Mission Starts (12)

Foisal, Utso with those swats and the brown costume guy standing on mud street near a jungle, The street was in a high place on a mountain, from the place where a big chuck of jungle was visible.

" You see that lake? That is covering a big area which is actually the base. It looks invisible because the entire place is hidden by a big soul. Even the water is fake. It's a dragon soul whose shape shifts like water." Says the Brown costume guy.

" What if someone comes in this area? Or animals? " Asked Utso.

" Well if any animal enters the area it dies and the soul gets added to the layer. If a human enters then they try to make the human join them, otherwise they kill that person for experiment. " Says The Guy.

" Dragon soul? So you are saying the soul sorcerer who is involved in this has a dragon soul? What's his name? "asked Foisal.

" I don't know name but everyone calls him a Vortexer " Said The Guy.

" Virtexer? Does it mean Kaushik? Wow it seems two National criminals are working together " Says Utso with surprise.

" Hmm...I thought that earlier because Nadim gave me hints that he had found. That's why I've also called the entire soul sorcerer corp here. "says Foisal.

" Sir, I can't believe it. Your thinking is one step ahead wow " Says

Two swat officers behind who were trying to use a device trying to jam the entire place with jammers and sending binary codes to somewhere.

One of the swat whispers " As a swat i should not speak unnecessary words but this guy with Foisal sir. He doesn't look like he is capable of joining BSSB. "

" Why do you think that? " Asked the second Swat.

" I was pissed off in the car because of him. He speaks unnecessary words too much even now, trying to oil Foisal sir " Says The first swat.

" And that made you think he is not capable? Well he actually is chosen for the next supercop experiment. Well even though the serum is not made yet he has S type blood so he is biologically stronger than me and you. " Says the second guy.

" So S type blood is the actual reason with this personality he got to work as a BSSB. For entering BSSB swat we needed to work so hard that we cant even feel emotion any longer also its not that hard to find a S type blood " Says The first Swat

" You sure? Only 1 in a million has S type blood. And about Utso, in this mission Utso did the most job done. He was acting to work with Dr X the past few days without getting caught. He is really brilliant and a good fighter so i think you should stop thinking about that and work properly " Says the second guy.

Foisal checked his watch, and suddenly, some flying figure appeared from the sky.

< They were wearing souls sorcerer costume which is black long jacket and dark black pants >

One of them, wearing a black costume labeled as Arij, landed on the ground, while another landed elsewhere. One of them was Nadim.

"I don't understand, sir. Why are we urgently called on a mission unrelated to souls? We're sent here with a special request. Now, first, tell me what's going on," inquired Arij.

"No, look there. There's a giant invisible soul energy covering a significant area of the jungle, sir," reported Nadim from the back.

Arij looked and saw a green soul energy covering most parts of the jungle.

"I will never call anyone without reason, but more importantly, there must be a powerful sorcerer who created this barrier. Inside is the criminal organization that BSSB has been looking for all these years," explained Foisal.

Suddenly, military cars appeared at the scene. A military officer stepped out and said, "Sir, we have 261 military personnel with us. We couldn't manage 300 in this short time. Is this enough?"

"We don't know how many are waiting for us, but with 261 soldiers in this case, every 19 people will have one soul sorcerer with them. So, we will split into 8 teams all over the jungle, and the remaining army will guard the place so that no one can escape."

Another military car arrives, and Nadia and Rajib step out.

Nadim, upon seeing Nadia, questions, "What are you doing here? Both of you said you would only charge the gun bullets and not participate."

Nadia responds, "Just because you're my older brother doesn't mean I have to follow all your orders."

Arij addresses Foisal, "Are you the leader of the whole mission?"

"Yes, I am," confirms Foisal.

"I can't believe the government made young people lead the mission. It feels weird calling you sir. You look like you're not older than me," remarks Arij.

"He is 48, but he is the first inheritor of the super-soldier serum," Utso explains.

"Huh, he looks like he is 25 or 27," Arij thinks.

"Calling sir is up to you. All I care about is this mission. I want your team to be ready; we will be moving now," says Foisal.

A Soldier came to Foisal and gave him a briefcase.

" Thanks, " Said Foisal.

" Sir, is it your Cdo Armour? Wait, sir, will you also join them? "says Utso with determination.

" Yah. I was not supposed to join but I think I should. " Says Foisal and opened the brief cause and saw a red and black combined costume with face hidden and added an armored layer in the costume with digital weapon's.

Foisal touched it and the nanoparticles started to hide his dress with it slowly transforming Foisal's costume into that armored costume.

Some young soul sorcerer was around and saw the epic transformation.

A boy soul sorcerer said " Wow. Its "Red-Yodha" No way "

" Sir this is more powerful than your original suit. All gears of Yodha suit are also added inside it " Says The person who gave Foisal the briefcase.

" Great. It may represent all my friends who passed away during different missions. " Saying Foisal, he pulled two laser blades from his back of the armor and it was glowing red.

" Let's start!" Says Foisal with a determined face remembering all his dead friends and adding "Split up quick. We will end this today "

" Helicopters and tanks will come after confirmation. Says a swat who was receiving codes from another place.

All got inside the car splitting into 8 teams and the swats and Foisal entered another car going straight.

One swat commanded " Start going to your point quick "

All cars started and started going in their direction.

Some woman who was holding the Jammer and receiver, Utso and a sniper guy were there with some equipment and were still there looking at the jungle.

Utso picked up the Telescope and looked at the car and said " 360° all good. Keep moving.

Omega man notices the military from behind and contemplates, "What are these? I will destroy all of them right now. Wait, I think I should try the power of the drug to destroy all of them, or it won't be fun." He ignores the military and quickly flies towards the barrier, breaking a part of it to enter. He directly goes to the top room, breaking the glass.

Kaushik And Dr X are playing chess. Omega man arrives in front of them flying.

"I've killed your targets, now give me what I want," demands Omega man.

"Oh, you have killed them? But wait, let me finish this match," says Dr X.

"I don't think you can't complete this match, Dr. X, because the military is approaching the place," Omega man informs.

"What? How did they find our best location?" Dr. X questions.

Omega man grabs Dr. X's collar creates a laser in his eyes and demands, "Give it to me right now."

A woman appears with an injection and hands it to Omega man. Kaushik who was playing chess with Dr. X quickly closes his eyes and sees with his soul on the barrier, spotting Arij.

Arij swiftly created his own barrier around the previous one, causing the initial barrier to shatter. Seeing this, Kaushik, observing, used his soul power to manifest a dragon-like soul and flew towards Arij. Arij signaled Foisal to initiate the attack.

All the soul sorcerers and the military entered the area. While doing this, Arij spotted the guy flying towards him with a dragon-looking soul. Arij quickly created another dragon-type soul around him.

"It's Kaushik, the person all the soul sorcerers of our country were looking for; he was hidden here, working with Dr. X. If I knew that earlier, I would have trained before coming," Arij thinks as Kaushik delivers a powerful blow, sending Arij crashing into a nearby mountain.

Omega man appears on the battlefield with a more robust red body, shooting laser beams toward a team of military members nearby. Among them is Nadia, the soul sorcerer.

"I will not be scared this time," Nadia declares as she pulls out her sword using energy. The military team shoots energy bullets at Omega man, but he remains unharmed.

Omega man notices Nadia creating a sword, so he targets her with a laser beam.

Suddenly Foisal arrives there and blocks the attack with his artificial energy shield.

Then a smoke bomb and the place was filled with smoke.

Omega man was still able to see everything and saw Foisal so he shot a laser beam there.

Something hit Supreme man, he looked back and saw a few military men using a rope gun and started pulling Omega man.

Holding the rope, Omega man smashed those soldiers on the ground which completely destroyed the skulls of those soldiers causing instant death.

Another soldier started to shoot laser gun fire.

Omega man reached there in an instant and grabbed the soldier's hand and pulled from both side splitting the soldier in half.

" What's this? Didn't expect something like that " Thinks Foisal.

" What did you expected then" Says omega man reading Foisals mind and directly punched Foisals chest and blood came from the place.

A swat from distance shot on Omega man.

Omega man was unaffected and he shot a laser beam on the swat which splitted the swat in half.

Omega man uses his laser beam on Foisal and it hits Foisal's chest.

" Aghh..he is too fast for me to react. I..i can't even see his moves " Thinks Foisal.

" It's because no human can see only 60 fps." Says Omega man said and added " You are still alive. I think you are not a normal human maybe. I can't see any power inside you but you are extremely strong compared to humans. "

Nadia jumped and attacked Omega man with her sword and Omega man pushed her on the ground seeing this.

Omega man instantly shot a laser beam to attack Nadia suddenly, Rajib flies with his soul shell form, taking the hit meant for Nadia. Unfortunately, his soul shell fails to withstand the laser, breaking upon impact, and Rajib falls in front of Nadia.

Nadia hastily cradles Rajib, witnessing the severe damage the laser beam inflicted on his chest, causing him to bleed profusely.

"Nadia, I think I will die now, and before I go, I want you to know-I loved you all this time. I dreamed of growing up, marrying you, and building a beautiful family together, but it seems like it won't happen, and..." Rajib's words fade as he takes his last breath.

Foisal seeing this, Jumped, pulled his laser sword and attacked Omega man.

Omega man reacted instantly to the punch but Foisal changed his direction and jumped backward staying in the air.

Omega man was fast enough to grab Foisals leg and threw Foisal on the ground like hammer. Omega man smashed Foisal over and over again in the ground like a person is smashing a hammer on ground.

Then threw Foisal far away.

Nadia, devastated by the loss she was crying remembering a voice in his head

" How many times have I had to say I don't love you, why do you keep saying that? " :Nadia's voice.

" I don't care. I love you, that's it. " : Rajibs voiced

" Oh really? If i keep rejecting you for life you will " : Rakib.

" No lie. In this Twenty Five years of life, i don't want to fall for anyone else but you.

- The voice stopped -

With a sad tearful face she glances around,and realizes that all the military personnel surrounding her are already dead. Omega man, intending to shoot her with a laser beam, approaches.

Tears streaming down her face, Nadia raises her sword and leaps toward Omega man, determined to retaliate.

However, Omega man seizes her head and fires a laser beam, causing her head to explode and Omega man drops her dead body on ground.

"One team down, I think there are a total of eight teams and I will kill all of them with no difficulties " says Omega man.

Omega man closed in on another team approaching the building.

Nadim, spotting Omega man, swiftly recognized the threat and instructed his team to advance without him.

Transforming into his soul shell form, Nadim attacked Omega man with his sword, but the metallic adversary easily blocked the assault. Undeterred, Nadim used his soul energy against Omega man, only to find it ineffective.

As Omega man prepared to retaliate with a punch, Foisal intervened, bravely blocking the blow with his hand, resulting in a minor fracture.

Omega man, seemingly unharmed, remarked, "You are such a pain "

Omega man fired a laser at Foisal, who managed to dodge the attack. Simultaneously, Nadim continued his sword attacks, but to no avail.

In this critical moment, Supreme man emerged, delivering a powerful punch aimed squarely at Omega man.

Faria and Tamim swiftly arrived at the scene. Faria, noticing Foisal's injured situation , promptly moved to heal him.

Tamim witnessed transformed monsters attacking the forward military forces. He rushed towards the ongoing skirmish, aiming to assist the soldiers.

Nadim surveyed the area and, upon seeing dead bodies in the distance, sprinted towards them. To his dismay, he discovered the lifeless forms of Nadia and Rajib.

He reached there and saw that the bodies don't have any souls.

He holds Nadis body and sees the destroyed situation.

" No..it's not real..No..Ah..No...Nadia...You can't die like this" Says Nadim his body started to glow more with his aura and with that his memories started to glitch inside his mind.

He looked and saw the dead body of Rajib beside.

His soul started to evolve and slowly his body started to shake and eye became red and glowing.

His body started to pull soul around them like a magnet and some hole was created in his body and from that a strange yellow smoke started to flow from his body.

In the skies above, Omega man and Supreme man engaged in a fierce aerial battle, their clash echoing through the air.

From the base some people were firing at the military and they were countering taking cover.

" Sir, we need to get inside quickly. Otherwise Shohan might escape " Suggested a swat to Foisal.

" We have to, but these people who are shooting are creating problems. They are over thousands and all are covered with soul shells. "said Foisal.

Listening to this Tamim said from beside " I will take care of that "

On the other side Faria was trying to heal some nare dead military covering them with her energy force field to avoid billet attack.

Tamim teleported inside the base where those people were firing from.

One guy saw Tamim and started to fire at Tamim and it hit Tamims body but the bullet got broken hitting Tamims body.

" It tickles, " Says Tamim and teleports in front of the guy and grabs the gun, breaking it.

The guy punched Tamim but his hand bone broke.

The guy screamed and other guys saw and started firing Tamim.

Tamim dodged the attacks and started spamming his teleportation continuously and started knocking everyone who was with guy fairing in one hit.

More guys with guns joined to attack Tamim. Suddenly Faria also teleports there.

Tamim seeing Farid said " I don't need your help "

Foisal started running toward the base and suddenly four transformed monsters jumped in front of him.

One without wasting time started attacking Foisal with aggressive speed.

Faisal was able to dodge the attacks.

Another monster attacked from behind. Foisal moved away before hit and jumped back.

Another monster from the right side was going to punch Foisal but Foisal blocked the attack with both hands.

Using his hand he jumped up and activated his laser blade to attack the monster's head but he stopped the laser blade before it hit the monster and kicked the face of the monster.

Another monster jumped to hold Foisal but a swat shot on the monster's eyes made the monster's left eye blur.

Foisal turned the laser blade on and using the option turned it into an electrical rope.

With the electrical rope he hits on the blur eyed monster's head and the monster screams.

Foisal landed and as soon as he lands the first monster punched on Foisal chest throwing Foisal backward to the second monsters position

The second monster seeing kicked Foisal and sent it to the forth monster.

The swat ran and gave a flying kick to the forth monster making the monster disbalanced.

" Thanks, " Says Foisal.

The blurry eye monster was turning back to normal human because of the electricity attack from the electrical blade.

The swat was going to hold the back of the human guy but the second monster held the swat first.

Foisal changed his badge to Laser blade and attacked the monster with speed but the monster holds Foisals hand and threw Foisal in distance and Foisals laser blade falls on the ground.

The monster picked up the laser blade and looked at the swat and used the laser blade to stab on the Swats head instantly killing it then from the point where the monster stabbed, the monster ripped off the entire body of the swat with two pieces.

Foisal ran to stop but before he could reach the swat died.

The first monster from the side jumped and landed on top of Foisal, squeezing Foisal in the ground with the monster's leg.

Faria and Tamim knocked down all the people who were firing the military.

Tamim started running inside the base to find Shohan with X-ray vision.

Faria looked at the battlefield and saw a monster squeezing Foisal.

Faria instantly flew there and with her electrically charged leg and using power kicked the monster away.

Foisal was damaged but he stood up.

Faria instantly healed Foisals damaged body with her power.

" I will take care of this, " Said Faria.

Foisal ran toward the base and Faria started fighting with those monsters.

Tamim saw a room with some Scientists.

He entered the room and found everyone dead.

Suddenly from behind something attacked him which was invisible.

He looked back and it attacked from behind.

Tamim used his X ray and saw a guy who is phasing through the wall and attacking him teleporting here and there

" Ahh what's this again? Sure it's not a soul maybe a superhuman " Thinks Tamim

The Phasing guy teleported and directly attacked from the front while being invisible.

Tamim simply blocked the attack and grabbed its throat.

The guy became visible again and said " You falled under my trap and he closed his eyes and became invisible again trying to phase his hand inside Tamims body but when he tried a spiritual force from Tamims body stopped the phasing and his arms finger which he used to phase got destroyed.

The guy teleported back and was screaming from pain.

Foisal reached the place and saw Tamim and that guy.

Suddenly the underground base opened and the building of the base started to shatter and started to break and fall.

From the underground a helicopter was taking off.

Foisal looked and saw Dr-X there and said " He is escaping " as soon as he said the building started to fall.

Tamim holds Foisal and the guy and teleports outside of the building before it falls under them.

The entire building structure shattered and the helicopter started flying higher in the sky.

And from the building some screaming sound came.

Tamim used his X ray and saw all the knocked down people die because the brucks squeezed this knocked down people.

" Oh no. '' Tamim said and using telekinesis tried to pull the bricks from those people.

Dr X from the helicopter pressed a button and a big explosion happened in front of Tamim and Foisal.

The Phasing guy started to run. Blood was falling from his fingers thinking " I cant stay invisible while i am bleeding, i need to escape "

While running some military stopped him and pointed a gun at him.

The phasing power user guy surrendered.

Observing a helicopter attempting to escape, Tamim sprinted towards it at full speed.

Upon reaching it, he discovered Dr. X inside. Enraged, Tamim teleported him inside the helicopter and delivered a forceful punch.

Dr. X, falling from the helicopter, transformed himself into a monstrous bulky 8ft version upon landing.

Faria, arriving on the scene, unleashed an electric attack on Dr. X, but the villain remained unharmed, proudly declaring, "Great! So I've finally created something I've been striving for over the last ten years. I believe I've fashioned a superior version than the original."

Faria moved toward Dr. X with incredible speed, delivering a powerful punch. However, Dr. X remained unharmed and countered with a punch of his own, severely hurting Faria. She stepped back, recovering from the impact.

As Tamim advanced, his aura pulsating, ready to strike Dr. X, the villain attempted to counter.

Swiftly, Tamim teleported, evading the blow. Simultaneously, Faria unleashed a potent energy attack. Dr. X blocked it with his hand, causing it to bleed, yet he promptly healed the wound.


Nadim's body emanated a vibrant yellow aura and some skeleton shaped energy was covering his body. His eyes became emotionless but anger was visible.

Some people were escaping and Nadim looked at them with head eyes which looks bloodlusted

Those people seeing Nadim transformed into monster and attacked Nadim

Drawing his sword, he transformed into a monstrous figure with large wings and four arms, closing his eyes.

The aftermath revealed a battlefield littered with bodies, Nadim standing as the sole survivor breathing with extreme pressure.

Soul of this dead body entered his body and the soul energy skeletons started to complete and turn it into a dragon shape.

The military and a helicopter arrived at the intense battleground where Tamim and Faria were engaged in combat.

A tank from a distance fired at Dr. X. Unfazed, Dr. X approached the tank, delivering a powerful punch to the tank's bullet before crashing into it.

The tank exploded, and Dr. X then leaped high into the sky, intent on destroying the military helicopter.

Faria swiftly intervened, creating a portal in front of Dr. X and teleporting him to another location, effectively saving the helicopter. Following the portal, Tamim reached Dr. X, setting the stage for a one-on-one confrontation.

On the ground, a military personnel bewilderedly asked, "Who are they? Are they allies?" Foisal clarified, "They are allies and American superheroes."

Facing off against Dr. X, Tamim was reminded of their past connection. Dr. X sneered, "Long time no see, Tamim. I should've killed you when you were just a little kid. I still regret why I didn't kill you that day."

Dr. X's revelation hit Tamim hard as he recalled his memory

Kid Tamim walked home on his 13th birthday with a girl.

Girl: Tamim, it's our 13th birthday, but you didn't invite any of our friends. I had to do it myself.

Tamim: They're not my friends. I only invited my friend Fahim. I'm Tamim, not you, Tanisa.

< Tamim mentioned the girl as Tanisa>

Tanisa: Why do you talk like an adult? I don't understand. If you stay like this, you will never make friends.

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed from their house. Rushing inside, they found the gatekeeper dead.

Tamim opened the gate and saw the gatekeeper's lifeless body. As he walked towards his home, he opened the door and witnessed the unimaginable - his parents murdered by Dr. X, who pointed a gun at a woman.

Noticing Tamim's eyes, Dr. Shohan pointed his gun at Tamim but felt strange fear and fled with a briefcase.

Present Time -

Tamim: "You killed my parents that day, and from that day, all I want is to finish you, and now I will, I guess."

Nadim arrives at the spot in a frightening, wired half dragon creature form and attacks Dr. X directly.

Nadim's sword hits Dr. X's arm, turning into energy and creating smoke upon exploding. Faria joins the scene.

As the smoke fades, Dr. X is unharmed. Nadim transforms into a large dragon-like figure of soul energy and attacks Dr. X.

Dr. X: "3v1 now, it's interesting." He moves forward to counter Nadim's attack.

Nadim creates a powerful soul energy attack, and though Dr. X takes the damage, he remains unscathed. He gives a big jump, reaching the dragon's head and delivering a punch. The dragon soul fades, and Nadim, damaged, falls to the ground.

Faria catches Nadim, noticing he's unconscious. She creates a portal and sends Nadim to a safe place.

Tamim attacks Dr. X, who responds with a powerful punch to Tamim's head, breaking his bone and causing bleeding.

Faria teleports Tamim backward and takes the lead in the fight.

Overflowing with red energy, Faria attacks Dr. X, who takes damage but quickly heals himself.

Dr. X: "This small damage won't change anything." He kicks Faria's leg and then her chest. Faria reacts, but Dr. X grabs her, squeezing tightly.

Dr. X: "You must be Tanjuma, right? I still remember you." Faria is in extreme pain.

Supreme Man flies down from the sky, delivering a powerful punch that sends Dr. X flying.

Supreme Man looks at Tamim and Faria " Let me take care of this "

" Wait, you can't come out of nowhere and take the fight which i was supposed to fight " Says Tamim.

" If you didn't have a revenge mentality I would let you fight but for your revenge mentality I can't let you fight with killing mentality so i will take care of this. "said Supreme man and flew to catch Dr X.

Supreme Man relentlessly attacks Dr. X in mid-air, punching him repeatedly.

Dr. X counters by clapping his hands, creating a powerful shockwave and letting out a loud scream that momentarily holds back Supreme Man.

Dr. X falls to the ground, landing perfectly on top of a mountain. Supreme Man flies down, delivering a powerful blow, but Dr. X absorbs the impact and generates a wave, causing an explosive force.

The earth shakes, the mountain starts to break, and Dr. X jumps into the air, targeting Supreme Man. Supreme Man uses his laser, damaging Dr. X, but Dr. X instantly heals and retaliates with a powerful punch, causing Supreme Man to bleed.

Dr. X taunts: "I heard you don't bleed. Look at you, now you're bleeding."

Supreme Man delivers a powerful punch to Dr. X, sending him into the sky.

Dr. X returns using his arm shockwave, and both collide in the sky, creating a powerful impact that throws them in different directions. Recovering quickly, Supreme Man flies toward Dr. X, delivering a series of powerful blows.

Dr. X retaliates with a kick, and Supreme Man crashes to the ground. Dr. X lands and starts a relentless assault, kicking Supreme Man repeatedly, causing the entire area to shake, and nearby mountains begin to break.

Supreme Man defends himself with a punch, then starts pulling Dr. X into space.

As they reach space, Dr. X holds his breath, but Supreme Man surprises him by using cold breath to freeze Dr. X's body.

Despite being frozen, Dr. X breaks free, throwing Supreme Man back to Earth. Dr. X follows, using his shockwave to pursue Supreme Man.