Chapter 32

The Dark Lord exited the pensieve looking inquisitive.  The Potter boy that came from nowhere was becoming quite the nuisance.  Not to mention the very unexpected revelation back in the Summer that the teen was a parselmouth.  Voldemort had spoken extensively with Bellatrix about the Black family tree. The last Black that had been a parselmouth was nearly two centuries ago.  The Blacks had never intermingled with the Gaunts before, but it was assumed that the ability was tied from a Slytherin line somewhere.  The fact that a child of the Potter and Black family had suddenly appeared with the ability of a parselmouth was suspicious to the Dark Lord

The Potter family was rallying to oppose him, of that there was no doubt.  They were becoming a thorn in the Dark Lord's side in the short time they had risen from the shadows.  First at the Black ancestral home, then at Godric's Hollow, and now in the Wizengamot. The first incident could easily be dismissed.  Arcturus Black was old, and he could meet a sticky end any day now allowing new leadership to guide the ancient house Black.  On that front, they had not disrupted his plans much.

The resistance at Gordic's Hollow had been surprising, and if the Dark Lord expected any push back he would have snuffed it out from the beginning.  Instead, he arrived with members of his inner circle only to find the Potters prepared to engage him in battle.  Quite the surprise indeed.

Voldemort could admit however that this problem in the Wizengamot was caused by his own followers' children.  The Lestrange's were hardly known for their restraint.  The attack on the two Muggleborn girls was something he would expect from the children of his followers, but he also expected them to be much more discreet. The fact that they could now be legally killed in battle was not something that sat well with the heir of Slytherin.

Running a hand through his hair Voldemort shook his head.  He had been an honored guest in Lestrange Manor for the past year.  He had trained Rudolphus personally on multiple occasions.  The young man was quite the magical talent, and he had little doubt the young man would slaughter the younger, less experienced, Potter.  When that happened new champions could be brought in.  If the family continued to push, the Dark Lord himself could step in to eradicate Charlus Potter if it became necessary.  With it being all nice and legal it would be a good way to increase the recruitment drive.

Numbers had been down since his followers had encountered violent resistance in Godric's Hollow.  If the leader of that resistance was ended in a violent fashion then numbers should return to normal, swell even!

"What do you think, my lord?" The voice of Corvus Lestrange asked, bringing the Dark Lord out of his thoughts.

"I think your son needs to put down this Harry Potter."  Voldemort said thoughtfully, "The family is overconfident in his abilities.  He has power, of that I am certain.  We witnessed some of it in Godric's Hollow.  We have also received some second information from the upper-year Slytherins at Hogwarts, but we will remind them of the power of your family."

Corvus took the words with pride, "My son will not disappoint, my lord."

"I will look in on him tomorrow." Voldemort informed, "Offer some guidance, and ensure the boy is up for the challenge."

"You think this will be a challenge, my lord?" Corvus asked, sounding irritated by the notion.

"It would be wise for Rodolphus not to underestimate the boy.  While I am certain the family is overconfident, I am equally certain it is not completely unjustified." Voldemort said thoughtfully, "We can expect the boy to be talented, just not at the level of your oldest son.  If Rodolphus comes in focused, and treats this fight like it will be the most difficult of his life, then I am confident we will prevail."

The two held silence for a moment before Lord Lestrange said, "I will see to my son, my lord."

The heir of Slytherin said nothing as his host exited the study he had been using the last few months.  Voldemort thought of the fire in which Charlus and Harry Potter had spoken to him with that in Godric's Hollow.  'Keep your little snakes on a leash before I decide to start sending them back to you in pieces.' That is what the Potter child had told him.  The words echoed in his mind as he thought about the fight that was to come.  The family had been well trained in battle together, that was for certain.  He had personally fired a killing curse into their midst, but the trio was back in attack mode without hesitation.  They were prepared to fight him.  Something that he had not encountered in many years.

He would certainly be in attendance for the upcoming duels and looked forward to seeing Rudolphus snuff out the Potter's resistance once and for all.


Harry had met with his family in Hogsmeade the day after the Wizengamot session.  They didn't dawdle long in the village however as Charlus had taken them into the fields beyond the quiet village where they discussed the finer points of fighting a one-on-one duel.  It sounded simple to Harry.  He was used to fights where he had to focus on his surroundings, his allies, and his other enemies around the battlefield.  This playing field would only be the length of a Quidditch Pitch and one on one.

Regardless of that fact, Charlus was taking no chances with his son.  They discussed vicious tactics and agreed on the kind of statement they would like to make in the upcoming fight.  To Harry, it made little difference.  He knew what each of these men would grow to become.  The Carrows were torturing first years while Harry was on the run.  Yaxley had tried to kill him at the Ministry.  Avery and Mulciber had committed unspeakable crimes in both wars as well.  If Harry was given a chance to eliminate them one at a time he would take the opportunity in a heartbeat.

The news had broken in the prophet while Harry was away in Hogsmeade.  The whispers around the hall had turned excited when they discovered the duel would be taking place at Hogwarts.  Even with the Headmaster placing restrictions on attendance they all knew there were certain vantage points around the castle that would allow them a glance at what could be a legendary duel.

Many of the older students at Hogwarts remembered Rodolphus from his days in the dueling club just a few years before.  He was efficient and brutal, not to mention talented.  Most seemed to think Harry was a deadman, but the Slytherins had felt what he was capable of.  They were wary of him.  Rabastian had undoubtedly written letters to his brother expressing his concern, but he had likely been ignored.

Elaina constantly harassed Harry if he needed anything for the upcoming match, but the teen assured the young woman he was ready.  James had hardly spoken to Harry since the news broke in the prophet.  That changed however the day of the duel.  James was suddenly a nervous wreck when he awoke in Gryffindor Tower.  The realization that his newest family member could lose his life before his eyes set a panic-like feeling coursing through his veins.  The desire to kidnap his cousin and flee the country became overwhelming by the time he saw the boy eating breakfast

James stopped in his tracks at the sight of him though.  A tug of amusement coursed through him when he saw the annoyed look on Harry's face as Andi and Pandora hovered around him.  The Head Boy could tell that Elaina was concerned as well, but she hid it much better than the others choosing to remain at his cousin's side in silence.

Taking a deep breath James strode towards the Slytherin table and took the open seat next to Harry offering him a grim smile, "Feeling ready?"

Harry raised his eyebrow at the boy looking at him with increasing amusement as the whispers became louder and louder around the table.  With Slytherins' biggest bigots on suspension, the rest of the house dared not question the arrival of James Potter, particularly because he was Head Boy.  Everyone in the house of snakes also knew what was coming.  Even if James wasn't in a position of power the table may have remained quiet for either fear of Harry, or respect for the fact that the family members may be saying goodbye to one another.

"I am ready to do what I must." Harry answered softly as he buttered a piece of toast.

James couldn't understand how his cousin could eat right now.  The sight of food made his stomach turn as his anxiety increased, "I can't believe you can eat right now."

"He will need his strength." Elaina said instantly.

Harry raised an eyebrow at the girl whose cheeks colored and the teen chuckled, "She's right.  Rudolphus is reportedly quite talented.  The Lestrange family magic is also said to be quite violent.  I will need to be prepared for anything."

"You are ready for anything, right?" Andi asked worriedly.

"No one is ever ready for anything." Harry said not inspiring confidence in the group, "But I am prepared for many possibilities."

Inwardly Harry was wondering just how true that was.  He had hardly ever trained to fight one duelist at a time.  Of course, his training with the Order towards the end of the war was extensive, but even that was battlefield-style training.  Dueling with Voldemort in his 4th year in the graveyard hardly counted since he was so mismatched.  Dueling with Draco in his sixth year was closer, but that had ended in disaster despite him emerging victorious.  The concept seemed easier than what he would come to face on a battlefield, and he had trained with his parents a lot this Summer one on one, but it was only training.  They had not been trying to kill each other as Rudolphus would be. He had also not dueled in front of a crowd before. That alone made his stomach turn.

Harry was not trained to be a show pony.  He was trained to take on the most powerful dark wizard of the modern era.  His tactics against Rudolphus would be merciless, and likely frowned upon by his friends, the media, and his professors.  He was not looking forward to the fallout of the duel, but he knew it would be necessary.

Professor Flitwick had approached Harry that morning before he had come to breakfast. The conversation was one the teen appreciated, and wondered if it would affect how he would approach the upcoming fight.

Harry had done light training the morning of the duel.  He felt mobile and prepared for what was to come.  His father had left him with notes from the great duelists in their family that he had brought from Potter Manor, and it seemed what would follow would be insignificant to what his ancestors had faced in the past.

His mind was so occupied with thoughts of what was to come he hardly noticed his charms Professor pacing in the Entrance Courtyard, "Mr. Potter, a moment of your time!"

Harry's eyes flicked towards the Professor quickly as he took in the rapidly approaching figure.  The young man offered one of his favorite professors a grin.  He had always respected the half-goblin in his time and he had of course fought with him and his friends in the final Battle at Hogwarts.  He quickly had to fight the familiar sinking feeling the memories brought back asking, "Of course Professor.  What is it?"

"Nervous for your fight today?" The little man asked.

Harry noticed he specifically avoided the word duel, and the teen shrugged, "My family has prepared me well.  I am confident I will be capable of what is expected of me."

Flitwick nodded as his eyebrows furrowed at the formal words that were proposed to him, "I see.  Professor Black assured me you were capable.  I had intended to approach you sooner, but he cautioned me against it.  Against my better judgment, I listened to my colleague, but I can not in good conscience allow you to face your opponent today without some insight."

Frowning at the offer Harry asked, "Was Rudolphus not one of your students too, Professor?"

The man had an angry glint in his eyes that Harry had never seen before when he said, "He was.  As an educator, I have always tried to be unbiased toward my students, but Rudolphus was a cruel boy.  He was fascinated by the Dark Arts, and his use of the charms I taught him was disturbing.  He cursed a Muggle-born girl in my house in his sixth year with the Glacius charm.  A sweet girl whose parents withdrew her from the school after the vicious attack.  She finished her education at Beauxbatons, but Mr. Lestrange did not receive a punishment I thought was adequate.  This was not the only oddity in his behavior, but it was the only one that he was caught for.  There is a laundry list of crimes I suspect him of, and it seems it could be time for him to face the piper."

"Anything you could tell me would be useful, sir." Harry said eagerly.  Insight like this on his enemy could be essential.  He knew what the man had done to the Longbottoms, and even what he was like during the second war, but knowledge of his recent abilities could be invaluable.

"As I said he favors the Dark Arts.  Things that your shields may not be able to block." The man confided, leaving Harry to nod in understanding, "I suspect that Rabastan Lestrange was the culprit who held Ms. Essex under the cruciatus curse for that reason.  Having taught those other boys over the years I believe only the Lestranges capable of teaching their children an unforgivable.  Obviously, if the younger of the Lestrange brothers is capable then Rudolphus will certainly be.  In this type of fight, all curses will be legal.  Do you understand?"

Harry was no stranger to having unforgivables cast at him, so agreed, "Yes Professor."

The charms master nodded in satisfaction before saying, "I also for your safety would like to know how extensively you have studied the Black Family Magic.  Only rumors tell me that you are well acquainted with Lord Black, and your mother was a marvelously talented witch from what I have heard so I am hopeful that she at least made you aware of it."

"I do not know how to use much of it." Harry confided, "But at some point or another I believe I have seen it all."

"Good." Flitwick said, "I would suspect that Bellatrix Lestrange Nee, Black has taught her husband some of her family magic.  I would expect if the duel starts going poorly he may start resulting in that particular branch of magic.  He will choose to avoid it at first, because it could be considered a faux pas depending on what was agreed upon in the marriage contract, but if things get sticky I would expect a variety of family magic to be sent your way."

Harry considered the words of his professor as he continued to nibble at his breakfast.  His eyes glanced at each of his nervous friends and only hoped they would be able to stomach what was coming.  They would need to if they were all going to survive.  Grimacing, he suddenly doubted that if Lily and James ended up having children one day it seemed unlikely they would name him Harry Potter.

The voice of the Headmaster brought him out of his thoughts, "The duel will be taking place on the Quidditch Pitch in thirty minutes.  Fifth years and up will be permitted to witness the occasion, but I caution all those who will attend with a reminder that this duel may be lethal."

Dumbledore offered Harry a nod as he rose to his feet.  Before he could turn and start making his way towards the pitch a small hand grasped his.  Turning to meet the green and blue eyes of Elaina she offered him a squeeze of the hand, "I know you won't need it, but good luck."

Squeezing her hand in return he offered her a nod as he began making his way towards the exit.

When Harry exited the hall Elaina took a deep breath.  Andi said, "If anything happens to him, Elaina, it won't be your fault."

"It will certainly feel like it." The girl responded bitterly.

James watched the exchange suddenly feeling out of place at the Slytherin table.  He contemplated following Harry out as he watched Sirius go after him, but instead his eyes went to Elaina, "Is something going between you and Harry?"

The girl bit her lip as Andi and Pandora stared at the girl with intrigue, "No.  Harry is just my friend.  Other than Nate he is the only boy who has ever even been kind to me at this school."

James frowned at her words, and nearly defended himself when he realized that Elaina had been pranked by him or the other Marauders on more than one occasion.  He could not claim that he had ever been kind to her, only that their pranking had never intentionally targeted her.

Elaina on the other hand was considering the other Potter's question.  Harry had been very kind to her.  She was not sure how much of that was because he felt in debt to her though.  They had also spent a good bit of time together training, but that was something that had become mutually beneficial.  It wasn't something she had allowed herself to give much thought in fear of messing up their dynamic.  Watching him walk out the Hall to a fight that could cost him his life on what felt like her behalf made it feel like a metal ball was in her stomach.

There were so many secrets between the two.  She knew so little of his past, and he knew almost less of hers.  She could only hope that the chance for them to get to know each other would still be there when the day was over.


Sirius had caught up with Harry as he made it into the courtyard.  The young teen was practically out of breath and the green eyed teen raised his eyes at the grim animagus, "Alright there Padfoot?"

The teen blinked at Harry owlishly before shaking his head, "You are about to be fighting a duel to death against a Lestrange and you are asking me if I am okay?"

Shrugging, Harry had a ghost of a smile on his face, "Well you seemed quite out of breath attempting to catch up with me.  Care to walk with me to the Quidditch Pitch?"

Scratching the back of his head he fell in step with Harry sheepishly saying, "I had hoped to convince you to run away with me.  James and I had a whole elaborate plan in case you got cold feet today.  You could still do it.  We wouldn't think any less of you."

Chuckling, Harry shook his head, "I am not scared, Padfoot.  No one pressured me to accept this fight.  My father declared it and I agreed.  I have to make sure James, Lily, Elaina, you, and the others are safe.  If they knew House Potter would be waiting for them the next time they attack someone I love, maybe they would think twice, hesitate, or not do it at all next time."

Sirius took in his words heavily realizing just how much he meant to the young man he had not known for very long beside him, before he could question it Harry grinned, "You are family you know.  Beyond us both being Blacks.  You and James are like brothers.  James needed that. Being an only child isn't easy, but for him he didn't have to be for very long.  That meant a lot to me growing up, knowing someone was looking out for him."

The Black Heir swallowed hard at his words, feeling his voice break a bit as he said, "He was there for me more than I ever was for him."

The two had gone down the steps onto the grounds as Harry stopped placing a hand on his former godfather's shoulders, "That could change one day.  One day soon, James may really need you.  You know what I face.  If that day is today you will need to be there for him.  I am confident I can do this, but anything could happen out there.  Promise me you will look out for James, Lily, Elaina, and the others."

Bewildered by the request Sirius asked, "Why me?"

"Because I trust you." Harry said simply, "As much as I do James.  You're an honorary Potter in my books.  My parents even declared in front of the entirety of House Black that if you had needed a place to stay the doors to Potter Manor would have been opened to you.  We are family, Padfoot."

The weight of the situation seemed to suddenly sit on Gryffindor's shoulders as they noticed people had now begun spilling out of the castle above them, "I promise, Harry.  Just beat the bastard.  Do what you have to."

Nodding Harry accepted the promise as he turned his head to see his parents, Arcturus, and his paternal grandparents waiting on him at the entrance to the pitch.  Taking a deep breath Harry said quietly, "Remember that is all this is Sirius.  It's what I have to do.  Just don't think differently of me when this is all over."

The time-traveler didn't wait for Sirius' response as he began making his way towards the entrance to the pitch.  The only thing Sirius could do for his part was watch with ever-increasing anxiety as a member of his family walked towards a horribly morbid situation.


"You're sure he can do this, Charlus?" Monty asked, "I can take Harry's place out there today."

"They will think he is a coward.  The Wizarding World would walk all over him for it." Arcturus answered gruffly, "He would never be respected in the Pureblood circles again."

"Is that worth his life?" Euphemia asked with irritation as she paced around the entrance of the Quidditch pitch watching as people were beginning to arrive on the grounds.

Shaking her head Dorea sighed, "He came back with a mission.  He wants to save our world and all the people he loved in his time.  He wouldn't allow any of us to take his spot at this point."

"He needs to do this." Charlus confirmed, "He needs to send a message.  He will send a message.  Monty, you haven't seen what our boy is capable of.  He is going to wipe the floor with this Lestrange boy.  He stood toe to toe with Alphard Black.  Beat him too.  I am more worried he is going to lose himself in the fight."

Dorea looked pale at the thought, but clearly, it had been on her mind.  Arcturus questioned quietly, "You think the boy might panic out there?"

Shaking his head as he held the attention of the room, Charlus said, "The opposite.  I think he is going to go ballistic if his back is put against the wall.  Harry has not shared a single detail of the final nights of the war with any of us.  We don't know if this fight may be personal for him.  Something I am starting to immensely regret at this moment."

"He wasn't ready to open up to us." Dorea said quietly.

"Well, I didn't help by signing him up for this." Charlus said in frustration.

"You did what you had to do, old friend." Arcturus answered sympathetically, "There was no backing down once Corvus called him out like that.  Not after he was named an alternative champion."

Monty sighed, "Arcturus is right.  We dug our graves on this one.  Now we just have to lie in them."

Eupehmia shook her head, "Harry can do this.  I've seen the resolve in his eyes.  This Lestrange may be powerful, he may be gifted, but he doesn't have Harry's will.  The Potter family will.  Our boy will be victorious.  I am certain.  In the aftermath, we will take care of him.  As we would take care of each other."

The members of the small party all nodded resolutely at her words. They watched in the distance as Harry exchanged final words with Sirius before approaching them with an even expression on his face, "I'm ready."

That was enough for Dorea as she came forward and swept the boy into her arms.  Harry didn't hesitate to return the gesture, "I will be alright, mum."

The woman sniffled hard trying to fight back the tears and dread over the situation.  She could feel his anxiety, but not a whiff of fear was sensed in his emotions.  With pride she separated from the boy she called son and passed him off to Euphemia and Monty, who embraced him.

When it came to Arcturus, Harry shook hands with the man who offered him words of encouragement, "Make the bastards regret it."

Harry only nodded at the command, but then turned to his father who put a hand on each of his shoulders, "You know what to do?"

Inclining his head Charlus pulled the boy in, "You are ready.  We trained you far beyond the capabilities of this punk.  When you are out there just remember what you are fighting for."

Harry drew strength from the embrace and when they separated he stepped into the entrance of the Quidditch Pitch without even a glance backward at the family that had gathered to support him.


Harry stood in the middle of the Quidditch Pitch with his hands behind his back, his wand casually in his right hand, his expression neutral.  Rudolphus was standing twenty meters in front of him with a sadistic smile on his face.   His long curly hair was just as Harry remembered it the night of the final battle.  Harry had killed this man before, but not before one of his best mates' life had been snatched before his eyes.  Thoughts of what Rudolphus would do to Frank and Alice Longbottom in the future crossed his mind as he felt hate swell up for the man in front of him.

Cold reality swept through his body as his magic responded to his emotions.  He was going to kill the man in front of him.  In front of all these witnesses.  By doing so he would be saving countless lives.  Perhaps the death of his brother would even make Rabastian from thinking twice.  Bellatrix may have been a lost cause as well, but maybe not.  This could make a real difference.  For the Greater Good, Harry thought darkly.

The voice of Dumbledore reverberated across the pitch snapping Harry back to attention, "Witches and Wizards, welcome to Hogwarts.  It is with a heavy heart that I announce we are about to commence the blood feud between House Potter and House Lestrange.  Diplomacy has failed between these two ancient families and we will now witness their legacies engage in a battle that will end in bloodshed.  The wards have been lowered at this time.  Gentlemen may this contest begin."

Harry didn't wait as he launched his arm forward with his most powerful blasting curse.  Rudolphus' eyes widened as the curse washed over the shield, cracking it in an instant.  The man tried to retaliate with a black spell, but Harry apparated and cracked the man in the side with a bludgeoning hex that sent him spiraling.  Before Harry could capitalize however Rudolphus apparated behind him, something Harry anticipated as he batted a freezing hex he recognized.

The two faced off without spellfire for a moment as the man spat blood on the ground.  Harry winked at the man infuriating him as he launched into a barrage of dark curses.  Apparating around the field trying to pierce the man's defenses it was quickly realized that the Lestrange Heir was in the defensive rhythm now.

Attempting to push forward Harry began firing curses faster and faster as he ducked, dodged, and weaved through a variety of Dark Arts.  In frustration, Rudolphus roared out, "Crucio!"

Harry rolled under the curse, but in the corner of his mind, the screams of Neville Longbottom echoed in his ears.  A moment of rage and desperation overtook him as he felt like he was back at the Battle of Hogwarts.  The screams of those that were around him during the final battle overtook him.

In a panic, Harry unleashed a flurry of spells that he hardly comprehended.  He was conjuring and transfiguring at a speed he had never accomplished in training.  Rudolphus had wide eyes as he attempted to put Harry down with a killing curse, but the younger wizard didn't even bat an eye now as a large clay wolf materialized out of thin air with a flick of Harry's wrist absorbing the spell.


In the stands, Charlus' eyes widened at the display Harry was putting on.  He had to admit the training regiment he had been working on at school was clearly paying off.  It was like a switch had been flipped after the first unforgivable had been fired.  The hand that was holding his however was suddenly much tighter than before and his eyes glanced to his increasingly pale wife, "Dory, what is it?"

"You were right.  He is losing himself in the fight.  I can feel his chaotic emotions from here.  He has no idea what is going on, Charlus." The woman said with fear evident in her voice.

Charlus knew that a distraction like this could cost the boy his life.  The cheering of the crowd seemed to think Harry was going to end this, but the older Potter could only pray that was true.  It seemed his worst fears were all founded when a red spell lanced through Harry's shield making a scream echo around the pitch.


Elaina who had seen the spell hit Harry gasped in horror as did most of the crowd.  Pandora, who was on her left, buried her face in her hands, while Andi covered her ears as if the scream was deafening.

Rudolphus held his wand up in triumph as if the duel was over and Elaina could only watch in dread as the older wizard began to lower his wand in the direction of her friend.


The pain had brought Harry back to reality.  He was gasping for breath as he desperately pushed the pain away to break the curse's hold.  The flashes of James, Lily, Elaina, Sirius, and his family pushed strength into his bones.  The reminder of what he had endured to get here however gave him the will to break through the pain.

Through it all Harry's wand had never left his hands as he surged his arm forward in desperation with a cutting spell.  Rudolphus didn't have time to dodge or shield this time as his non-wand arm was cleaved off.  The wail of agony from the Lestrange Heir was immediate, but he quickly began launching spells back at Harry.  His recovery time was unnatural, Harry thought morbidly.  Something wasn't right.  No one could recover from that kind of pain that fast.

Rudolphus however was fighting as efficiently as he was before, but this time Harry was back in the zone as blood continued to spill from his opponent.  Moments passed and his enemy began to pale, and Harry realized even in the man's potion-induced state the blood loss was getting to him.

Strands of magic that Harry recognized straight from the Black family Grimoire were being weaved around him with practiced ease.  He had the man now.

Going into the full offensive Harry was a blur.  As he realized his time was coming Harry apparated away from a tidal wave of dark magic that seemed to come out of desperation.  When he arrived at his new area however he conjured a marble wall behind Rudolphus before banishing him straight through it.  The groan of the crowd indicated the brutality of Harry's move as he marched forward disarming the man with ease.  Instead of finishing the fight however Harry lanced the man's mind with a surge of Legilimency.  The man screamed in pain as Harry searched through the memories of Rudolphus Lestrange.

It was no surprise that the man had been in the attacks on the Muggle world.  It was no surprise what horrible things he witnessed through the eyes of the Death Eater before him.  The night he was given his mark made Harry's stomach turn, and he steeled himself for what would follow.

Removing himself from the mind of the Death Eaters, Rudolphus sobbed in pain, but Harry was not willing to end things yet as he cleaved the other arm off.  Harry heaved for breath in an attempt to reign in his rage. The desire to make the man suffer was immense.  The desire to make him feel the pain he made the three Longbottoms feel was overwhelming.

Chains materialized around the man and began tightening to the point the man was turning purple.  Rudolphus fell to his knees wheezing for life as he looked up at Harry who approached him, "Mercy."

Not even hesitating, Harry removed the man's head from his body with a powerful cutting spell resisting the temptation of prolonging the man's suffering.  Before his head even hit the ground Harry turned and began walking off the pitch to absolute silence.