Mutes (13)

Previously - 

Supreme Man defends himself with a punch, then starts pulling Dr. X into space.

As they reach space, Dr. X holds his breath, but Supreme Man surprises him by using cold breath to freeze Dr. X's body.

Despite being frozen, Dr. X breaks free, throwing Supreme Man back to Earth. Dr. X follows, using his shockwave to pursue Supreme Man.



Dr X surpassing Supreme Man's flying speed caught Supreme Man and punched on supreme man's chest that sent Supreme man toward the ground. 

Dr x Continued punching Supreme Man on air and Supreme man blocks the attack and counters the attacks

Dr. X and Supreme Man continue their intense battle, landing inside a city in Korea. The impact of their clash shakes the entire Earth. Supreme Man, aware of the danger to civilians, quickly reacts by pinching Dr. X and throwing him into the air, following up with a powerful punch.

While Supreme man was fighting Tamim and Faria was fighting the Transformed monster who attacked them right after Dr X and supreme man left. 

Suddenly the earth shaked slightly because of the landing impact of Supreme Man and Dr X.

"Where are Supreme Man and Dr. X?" Tamim inquires.

"They must be in the midst of the battle," Faria responds.

As the Earth continues to shake, Tamim expresses concern, "Earth shook. Is that the impact of the fight?"

"It most probably is, but I can't see them. Where are they?" wonders Faria.

Then Faria used an electrical attack on the ground and the electricity reached those monsters and they knocked down and started turning normal. 

The military helicopter saw everything and the guy with gun said " This guys seems to be alay "

Another guy said " Look " and the guy looked and saw a fireball hitted the helicopter and before they could react the helicopter exploded . 

With the sound of the helicopter exploding Tamim and Faria looked back. 

Both reached the place quickly and the helicopter falled on the ground exploding. 

Faria saw that the mens who were inside the helicopter were dead.

Before they could do anything some voice came from their back and said " Kids, you guys didn't even faced the real challenge yet" 

They looked back and saw four individuals, one woman and three men. 

" You won't be going home alive little kids " Says the woman with a seductive expression. 

" It's not like we have electricity weakness. So prepare to die " Said the man. 

" We should split. This guys are sure enemy  " Said Tamim 

" Wait! " Says Faria to Tamim and started thinking " We can't attack or fight without knowing the opposition properly." 

She started looking at those four individuals and analyzing them. " The first guy with brown hair, his biological structure and those small flame fragments made me think that he might have fire type ability and maybe he destroyed the helicopter. The flames in the helicopter were not entirely of the explosion. 

The second guy with black long hair is definitely somehow connected to thunder or electricity. I can feel some ions in his body and it's like an electric ion inside me. 

For the third person who is a girl. She has blood in her hand and she is preparing to create something with the blood. It makes me feel she might have powers like blood manipulation. 

Now for the last guy he is taking off his gloves and the smoke from his hand making me feel like he has ice or freeze type power. " 

" What's the matter? " Said Tamim 

" I don't clearly know how powerful they are but I am sure they are more powerful than the transformed monster. I don't think fighting with them will be safe for Tamim " Thinks Faria. 

" Why the hell did you tell me to stop? What's wrong " Said Tamim to Faria

" Nothing! "said Faria and rushed toward them. 

" Alright, it seems like you want to die " Said the first guy and threw a fireball at Faria. 

Faria thought "Just like I expected" And dodged the attack with speed she was going to hit the guy but suddenly her body got covered in ice. 

She looked and saw that the fourth person was using ice power. 

" My prediction is right '' Faria thought and at that moment the second guy said to Faria laughing " Lol never saw a brainless woman like you. Wait not you, in fact all women are brainless " 

" What did you say?  All women are brainless? Did you ever think about who you are standing beside." Said the woman.

" Well to be honest you are the dumbest and weakest in the team so ya i am right. " Said the second guy. 

" What did ya say? " Saying this, the woman and the second guy started to quarrel in the middle of the battle. 

Other two guys looked at them. 

The Ice user guy looked back and saw that Faria is not there anymore. 

" What the?  Where did she go? "said The ice power user. 

Suddenly Faria with speed punched the Woman among them and as soon as she punched the entire body became a liquid type object and the body exploded with bloods spread all over the place. 

The fourth guy of the tram who was beside Faria said " You got trapped again " and made his hand electrified to punch Faria but before it hit Faria disappeared  and found Faria standing in distance. 

" Oh you are not really dumb huh " Said the guy. 

" She is not, she was trying to know all of our power so she ran that time to attack us and now she knows " Said the ice power user man. 

" It seems like she knew our latest move too. She is not surprised too seeing the body of Jenie disappeared with blood " Said The Fire user guy. 

" I knew it. When you froze me and I was looking at you guys. I saw the woman create a clone then leave it and attack Tamim also for confirmation the clone doesn't have any bone so i knew that.

And also i know the sexiest joke was to make me think that the girl in your team is the weakest but she is the most powerful of them " Said Faria. 

Few hundreds miter away 

Tamim is standing facing the woman. 

The woman was in the distance licking her own hand and in another hand she had a sword made of blood. 

" What is she doing?  Licking her hand like a cat. She isn't even attacking. " Thinks Tamim looking at the woman. 

" What are you doing darling, why are you not attacking me?  Is it because I am sexxy and it is making  your dick hard? Uff i can feel you darling. " Said The woman exposing her costume and breast to seduce Tamim. 

" What the hell is wrong with her? If this is her power it's like the most useless power i can think of. At least for me " Thinks Tamim is looking at the woman with an annoyed face. 

The woman ran at him with super speed and in an instant reached Tamim and started attacking Tamim with her claws. 

Tamim was dodging it then instantly teleported himself to 50 miter behind the woman. 

The woman smiled and looked back and said " I am Jeannie, and i call myself Jennifer Lawrence because i am sexxy and i believe i look better then her " 

" Big breast Doesn't make a person beautiful. After seeing you for the last minutes I feel you are the ugliest person I know. " Said Tamim

" What did you say? '' Screams the woman and rips off her own clothes top showing her entirely naked upper body. 

She screams and says " Look at me now. I have the perfect body, perfect face and I am hot. How can you call me ugly " And she started to cry. 

" Coz you are just an annoying bitch " Said Tamim. 

" No I am not, You are not fighting because you are horny seeing me. " Said Jeannie laughing. 

" Ahh..i can't take this disgusting shit anymore " Said Tamim and with speed punched Jeannie's face but as soon as he punches the entire body exploded of Jeannie and blood spreads all over Tamims body. 

" What the? Did she die? " Tamim thinks with shock. 

Tamim looked at the body and saw there was no bone.

Jeannie was behind Tamim at that moment. 

As soon as Tamim looked back and saw Jennie, Jennie clapped and Tamims entire body got covered in blood. 

The blood made Tamim freeze and Tamim couldn't move at all. 

She walked toward Tamim taking off her pants and underwear and started saying " Let me end my info first. Well i am 22 years old and before joining Dr X i used to be a sex worker in my own bar. I never did that for money. I wanted to fulfill my sexual desire and I love when someone tells me that I am hot or sexxy. In my life no one has ever said that i am ugly and it is obvious, i am not Ugly " 

" Who cares. You are not even close to beautiful if i say honestly '' Said Tamim and trying to break free he teleported to another place of his vision but the blood was still covering him not letting him move and now the blood covered Tamims eyes too. Only Tamims mouth was open. 

" That wont work " Said Jennie and started walking toward Tamim and added " I Thought i would let you go but for disrespecting me for the second time I will give you a pleasurable punishment. "

Tamim kept trying to get out of it with his strength but he couldn't break free. 

Jeannie reaches Tamim and said " I will rape you as a punishment " and smiled. 

The woman touched Tamims penis and saw it was normal. 

" Oh, I thought you were horny but how are you still not horny? " Said Jeannie. 

Jeannie starts manipulating Tamims hand with his blood cover to touch Jeannie's breast but Tamim was resisting to do that and before Jeannie made Tamims hand touch her breast Tamim managed to control his hand and punched Jeannie which sent Jeannie a few meters away and she crashed on a tree. 

Tamim started ripping off the blood using his telekinesis and his hand. 

The blood again consumed him. 

" What happened to my strength? Did i become weak or this blood has more durability then me " Tamim started thinking while the blood started to consume him. 

Tamims entire body got covered with blood in an instant and only his mouth was visible, his eyes were also covered. 

" Ahh my X ray, why can't it see through this blood " Tamim thought while blood consumed him. 

Jennie with speed reached Tamim and said " Just one kiss from me is enough to control you " 

Saying that she held Tamims face and made her lips closer to Tamims lips and went for a lip kiss but Tamim grabbed Jeannie's throat and a white aura covered his body which was stopping the blood reaching Tamims body. 

Tamim gave a death stare to Jeanie while holding her throat tightly. 


The Korean city Supreme man and Dr X landed shakes as Supreme Man and Dr. X clashed. Supreme Man, noticing the danger to the people, shifts his focus to protect them. Dr. X lands a powerful blow, causing Supreme Man to crash into a building and destroy it.

Putting the safety of citizens first, Supreme Man quickly rescues everyone from the damaged building and moves them to a secure spot. Dr. X catches up, leading to another intense face-off.

Seeing the havoc their battle is causing, Supreme Man suggests, "This fight is causing disaster; we need to take it somewhere else." He lands a strong punch on Dr. X, sending him into the sky.

Dr. X claps his hands, creating a huge shockwave and altering the clouds.

Supreme Man seizes the chance to lift Dr. X higher. Dr. X realizes Supreme Man's plan and strategizes.

Supreme Man, thinking of the colossal mass he can create, considers, "If I rotate around the planet and punch, it might overpower this attack." Determined, Supreme Man starts flying east, with Dr. X following, creating shockwaves.

From a satellite's view, Dr. X's shockwave leaves a red energy trail as it relentlessly pursues Supreme Man. 


Faria was continuously dodging fireball attacks from the guy who is using fire ability and punched the guy with fire ability. 

At that moment the ice from the guy who is using ice ability pulled Faria but Faria broke free. 

Instantly the guy with electrical ability came with speed and continued attacking Faria with electrical fist and Faria was dodging. 

Seeing this, the guy with ice ability gripped both Faria and the guy with electrical abilities, which made  both of them slow down. 

Faria seeing punched the guy with electrical ability which sent him away

Smiling the guy with fire ability created a big fireball and threw it at Faria and seeing this Faria created a portal to change the direction and the fireball attack got inside it and it hit the sea. 

While Faria created a portal the guy with ice ability got a chance so he covered Faria entity with ice. 

Instantly Faria broke free and flew up but from the sky the guy with fire ability kicked Faria. 

Faria dodged and flew to punch the guy with fire ability and the guy created another fireball.

" Watch out " Said the guy with ice ability  

Before the guy with fire ability could react or throw, all their positions changed and the position of the guy with fire ability changed into the guy with ice ability and a punch of Faria hit the guy with ice ability breaking the guy's ice armor and he falled on the ground. 

The guy with fire ability smiled and snapped. 

All were shocked seeing this. 

Instantly after the guy with Fire ability snaps Farias clothes catches fire and her clothes started burning. 

" What the.. '' Said Faria seeing her clothes on fire. 

The guy with fire ability continued snapping  intensity with both of his hands. 

The fire intensified and Faria's costume started to burn and smoke was entering from Farias nose and eyes. 

Faria started to cough and the guy with Fire ability said " I was keeping this ability secret. Now you are finished "

Faria screams " Stop, no...please stop " 

" Why would I stop? I will do until all your costume burns into nothing and until you become entirely naked from my 6,000° fire" says the guy with fire ability with evil smile.

" Wait, her clothes are not burning. she is acting " Said the Electric ability user and before he can complete his sentence Faria and The guy with Fire ability disappeared from the place. 


Meanwhile - 

Jeanie crashed on a tree. 

She was damaged and bleeding. 

Tamim teleported in front of her and again punched her but she dodged and the punch hitted the tree causing the tree to fall. 

She ran with superspeed and stopped after a few meters.

Jeanie smiled and said " You haven't seen nothing yet " 

She created a ball of blood and threw it at Tamim. Tamim punched the ball before it hitted Tamim and the blood spread all over the place around Tamim but the aura around Tamim pushed the bloods away from Tamims body. 

Jennies ran toward Tamim with super speed and with extreme speed started to attack Tamim but Tamim was hardly able to dodge them.

At that moment all those blood drops around Tamim were turning into figures like Jeannie. 

Tamim didn't notice but the blood drops created hundreds of blood clones of Jeannie. 

All those Jeannie started to attack Tamim with superspeed. 

Tamim was shocked from sudden attacks and wasn't able to block those attacks at all because of those hundred clones and their superspeed. 

Among them there was the real one who was standing thinking " There is no way he is beating all my clones. I can create as many clones as I want until I run out of blood. All this clone will have my blood manipulation, strength and speed. My speed is like a train he aint winning this " 

Tamim was able to block some problem of the clones attack 

" Where did this come from? They are not even letting me see or react '' Thinks Tamim then was able to see an empty place so he teleported. 

After Teleportation he saw all the 100 clones and one real hidden inside facing him. 

Tamim was tired and sitting. His hair was hiding his face and his mask fell off from his face. Afternoon light was hitting Tamims face and his emotionless,slightly angry face was visible. 

The clones started running toward Tamim to attack him and Tamim with tiredness dodging the attacks and countering it rapidly teleporting. 

The real Jeanie seeing this she felt feeling of love inside her. Her heartbeat started increasing, she was feeling wired and blushing seeing the beautiful and handsome face of Tamim. 

" He is handsome. He looks like the handsome male angel which I dream of when I face a lonely night. Is it love?  Did I fall for him? .... I want him at any cost. If i have him i don't need any male or anyone in my life. I want him. I am in love " Thinks Jeannie looking at Tamim fighting with her clone. 

Suddenly Tamim stopped and used X ray and saw none clones had bone inside them. It's just hard blood. 

He was dodging the attacks and finally found the real Jeannie who has a bone standing in the middle looking at Tamim. 

Tamim instantly teleported to her and directly punched her which pushed her backward and she stopped after hitting some tree and then she falled on the ground. 

Tamim reached her and started punching her over and over again. She was bleeding but didn't even react. She was looking at Tamim blushing. 

She hugged Tamim and melted all her clones and said " I want you, only you. Not for controlling or using. I want to love you. I love you. I want to be loved by you. Only you can fix me " 

Tamim listening to this quickly teleported backward leaving Jeannie alone. 

" Why did you leave me?  I told you that I love you. Why did you?  I told you that I want you, I will die if you don't love me. " Says Jeanie. 

" What's wrong with her?  Is she insane? "Thinks Tamim. 

" I had a dream where I was in a dustbin and then a guy who looked like you came and saved me. I think the dream was about you." Said Jennie. 

" Wait what's going on?  Is she trying to make a trick or something? What happened to her all of a sudden? '' Thinks Tamim observing Jennie's behavior. 

Jennie Tan toward Tamim trying to hug him but Tamim dodges, refusing to hug and teleports a few meters away. 

Jeannie looked at Tamim and said " If you don't love me back I will die. You are the one who can save me from my dirty life. Please save me my dream king and.. " 

Tamim said " You don't have to die, i will kill you instead if you keep talking this shits. " 

" How dare you say that.... How could you? "said Jeannie with tearful eye. 

" How could youuu" Screams Jeannie changing his expression from tearful eye to angry face. 

" She is really insane " Thinks Tamim

All those melted Jennies clones became Jennies clones again. 

Jennie ran toward Tamim with intense speed which Tamim didn't even see and punched Tamim which Tamim blocked with his right hand but his hands bone got destroyed and he got pushed backward. 

A clone from back with superspeed kicked on Tamims head's back. While Tamim looked back another cone kicked Tamims eyes, crushing Tamims eyes. 

With pain Tamim loses control and started to fall on the ground but before he fall all clones started attacking Tamim with speed that Tamim can't even see properly 

Every second 5-10 attacks hit Tamims body and Tamims bone started to crush with the attack. 

In a few seconds Tamims body was in bad shape and he falled on the ground. Bones of his ribs, hand, leg, chest, and head were broken and he was bleeding. 


Meanwhile -

The guy with fire ability finds himself under a sea drawing. 

He looks around and saw Faria in distance looking at him

" Wait, when did I teleport here?  " Thinks the guy at that moment Faria reached him and kicked on his face sending him deeper. 

He tried to use his fire ability but his power isn't working. Faria again reached him and punched him in the face and he tried to get out of the water and Faria pulled him under water and continued attacking the guy. 

The guy screams with pain but it didn't halped. Every punch of Faria was reaching the guy's bone and the bone was cracking.

Faria bites her hand and blood comes from her hand. 

And after that she ripped off the guy's left hand. 

The guy screamed. 

To be continued….