Chapter 35

The congratulations from the students and faculty alike were immense.  At every turn on Harry's way through the crowds of people, he was being stopped and talked to.  He appreciated the support, but it also seemed that people were only interested in Harry's performance.  He tried to talk up the others, and it worked on some, particularly those who really understood Quidditch.  The defense had done their best, while Imelda and Regulus had done the best job of all the other houses in putting up points and holding James back.  It didn't help things that Frank was a great Keeper.  Certainly not what Oliver was capable of, but quite talented.  Harry did not doubt the boy could play as a reserve player somewhere if he desired.

Gryffindor was also partying all the way up to the castle.  Harry could only imagine the tomfoolery that would occur in the tower that evening, and part of him was jealous of James that he would not get to partake.  Sighing wistfully, Harry grinned at the memory of some of the parties his Gryffindors had thrown in his time and did his best to stay away from the rabbit hole of what would have happened to all his housemates in his own timeline.

Deciding to stay distracted he was greeted by his family and friends enthusiastically when he stepped into the crowded Three Broomsticks.  The first to greet him was his mother who was beaming at him, "You played marvelously, dear.  I can't believe you had all those beautiful witches cheering for you and you decided to give your snitch to me.  Silly boy, you can't be wasting your charms on your mother."

Offering the woman a kiss on the cheek as she embraced him Harry offered a grin, "You have them all beat, mum."

Charlus chuckled from behind the woman while Arcturus rolled his eyes, "You Potters are all a bunch of kissasses. I thought there was just something wrong with your father, but apparently, the apple didn't fall far from the tree."

"If I can't make my mother smile, what hope do I have to make any other woman smile?" Harry asked cheekily.

Arcturus grumbled while Charlus laughed at his son's words.  Suddenly Harry turned to face his three grinning female friends and his face dropped, "So what's the verdict?  Is my reputation ruined?"

Andi's smile widened, "Live in fear Potter.  We know all your secrets now!"

"I certainly hope not." Harry said, raising his eyebrows toward his parents.  He knew they didn't have many childhood stories about him.  Unless they decided to make up embarrassing stories about him.  It seemed most likely his friends were bluffing him.  Glancing around to the bar to see if anyone was being nosy he was happy to note that the place was lively, and people seemed to just be enjoying the post revelries from the Quidditch match.

Pandora however came forward putting an arm on his shoulder, "Andi's right, Potter.  You may be Slytherin's unsung hero today after nearly unseating the unbeatable lions, but tomorrow we will have it all over the castle what a softie you were as a tyke."

Elaina was offering Harry a grin and he knew the trio were just winding him up, "I am trembling in horror.  I guess the only thing left to do now is drink my sorrows away."

This made his family laugh as Charlus called for a round of drinks to go around the table.  Fleamont and Euphemia both looked happy to be spending time with their nephew while Fleamont put an arm around Harry, "I thought you were going to beat him.  I could see the look of panic on his face when you went after the snitch."

Euphemia huffed, "That boy needed to be humbled.  Is he not to grace us with his presence?"

Harry offered the woman a grin, "He promised to grace us with a champion's presence at some point.  I would expect sooner rather than later.  The look on Sirius' face promised a long night ahead for Gryffindor."

This caused everyone to chuckle while Andi asked, "Is there anything you can't do?  I think I am getting tired of hearing how great you are."

"I am atrocious at all things artistic.  I can't draw, paint, sketch, or color within the lines on a kid's coloring book." Harry said half seriously causing the group to laugh.

The match was discussed at length by the group until James showed up looking rather pissed.  He held both hands in the air at his arrival at the Three Broomsticks proclaiming, "Hold your applause my fellow witches and wizards the champion has arrived."

Harry rolled his eyes at his cousin's entrance as his family moved to embrace the Head Boy.  In the meantime, the Slytherin Seeker ordered two shots of fire-whiskey for the pair as James approached him, throwing an arm around him, "Still can't get over the game we played this afternoon.  I can only imagine the bloodbath it would've been had you been in Gryffindor."

Watching as two small glasses levitated towards the two Harry chuckled, "Yeah, whatever James, it was a good game.  You're lucky we only play against each other once a year."

James chuckled, "Some of your little tricks wouldn't work on me a second time."

"I assure you I have a hundred more that I could run my team through if I had a little more time." Harry returned with a fake scowl.

"No one likes a sore loser, Harry!" James scolded with a fake pompous voice.

Reaching out for the two glasses Harry passed one to his cousin, "We will have to agree to disagree.  What we can certainly agree on is that the Quidditch gene is running strong in this generation.  Cheers to the day we get to play on the same team."

James took the glass with a massive grin, "Cheers to that, Harry.  The future of the English National Team is right here in this bar."

The two clicked glasses and took the liquid down in a quick motion.  Charlus laughed as he came over and put an arm around both boys, "Give it a few more years boys and I have little doubt you two could accomplish it."

Fleamont offered the boys an encouraging smile, "I thought that the very first time we saw you boys play together.  One day we may just get to see you two on the international stage."

Andi asked, "Is that the plan right out of school?  Both of you are going to try and be pros?"

James drunkenly shook his head, "Nah Harry and I have some unfinished business we have to take care of first, but one day."

Harry's eyes shot towards his paternal grandparents and the two who had become his parents in this world.  A look of pain crossed each of their faces, while even Arcturus who was watching the scene had a grim look.  The three Slytherin witches however looked confused by his words so Harry quickly added, "Prongs here still has to convince Evans to fall in love with him."

Grinning at the change of topic James sighed, "I'm going to marry that girl, Harry.  Just watch."

This made the boy chuckle and the dark cloud that briefly hovered over the group was cast away.  The group exchanged a few more pleasantries before James attempted to make excuses to depart, "Well the party is on hold in the Gryffindor Common Room, and my faithful followers along with the Marauders await me."

Fleamont chuckled at the boy, "We are ready to depart for the evening as well.  Let us walk you back to the castle."

"No need I will take the secret passageway through Honeydukes.  The owner and I get along.  He will allow me through." James boasted.

Andi grinned at the boy, "Why don't you let Pandora and I come along?  We are ready to go back to the castle, and we have both wanted to check it out since Elaina told us about it."

James looked between the two suspiciously, then accusingly at Harry, "You showed her the secret passageway?  Girlfriends don't get to be an exception to the rule, Potter!"

Harry blushed deeply as he glanced at Elaina who had colored in the cheeks as well, before saying, "I used it for mischief as intended.  That's how I snuck her out of the castle before she had her Hogsmeade approval!  If anything you should be proud."

James grinned happily at the news, "Okay you're right I approve.  I suppose I can show you two if you promise not to show anyone else."

"That would be splendid." Dorea said with a smile towards her nephew, "That gives us a chance to finalize our Holiday plans with Miss Essex before my son escorts her back to the castle."

James nodded in agreement and Charlus clapped his hands together, "Excellent that settles it.  Girls, please see my nephew safely back to the castle."

Arcturus chuckled, "The boy is in good hands.  With my granddaughter at his side, she would filet the first person alive that dared attack the group."

Andromeda blushed under the complement of the man and she offered the pair a softer smile, "We will be careful.  I will try not to put anyone in the hospital wing tonight."

Pandora grinned, "Us Slytherins only practice our dark magic during the week!"

This caused the table to laugh and James to protest as the group said their goodbyes.  Saying his goodbyes to James, Harry was also patted on the back by Arcturus and exchanged hugs with Fleamont and Euphemia as they followed the teens out the door.  That left just Harry, Charlus, Dorea, and Elaina at the table.  Charlus wasted no time in moving them to a smaller table and ordering another round of drinks as the night began to fall over Hogsmeade and the Three Broomsticks began to settle into a calmer atmosphere.

When Harry's father returned with drinks, Dorea offered the pair a smile as she posed a question, "Elaina, I have been meaning to ask you something.  You have the most beautiful eyes.  I have met very few people in my life with heterochromia, and it is quite a phenomenon.  Did either of your parents have the condition?"

Knowing that Elaina rarely ever talked about her family Harry turned his eyes to the girl who appeared suddenly tense, "My mother had the condition as well.  Though your family would know all about the rare eye conditions.  I believe a few different women in your family have had purple eyes?  I know that is nearly as rare as heterochromia."

Good deflection, Harry thought to himself.  Dorea however seemed to see through it, "You're absolutely right.  Bellatrix in particular is a stunning young woman with purple eyes.  My mother had them as well.  It skips around the generations, but each of the Black women with them have been as beautiful as the last."

Sipping at her drink casually Dorea placed a hand on the girl's wrist that was holding her drink, "I don't mean to pry dear, but I recall you telling us that it was just you and your father."

A dark shadow seemed to cast over the group and Elaina sighed as she took a long pull from the wine that Charlus had brought to the table.  The young woman seemed to contemplate not answering the question before saying in a near whisper, "You have to understand Mrs. Potter, we don't discuss my mother in my family.  It is a very delicate topic."

"We are practically family now, my dear." Dorea consoled, "We merely wish to understand the remarkable young woman who stepped into our lives."

Harry knew his mother was working the girl's emotions, and he couldn't quite fathom why.  Her past was her own business.  Harry himself had not exactly been forthcoming.  When Elaina seemed like she wouldn't answer he nearly changed the subject, but the slightest shake of his mother's head indicated he should not.  Glancing at his father, Charlus' eyes remained glued to the girl.  What was the problem?

Shifting his hand under the table to try and comfort the girl through the awkward silence she gripped his hand tightly, but didn't seem to show any other recognition of his hand, "I'm not sure I am ready for this conversation.  I will…try to explain a little of my situation though.  You all have earned that much."

No one said a word and Harry gently ran his thumb against the back of her hand.  Something Hermione had done for him that night in Godric's Hollow when all felt lost.  Elaina seemed to draw strength from the gesture as she took a deep breath, "My mother disappeared around the time my father discovered my burst of accidental magic.  I can remember the warmth of my magic back to my earliest memories.  My father however discovered my abilities when I was five years old."

Disappeared? Harry thought to himself.  He distinctly remembered Elaina telling him at one point that her mother had died when she was young.  Did they just not know each other well enough at the time for him to get the truth, or was there more to it?

Elaina's eyes stayed on her wine as the other three watched her in respectful silence, allowing the story to come out at her own pace, "He thought my abilities were unnatural.  My mother thought they were beautiful.  I remember her telling me that she knew I was special from when I was very little, but that memory is one of the few I had of her.  She thought I was blessed by angels, and that my abilities would change the world."

The girl blinked hard and Harry could tell the young woman was fighting back tears, "When she never came home my father did his best to forget about my abilities.  He always left food on the table, but he avoided interacting with me at every chance he could."

Harry's stomach clenched, wondering how much of the story she was leaving out.  Dread caked his chest as he thought about his own situation.  Had she been abused by her father?  Had he tried to beat the magic out of her like the Dusleys had him?  The thought made him want to pull the girl in close, to hunt down her father, and bring him to justice, but perhaps he was overthinking.  Perhaps his own situation clouded his judgment.

Not leaving the group in suspense for long Elaina took a breath, "When Professor McGonagall showed up my father was very rude to her.  He refused to pay for Hogwarts, but the deputy Headmistress insisted that a scholarship was set up for people in my situation.  She promised I would not have to pay a dime.  When my father was told I would be gone for ten months a year he practically jumped at the opportunity to be rid of me."

Charlus hardly showed any emotions at her words, "Did the situation get better over the years?"

Harry could see the pain in Elaina's eyes, but she showed no outward sign of emotion.  Her face was even, her shoulders squared, she was a survivor.  A woman who endured the loss of her mother, and a father who didn't want her, "It did not.  For a while he just ignored me.  We went entire summers without speaking and I would be back at Hogwarts before I knew it."

"For a while?"  Harry asked.

Elaina offered him a shrug, "Perhaps that is a story for another day.  My father gives me no issues anymore.  We live in peace, and during the summers I just study magic constantly.  It's how I came to be so far ahead.  I figure in the worst case scenario I will be home for one more summer, but maybe not even that long."

"You could be quite the duelist." Harry offered, "If you wanted out so badly you could make a modest sum of money beating up purebloods around the world.  It would take a while to make it big, but it would be enough to get you out of that situation."

"I did not want to rely on the money from your family either." Elaina offered, seemingly reading the looks on his parent's faces, "I would rather use the money to travel, just because it was something I never thought I would be able to do.  I would rather earn my way through this world."

A look of determination crossed her face before saying, "Since I entered this world all I have heard is that I will never make it due to my blood status.  I have spent my life preparing to prove them wrong with my abilities.  I really appreciate the offer from the Potter family, but that is something I have to do on my own."

Charlus offered the girl a nod of respect while Dorea nodded in understanding.  Harry for his part just watched in admiration.  He had been drawn to the young woman since they first met, and was in debt to her after only a few days of knowing her.  Not for the first time he wondered what happened to her in his timeline.  A woman with this kind of magical aptitude and strength of will should have made waves in the war.  The fact that she had not been a member of the Order made him think that she had likely been killed, but maybe she had gone on to become a duelist, and fled the country before that had happened.

"We all have to forge our own paths." Charlus said with an understanding smile, "I respect your desire to prove yourself.  Just remember that you are doing those things for you.  Forget what those bigots said to you growing up.  They mean nothing to you."

Dorea nodded while adding, "We only tell you this because while we can open doors for you with our friends and allies, we cannot get you a job in our world.  Only you can do that."

Elaina nodded in understanding when Dorea reached out for her hand making Harry realize he had not released the one he had been holding while comforting her from earlier.  He thought about pulling away, but merely watched as his mother spoke to the young woman beside him, "My husband is correct.  Those bigots are nothing to you.  You could crush any of them underfoot.  Don't put yourself at a disadvantage by not allowing us to help you forge a path.  It is what family should do for one another, and after what happened in Godric's Hollow that is exactly what we think of you as."

Elaina seemed emotional at her words and squeezed both Harry and Dorea's hands in response, "Thank you, Mrs. Potter.  I really do appreciate everything your family has done for me."

Charlus took this time to lean forward offering the girl a comforting smile, "Well now that we know how lovely your family situation is, we would quite enjoy having you for the entirety of the holidays.  Harry mentioned you have been interested in training with us, and with the exception of Yule I see no reason Dorea and I can't put you two through the ropes."

Dorea released the girl's hand and clapped one time in delight, "That would be splendid!  Potter Manor can feel lonely at times with just the three of us, and I can assure you that you would not be a burden to us in any way.  What a great opportunity this could be to prepare you for the dueling circuit as well if that ends up being your desire."

"We have also planned to enjoy New Year's at the Longbottom's home this year.  Harfang is a friend and now that we have come out of solitude he has expressed his desire in having us over.  You would love the old bastard." Charlus said happily.

Dorea smacked the man in the chest with the back of her hand quickly, "Lord Longbototom, you would enjoy Lord Longbottoms' humor.  He is quite the character.  Their home is also one of the oldest in Britain, which would give you a chance to observe a very traditional wizarding household."

Elaina seemed overwhelmed by the offer, and Harry grinned at the girl, "If you need some time to think about it we would understand."

Shaking her head, "No, this all sounds really amazing.  Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Potter.  I haven't had much of a chance to enjoy this world, but it is something I have really been looking forward to."

"If exposure to the magical world is what you want then perhaps give us a few weeks and we can arrange that." Charlus said thoughtfully.

Elaina immediately protested, "Really, taking me for the break is more than enough!"

"Nonsense, dear." Dorea said with a smile, "Harry has not had a chance to visit many places either, and it could be a good opportunity for both of you to see more wizarding culture."

Harry raised his eyes at the two in surprise while shrugging at his friend, "It could be fun."

"As long as I am not going to be a burden." Elaina conceded carefully, looking more excited than before.

"It will be good for Harry to experience these things with someone a little closer to his age." Dorea said with a smile as she sipped at her wine, "A good friend can make the adventure all the more fun."

Both teens colored at her words and Harry finally retracted his hand back to his side making Charlus chuckle, "Dory, don't tease our son too much, or he will end up taking Elaina to our brothers for the holiday."

"Don't tempt me!" Harry warned playfully, making the group laugh.

The group continue to sip at their wine discussing the classes at Hogwarts and the end of the suspension of the Slytherins that had attacked Elaina.  Charlus looked angry over the topic and made it known what he expected of Harry, "If those boys raise a wand in either of your directions I will just expect to come bail you both out at the Ministry after you decorate the halls with them.  They are all of age.  They know the risk of attacking you.  You beat the Lestrange champion even after he was potion induced.  I find it to be of little coincidence that Corvus Lestrange had his son cremated before I could launch an investigation."

Dorea scowled, "I certainly have never seen someone bounce back from losing an arm and that much blood that fast."

"Professor Black said there will be a dueling club the last day before the end of term.  Perhaps the time for us to make an appearance is coming.  What do you think, Elaina?"

The girl finished her glass of wine with a final pull, offering her friend a smirk, "I would hate to embarrass you in front of our peers."

Charlus and Dorea both laughed while Harry shook his head, "A little alcohol and your confidence goes through the roof."

"I would like a shot at Rabastan." The girl admitted on a more serious note, "I have had dreams about him putting me under the torture curse."

Harry frowned at her words regretting that he spoke of Professor Flitwick's suspicions.  The truth seemed to trigger a memory in her mind, and she seemed certain that it was a curly-haired seventh year boy.  A truth that nearly made Harry want to go ahead and eradicate the rest of the Lestrange family.  Getting rid of Rabastan, Rudolphus, and Bellatrix, before the war really heated up, could do the Wizarding World a lot of good.

"That family has delved deep into the Dark Arts in the past." Dorea said with a frown, "In future encounters with the boy I would expect nothing to be held back.  He will hold you both responsible for the death of his brother."

"What will happen to Bellatrix?" Harry asked curiously.

Charlus shrugged, "That is really up to Corvus.  Rabastan is now the heir to the family, and no heirs were produced between Bellatrix and Rudolphus.  It is possible that the marriage will fall to the new heir.  It really depends on the contract that was drawn up between Lord Lestrange and Black."

Dorea shook her head, "Why Cygnus and Druella insisted on a contract I will never know.  Knowing Cygnus the way I do though I would not be surprised if the contract only stated a union between his heir and a female of house Black.  That would make it pretty ironclad for whatever benefits the two parties wanted."

Harry and Elaina both frowned at the thought of Pureblood politics, but neither added any further thoughts on that end of the conversation.  Charlus however took it back to the dueling club, "I don't think it is a bad idea to ruffle some feathers in the dueling club for Elaina.  Harry has likely scared the majority of the students into line after what he did to the Lestrange boy.  Many may think you weak however after what happened in the dungeons, particularly since she had Lily backing her up.  It may be a good idea to enter the fray and hold nothing back.  Dissuade the others from daring to attack you again while Harry is not around.  You might pick up a few detentions, but I believe it will be a worthwhile endeavor."

Harry and Elaina traded looks, while Harry sighed, "If that is what you think is best.  I still want to go at least once since Professor Black has been pestering me for half the term about it.  I think he wants a public rematch where we both have to follow dueling rules.  I am not sure I can beat him with rules in place."

Elaina choked on her wine at his words, "Rematch?"

Charlus laughed, while Dorea had a gleam of amusement in her eyes, "Did Harry not tell you about his duel with my cousin on his first few days into term?"

Glaring at the boy beside her she shook her head, "Must have escaped his mind that he took down our Defense teacher."

"He damn near killed me before I took him down." Harry grumbled, "Dueling with Blacks is a scary experience."

"One you should get used to." Charlus said smugly, "Once Arcturus hears what we are up to I would expect at least one appearance over the holidays by him.  He will want to make sure Harry is living up to his name."

Groaning Harry put a hand on his head, "Dueling with Arcturus is a nightmare.  Literally.  He used a lot of powerful mind-altering and illusion magic.  The Black family magic is an experience…"

Elaina did not seem at all worried, but utterly fascinated by Harry's proclamation, "I can't wait!  I hope he shows."

Charlus placed an arm around his wife with a grin, "If he doesn't then I am sure we can convince Dorea to show you how it works.  She is very proficient with her family magic, even if she does not use it very often."

Harry and Dorea both nodded, while Elaina just looked awed by the woman.  Dorea leaned her head against Charlus's shoulder smiling contently while he kissed her on the top of the head affectionately.  Elaina looked between the pair before looking at Harry who just shrugged in amusement, "They get like this, you will have to forgive them."

"Nothing wrong with striving to be in love, my boy." Charlus said happily as he tossed some gold coins on the table indicating it was time to go as Dorea rose to her feet.  Harry and Elaina both made to follow the pair out the door as Dorea hummed a soft tune with Charlus holding her close to him.

Harry offered Elaina an arm and a smile as they made their way out and the girl just returned his smile following the pair out into Hogsmeade.  When they reached the bridge outside the wards Charlus looked to his son, "I trust you will see Miss Essex safely back to the dungeons."

"Of course, dad." Harry said with a grin.

"No side stops on the way back you two!" Dorea chimed in as she stepped forward embracing the two at the same time.

"Mum." Harry grumbled, displeased by the woman's words.

Charlus just chuckled and replaced his wife in the hug when she pulled back, "You two get back safe.  Let us know if there are any issues, and we will see you both for Christmas."

The two said their farewells and watched as the married couple apparated away.  Elaina sighed deeply but held a smile on her face as the two began their ascent to the castle.  After a few minutes of silence, she said, "I love your family, and I really appreciate how kind they are to me.  You're sure you don't mind me crashing your holidays?"

Glancing at the girl covered in moonlight he bumped her shoulder with his lightly, "Of course not.  It's like Mum said, Potter Manor can be a little lonely around the holidays with just the three of us.  The fact that both families will be there this year means extra additions will be a welcome distraction."

In content, the girl just sighed as she leaned into the arm that Harry had offered.  The girl beside him did worry him to a point.  Especially after what he learned about her family.  He allowed the silence to continue most of the way to the castle before he sighed, "Elaina, I just want you to know that you are always going to be welcome with my family.  If you never wanted to go back to your dad you don't have to."

Elaina laughed lightly, "Smooth way for you to try and get me to live with you there Harry.  What's a girl to think?"

Realizing the girl had maybe a little too much to drink in the Three Broomsticks Harry just shook his head, "I just know there is stuff you didn't feel comfortable talking about in there.  If the situation is worse than you made it out to be I just wanted you to know if you came to Potter Manor with your stuff there wouldn't be any questions.  You would just be welcome.  You earned a place among my family the day you fought with us.  You answered the call without hesitation.  We will be eternally grateful for that."

"Well, I will be eternally grateful that you made sure no one would ever attack me in this castle again." She countered stubbornly, "I say we are beyond even.  Besides, I don't want to think there are debts between us."

"You're right." Harry conceded, "We are friends."

The girl nodded resolutely but at the word, Harry felt a turn in his gut as the moonlight caught her blue and green eyes.  She certainly was a beautiful young woman, and Harry was grateful he had made a friend that he didn't associate any of the bad things in his past with.

Thoughts of his past returned though as they approached the castle.  His time with the Dursleys had been the worst of his life.  That included his time of being on the run during the war.  If Elaina was suffering something similar to that and not speaking up he would never forgive himself, "You know as your friend I have to ask you something.  Something I don't think I could forgive myself for later if I didn't."

"Sounds serious." The girl said teasingly.

"It could be, but if it's not, just forget I asked."  Harry pleaded.

The tone of his voice seemed to shift her attitude as they stopped before the castle gates, and turned to look at him, "You can ask anything you want Harry.  Just know I may not answer it."

Under the moonlight, Harry felt slightly nervous under her gaze, but shook his head, deciding to move on carefully ensuring that no one was around to eavesdrop with a wave of his hand, "There's no easy way to ask it, but here it is.  Did your dad ever hurt you?"

Elaina seemed stunned by the question.  It easily appeared on her countenance that this was not a question she suspected.  Then she frowned, looking away from his eyes, "Harry, I really don't want to talk about that."

Then she began walking off and that in itself felt like an answer, so Harry chased after her, "Wait, Elaina, please.  If that was happening or is still happening, I will-"

"You will what, Harry?  Take me away from him?  The only family I have left?"  His heart shattered at her words.  He knew what that was like.  The tears in her eyes indicated a lot, but finally, she shook her head, "You wouldn't get it.  You understand me perhaps better than anyone, but you wouldn't understand this.  Besides, he hasn't been able to hurt me for a long time.  That part of my life ended a long time ago.  Can we please move on?"

He did understand though.  He desperately wanted to pull the girl into a hug as she wiped at her eyes furiously.  He had so seldom ever mentioned his time with the Dursleys, but he suspected that Ron and Hermione to some extent knew what his home life was like.  Harry believed they were just too afraid to voice their fears to him, "Of course, we can…there's so much I want to tell you.  There is so much I need to tell you…just give me some time so I can overcome some obstacles.  I want you to understand me.  I want you to know that I can understand you in ways you can't yet imagine, but one day you will."

The confusion circled in both her eyes.  Questions seemed to be trying to claw to the surface, but under the moonlight, they just held each other's eyes for a long moment before she nodded, "I want to understand.  Every day I want it more.  The more I learn about you.  The more I don't understand.  Help me understand."

"Give me till the holidays…and I will try." Harry promised.

The girl nodded and after a moment's hesitation offered her hand to him, which he took as they slowly rolled back to the castle.  Arriving at the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room Elaina turned and offered a soft smile, "Good game by the way today.  I never cared much for Quidditch, but watching you out there today made me think twice.  You're the best player I think I have ever seen."

Turning to face the boy as she said the password to the Common Room she smiled.  As the snakes came up from the floor revealing the entrance Harry watched in surprise as the girl leaned up onto her toes and planted a soft kiss on his jaw and said, "Goodnight Harry.  I will hold you to your promises."

With that, the girl turned and entered the common room leaving a dumbfounded Harry behind.