Chapter 33

James could hardly believe what he saw.  He thought his cousin was a dead man when he was hit with the cruciatus curse.  Yet somehow Harry had fought it off.  He had managed to get back into the fight, and pick apart Rudolphus.  Clearly, the Lestrange family had cheated too.  Whispers of the crowd said that everyone knew it too.  No one just loses an arm like that and continues to fight like nothing happened.  The thought that they had cheated in the blood feud made James angry, but a cold feeling crossed his chest as he watched Harry end the fight.  He had disarmed and clearly beaten Rudolphus, why continue?  What had he done to make the man scream?  By the way, the man screamed James would've thought it was the cruciatus curse, but from the murmurs of the crowd, it was clearly not the unforgivable. Why was it not enough to simply beat the man?

It was a message, James thought grimly.  A powerful one at that.  Other than the one spell Rudolphus had managed to land on Harry it was clear the man was outmatched.  He had fought well, and stalled Harry, but that was all he had done from the beginning.  Harry was on him from the start.  He had never seen anyone fight like that.

He broke through an unforgivable, James screamed at himself internally.  It all seemed so impossible.  Sirius had nearly sobbed when Harry was hit with the curse.  His entire friend group had looked away except Frank who had watched with a clenched fist.  Lily had sobbed.  It was all so unbelievable.  Then to watch Harry dismantle the man so violently was disturbing.

He had to be with his family.  His mind was practically on auto-pilot as he rose from the stands.  Most of the crowd had remained in their seats still shocked by what had occurred, but he needed to get to Harry.


Elaina had been impossibly tense since Harry had been hit with the torture curse.  She could not imagine fighting through that pain.  She remembered it well, and fighting through it seemed impossible, yet he had done it.  In a duel no less.  She had seen it, but she was still working on believing it.

She had thought that she witnessed his full capability that night in Godric's Hollow, but for a moment during the duel, he seemed lost in the frenzy.  He was fighting like a man possessed.  He looked invincible.  It was as frightening as it was intriguing.  She knew that could not have been the first time he had been hit with that curse.  She knew that he had been in a fight for his life before.  But how?  How had the Potters who were obviously very protective of their son allowed such situations to occur?  It didn't add up.

She was now determined to be forward and ask the questions that were on her mind, but today wouldn't be the day for that.  She wanted to see that he was okay first, and then she would broach the thoughts on how she would delve into her friend's past.


"He's a hell of a wizard, Charlus.  Seventeen, capable of impeccable feats of magic, and fighting off unforgivables.  Be proud of your boy.  I am impressed." Arcturus Black said as he rose to his feet.

Dorea was out of the stands as soon as Harry had dislodged the man's head from his body, but Charlus had remained locked in place.  Harry had beaten the cruciatus curse.  How much had he left out in his story about his life?  Charlus had never been hit by the curse before, but he knew many great witches and wizards that had and none had been able to beat it.  It wasn't unheard of, but it was rare.  The type of will that took was only born in rare souls, yet Harry clearly had it.  He had that, and he had experience.

Raising to his feet Arcturus clapped him on the shoulder, "He did well.  Rudolphus threw up a better fight than I ever imagined.  He was better than they said he was, and everyone was very impressed with him.  I see now what Bellatrix saw in him.  Talent.  A shame it had to go to waste."

Charlus shook his head as he followed his best man in silence.  When the two were alone Arcturus kept talking, "I wondered for so many nights when we would hear that Bellatrix had killed her betrothed.  For the first six months, I damn well expected a blood feud between our houses, but it never came.  She never fought the contract.  I never understood why until now.  The boy was a powerhouse, but your son was better.  He had the experience."

"More than I imagined." Charlus said quietly.

Arcturus only nodded at that, "Aye.  He down-played a lot. I am starting to gather."

"He was great in all our training sessions.  I thought it was natural.  I thought it was from training with…the others before us." Charlus said, feeling the weight of what happened to the boy he had come to love, "Merlin Arcturus, what did that boy endure?"

The last words were whispered, but the man shook his head all the same, "I don't know, but I heard what Dorea had said.  He slipped back into the past.  It distracted him, and got him cursed. The duel may have been longer otherwise, but I doubt he would have even been hit had that not happened.  I have to say for a moment in that fight he looked untouchable.  I doubt even I could have hit him."

"He's been having nightmares, Arcturus.  I thought…I thought in time he would heal.  Like we did." Charlus said feeling guilty now.

"We were a great deal older than he was.  We also had each other who fought side by side.  The lad has no one that truly understands, or saw what he went through.  We also won.  He didn't.  Paid the ultimate price for it as well." The man said as they entered the Quidditch locker rooms.

Before them, Dorea was holding the silent Harry.  She was sobbing into his shoulder and Harry merely rubbed circles in her back saying nothing.  He looked completely unphased considering he had been tortured minutes ago.  When the two entered the room his eyes went to them and he offered both of them respectful nods.

Charlus played the final words his friend had just said while Arcturus approached the teen patting him on the shoulder hard, "That was some damn fine wand work out there, my boy.  You make your family proud.  I doubt anyone else will want to cross wands with you."

"Especially after I tell them my dad still kicks my arse around Potter Manor." Harry said with a forced smile.

Charlus doubted very much he would have beaten Harry by a wide margin if he had fought like he did today.  He would still beat his son, but by attrition.  The teen was becoming a phenomenon and was adapting to his fighting style well, but there would come a day when he was surpassed.  A day that Charlus dreaded, but also looked forward to.  He would rest a proud father if they one day stood on Harry's shoulders.

Charlus approached the boy who was still holding onto the woman the older Potter had loved for many years placing a hand on his shoulder, "You fought well.  You surpassed all our expectations.  Had I known that Lestrange was that powerful I would not have so readily agreed to allow you to fight him.  Yet you still rose to the challenge.  For that, I am very proud of you."

"Rudolphus Lestrange will not hurt anyone in this timeline.  I can only hope his brother and wife were dissuaded by what happened out there.  The same fate awaits them if they dare attack any of my friends." Harry said with a cold fury in his undertone.

Dorea stilled at his words and separated from him looking up into his eyes, "This was personal for you wasn't it?  You knew this man in your time?"

Harry looked around, but Arcturus had already brought up a privacy ward.  He looked back and forth from each of them before sighing, "Yes.  He took the life of one of my very close friends.  He also tortured two people close to our family into insanity.  I also killed him in the final battle."

"That was when you lost your focus." Charlus said softly, "He tried to use the torture curse on you, and you dropped back into the past.  That was very dangerous.  You should have told us this was personal."

"It was nothing." Harry dismissed, finally separating from Dorea, "Besides I beat him.  It doesn't matter anymore."

"It does matter, Harry." Charlus pleaded, "He only managed to curse you because you slipped further and further into your past."

"Well he is dead now, so it won't happen again." Harry said with agitation evident in his voice.

"What happens when you face another that took the life of your friends?" Arcturus asked, "Will you slip back into your time against an even more formidable foe?  Or on a battlefield?  This is serious."

"What would you have me do?" Harry said, stepping towards Arcturus' fury evident on his face, "Sit out the next fight?  Run from the monsters that took everything from me?"

Knowing her brother had a terrible temper Dorea got between the two putting a hand on Harry's chest, "That isn't what we are saying at all, Harry.  This isn't something you can run from.  You need to confront these demons.  Come to terms with them.  Until you do that you are never going to get a good night's sleep."

"My dreams of home are all that keep me going!" Harry roared out.

The room was silent as they all stared at him with degrees of sympathy, pity, and anguish.  Swallowing hard, Harry shook his head, "You all don't get it.  You won your war.  You got your happily ever after.  I got all my friends killed.  I got myself killed.  I lost."

Tears pricked at his eyes and he wiped at them aggressively, "You think it is easy living with that?  You think I want to hear their screams?  You think I want to relive their final moments?  You think I can allow that to happen again?"

No one said a word and he took a deep calming breath.

My name is Harry Potter.

I am the son of Lily and James Potter.

I was born in 1980, and died in 1997.

I went back in time thirty years to do it all again.

To win a war.

To avenge my friends and family.

Going through his mantra he sighed heavily knowing he shouldn't have said anything, "I'm sorry.  I am dealing with it.  I just-"

"You're not." Charlus said softly, "You are not dealing with it.  Talk to us, Harry.  Even if it is a little at a time.  Tell us about the dreams as they happen.  Find a new reason to carry on.  You can't run off of revenge.  Not forever."

Before Harry could retort, the spell around them crumbled as Monty and Euphemia stepped in with a concerned-looking James.  Monty broke the silence that followed, "Everything alright here?"

Harry only nodded stiffly as his father shifted into a forced smile, "Just consoling, Harry.  Taking a life like that is never easy."

Fleamont and Euphemia both looked skeptical, but James didn't need another word as he came forward embracing Harry hard, "I can't believe you killed him."

Harry said nothing as the two embraced, Charlus' words still echoing in his mind.  When James didn't release him however he just held on tight to the man who had died to protect him in his time.  Embraced the man who would one day refuse to run from Voldemort so he could protect his family.

"I did what I had to." Harry answered quietly.

"You had him beat.  Why did you continue to go after him?" James asked.

"I had to see into his mind.  I had to see if the life I was going to take deserved my mercy." Harry replied, "Mercy that would've inspired others thinking they would get the same."

James released his cousin, but still held him close, "You're a legillmens?  You raped his mind?"

The disturbed tone told Harry how James felt about the turn of events, and the time-traveler shook his head, "I am.  Not a very accomplished one, but under the pain Rudolphus was experiencing he cracked.  He was a part of the group that had been razing the Muggle communities to the ground.  He killed dozens, raped, and pillaged across our country.  He did not deserve mercy."

James looked uncertain which made Harry sigh as he said, "The Wizarding World will now think like you are.  I had him at my mercy, but instead, I removed his head.  I protected our family.  If the other three families don't surrender I will do the same to each of them if I must."

"I doubt it will come to that." Arcturus snorted clearly unphased by their previous disagreement.

Euphemia nodded as she approached the boy she still only saw her grandson. James allowed his mother some room as she embraced the teen, "No one will want to mess with House Potter after that.  You were as amazing as you were terrifying.  Your uncle and I are very proud of what you did for our family."

James shook his head at her words, and Harry felt his heart sink a bit.  He wanted James to see things for the way they were, but he was still so young.  So inexperienced.  So sheltered from how cruel the world could be. One day he would understand.  Harry just knew it.

"Harry?" A soft voice interrupted, allowing him to separate from his paternal grandmother.  At the door to the locker room was Elaina standing there looking uncomfortable.

Looking towards her she took an uncertain step forward, "I just wanted to see you were okay.  I see this is a family moment though, so I can-"

"Nonsense." Dorea interrupted but her eyes were wide as she took the girl in, "You are practically family after what you have done for us.  Please come in my dear."

Harry eyed his mother in curiosity wondering what she was thinking.  Elaina however nodded with uncertainty, but as she approached Harry he offered her an assuring nod as he stepped forward with his arms open.  She didn't wait after that as she came forward slowly wrapping her arms around him for the first time, "You were amazing out there.  I thought I had seen all your abilities, but throwing off the cruciatus curse.  Harry, I can't even imagine. Are you-"

"I'm okay." He consoled as he held the girl, "It wasn't pleasant, but we made it through.  We sent a hell of a message today."

When the two separated she shook her head, "I'm starting to think I'm lucky those bastards tried to curse you in the back that day.  You have now done more than enough for me.  I don't think I will ever be attacked again if this will be the reaction."

"That was definitely the goal." Charlus remarked, sounding satisfied.  Harry noticed he too was looking at Elaina with surprise, something that really had his brain spinning with possibilities, but Charlus continued on, "Harry did a horrible thing, but a necessary one.  We can only hope the other families fall in line."

"The Avery's have a few decent duelists in their family, but none capable of what that Lestrange boy did out there today." Arcturus snorted, "The other three couldn't put three duelists together that could take Charlus or Harry down.  I am imagining a very wealthy Potter family in the future."

"A wealth we will use to our advantage." Charlus said turning towards Elaina, "We would very much like to put that wealth to good use.  Our family does not hurt for money, and this blood money is something we would rather not keep in our coffers.  We intend to launch a massive charity drive in the muggle world for victims of the Death Eaters, as well as rebuilding your hometown, Sussex, Ms. Essex.  The Potters have held property in that land for over a century, and we will do our part in that community that suffered so much."

Elaina seemed surprised by the suggestion and offered a bow of her head, "That is immensely generous of you Mr. Potter.  I am sure the community of my hometown will be grateful for your intervention."

"That isn't all we plan to do with it." Monty said.

"Lord Potter?" Elaina asked curiously.

Smiling at the girl he approached her placing a hand on her shoulder, "You and Miss Evans were both victims of a vicious attack.  Yours because you protected my nephew, Miss Evans because she protected someone that was under the protection of my house.  In reward to both of those things, we would like to reimburse your Hogwarts tuition to a Gringotts account of your choice.  I imagine it will be a small drop of the fortune we will seize from those who sought to harm my family.  It will also be a great start as an adult in the Wizarding World.  I trust I don't have to tell you how difficult it may be finding work as a Muggleborn in our world, but I assure you we will do our best for both of you to eradicate that barrier."

Elaina seemed shocked by the offer, "I can't accept that Lord Potter.  Your family has already done too much for me today."

When she said this she looked at Harry with cheeks aflame with embarrassment at the offer.  Fleamont however waved his hand, "Please, modestly speaking due to an invention of my own we are already quite well off.  As my brother said we do not need this blood money, and we would like to do some good with it.  If it is a consolation we also intend to help support the Hogwarts scholarship fund for Muggleborns with a very charitable donation."

Elaina seemed to look to Harry for help, but he was just as surprised as she was, so he shrugged, "It's a good cause for the money.  If you are asking for my advice, take it.  If I know anything about my family, they are stubborn.  If you don't take it you may find ridiculously extravagant gifts in your possession that will end up matching the value that they wanted to give you.  It's a good head start into this world.  If you don't want the help then use it to travel.  I remember you said you wanted to see more of the magical world.  Now you have a way to do that."

Her eyes lit up at the possibility, but bit her lip, "It just feels like a lot."

"I won't degrade the value of the gift." Fleamont said happily, "But in my eyes, you have more than earned it.  I hope you will honor my family by joining us over the holidays as well.  We would love to get to know the young woman under our house's protection."

"I would be honored." Elaina said, "Maybe after Christmas?"

"That is still quite far away!" Euphemia chimed in, "If we wouldn't be taking you from your friends perhaps you could sit with us during the Quidditch Match next weekend?"

"You could bring my niece, Andi, with you as well.  I understand you are both quite good friends.  You both could provide us some insight on the players we are unfamiliar with." Dorea added helpfully.

"I imagine we will be celebrating in Hogsmeade after the match as well." Fleamont added, looking curiously at his brother who seemed lost in thought, "You would be welcome to join us there."

"As I said, I would be honored to join your family, Lord Potter." Elaina said with red cheeks.

"Well, my dear cousin will need someone to console him after we wipe the floor with Slytherin next week." James said boastfully re-entering the conversation.

"Keep talking, Potter." Harry chided, "It's about time someone put that big head of yours in check."

This made the gathered members of the family chuckle while Elaina shook her head in amusement.

"I am glad to find you all in high spirits after what occurred on the pitch." A familiar voice said from the back of the room.

Harry was instantly on alert as he recognized the voice of the Headmaster.  Turning to face the man, he beat everyone to the next few words, "It was unfortunate what happened out there, but it only happened because Corvus Lestrange did not raise his children to be good men.  Had Rudolphus not been chucking dark magic at me the entire duel perhaps I would not have taken his life."

"Some nerve you have coming in here lecturing my son, Dumbledore." Charlus said with gritted teeth all but squaring up at the man.

Dumbledore held his hand up for peace merely saying, "I understand your rage, Charlus.  I only wish blood did not need to be shed here at Hogwarts."

Arcturus grumbled, "This generation needs to be taught that there are consequences.  Rudolphus would have won that fight had he not been a showboat.  He was more anxious to show off to the crowd than to win the fight."

Offering a nod of acceptance to the man's words Dumbledore said, "I was hoping to escort young Harry back to the castle.  I wished to share a few words of wisdom with him."

"You will not guilt trip my son on what he did today, Albus." Dorea said coldly.

The man sighed, "I will not."

The room was silent for a moment.  Charlus and Harry locked eyes, while the teen eventually nodded, making his father's shoulders sag, "Very well.  It is time for us to return to Potter Manor.  We will be back next week for the Quidditch Match."

Fleamont nodded towards his son, "We will be gone too then.  James, behave until we return.  Please also see Miss Essex back to her friends."

James nodded in acceptance.  Elaina looked like she wanted to protest, but seemed to think better of it.  James slapped Harry on the back as he walked towards the exit, and Elaina gave Harry a look that he couldn't quite understand as she exited the locker room.

Arcturus loudly proclaimed on his way out, "Don't let the old bastard talk down to you, Harry.  If you need me you need only call for me."

After the exchanging of hugs between his parents, Fleamont, and Euphemia he was alone with the Headmaster for the first time since his first night at Hogwarts.  Dumbledore offered him an encouraging smile, "Shall we take a walk?"

"After you, sir." Harry insisted as the two began to make their way out of the locker room into the entrance of the Quidditch Pitch that had very few stragglers.

The two began walking slowly back towards the castle with a few whispers following in the distance.  The Owlery and the Forbidden Forest were in the distance and it seemed the Professor did not have a direction in which he walked.  It was in silence they approached the Care of Magical Creatures classroom area, and Dumbledore spoke suddenly, "You fought well.  It seems the rumors of your prowess were not unfounded.  In truth, I doubted they were.  Your confidence from the first moment I met you told me it was not misplaced."

"I was raised well." Harry said evenly.

"You are very experienced in combat." Dumbledore said without question, "Much more so than your parents would have allowed.  There is much more to your story, Mr. Potter."

Harry respected Dumbledore in his time.  He had left quite the task on his shoulders, but regardless of all the lies, and the secrets he still respected the man he knew, "There is."

The admission of the truth didn't seem to surprise Dumbledore, "Every day I question why Fawkes put himself between us.  It truly baffles me.  We have been companions for nearly fifty years and he has never done anything remotely close to what he did that day in my office."

"I had a bond with a Phoenix." Harry admitted, "It saved my life.  Perhaps it senses that in me."

"Another piece to your puzzle then." Dumbledore said, stopping to face the teen, "It is a story I would very much like to know."

"When I have completed the task I have set out to, I will tell you." Harry said innocently.  Greatly enjoying the fact that he was able to speak to the man in circles as he had once done to Harry.

The older man chuckled, "I sense you enjoy leaving me in suspense.  I wonder if your displeasure with me stems from your family."

"I wish I could tell you, sir." Harry said knowing he had already said too much.

The man hummed before saying, "Your relationship with Miss Essex is quite fascinating to me.  I suspect you are the reason she has begun excelling beyond her already formidable capabilities?"

"Elaina and I have done some work together." Harry admitted, "She is quite the witch."

"Indeed." Dumbledore said quietly, "Still power like hers needs to be gently guided.  I have watched over her work since her first year.  I recognized her power the moment I first met her.  It reminded me of another, and I hoped to amend past mistakes."

Voldemort? Harry thought in wonder.  He could hardly think of two people who were further apart.  Elaina had not shown him any dark tendencies and he wondered if the Headmaster was seeing shadows where they were not, "I have not seen anything alarming in her.  I know you think I am dark sir, but I promise you if I thought Elaina was capable of doing harm to an innocent with her magic I would not work with her."

The two held eye contact for a moment, and Harry wondered if the man would attempt legilimency, but Dumbledore merely shook his head, "I do not think you dark Mr. Potter.  I very much just believe you are your father's son.  Determined to do the right thing.  No matter the cost.  Something I admire, but also fear.  Your mother, father, and godfather spilled a lot of blood across Europe in search of peace.  I hope that will not have to be the case here."

"If you are still hoping for peace you are blind, sir." Harry said as respectfully as he could, "They are burning the Muggle world down.  Innocent, men, women, and children.  I am disgusted that the ICW and our own government have not yet intervened."

"The old still remember the last war, Mr. Potter." Dumbledore said quietly, "It may have been thirty years ago, but it left an impact.  There have been minor skirmishes since then and even those have been destructive.  A civil war here in England would be horrific.  Our country is known for producing witches and wizards of renowned power.  A war among ourselves would be devastating."

The two stayed in silence for a moment before Dumbledore said, "I once taught the enemy you so desperately wish to bring an end to.  He was once like all of you, a bright young student.  Only when he was older did I truly see what he was capable of, though I always suspected something amiss.  If your fear is correct, if he does conquer this country, I believe he will succeed where Grindelwald did not.  Domination."

"If you think that could happen then why not stand with us?  Ensure it doesn't.  Between you, my mother and father, Lord black, and myself, we could stop this.  Together." Harry said pleadingly.

"I had hoped that would be a possibility." Dumbledore said, "But after you failed to show mercy to young Rudolphus today I fear we will have very different ideas of achieving that goal."

Harry felt a fist of fury clench in his stomach.  He desperately wanted to know what Dumbledore would think if he knew of every horrible thing that would come if he took this method of peace in the coming conflict.  Instead, he took a deep breath.  Dumbledore was a great wizard, but he was just a man.  Prone to making the same mistakes as anyone else, "If you think what I did to Rudolphus was cruel after what he did to me, then you are right.  We will never see eye to eye on how to achieve this goal.  I can only promise you that Tom is not going to end up in a prison like Grindelwald did if we win."

"Such hatred for one so young." Dumbledore said quietly.

"One day, when this is all over.  You will understand why.  On that day you will ask for my forgiveness, and if you sat on the sidelines during what is to come, expect none from me."

With that, Harry turned his back on the Headmaster and began walking back toward the castle.  Ready to wash the blood and day off his hands.