Soul Sorcerers! (6)

Nextera E-sports - 7 days later

The tension was palpable in the gaming room as the team huddled around the screen, eyes fixated on the intense showdown unfolding in the virtual battleground. 

Tamim remained the sole survivor on their team after the others, including Faria, were eliminated in the game. The adversary was the highly skilled Bloodstroke E-sports team, a formidable opponent to reckon with.

Amidst the electrifying gameplay, Tamim managed to take down two members of the opposing squad before the sniper player from Bloodstroke, struck him down from an unexpected angle. With Tamim's elimination, Nextera E-sports faced defeat in the match.

"Sorry, I couldn't secure the win," Tamim lamented.

"Don't apologize, securing our qualification matters more than topping the leaderboard. We'll dominate the offline selections, and I'm confident we'll claim the National Cup," Samia reassured.

"I feel responsible too; I couldn't contribute much in this round," expressed Faria.

"I'm sorry too, I couldn't provide adequate backup for Faria," Fahim added.

"Count me in as well. I couldn't support Tamim enough," Riya chimed in.

"Enough with apologies, everyone. Let's focus on our upcoming final. We're a formidable team, and we'll definitely shine," Samia rallied the team, bringing a sense of unity and determination amidst the slight setback.


In the dead of night, a boy clutching a sword cautiously navigated the vast, desolate halls of a colossal, dimly lit mansion.

"Ahh, help! Someone, please help!" echoed a desperate girl's scream from an adjacent room.

Rushing towards the source of distress, the boy stumbled upon an immense spider-like creature looming menacingly.

"Help me, Nadim!" cried the girl, seeking refuge behind her brother.

"That creature isn't as fearsome as you make it sound," remarked Nadim. His calm demeanor surprised the girl.

"How can you be so calm? It's larger than both of us combined!" she retorted.

"I can't believe my sister, a soul sorcerer herself, is terrified of this," Nadim chuckled, drawing his sword, the blade radiating a vibrant glow. With a swift stroke, he cleaved the spider monster in half, causing it to dissolve into a puddle.

"Wow, you defeated it!" exclaimed the girl, relieved.

However, the dissolved remains started regenerating, rapidly transforming into an even larger, more formidable spider monster, shattering the very structure of the building.

As the girl began to plummet, a bear manifested and caught her just in time. Concerned, it asked, "Are you alright?"

"Eww, why did you use your bear form? It looks hideous," the girl grumbled, oblivious to the creature's benevolent act.


The colossal spider creature launched an attack, ensnaring them in its web. Seizing the moment, the boy, Nadim, materialized behind the beast, relentlessly slashing at it. In a surprising turn, the spider's essence entered his body.

"Nadia, Rajib, are you both alright?" Nadim inquired, looking out for his companions.

"We're fine, thanks to you, Nadim," affirmed the now-human Rajib, previously the bear.

"Nadia, you won't be accompanying me on the next mission," Nadim announced to his sister with a determined tone.

A car pulled up, awaiting the arrival of the three of them. As they got in, a man sitting upfront, beside the driver, addressed them.

"I've got a different mission for you three," the man announced.

"What kind of mission?" Nadim inquired.

"I didn't want to involve you, but most of our soul sorcerers are already committed elsewhere. You're the only ones still in contact..." The man hesitated, but Nadim interjected, "Sorry, I don't need all the details, just tell us about the mission."

"Alright, it's a BSSB assignment. The head of the mission specifically requested soul sorcerers to join them," the man explained.

"But why would they need us for something that the police can handle?" Nadia questioned.

"It's not a routine mission. It's high-risk, involving superhumans created by Dr. X. A few days ago, Supercop attacked Dr. X's base. Three officers were lost, leaving only one Supercop alive in our country," the man disclosed.

"That's terrible," Rajib reacted.

"If you're interested, tomorrow morning, you'll accompany me to BSSB for further details on this mission," the man concluded.


Daytime -

Tamim And Faria Talking Standing On The Road

"So, your dad hasn't appeared in almost a month," Tamim inquired.

"Yes, the last time we spoke was 25 days ago over the phone," Faria confirmed.

"That means we won't be able to gather information until you meet your dad?" Tamim sought clarification.

"Even if I do meet him, I can't obtain any information. It's because my dad doesn't know that I'm involved in this clandestine pursuit," Faria revealed.

"So, I won't be able to take down Dr. Shohan single-handedly," Tamim lamented.

"You have more pressing matters to focus on, like the tournament starting tomorrow. Our offline phase begins, and if you divert your attention from Dr. X, it could benefit all of us, including your team," Faria suggested.

"Don't offer me advice; we're not even friends," Tamim asserted.

"I know , but I say it for my own good," Faria responded before walking away in a different direction.


In a room, Foisal sat facing Rajib, Nadim, and Nadia.

"I hope you understand your roles in this mission," Foisal began.

"So, our main task is to investigate, and if things get dicey, we should retreat," Nadia summarized.

"More or less," Foisal confirmed. "Until we gather information, you all have some free time."


Exiting the room, they began walking.

"I'm excited to attend the e-sports tournament final tomorrow and see my crush," Nadia exclaimed.

"I'll join you," Rajib added, "The new girl from Nextera E-sports is stunning. I developed a crush on her during the online selections."

"I won't be joining you two. I don't find these games appealing. I don't see the point in e-sports," Nadim remarked.

"We don't need you; we can go without you," Nadia retorted.

"Nadim, please come with us. You might enjoy the e-sports tournament," Rajib urged.

"I'm not a kid like you both," Nadim replied.

"Heh, you're only 20; don't act like an old man," Nadia teased.

"Compared to you both at 17, you're the kids," Nadim retorted.


Tournament Day-

"The five finalist teams are:

1. Bloodstock - Esports sponsored by Torne phone ltd

2. Nextera - Esports sponsored by "Rin" electrolyte drink

3. Lovekiller - Esports sponsored by ALC computer

4. Destroyer - Esports sponsored by Goho app

5. Blust - Esports sponsored by Dodo bikes."

The commentator's voice echoed through the colossal e-sports stadium as the teams took their seats. The air was electric with the anticipation of the final match, drawing a massive crowd of enthusiastic spectators.

Tamim, the team captain, gathered his teammates, elaborating on the strategy for the upcoming match.

"Wow, she's stunning. Do you think Tamim and The new girl  are lovers ?" Nadia's voice rose from the crowd, accompanied by Nadim and Rajib.

"Maybe, they do give off that vibe," Rajib speculated.

"Guys, We're here for the match, not personal speculations," Nadim chided.

As the match commenced, Nextera Esports exhibited exceptional gameplay, matched only by the formidable Bloodstock team.

"I'm rooting for Nextera; I can't wait to see Bloodstock defeated," Nadia exclaimed, her enthusiasm palpable.

"Hey, take a look at Fahim; he seems unwell," Rajib pointed out.

"Yeah, and the other team members from various esports teams appear sick too. It's visible to us as soul sorcerers," Nadia observed, concerned about the unexpected condition of the players.

"Hay, Fahim, are you feeling okay?" Tamim inquired with concern as Fahim's performance seemed off.

"I don't know, I feel dizzy," Fahim replied, his discomfort evident.

"Same here," added Riya, her voice fraught with unease.

"I'm feeling terrible," Rafi chimed in.

"Alright, I've noticed. But why are they playing like rookies?" Faria remarked, swiftly eliminating an opponent from the "Lovekiller" team, causing their squad to collapse.

"This doesn't seem right," Faria remarked, her brows furrowed in suspicion.

As Tamim scanned the arena, he noticed something amiss. Everyone from the opposing teams, except Bloodstock, appeared unwell.

Nadim, keenly observing the situation, sensed the presence of a potent soul user nearby.

"Guys, head to security and inform them this place isn't safe; a malevolent soul is within this vicinity," Nadim instructed Nadia and Rajib.

"I sense it too," Nadia acknowledged, hastening toward the security area.

Spotting a VIP member using soul powers to debilitate team members, Nadim swiftly approached the individual. He drew his sword and launched an attack, causing the VIP member to reveal his soul form, stunning the onlookers.

An urgent announcement resonated, "Attention, an evil soul sorcerer has been detected. Please vacate the premises."

While the crowd scrambled to leave, the esports players, except for Tamim, Faria, and Bloodstock's members, remained incapacitated.

Tamim observed his teammates unconscious and realized he couldn't use his powers under surveillance.

Faria took action, shattering all the cameras with her powers, declaring, "Now, we can teleport them to safety," as she teleported the players away.

In the vicinity, Tamim and Faria witnessed Nadim battling the malevolent soul user. Nadim's glowing sword clashed repeatedly with the foe, who wielded different soul forms, launching a fierce attack that Nadim deftly countered.

"Run!" Nadim urged Tamim and Faria, sensing imminent danger.

In an instant, a colossal soul energy attack was directed at Faria, but she skillfully blocked it, remaining unscathed. Simultaneously, another massive soul attack targeted Tamim, prompting him to teleport away to evade the assault.

Conjuring a barrier of soul energy, Nadim sealed the area, concealing it from view and preventing entry.

"You possess powers!" Rajib exclaimed in astonishment upon witnessing Tamim's abilities.

Nadim was perplexed, thoughts racing in his mind. "I'm truly confused; I can't sense any soul power within them, yet they wield abilities. I'm unsure if they're good or bad," he pondered.

Observing Nadim's advanced thinking, the mysterious individual launched an attack. Nadim swiftly countered, assuming his soul monster form, extracting the soul layer of the assailant, rendering him unconscious. Nadim caught the fallen figure.

Addressing Tamim and Faria, Nadim inquired sternly, "Who are you? Are you allies or adversaries?"

"They're undoubtedly good. That guy is working for Bloodstock, not them," affirmed Nadia.

"You possess extraordinary abilities. I need an explanation, or I won't let you leave," Nadim demanded.

"What's happening here?" Tamim wondered, feeling bewildered by the unfolding events.

"We acquired these powers due to a mishap, but we lead regular lives," explained Faria.

"Aha, I understand," acknowledged Nadim.

"Hey, brother, release them. Oh wait, Neon, can I take a selfie with you? I'm your biggest fan," excitedly requested Nadia.

"Taking a photo might cause trouble," cautioned Rajib.

"Hey, both of you, whatever your names are, I'm letting you go. It's not a crime to have powers, and as you've done nothing wrong, I'll release you," Nadim concluded, deactivating the soul block barrier.

As Tamim and Faria stepped outside, they found themselves surrounded by a bustling crowd. Security personnel and police officers approached them, inquiring about their well-being and entry onto the field.

Fahim, who had regained consciousness, hurried over to Tamim and Faria, questioning, "How did you guys end up stuck inside?"

"Where are Riya, Rafi, and Samia?" Tamim inquired.

"They're alright, but I was concerned about you two, as you were the only ones trapped inside," Fahim responded.

"We were unconscious, and a soul sorcerer awakened us, so we came out. We're in the clear," defended Faria.

Through the microphone announcement, it was declared, "Due to unforeseen issues, this year's tournament will be postponed for a month. Moreover, Bloodstock Team is banned from the Bangladesh e-sports Council due to cheating allegations."