Whats Next (03)

Previously -

"Look, Tamim," Faria continued, "I know about the incident with Dr. Shohan and your parents. That horrific memory, etched into your mind. The pain you've carried, the anger that smolders beneath your surface. It's something I've witnessed before, in a different form."

Tamim's mind raced with skepticism." How could she know? "

The air around them seemed to thicken with the weight of unspoken emotions and shared pain, as if two souls on diverging paths suddenly found a connection in the darkness of their pasts.



"If I clarify, your father, Dr. Tanvir, was the chief scientist of Project SUP-13, and he did some remarkable work that saved millions of lives and the whole world knows that he was killed by his friend.You are one of his child so It's like finding a fish in a river," Faria said.

" No way, my entire family's information was totally hidden after my parents died. None knows that I am the son of Dr Tanvir except some people and government." Thinks Tamim and asked "First, tell me, who exactly are you? Are you some kind of spy or a superhuman working for the government?" asked Tamim.

"I can't divulge more about myself right now, but I don't work for anyone. Let's clarify; just like you, I also have a personal conflict with Dr. Shohan," said Faria.

"Oh, I see. You want to team up with me and use me to reach Dr. Shohan," said Tamim.

"No, that's not it. If the enemy is unbeatable, it's useless to fight them," replied Faria.

"What kind of answer is that?" questioned Tamim.

"It's your healing ability. You can heal your body," Faria continued.

"What's the connection and problem with my healing ability?" asked Tamim.

"Remember what Kabila said? Dr. Shohan is making superhumans using the blood and DNA of people with superpowers. He needs the blood of someone who can heal themselves. His drugs only work for 30 minutes, and electricity is their weakness. When I attacked that monster with electricity, it turned back into a human. If Dr. Shohan gets your blood, he'll create a perfect, controllable monster that'll be unstoppable," Faria explained.

"So, this is the danger you're talking about. No one can take my blood because when I heal, the dropped blood regenerates itself. That's not a danger for me," said Tamim confidently.

"That makes it more dangerous. He'll kill you first, and then take your blood or DNA," Faria concluded

"I've got a lot of questions at this point, but this girl seems to be one step ahead," Tamim thought.

"So, you want me to stay home like a scaredy-cat?" Tamim asked.

"Not at all. I'm pretty sure they know our faces because the sniper guy had a camera on his cap. Additionally, at that bus stop when we first talked, I found a voice recorder chip. There are lots of recording chips all over this city; I found hundreds. Even if you stay home and do nothing, you'll be in more trouble, so I don't want that," Faria explained.

"That means, you're responsible for pulling me into this problem? " Says Tamim

" Maybe, it's up to your understanding about my act. But if you want you can blame me for that. It's up to you " Says Faria

" I don't know who you are but I won't blame you at this point. I want all the information you have related to Dr. Shohan." Says Tamim

Faria thought for a second and replied, " You are being straight forward so quick . I don't really know what to say at this point but I feel I should do what I am doing alone. I have nothing to do with you " 

" Wait, first you've said that staying home and doing nothing will not help. If you don't think I have nothing to do then why did you mention it in the first place that day? '' Said Tamim

" Ahh great. Alright forget it, I don't have time to explain all this." Says Faria 

" But you have to. You can't just appear and disappear like this. " Says Tamim

" Look, previously I've said that I have almost the same conflict with Dr Shohan but my vision is different. I am here not for some revenge shit with doctor Shohan.  Dr Shohan is planning something big after this superpower stuff's started among the world. I am just trying to stop it. That's my goal. " Says Faria 

" I didn't ask that. " Says Tamim 

" I know but I am saying those because I clearly know you don't have the same kind of motives as mine. You are just interested for different reasons. " Says Faria 

" So?  I feel your reason for doing this kind of stuff's are also funny. You are just trying to act a hero. " Says Tamim 

" It's useless talking with you. " Says Faria and started to walk.

" You are not using your brain at all. If you had you would think my word twice " Says Tamim 

Faria stopped and thought for a moment and turned back " I can give you the information about Dr Shohan but after that our conversation about this will end. I don't care what you do after that but... " Faria Stopped 

" What but? " Says Tamim

"But.. Just don't get caught or killed during whatever you do . If you die and they find your blood or DNA, it's over. For now, I have to go. Tomorrow at 06:00 am meet me at Butterfly Lake; I'll give you more information," Faria said and started walking on a different road.

Tamim observed Faria's departure, his mind buzzing with thoughts. "There's an uncanny air about her—no hint of emotion, yet a depth of knowledge far beyond her years. She's crafty, elusive, and I sense a manipulative edge. Until I can unravel her intentions, I must be vigilant. This girl might spell trouble."

At Butterfly Lake- 

Tamim stood contemplatively by the serene waters. "That girl, what was her name again? Whatever she is, I get the feeling she's someone I'm not keen on dealing with. But for now, I'll have to deal with her..." he mused quietly.

"I thought I was early, but it seems you beat me here," Faria's voice chimed in behind him.

Tamim turned to see Faria approaching. "You're quite serious about all this," she remarked.

"I have to head to Fahim's house; we go together to the workplace," Tamim stated, but Faria interrupted.

"No need for further explanation. All the information I'm willing to share is here. I doubt it will help much," Faria said curtly.

"So, there's more you're not sharing?" Tamim inquired.

"Why should I share everything? You'd do the same if you were in my shoes," Faria replied, her tone calculated.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a man who walked toward them. "Some random kids trying to achieve what all of Bangladesh's security units couldn't," he mentioned, a note of intrigue in his voice.

They turned to see three individuals approaching.

"We can take them down easily," one of the newcomers declared confidently.

The trio wore strange devices on their arms connected to their veins. Pressing a button, they each transformed into monstrous beings.

"Tamim, you need to run and conceal your identity with a mask and other things," Faria urged urgently.

"What? What do you mean, run?" Tamim questioned incredulously.

"Why are you even asking? I can handle three of them; just get out of here!" Faria commanded.

Before Tamim could react, two transformed monsters lunged at him, while another attacked Faria. With a swift punch, Faria incapacitated one of the attackers, but another was closing in on Tamim. Reacting quickly, he teleported himself to a nearby roof.

The monster zeroed in on Tamim's new location, charging toward him.

Tamim vs 1 transformed monster>

"Damn, this thing's chasing me, but I'm not one to run in this situation. I have to fight back," Tamim resolved, perched on the roof of a four-story building. Just as he was contemplating his next move, the monster leaped toward his location.

With a quick decision, Tamim leaped off the building, landing on the deserted morning streets. "The road's empty, good for keeping this under wraps. I can't risk a confrontation in view of others. I need a discreet location," Tamim thought urgently. However, before he could make a move, the monster attacked, delivering a powerful blow that sent him crashing into an empty bus. Stunned, Tamim struggled to regain his footing as the monster closed in, attempting to grab him. Swiftly teleporting, Tamim evaded the monster's grasp. "Thirty minutes, that's all I've got if I don't fight back," Tamim muttered, challenging the monster. "Let's see what you've got, bring it on!"

Meanwhile, at Butterfly Lake, Faria was engaged in a fierce battle with two transformed monsters. "These ones are stronger than the last batch I faced. It seems like their strength is increasing by the day," she thought, analyzing her adversaries. One monster started emitting fire from its ear, while the other reverted to its human form, submerged in the water.

"Fire? That's unexpected. Seems like the drug is enhancing their abilities, allowing users to control themselves," Faria assessed, dodging the incoming fire attack.

In another location, Tamim led the pursuing monster into a football and badminton field. "It's time to fight back. I might not have fighting skills, but I can anticipate its moves and counter," Tamim declared, preparing for the confrontation.

"In your dreams," retorted the monster.

"Hold on, they can talk? Last time, the monster I faced couldn't even control itself. Now it's speaking, which means it can control its actions," Tamim observed, realizing the new abilities of the transformed beings.


The relentless blows from the monster pummeled Tamim, who, with eyes closed, focused on gathering his energy to deliver a decisive blow. Summoning all his strength, he struck out, but his attack missed its mark. "How did I miss it?" Tamim wondered, receiving a brutal punch that sent him crashing into a nearby tree.

"Seems my efforts are futile. Wait, I can move objects without touching them. If I can manipulate trees and other objects nearby," Tamim realized, leveraging his telekinetic ability. He lifted the large tree he'd collided with, using his power to hurl it at the monster. The impact landed, but it seemed to have little effect. Undeterred, the monster lunged at Tamim, who, storing his energy, delivered a powerful punch to the creature's chest, causing it to bleed profusely.

"Excellent! This seems to be its weakness. It can't heal itself, giving me the upper hand," Tamim surmised, unleashing a barrage of similar attacks.

"If I keep this up, victory is within reach," Tamim declared with determination as he continued his assault. However, the monster's response was an agonizing scream

"Enough now die" Said the monster The monster ran with full speed and strength  screaming and gave a perfect punch but before it hit Tamims face tamim blocked it with his hand and his both arms bone broke with a crack sound and Tamims left hand broke so badly. 

With extreme pain he falled on the ground and the monster started attacking him over and over again and he couldn't even do anything to protect himself. 

The monster attacked on his face disabled his eye punching on his face. Now Tamim can't even teleport. "Is this end?, what's now?, what's after i die? If i die no one cares and all this fake fans of mine will forget me after a few month.I am not a person like my dad who saved life of million or not like my sister who sacrificed her life in order to protect random human or my mom who had pure heart. I am not a good human, i only care about me, i wont  meet anyone i love after i die Because i am a worst person. " Tamim thinking while he was getting continues hit by that monster. 

On the other side, Faria continued her battle with the monster she had been fighting.

"None of my electrical attacks are having any effect because that device on its arm is absorbing all the electricity. I have to resort to physical attacks or find a way to destroy that device. But it's guarding the device too well, and its fire attacks are proving troublesome. Despite being resistant, As a girl I can't risk my clothes catching fire . Time to consider a backup plan," Faria strategized.


Amidst the chaos, a bystander appeared, shocked by the ongoing commotion.

"What's happening here? This noise..." The newcomer's voice trailed off as the monster relentlessly assaulted Tamim.

The monster suddenly diverted its attention toward the newcomer and lunged in their direction. As it closed in, Tamim intervened with a powerful kick, disrupting the monster's attempt to grab the bystander.

"Despite my broken arms, I'm not finished yet," Tamim declared resolutely.

"My eyes are damaged, but they're healing themselves. More importantly, even with damaged eyes, I can still see in X-ray vision, so I can keep fighting," Tamim declared, relying solely on his legs to continue the battle. With swift kicks, he delivered a barrage of attacks, aiming precisely at the monster's vulnerable spots.

Despite the pain and limitations, Tamim's focused strikes began to take a toll on the monster. Each kick was strategic and effective, gradually weakening the monster's defenses.

"I've regained my normal vision, but I can't seem to stop the X-ray sight," Tamim thought to himself while continuing to maneuver and kick. However, the monster reacted swiftly, seizing Tamim's leg and applying immense pressure, forcing him down. There was an excruciating pain accompanied by a sickening cracking sound as Tamim's leg bore the weight.

"Now you're helpless," sneered the monster. But suddenly, Tamim found himself atop the school building, with Faria by his side.

"Don't move, or the healing won't work effectively," cautioned Faria.

"How did I get here?" gasped Tamim.

"Don't worry, I saw the monster crush your leg. As soon as that happened, I created a portal, and the moment you arrived here, I transformed the attack into an electric attack. The monster is defeated now," explained Faria.

"What about the other two you were fighting with?" Tamim asked Faria.

"I defeated them," said Faria.

"It seems she is way stronger than I thought," Tamim thought while lying on the roof.

"You fractured your bone, but it's returning to its normal state. You really have a powerful healing ability," noted Faria.

Suddenly, police cars arrived at the location.

"We need to move," said Faria, creating a portal.

Tamim found himself on a different empty roof 

"Great, she disappeared as I expected, but where am I now?" Tamim stood up and noticed it was the same park where he fought for the first time a few days ago. "Great, this place. Wish I could have avoided the police that day. If I hadn't tried to help, I might not have ended up in this problem," Tamim reflected, recalling yesterday's events.

Flashback -

Tamim and Faria's conversation -

"Well, it seems fishy, so first tell me, how did you know they knew I have healing powers? Like when you warned me before the sniper attack incident?" asked Tamim.

"It's because the monster I defeated that day, who was beating you, had a lens camera on their eyes connected to the internet, so that's how I warned you," explained Faria.

Flashback ended -