Blaze Change! (2)

Previously : Tamim, who was looking at the road, suddenly reacted and caught the ball before it hit him.

The boy came from inside the Tanis Cort and said, "I am sorry. I hope nothing happened to you."

"I am fine," says Tamim, who looked back and saw the ball broke the iron fence net of the Tennis-court. Tamim gave the ball to them, and while giving it, he saw that the ball was unharmed.

At that moment, the signal turned green. Tamim started crossing the road without saying a word.

The scene shifted -


Chapter 02: Stranger!! 

Deep inside a space, a planet which has two moons and it almost looks like earth, 1.3 times larger than earth.

[ Planet Name: Hcxano 6749 ] 

[Galaxy Name - Bludzo ]

Inside the planet - A huge cyberpunk palace.

A female kid is running with three newborn babies in her lap. The newborns are crying.

The female kids' features are white hair, and purple eyes.

She came in front of a big object that looked like a mechanical black hole that was connected to lots of wares.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her flying , who was wearing armor; his eyes were pure white.

* Note - They are talking in a different language, which does not exist in the human world. For your help, I will be translating it. Also, this language does not exist. *

He said " Bolno tonio segbo '' Translation : "Where do you think you are going? Kid?  "

She replied " Nigolo namio gata " -- Translation : Please let me go

The figure said " lafuma kataku sama fu? " 

Translation : " You really think I will let you go?

The figure  took a baby from the girl and said " hamana ku mula h? amita fyma gua lu " 

Translation - This is your sister right? it's such a shame your mom gave birth to a woman. She shall die now

" Gu, gu, saja! " says the girl 

Translation - " No,  No, please! "

Some more figure with armour appeared at that place flying

The figure said " Haru Gu mata du " 

Translation - Your no is my Yas

saying this the figure crushed the newborn's skull and killed the newborn which he was holding.

"! " said the girl. And an explosion occurs.

Suddenly a Girl/woman with short black hair woke up with shock. she sat up from the bed with the shock. 

🔴Character stats - Faria ( The girl who woke up)

Age 18🔴- Main -

- Everything was in her dream -

"What the.. That dream again " says the girl looking at her watch. The watch showed the time at 3:12 Am.

The room is messy and there are gaming equipment all over the place

The girl stands up and went to the toilet. She looked at the mirror with a serious face. " It's the 12th time I have had this dream. I don't understand anything but still the dream is inside my head " 

She washes her face and comes outside. She closes her eyes and suddenly starts seeing everything in X ray vision and finds something inside a box. She opened a box and there were a lot of hand gloves. She wears one and creates a portal which has a red layer or energy. She steps inside a room throughout the portal.

A man was sleeping in bed. She scans the entire room and sees a tiny locker under the bed. She tried to see through the box and found a ring shaped thing. With her portal ability she created a tiny portal inside the box and got the ring type thing.

She gets back to her room.  her phone's sim slot and incerts the ring there and the phone is scanning the ring. The screen showed - Oppression successful.

She gets inside the room again using a portal and using a tiny portal fits the ring back to its place.

She gets back to her room. She Quickly lies on the bed and pretends to be sleeping.

[ All this moment her face was emotionless ]

Few moments later a man opens her room door. He comes in front of the girl and sits beside her and says " Faria, Faria can you wake up for a moment "

🔴Character stats -??? The Father of Faria

Age 44🔴- Side

Faria sits up and said " Dad!  is there anything wrong "

" No, I am going to my work. I may not comeback for a month " says the man

" Dad, you came home yesterday. Now you are going again? " says Faria.

"Well... if I want I can take a break, but you know it's about the country " says the man and hands her a paper and says " There are some money blogment ( A way of money transfering). "

The girl takes and said , " 100 k Bc (Bangladeshi currency)? Why this much? "

"Well your admission result will be revealed today at noon so yah, i can't come home for a month. So thats why " says the man

"Dad, well I forgot to say that now planning to join an esports team " says Faria.

" Oh wow, amazing, so what's the plan?  '' askes the man

" Well i don't know lets see " says Faria

" Alright, bye then. " says the man, standing up.

"Dad, wait. " says Faria

" Yah " replied the man

"Nothing. Please dont break my promise " says Faria

"No, I will never break it. I made this promise when you were a little kid of 5 years old and now you are 18. I will still try to keep my promise. " says the man smiling

That day - Scene shifted -

Tamims House

Tamim and A boy looking at their phone screen. The boy is happy and  Tamims face is emotionless.

"Look at this, you passed the exam and you've secured the 21st position," Fahim (The boy) announced, brimming with joy.

"Okay," Tamim responded with his usual lack of expression.

[ Fahim - Brown hair, Brown Eyes, Middle fade hairstyle ]

"What's with that expression? You've secured admission to the best university in your subject, and 'okay' is your reaction?" Fahim exclaimed, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Well, it's not like I care. Nowadays, university certificates are useless; people end up jobless after they graduate. Besides, you topped in Science Lab University; you shouldn't worry about my result," Tamim replied indifferently.

"Yeah, maybe we should share our success with our teammates, especially Samia; she'd be happy to know," Fahim suggested.

Scene shifted -

Nextera e-sports-Under 19.

"How could Roky leave us in such a situation? It's really unprofessional, and now how will we find a new player?" Samia expressed her frustration.

"Don't be upset, Samia; we can find someone," reassured Riya.

"But it's extremely challenging to find a skilled under-19 esports player right now," Rafi chimed in.

The door opened, and Tamim, accompanied by Fahim, entered the room.

"What happened? Why are you so angry, Samia?" Fahim inquired.

"Oh, I see. I never thought it was real," remarked Tamim, observing the tension in the room.

"What? What do you mean?" questioned Samia, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, on the day of my exam, the manager of Bloodstrok e-sports team called me," Tamim began, delving into a flashback.

Flashback of the conversation:

Bloodstroke Manager: "Good morning, is that Neon, I mean Tamim?"

Tamim: "Yes, it's me. Who's this?"

Manager: "I am the manager of Bloodstrok, and we want you for the next tournament at double the rate."

Tamim: "Sorry, I can't."

Manager: "Well, I broke your team's sniper player, One of the important pillars, and I'm pretty sure your team won't be able to win the tournament because no player is going to join your team. It's an easy win."

Tamim promptly hung up without listening to the manager's full words.

Back to the present conversation:

"And then I thought he was lying to recruit me for his team. It seems that the manager was right," Tamim explained.

"What? You knew?" Samia exclaimed, surprised.

"As I said, I thought he was lying," Tamim reiterated.

"Sorry. By the way, how did both of you fare in the results?" Samia inquired.

"Both of us got admission," Fahim responded.

"Congratulations," both Riya and Rafi chimed in.

"I'm really happy to know. Can you guys give me some time to think about what to do? I also need to call Nahid (Samia's husband)," Samia requested.

As the others left the room, leaving Samia alone, the group walked away.

"Hey, Fahim bro, did you see that viral video? Near the bridge, a guy turned into a monster, and a hooded figure fought and defeated it," Rafi remarked.

"Yeah, I saw it. People are getting superpowers nowadays after the sudden death of millions, but the government doesn't want to reveal it to the public for fear of causing panic," Fahim replied.

"The guy who fought the monster was me. How did this go viral, and who recorded it?" Tamim thought, a sense of fear creeping in.

"Let me see," Tamim requested.

Riya showed her phone to Tamim, playing the video. However, the footage was unclear and in black and white.

"What a relief. I thought it was a clear video, but it's unclear," Tamim thought to himself, relieved, before closing the video and expressing his gratitude, saying, "Thanks."

Few Days later -

Tamim Standing on a bus stop thinking.

"The University rules say that if I can't attend 80% of classes, I can't sit for the final exams. What a pain," Tamim thought, waiting for the bus, momentarily unmasked. A voice called out to him from behind.

Turning around, Tamim found himself facing a boy. "Are you Neon? I'm your big fan! Can I have a photo with you?" the boy asked eagerly.

"Sure," Tamim replied, obliging the fan's request before the boy left. "I can't stand this. This is precisely why I avoid unmasking. I have to put on a friendly facade for people who call themselves my fans, but truthfully, I'm not friendly at all," Tamim mused in his head.


That Day - Nextera Esports.

"Guess what, guys? I've found a player for our team," announced Samia excitedly.

"That's great! When do we meet them?" inquired Fahim.

"Tomorrow I'll meet her, and the day after tomorrow, she'll be joining us," Samia shared.

"A girl? That's fantastic!" exclaimed Rafi, to which Riya responded, "What did you say, Rafi? Have you forgotten that you're my boyfriend?"

"Sorry, please forgive me," apologized Rafi.

As the door swung open, Tamim entered the room. "A new player, huh? It'll be challenging for me to interact with new people. I fear it might make teamwork difficult," Tamim remarked.

"That's why I always tell you to be friendly with people; it'll make your life easier in the future," remarked Samia.

"No worries, I'll make him social. Just wait," Fahim chimed in optimistically.

"We've been friends for seven years, and you still think you can change me?" Tamim retorted, eliciting laughter from everyone.

Next Day As Tamim stood at the bus stop, contemplating the weather, he felt a sense of an impending snowfall.

"Can I talk with you?" a girl's voice interrupted his thoughts from behind.

Turning around, Tamim spotted a girl with short black hair".

"Did you ask me?" Tamim inquired, slightly surprised.

"Yes, I did," the girl confirmed.

"Another fan, perhaps," Tamim pondered, mentally preparing to decline. "I don't have time to talk," he curtly replied.

"It's important for you," the girl persisted.

"Important? Alright, please make it quick," Tamim agreed, his curiosity piqued.

"You're in danger," the girl declared.

"Danger? What do you mean?  What kind?" Tamim questioned, intrigued.

"It's because of your power," the girl continued.

"I don't have any powers," Tamim retorted, and thought " How the hell does this girl know about this?  ".

"That's a lie. I can prove it right now. However, I won't say more here. If you really want to know, meet me at the park where you fought that monster, 4:00 PM," she asserted, boarding a bus abruptly.

At Nextera E-sports-

Fahim noticed Tamim's unease. "What's wrong? You don't look okay," Fahim inquired.

"I'm not feeling well. I think I need to go home," Tamim excused himself.

"It's okay. Take care, Tamim," Samia reassured him.

"Thanks," Tamim acknowledged before leaving the room.


As Tamim arrived at the park, his focus on unraveling the mystery grew stronger.

"I expected you here," the girl calmly stated as Tamim approached her.

"Alright, first things first. How did you know about me? Who are you? And what's this danger you're talking about?" Tamim inquired urgently, a mix of curiosity and concern in his voice.

"Those are a lot of questions, and I'm not the best at conversation. But I'll try to answer properly," she began. "I saw you fighting that transformed monster. I'm the one who saved you from that situation, but I can't reveal much about myself. As for the danger, it's complicated, and it'll take time to explain. That's why I called you here."

While they conversed, a sniper's bullet aimed at the girl was effortlessly intercepted by her hand. Another bullet headed towards Tamim was deftly dodged by his quick reflexes. Identifying the sniper, he tried to locate the attacker, but the girl swiftly used her portal abilities to reach the assailant.

Demanding information, she confronted the sniper  pressing him for details about his motives and affiliations.

"What's your purpose? Who do you work for?" the girl interrogated Kabila, a note of urgency in her voice.

That sniper guy, visibly hesitant, seemed torn. "I am Kabila, I work for Doctor Shohan," he finally divulged, his voice fraught with tension. "He aims to create a superhuman drug, a formula using enhanced DNA."

"That's common knowledge. Tell me something new," the girl pressed further.

Before Kabila could reveal anything more, a sudden burst shook the area, resulting in his abrupt demise, his head exploding before their eyes.

"Unexpected," Tamim uttered, taken aback by the shocking turn of events.

"Don't misjudge me. None of this was my doing," the girl clarified, sensing Tamim's confusion.

"Wait, just tell me what's happening," Tamim urged, feeling a sense of urgency.

"It's not the time to explain. People from this building are coming to the roof. We need to escape quickly with the body, she instructed, including the body, and they vanished, leaving Tamim bewildered in the park.

"What in the world just happened? And where did she go?" Tamim questioned aloud, trying to piece together the unexpected sequence of events.


Tamim returned home and turned on the TV, tuning into a news channel for the first time in months. As sports news flashed on the screen, he decided to take a bath.

"Dr. Shohan, huh? If it's the same person I knew, I'll take him down with my own hands," Tamim muttered while taking his shower.

Exiting the bathroom, he entered the room where the TV was on.

"It's been a month, and the country's defense system is under threat from Dr. Shohan, also known as Dr. X for his criminal activities. Police are struggling to stop him despite his notorious actions spanning nearly eight years. His elusiveness showcases his extreme intelligence," the news report narrated.

The reporter continued, "82 years ago, the world witnessed the Soul Sorcerer, with incredible soul control powers, the world used to hate them before . Now, we're encountering superhumans with extraordinary abilities. Survivors of the sudden panic attack that killed millions are claiming superpowers. The world government aims to take swift steps to control them to prevent any potential corruption."

Turning off the TV, Tamim affirmed, "I also possess superpowers but who cares. None will know, no one."

Next Day -

At Dakka Business University, Tamim, masked as always, listened to a professor's lecture. A girl sought permission to enter the class, catching Tamim's attention—she was the same girl from their meeting yesterday.

"She studies here? That's how she found me. Good for me; she might know about Dr. Shohan. She confronted that Kabila guy, knowing Shohan's involvement. She's deeply tied to this," Tamim pondered.

When class ended, Tamim anticipated talking to her, but she seemed to vanish.

"What's with this girl? She definitely noticed me; we had an awkward eye contact during class. Where could she have gone?" wondered Tamim.

At Nextera E-sports:

"Dude, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hiding something?" Fahim asked Tamim.

"No, nothing," Tamim replied.

"I think he had a breakup with his secret girlfriend," Riya teased.

"Sometimes I wonder how an attractive guy like Tamim doesn't have a girlfriend, and Fahim, too," Rafi jokes.

Samia entered the room. "Well, guys, I spoke with her, and she'll be joining us tomorrow," she announced.

"Who? The new player?" Fahim inquired.

"Yes," Samia confirmed. "I think she plays better than Roky."

"A girl under 19 with better sniper skills than Roky—it sounds amusing," Tamim remarked skeptically.

"I was also an ex-sniper player, and I'm a girl, so how can you say that, Tamim?" Samia retorted. "You'll see how skilled she is with the sniper in-game. Just wait for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's Friday, so let's start practice at 10:00 AM. Remember, we have less than a month left," Samia reminded them.

Next Day - 10:12 Am.

Fahim and Tamim walking together.

"Hey, are you okay, bro? I sense something's off with you, especially after the admission test. As best friends, there should be no secrets between us," Fahim said.

"No, I'm genuinely fine. You don't need to worry about me," Tamim replied.

"As you say. If you don't want to share, there's nothing more I can do," Fahim conceded.

They entered the e-sports faculty.

"You guys are late," Rafi remarked.

"We walked here; that's why we're late," Tamim retorted.

"Ah, when will she arrive? She told me it would take her 5 minutes to reach here," Samia wondered aloud.

"Who?" Tamim asked while grabbing a water bottle.

"It's probably the new player who'll join us today," Fahim informed.

"Yeah," Samia confirmed.

Tamim sat on his chair, donned his headphones, and started a match in training mode while the conversation flowed around him.

"May I come in?" a voice called from outside the door.

Samia opened the door, welcoming the new member. "Oh, you're here! Come in, Faria."

"Hi Faria, I'm Fahim, the Defense Unit player of the team," Fahim introduced himself.

"Hi, and wow, you're stunning, almost like a model, maybe even more than that. By the way, I'm Riya, the Healer," Riya greeted.

"Hello, I'm the support player, Rafi. Nice to meet you," Rafi introduced himself.

"Where's Tamim?" Samia asked.

As everyone looked back, they noticed Tamim engrossed in the game.

"Forget about him; he's usually like this. Most likely, he didn't notice you, Faria. Don't mind him," Samia assured Faria.

"It's fine," Faria responded.

"No, it's not fine. Wait," Fahim intervened, removing Tamim's headphones abruptly.

"What was that? I'm in an important match," Tamim protested, turning back.

"Huh? That girl, what is she doing here?" Tamim pondered.

"This is Faria, our new member and sniper player," Samia introduced.

"Hmm, hi," Tamim hesitated.

The room fell silent.

"Just 'hi'? You should introduce yourself properly. She might get the wrong idea about you," Samia nudged.

"No problem. I know all of you. I'm glad to be part of the team," Faria said, breaking the silence.

"Alright, share your gameplay techniques with her so we can build a great team. I'll be stepping out for a moment," Samia said, leaving the room.

A while later, as they were conversing:

"Where do you live, Faria?" Riya inquired.

"Bluefly Road, Third Lane," Faria replied.

"Oh, that's on the same road as Tamim's house," Fahim noted.

"I don't understand why you guys are discussing off-topic during practice. Don't you think practice is important right now?" Tamim redirected the conversation.

"Don't mind him. This friend of mine is an introvert and serious about esports," Fahim explained.

"That's okay. I think he's right; we are wasting time," Faria agreed.

Later, Fahim, Tamim, and Faria were walking home together.

"Wow, so you're Phoenix, the player ranked 12th on the national server game leaderboard. Many assumed you were a boy since you never appeared on camera," Fahim remarked to Faria.

"Oh," Faria responded.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable talking with me?" Fahim inquired.

"No," Faria replied.

"It seems you're also an introvert like Tamim, but you're not as much like him. Look at him; he hasn't spoken a word while we've been walking," Fahim observed. "I need to go this way. Nice to meet you," Fahim said, departing.

Faria continued walking, and Tamim called out to her from behind.

"Wait, we're not finished. You said you'd tell me what's going on, but you left suddenly that day, and now you've ended up being my teammate. So now, tell me. I hope you won't disappear now," Tamim urged.

"I thought you weren't interested, but I think you found interest in this," Faria remarked.

"No, I was interested from the start," Tamim insisted.

"No, you weren't. From the moment that Kabila guy mentioned Dr. Shohan, your expression changed, and I noticed it," Faria pointed out.

"She's complicated," Tamim thought.

"I know the reason," Faria added.

"What? I have no reason," Tamim countered.

"I understand. You don't want to open up, but I can see it in your eyes. Dr. Shohan... he's the reason you're so fixated. I know the story, Tamim," Faria said with a calm certainty.

Tamim froze, caught off guard by her words. His silence was deafening, his gaze fixed on her, searching for any sign of deceit or false assumption.

" do you know about that?" Tamim stuttered, a mix of shock and curiosity evident in his voice.

Faria took a moment before responding. "You see, sometimes secrets aren't as hidden as you think. There are certain things that connect people, Tamim. We might not know each other's stories, but our struggles echo in the way we carry ourselves."

Tamim's eyes widened, trying to understand how this girl, a recent acquaintance, seemed to see through his carefully constructed facade.

"Look, Tamim," Faria continued, "I know about the incident with Dr. Shohan and your parents. That horrific memory, etched into your mind. The pain you've carried, the anger that smolders beneath your surface. It's something I've witnessed before, in a different form."

Tamim's mind raced with skepticism." How could she know? "

The air around them seemed to thicken with the weight of unspoken emotions and shared pain, as if two souls on diverging paths suddenly found a connection in the darkness of their pasts.

To be continued....