Chapter 36

It had been an unpleasant surprise to find James dodging him till the end of term.  The young man seemed to always make an excuse to avoid being around Harry longer than necessary.  At first the time traveler didn't think much of it, but soon he began to suspect that James was not yet ready to commit to their training.  It was becoming frustrating on Harry's part.  It was clear James wanted to be brave, but he didn't have the proper push to step into that arena with his cousin.

James' words on the Quidditch pitch the evening before the match, and his words in the Three Broomsticks echoed in Harry's mind, but he was unsure what step he should take next.  He didn't want to push the young man into something he wasn't ready for, but also knew he had risen to the challenge once before.  Ultimately the decision to ask for his family's opinions on the matter over the holidays was the conclusion he settled on, but the thoughts continuously swirled through his mind.

Elaina had committed full-time to train with Harry in the mornings, and by the time the end of the term had come around the girl was becoming quite the marvel.  She seemed tired, often, and Harry wished if James was going to refuse to train with him then he would say it aloud so he could shift Elaina back to their nighttime training.  Harry had learned over the last few weeks that his best friend in Slytherin didn't sleep very well at night, and he was beginning to suspect the early mornings were taking a toll on her.

Shaking these thoughts aside he stood next to Elaina in the dueling club for his first-ever appearance.  In the front of the room, Professor Flitwick and Black had been giving a demonstration of a common chain spell that the students could try.  Many of the students looked enraptured by the lesson.  Harry could see many of the younger years whispering in awe at the simple magic being performed, while others seemed to be anticipating the start of the day's duels, hardly paying attention to the lesson at all.

Harry could admit that the Great Hall was quite impressive in this formation.  Despite the Christmas decorations in the hall and the cozy feelings the warm fireplaces brought there was a certain gleam of nervous energy in the air.  Harry was unsure if that was due to their presence or if people just eagerly anticipated dueling every session.

Dozens of smaller-than-standard dueling platforms lined the halls and layers of wards seemed to coat the room.  It was unlike anything Harry had ever seen during his time at Hogwarts.  Not for the first time Harry wondered just why the club had been discontinued, and why when it resumed in his second year did it not go back to the way it had been.

Whispers had been going around the room since he arrived with Elaina at his side, but both wore emotionless expressions on their faces.  Their friends had been the most surprised to see them as neither had mentioned their intention to join tonight's session.  Their Gryffindor friends seemed near worried about their arrival and when the demonstration was over Lily came straight over to them, "Harry, Elaina, how nice of you both to join us.  Didn't think I would ever see you both here."

Elaina nodded, offering the girl the slightest smile.  The two had really struck up a friendship over the last month.  The weekend after the Quidditch match Lily and Elaina had walked the length of Hogsmeade discussing magic and what was covered in the training sessions with Harry.  Everywhere they went whispers seemed to follow, but the two no longer cared.  They had been bound by blood.  Their friendship seemed to only increase overtime, and Harry was happy for the two.  He had seen Elaina, Pandora, and Andi, sitting with Lily, Alice, and Amelia in Hogsmeade that evening, which brought a smile to his face as he passed through with Nate, Kingsley, and Ted Tonks.

When they had walked out of the pub that evening Nate just whistled quietly, "That's a lot of power and beauty at one table."

Ted, the quiet Muggleborn that Harry had nearly no classes with just chuckled, "Anyone of them could crush you, Greengrass."

Harry and Kingsley both chuckled at the sputtering Purebloods response but didn't give him too much trouble.  According to Andromeda Nate and Amelia were seeing each other quietly.  Knowing it wasn't his business though Harry had said nothing to either of the Pureblood heirs.

Shaking out of his thoughts Harry offered the Head Girl a smile, "We are just here to settle a score.  Besides its nearly Yule time, gift giving and forgiveness are supposed to be on the menu."

Lily looked at the pair with trepidation as Elaina eyed Rabastan Lestrange across the hall who was staring at the pair murderously.  Ever since the Slytherin boys had returned from their suspension they had done nothing but glare at the duo.  Regardless of that, Harry knew they were all itching to have a go at either of them, despite the fear holding them back from trying.

It was Harry's understanding that anyone could present a challenge in the dueling club.  Of course, some just came to watch and work on the techniques that the various professors shared while others went around challenging one another.  Any student could refuse a challenge, but it wouldn't be a good look.  That went doubly for a Pureblood being challenged by a Muggleborn, something that Elaina was completely aware of.

Frank and Alice were the next to approach the two Slytherins.  Frank had been asking Harry to duel for the better part of a month now, but had been unable to lock in a time to train together.  Harry had observed the boy becoming upset in the Great Hall on more than one occasion as reports continuously came from the Muggle world about attacks on the general population.  The young man seemed to become more and more determined to make a difference as the day went by, and Harry was more than happy to guide one of his best mates' father if it meant the man might get to live to see his son grow up one day.

Frank had approached the trio with a smile, but as he observed his friend a frown crossed his face, "Alright there Harry?  You two look like you mean business.  I had hoped you were here to duel with me."

Offering the man a nod of his head in respect Harry just placed a hand on his shoulder, "We can, but I need to observe something first.  Elaina, whenever you are ready."

The dark-haired girl didn't hesitate at his words as she strode forward.  Many eyes in the hall were on her, and Harry glanced to see all four Marauders glancing at her with wide eyes.  Frank stepped to stand beside Harry whispering quietly, "Are you sure this is a good idea?  I know that she is good, but Rabastan is dangerous, Harry.  The little prick has been cursing younger students-"

"Elaina is going to put Rabastan in his place for using the Cruciatas curse on her." Harry interrupted, "She has been training with me, and I am beyond confident in her abilities to destroy the little coward.  I would bet any amount of gold that Elaina is about to be relentless in the fight that will follow.  Stand close to me, and I will tell you about some tactics her and I have been working on that I bet we will see."

Rabastan had been standing with Mulciber and Yaxley, the trio had all stopped their conversation however as Elaina approached them.  It seemed all conversation had stopped when she stood within spitting distance of the group with her wand in hand.  The tension in the room spiked for a moment as Harry observed her stare down the Slytherin seventh years before she cleared her throat, "Rabastan Lestrange, I challenge you.  If you aren't afraid to face me one on one."

Rabastan growled out, stepping closer to the girl, "You think I am afraid of you little Mudblood?"

Professor Flitwick who was observing the showdown immediately called out, "Twenty points from Slytherin and detention with me tomorrow night Lestrange.  We do not use that vulgar language in this school."

To Rabastans credit he didn't even glance at the little professor who was now moving towards the group.  Elaina however flicked her dark hair over her shoulder, "If you aren't afraid then I suggest accepting my challenge."

"I'm surprised you aren't having your boyfriend stepping in to fight for you again." Mulciber goaded.

"I don't need Harry to take on the likes of any of you." Elaina said, placing her hands behind her back and in her right hand.

Harry recognized the tactic as one he had displayed before.  It gave the impression of being defenseless, but in reality, a shield could be brought up at a moment's notice, or the rotation of the body to dodge would be all too easy.  It was an easy goading tactic to make your opponent feel inferior.

Flitwick was now standing beside Elaina looking at the Slytherins expectantly, "Well Mr. Lestrange, do you accept the challenge from Miss Essex, yes or no?"

Rabastan gritted his teeth and stepped nearly nose to nose with Elaina, "I'm not interested in dueling with the kiddy gloves on."

Professor Black gruffed from the sideline, "Then we will allow the use of all non-lethal magic.  We will create a bigger platform and we can put this squabble to rest."

"I agree and believe it is necessary." Professor Flitwick said, crossing his small arms, "What do you say Mr. Lestrange?  Are you prepared to bury the hatchet?"

"They buried my brother." The young man seethed, nearly spittling with rage, "I will never let that go. My family should have slaughtered theirs."

"I can't speak to your family's politics." Professor Black said raising his hand to indicate he should be silent, "What I can speak to is the fact that there is bad blood here.  We see it in class, we see it in the hall, and quite frankly I am sick of it.  Here is a chance for the two of you to work out some frustration and determine who the better witch or wizard is once and for all in a relatively safe manner.  If you are not going to accept the challenge from Miss Essex then let us move on."

The hall whispered as the drama unfolded, while Harry just stood beside his Gryffindor friends watching closely.  Elaina for her part had not fidgeted or showed anything other than supreme confidence, something Harry was quite proud of.  The girl he first met was still there.  Despite having come out of her quiet place this term she could still be the emotionless stonewall he first met.  Her magic was nearly palpable to Harry in anticipation.  He suspected none of the seventh-year Slytherins had much of an aptitude for sensing magic, because if they did they would likely be much more cautious to have a conflict with his friend.

A long pause passed before Rabastan spat on the floor in disgust, "Fine.  I accept the challenge."

Elaina nodded and turned her back on the boy, locking eyes with Harry offering him the slightest of nods as Professor Black and Flitwick began waving their wands at the platform in the middle, expanding it.  Soon a full-length regulation dueling platform was in place and Elaina approached her side walking straight up the steps with her wand now casually at her side, her blue and green eyes practically glowing with anticipation.

Rabastan for his part stomped past his friends who offered him words of encouragement as he stormed onto the dueling platform with his wand sparking dangerously in his hand.  Professor Flitwick raised wards around the platform and called out, "No lethal magic aimed in vital places.  Violation of these rules will lead to expulsion. Do I make myself clear?"

Elaina immediately nodded in understanding while Rabastan merely grunted.  Flitwick nodded in satisfaction as he called out, "Wands at the ready."

Rabastan raised his wand, while Elaina did not move from her relaxed position.  Flitwick glanced at her questioningly, but shook his head as he began the countdown.  At two Elaina flicked her wand forward with a cutting curse that Rabastan barely shielded, but before he could return fire Flitwick conjured a massive shield in the middle, "Foul!  Ten points from Slytherin. Miss Essex, I expect better sportsmanship from you."

The girl for her part looked completely unapologetic while merely offering a nod of her head in acceptance.  Frank, who was still standing beside Harry, shook his head whispering quietly, "Why risk the disqualification? Any other pair or situation and Flitwick would've benched them."

"The professors want this settled as badly as we do." Harry explained, "We discussed some tactics to get in his head.  We have goals to accomplish beyond dismantling him."

Frank glanced over at Harry as if he was trying to read his expression, but merely accepted the explanation, "She could've hurt him."

"He did hurt her.  With illegal magic.  He doesn't get my sympathies, and doesn't deserve yours either." Harry said with an edge in his voice.

Frank said nothing, but observed the countdown as it was conducted again.  Rabastan looked red in the face furious, and the Gryffindor prefect wondered what would follow.

When the countdown hit one Elaina slapped away a curse and launched a blast of fire so hot the wards became visible.  Rabastan for his part conjured a gust of wind so powerful the fire stopped in its tracks while he then attempted to fire a curse in return, but Elaina was moving forward with clear intention.  Another cutting curse nearly severed the boy's arm off, while a duo of low-powered blasting curses shattered the shield he attempted to summon.  For the third time Elaina cast diffindo on him, but this time it made contact with his left arm causing a gash in the uniform and blood to be drawn.  Professor Flitwick immediately called for a stop, "Mr. Lestrange would you like to continue?  First blood goes to Miss Essex."

Rabastan shouted back through gritted teeth, "Lucky shot.  Let's go again."

Elaina looked unphased by his rage, while Frank whistled quietly, "He's lucky she didn't go for anything vital."

"Oh, but she did." Harry said ominously with a slight smile crossing his face for the first time.

Frank looked confused by his words, and watched as the two returned to their starting positions.  Harry glanced at the opposite platform and saw James and the Marauders watching with grim fascination as the fight began once more.  Elaina had the new Lestrange heir outmatched by a landslide and as the duel went on that became apparent.  She began slipping spells into his defense, but only enough to inflict minor pain, and not enough to knock him out of the fight.

James met Harry's eyes and he shook his head, seemingly disturbed by what was happening before him, but in response the time-traveler merely raised a single finger indicating he should wait for one more minute.

Rabastan for his part just seemed to become angrier, sloppier, and desperation was clearly taking hold as he fought to stay up.  There was little doubt in any onlooker's mind who the better duelist was, and the margin of skill was becoming more and more significant as the damage was done.

Lily for her part whispered Elaina's name quietly, looking disturbed by the effort her friend was putting into harming the Lestrange heir.  Harry however patted her arm gently, "She is in control.  Don't worry.  She knows what she is doing."

The three Gryffindors all looked very skeptical of this, while Harry could see Pandora and Andromeda becoming restless across the hall.  When Lestrange swayed on his feet after Elaina hit him with a stinging hex straight to the face Harry raised his hands and clapped twice drawing the attention of most of the hall.  In that time Elaina didn't hesitate to reach her hand out and yell in exertion as she yanked Rabastan forward with wandless magic, and blasted him with the reducto curse sending him spiraling backward.  It was precisely the same move Harry had done to Yaxley in their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, something that was not missed by any of the seventh years present.

In a quick move before Flitwick could call the match she cast the accio spell, but instead of the wand coming to her hand a piece of Rabastan's uniform flew into her grasp making her gasp in faux embarrassment, "Oh no I missed his wand."

Flitwick immediately called the match and stared at the piece of uniform in her grasp suspiciously before moving to check on the unconscious student.  Professor Black was already crouched over the boy with a disturbed look on his face.  Harry for his part abandoned his friends and climbed onto the platform motioning for her to follow him.  The whole plan had gone perfectly.  Now to see the fruits of their labors Harry thought morbidly.

As they approached the down student the two professors were now standing over the still unconscious boy each sharing an unsettled look on their face.  When the duo approached Professor Black looked at them with suspicion on his face, "What is this?"

"What is what professor?" Harry asked innocently.

Elaina faked puzzlement, but it was clear neither professor was buying her innocent act.  Flitwick crouched down to the boy waving his wand and casting basic medical healing charms before reviving him.  When Rabastan opened his eyes he groaned and blinked out the light as he attempted to sit up.  Harry and Elaina stayed back but both of their eyes went to the arm that had helped prop the boy up.

Without the sleeve to his robes, a symbol was prominently displayed on his arm, and it was clear he was unaware of it thus far.  Professor Black broke the momentary silence, "Mr. Lestrange, are you alright?"

The boy shook his head as he attempted to stand up, "I'm fine."

As he attempted to get to his feet he wobbled, and Flitwick barked out, "Mulciber, Yaxley, take your friend to the hospital wing."

Mulciber and Yaxley were staring at their friend looking paler than usual as they surged forward to grab him.  As Mulciber slipped an arm under his friend it was clear he was trying to cover his left arm.  Before the trio could depart Flitwick called out, "Mr. Lestrange.  I find that tattoo on your arm to be in extremely poor taste.  The headmaster will be notified."

Rabastan seemed confused for a moment, before the blood seemed to drain from his face.  While before he was red with sweat and pain, now he was ashy white in disbelief as he realized what had been exposed before the entirety of the Great Hall.

Harry for his part merely stepped before the trio blocking their exit.  Flitwick and Black both looked at him with some alarm as if they expected him to attack them but instead, he said, "It seems my pet mudblood just wiped the floor with you Lestrange.  You should know that the symbol on your arm makes you my enemy."

With that he stepped towards the three, so close he was nearly nose to nose with Rabastan who could barely stand on his own feet.  At his words, mutterings began to go up across the hall and he took that moment to whisper, "I'll kill you if I ever catch you in those robes."

With that, Harry whirled around and walked back towards Elaina who followed him back to the Gryffindors without question as Mulciber and Yaxley carried their friend away as fast as they could.

Frank had an angry expression on his face, while Lily and Alice both looked pensive, "You knew he had that tattoo?  How?  Why did it matter?  We already knew he was a bigot."

Alice nodded, "Frank is right.  Other than pumbling him in a public setting what good did that do?"

"More than you know." Harry admitted, "That was no ordinary tattoo.  I will explain more later.  What just happened here is just much more significant than you all realize."

Turning to Elaina he offered his friend a smile, "You did beautifully.  Thank you for exposing him."

It was true Harry had not explained to Elaina completely why she needed to reveal the boy's tattoo, but he promised he would be behind the protection of Potter Manor, which he suspected the topic would be broached as soon as they arrived.  The girl with green and blue eyes merely nodded her head accepting his gratitude before saying, "I hold you to your promise."

Nodding in acceptance Harry offered the group a smile, "Well now that the drama is over, Frank, what do you say?  Duel with me?"

Frank glanced around the hall, noticing many eyes were on the group before sighing, "I have so many questions."

"They will be answered in time, I promise.  I trust you.  It's just not time yet." Harry explained carefully.

The young man ran a hand through his hair while Alice put a hand on his back and offered him a nod, "Go on Frank.  I know you have wanted a chance to duel with Harry.  Don't let what just happened sour the moment.  Harry will tell us what he knows in his own time."

Harry offered Alice a grateful look at her words.  Her kindness and trusting nature reminded him so much of Neville it nearly hurt.  Frank's face shifted to a mischievous grin that would not have been out of place on the Marauders when he said, "You're right, Ali.  Come on Potter.  I need to see what you have to show for with all that training you do."

Grinning at the young man Harry began making his way towards a nearby platform.  Flitwick and Black had dispelled the large one in the center, and seemed to be observing students dueling around the room, but the two exchanged quiet whispers and kept glancing back towards Harry throughout their conversation.

The duel with Frank had been interesting.  The boy lacked nothing in his dueling abilities.  It had been said that Kingsley was the best duelist in their year before Harry arrived, but other than Elaina, Harry thought Frank was much better.  Great speed, great power, and decent tactics made him a tough opponent for anyone.  Admittedly Harry thought he could have pieced the boy apart in a full field of combat with all the options in the world, but on this platform he made Harry work for his victory.  They attracted many onlookers and supporters in favor of Frank who had been very popular in three of the four houses.

The longer the duel waged on though Harry realized the young man was falling into patterns of spell casting.  It was becoming clearer to Harry by the minute that Frank was not used to dueling for extended periods of time.  Desperation was making him predictable.  With a swirl of speed, Harry chained a dozen spells together making Frank push himself to exhaustion before Harry whipped a disarming spell out so fast Frank had no chance of blocking it.  When the duel finished the Gryffindor prefect dropped to a knee from the exertion as Harry walked over inspecting the familiar wand.

The wand sent a jolt through Harry as he observed it.  This was the wand Neville had carried through their first five years at school.  A wand that had caused his friend so much trouble.  When Neville had received his new wand he came back a new man, confident, a leader, exactly what Harry needed him to be.  The previous wand was almost completely incompatible with him, but memories of the man he became flashed before his eyes as Harry offered Frank a hand, "You are even better than I hoped for."

Frank grunted taking the hand with a smile, "You are not as good as I expected."

The comment was made in jest which made Harry chuckle, "Let's try this again in an open field and see if I can change your mind."

This made Frank laugh as he retrieved the wand from his friend, "What did you think?"

"You need stamina." Harry said seriously, "Chain more spells together if you need to, but the longer our duel went you became more predictable.  Relying on your best spells because you feared your magic would fail you.  It was instinctual, and you may not have even realized it, but I bet you cast bombarda at me over twenty times."

Frank colored slightly as he put his hands on his hips and leaned back inhaling deeply, "Twenty times you say?  I do favor the spell, but that is-"

"Easy to block once I figured out your tells." Harry answered with a grin.

"How would I have blocked that last spell?" Frank asked with interest.

"Not being there would've been the best move." Elaina said approaching the pair with a smile, "Apparition or dodging would've been your only hope.  He catches me off guard all the time with that move. Glad to see him kicking someone else's arse for a change."

Frank was immediately assaulted by Alice with a hug and a large smile, "You did so well, Frankie!"

Harry coughed and Elaina grinned while Frank turned red at her words, "Laugh it up, Potter."

"It's okay, Frankie, I don't judge." Harry teased.

Alice huffed at the two who were now fighting back laughter, "They are just jealous that they are still tripping over each other.  Don't think we will hold back the first time Elaina calls you some ridiculous pet name, Harry!"

Harry immediately turned scarlet, while Elaina just smirked at the Gryffindor, "Don't worry Ali, I will make sure those names are only said in private."

With that, she leaned up and kissed Harry on the jaw before turning and walking towards Lily who seemed to be searching for her next opponent.  Harry for his part was having a hard time picking up his jaw, and whatever Frank said he didn't hear, but he felt the pat on the shoulder.  When he turned and asked, "What?"

Alice burst into laughter, "He's got it as bad as James.  I get it Harry, those eyes on Elaina are dead sexy."

Frank shook his head smiling, "Should I be worried about how enamored you are by Elaina's eyes?"

"You know I only have eyes for you Longbottom.  Not to worry." Alice said cheekily kissing the boy on the cheek.

Harry groaned, trying to forget his temporary embarrassment, "Get a room you two."

Before either could jest at him Professor Black approached the group, "Potter, a word."

"My savior." Harry grumbled as he turned away from the couple and followed his professor who motioned him to follow with a jerk of his hand.

The pair approached Professor Flitwick who was still looking quite disturbed and when they came within a few feet the little charms professor waved his wand erecting a privacy ward.  Professor Black then turned to face Harry and for the first time in a while he felt slightly intimidated under the stares of two wizards he had come to respect, "We would like an explanation of what occurred this evening."

Playing innocent would be an insult to the Professor's intelligence, Harry thought first.  It was very obviously intentional what occurred this evening.  If it hadn't been throughout the duel the gig was definitely up when Harry clapped his hands.

At Harry's hesitation, Flitwick spoke, "You are not in trouble Mr. Potter.  I think it was quite clear however that Miss Essex had the intention of removing Mr. Lestrange's sleeve from the beginning.  What we want to know is why.  The Lestrange family is obviously apathetic to what is happening in the Muggle world, and may even take part in it.  You gained nothing we can see by revealing this tattoo to the school."

"Tattoo professor?  I didn't see a tattoo." Harry said with a very serious expression and tone.

Flitwick seemed puzzled by his answer while Professor Black seemed irritated, "Potter there is no need to play coy.  We all saw the symbol tattooed onto his skin."

Harry said nothing and the head of Ravenclaw House stared his student down before shaking his head in disbelief, "It wasn't a tattoo was it?"

Black seemed alarmed by Flitwick's words while Harry nodded gravely, "A magical brand would be more accurate.  I did not know for sure he had it, but I suspected it.  I assure you the mark means much more than being apathetic or even sympathetic to what is happening outside these castle walls."

"It's just a calling card." Black dismissed, "All cowards have one.  Look at what Grindelwald used to leave behind at the scene of all his crimes."

Harry said nothing to this, but Professor Flitwick continued to look at Harry carefully, "Are my students in danger, Mr. Potter?"

"Any student bearing that mark is dangerous, Professor.  I can't tell you how I know, but I assure you it is the truth." Harry said evenly hoping the man he respected in his time would understand.

"I believe you." The man admitted, surprising Harry and Professor Black, "I will be on the lookout for more who bear this mark.  Until then you should rejoin your friends, and have a safe holiday."

With that, the Professor dispelled his ward, and wasted no time in walking towards a duel that seemed to be getting out of hand between a fifth-year Gryffindor and Slytherin.  Professor Black for his part kept his eyes on Harry, "I'd like for us to have another match during the holidays.  Perhaps between now and then, you will think about more prevalent information I should be made aware of."

Harry offered a nod of acceptance as the Professor walked away from him.  The whispers and eyes on him were much fewer than when he had arrived, but many were still on Elaina as she dueled with Lily.  This duel seemed much more relaxed than the last Elaina had taken part in and both witches had grins on their faces as they danced around each other's magic gracefully.

Taking a deep breath Harry admired the two witches who fought for the others' respect and hoped that all his friends would return from the holiday season safely.


Rabastan groaned as he took down the final potion that Madam Pomfrey had stuffed into his hands.  It was clear the woman had no love for the Lestrange heir and disappeared into her office as soon as her duty had been completed.  Mulciber and Yaxley were speaking in hushed whispers in the corner, but when the hospital matron departed they approached their downed friend's bed.

"Potter and his bitch knew." Yaxley said coldly, "They knew about the mark, and they knew you had it."

Mucliber shook his head looking nervously towards the doors as if he expected Harry to suddenly appear, "How could he have known?  Only the Dark Lord's closest followers have been given or made aware of the mark."

"Maybe he saw it when he killed Rudolphus." Yaxley said logically, making Rabastan growl.

"It doesn't matter.  He said we were enemies, but we were all already enemies.  He took so much from our families." Rabastan said angrily.

"We are no match for him." Mucliber said quietly, "You saw what he did to your brother who was being trained by the Dark Lord personally.  Even with the potions he couldn't beat Potter.  Our Lord needs to be made aware of what happened tonight."

"No!" Rabastan snapped, "The Dark Lord has seen enough failures from my family.  My father would have me cast out for revealing the mark to the professors like that.  I will get back at Essex and Potter, I just need the resources and a friend's help.  I have been working on a plan.  Just trust me."

Mulciber and Yaxley both exchanged nervous glances, but ultimately nodded in agreement without further word.  Rabastan for his part crossed his hands across his chest as he leaned back into his bed.  He would get the two blood traitors if it was the last thing he ever did.