamim.

Tamim, who was looking at the road, suddenly reacted and caught the ball before it hit him.

The boy came from inside the Tennis Court and said, "I am sorry. I hope nothing happened to you."

"I am fine," says Tamim, who looked back and saw the ball broke the iron fence net of the Tennis-court. Tamim gave the ball to them, and while giving it, he saw that the ball was unharmed.

At that moment, the signal turned green. Tamim started crossing the road without saying a word.

To be continued...