Chapter 49

The central staircase was a mess.  As the group marched towards the Headmaster's Office, Dumbledore flourished his wand to repair damages, but Harry could tell it would be no easy task.  The fixing of the staircase was not so bad, but the portraits would be irreparable.  The magic in them would be destroyed and pieces of history would be lost.  Grimly Harry realized that considering what had happened this evening it was a small price in comparison to what could have been paid.

Flitwick said nothing as he kept his wand clenched in his hand as if he expected Elaina to resurrect herself and continue the fight.  His eyes often darted to the tiara that Harry now levitated beside him, and his brows just seemed to furrow in thought each time he did so.  As the group arrived at the eagle that would provide them entrance to the Headmaster's office it sprang into motion before a password could even be called.

"Being me has its privileges." Dumbledore had told Harry in his time.  At first, he thought it was more of a joke, but this was merely another example of the old Professor's power over the castle.

Ascending the stairs and entering the office led to Dumbledore sweeping around his desk taking a seat and looking at Harry rather intently.  In this time Professor Flitwick had conjured a bed and placed Elaina on it watching her tentatively before approaching the desk and taking a seat.

Dumbledore gestured for the chair next to the smaller professor and Harry took a seat in it.  The man's eyes did not have their usual twinkle, but his voice came out much softer than he had heard it all night, "Mr. Potter, I need you to tell me what happened tonight."

Harry searched his words, but found that they were all going to sound empty.  He had no idea where to begin his tale.  The voice of Flitwick offered guidance after a long minute, "A man was killed tonight, Mr. Potter.  I know a lot has happened.  We know that the person to blame was not Miss Essex.  If you are going to start somewhere, let us begin with how you two came into the possession of the Diadem of Ravenclaw."

Swallowing Harry nodded his head, "Are either of you familiar with the Room of Requirements?"

Both men nodded, and Harry took a breath, "We were looking for the Diadem there.  We found it, and I turned my attention away from Elaina for just a moment, the next thing I knew I was being hit with the cruciatus curse and she was gone."

Flitwick looked puzzled and a flicker of irritation crossed his face.  It was apparent there were a hundred questions going through his mind, "Why were you two looking for the Diadem?"

"That is a very hard question to answer, Professor." Harry sighed, "I will tell you, but the knowledge is immensely dangerous.  The kind of knowledge that would make you a target for Voldemort and his followers."

Scoffing the Charms Master folded his arms, "I have taught Miss Essex for seven years now.  She is a brilliant student, but has never shown a proclivity to violence unless she was defending herself, which she has done so in measured manners when necessary.  Tonight that same girl threw killing curses like they were knockback jinxes.  I want to know why."

Looking at the Headmaster, Dumbledore folded his hands and seemed to search his face for answers.  Harry was no master Occlumens, but he knew the man was attempting passive legilimency on him.  When no success was had Dumbledore leaned forward, "Mr. Potter when we first met you spoke of a singular objective you must accomplish in the coming years.  It was the reason you returned to Britain.  What happened tonight is related to that objective?"

Flitwick's eyes flashed from Dumbledore to Harry and the younger man nodded in confirmation.  The Headmaster nodded before turning to his Charms professor, "Fillius, Mr. Potter is right.  What you learn next could very well make you a target to the Dark Lord.  Are you sure you want answers?"

"Some of my students could have been in harm's way tonight." The man said without hesitation, "It is only a miracle none of our prefects were patrolling the area.  I need to know why."

"Before we continue then I would like to know if there are any doubts that this is truly the lost Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw?" Dumbledore questioned Flitwick.

The man for his part didn't even glance behind him, "There is little doubt, Headmaster.  I have studied the object in question for many years while at school and after graduation.  If it is a fake it is world class. The only way to know for sure would be to conduct extensive testing on it.  After what it did to Miss Essex however, I am not tempted to do so."

"Can you elaborate on that, Fillius?" Dumbledore asked in a concerned voice.

"Rowena Ravenclaw put many charms and enchantments on the Diadem to increase the wisdom of its wearer.  According to legend, the Diadem is so powerful it is nearly clairvoyant.  It is one of the reasons it was so heavily sought after." Flitwick explained, "It is very possible that if the Diadem has been corrupted, however, that it could cause a cascading failure of what was imprinted onto it upon creation.  Intent-based magic is very finicky, to begin with, the fact that it has been tampered with by dark magic is very alarming.  I can only imagine Ravenclaw would've had safeguards for her prized treasure and that could make it dangerous.  I think we are lucky it did not kill Miss Essex when she placed it on her head."

Dumbledore sighed, "We will confirm the validity of that in a moment.  Harry, what can you tell us?"

The young man took a breath before saying, "Voldemort took steps to ensure he was invincible.  He imbued some of his…power, into certain objects.  As long as these objects are around he will never be defeated permanently.  The Diadem is one of those objects."

Dumbledore was on his feet now speaking with a tone that hid the urgency that his eyes betrayed, "If any bit of Tom's power is moving through Miss Essex we must stop it at once!"

As the older man moved around the desk with his wand in hand Harry shot to his feet following him toward his unconscious friend.  Dumbledore waved his wand over the girl a few times looking briefly relieved before moving towards the Diadem and conducting similar wand movements, this time the man frowned deeply.  Harry questioned the look, but already had a feeling he knew why the older man did not like his findings "What is it?"

"Very dark magic." Dumbledore said quietly, "I have heard of few things capable of what I witnessed this evening.  Even the magical artifacts of the darkest nature can usually only influence its wearer, not completely control them.  Never would I have imagined the Diadem of Ravenclaw to be capable of such violence."

"Tom's cruelty is endless, sir." Harry offered consolingly.

"This Heir of Slytherin defiled a piece of history with dark magic." Flitwick whispered seemingly to himself, shaking his head the man asked, "Are we certain Miss Essex had no control over her actions?"

The Headmaster stared at the girl and nodded as he considered the question, "It is clear to me that Mr. Potter helped her break its hold momentarily at the end of our confrontation.  When she took control of the flames she was able to put them out with ease, something I did not know was possible having never cast the spell myself.  I believe her moment of clarity was the only time she was in control."

As the man talked his eyes remained locked on the Diadem as if he were afraid it would sprout evil and launch another attack upon the group.  Whispering quiet words the Headmaster waved his wand around the tiara several times making the item glow an odd red color as if it were being set on a blaze, "Oh Tom, you disappoint me."

"Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore questioned and the teen looked at the man who was still facing the cursed object, "I have heard through the grapevine that you are a parselmouth.  I believe this diadem is enchanted to only obey one.  I would like you to try giving it a command."

Flitwick looked between Harry and the diadem with wide eyes while the teen merely nodded in acceptance, not questioning how the man had come across the knowledge of his abilities, "Obey me."

At his words, the Diadem seemed to vibrate in place.  The vibration continued for what could have only been a minute before ceasing all activity.  The Headmaster nodded his head, seeming to understand what had happened, and then summoned the tiara slowly off the table and levitated back towards his desk.  When it touched the desk it immediately caught fire, but no damage was done to it, however, it instantly started vibrating once again.  Harry watched the Diadem with morbid curiosity.  It was as if the piece of Voldemort's soul had been briefly woken up and prepared to defend itself.

The man frowned, and Harry spoke, "I will save you the effort sir.  No normal magic is going to destroy this piece of Voldemort's power.  I have a way to destroy it.  If you will allow me."

"This is a piece of history." Professor Flitwick said calmly as he swirled his wand in circles over the object, "I would ask that we find another solution than simply destroying it.  This is an item Ravenclaws like myself have coveted for centuries."

"As long as the Diadem is intact Voldemort will be invincible." Harry said, "This cannot be allowed."

Dumbledore turned the Elder Wand in his fingers and observed the Diadem, "We have already seen the power of this item.  It seems hardly disputable that it is too dangerous to be left intact."

Flitwick looked like he wanted to argue, but decided against it.  Dumbledore levitated the object towards a glass case that unfolded itself as the Diadem approached.  When the diadem was set down on the glass the case folded closed.  The Headmaster nodded, "The item will be safe in there until we can discuss the method in which it will be disposed of and where."

Harry wanted to argue that the item needed to be destroyed immediately and that it should be turned over to him, but he had a feeling that would not end favorably.  Dumbledore folded his hands once again as he set his wand down in front of him, "How many of these items do you believe there are?"

This was a question Harry had pondered often recently.  He did not know the exact time that Voldemort defiled each of the items he created as Horcruxes, but he had a guess, "I believe his goal is seven, but right now I believe there to be between 3 and 5.  Each of these items are now abominations to magic, sir."

"How did you know the Diadem was one of these objects?" Flitwick asked suspiciously.

"I have been studying Voldemort for years." Harry admitted, "I have done what I can to try and understand the monster. I had sources pointing me in the right direction, and tonight I confirmed them."

Not completely a lie.  The ghost of Helena Ravenclaw had practically spelled out where the Diadem was in a roundabout way.  Luna had told him where to look as well in his time.  Dumbledore questioned, "What can you tell me about these sources?"

Shaking his head Harry retorted, "Not much sir.  What I can tell you is that a ghost in this castle gave me the location of the Diadem."

"A ghost knew the location of the Diadem that has been missing for nearly a thousand years?" Flitwick asked in a bewildered voice.

"How do you think young Tom Riddle found it?" Harry asked with a shrug.

Dumbledore's eyes were spinning with thought.  The next question was no surprise to Harry, "Are there any more of these items in my school?"

"None sir."

"You're absolutely sure?" Dumbledore asked.

"As sure as I can be." Harry responded.

The man leaned back in his chair wiping at his brow before saying, "Fillius, we will need to see to the body of Argus.  There is no family to send the body to so we will lay him to rest on the grounds near Hagrids in a few day's time."

"What do we tell the students about the Courtyard?" Flitwick asked, rising to his feet.

"I will be down to repair what I can.  I believe by the time I am done with it only our most astute students will notice any differences." The headmaster offered with a slight bow of his head.

The Charms Master looked from the Headmaster to his student before saying, "When Voldemort is defeated I would like to see the pieces of the Diadem returned to Ravenclaw Tower."

The Headmaster nodded in agreement, and the half-goblin sighed before making his way out of the office.  Silence reigned between the two for several minutes as they seemed to peer at each other.  Dumbledore broke the silence between the two stating, "Your defiance of Tom has been much more fruitful and violent than I had anticipated."

Not sure what to say Harry merely nodded his head and the man leaned forward, "I have allowed you a lot of leeway in my school Mr. Potter.  In your short time here you have killed a man, been in fights, and are now linked directly to the murder of my caretaker."

Harry flinched at the accusations and moved to defend himself but Dumbledore held up a hand, "Yet the man you killed was undoubtedly a follower of Tom.  Undoubtedly a murderer.  Undoubtedly they took part in the slaughter that was occurring in muggle communities across the country.  I do not condone the methods you used to defeat Mr. Lestrange, but I understand why you thought it necessary.  I am also aware that though there has been fighting around you, you have not directly started any of these fights.  Now with the death of Argus Filch at your feet, there can be little doubt that death and violence seem to follow you around like a plague."

"As is the curse of my family." Harry said without hesitation. He had learned enough about his family to think it was true.  Death and violence seem to have been following Potters for generations.

Dumbledore his part merely nodded his head at his words before saying, "It seems you have now brought Ms. Essex into this curse.  She has been harmed twice now in the crossfires of your schemes."

Harry felt as if he had been slapped.  This Dumbledore clearly did not trust him very much, because his old headmaster had never spoken to him this way, even when he suspected Harry was possessed by Voldemort.  Before he could retort, Dumbledore spoke again, "Ms. Essex used a very dangerous piece of magic tonight.  Have you seen her use it before?"

Shaking his head immediately Harry responded with, "I've never seen fire like that before.  I've even seen fiendfyre, but it did nothing like what I saw tonight."

"There are not many people alive who could tell you what that spell was." Dumbledore confessed, "Professor Flitwick only knew of it, because when I recruited him to work for Hogwarts he had a request.  A request that I had never granted to anyone before him.  The nature of this request was purely academic.  Professor Flitwick is a world class duelist, and he had been hearing about my duel with Gellert since he was a student in these halls.  When I offered the man a job he said he would take it on the condition that he would get to view the memory and I knew what a promising instructor he could be so I granted it to him.  Gellert attempted to use the spell we saw tonight during our confrontation in Germany.  Protego Diabolica."

Harry's eyes widened at the proclamation and seemed to sink down in his chair even lower if possible.  Another connection between Elaina and Grindelwald.  This one is unavoidable.  Dumbledore continued his tale after a long pause, "I only knew how to fight the magic we witnessed this evening, because I apprenticed under Nicholas Flamel in my youth.  Nicholas led a team of witches and wizards in Paris to stop Gellert, and it was here the world first saw the spell.  Nicholas is one of the most knowledgeable sorcerers to ever live, and somehow my old friend combatted the spell with a group of powerful witches and wizards with a simple incantation…the point of this history lesson Mr. Potter is that there are few alive that know of the spell, and even fewer that possibly could have taught Miss Essex how to cast it."

"What is it you are asking, sir?" Harry asked in a quiet voice doing everything in his power not to glance back at the girl.

"Has Miss Essex shown any other aptitude for rare and powerful magic that seems unexplainable?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry's mind immediately went to the bolt of lightning the girl had summoned from her wand.  The spell that ultimately killed the basilisk.  He had never seen her use that spell before, not to that magnitude.  Dumbledore seemed to read his hesitance, "There is grave danger to this situation Mr. Potter.  You have no idea what the girl could be capable of."

Alarmingly Harry pieced together a puzzle that created an unfathomable picture.  After he had killed Rudolphus on the Quidditch Pitch Dumbledore had told him that he recognized her power.  Foolishly Harry had thought he was referring to Tom Riddle, but instead, he was referring to Gellert Grindelwald.  Standing to his feet Harry felt the realization grip him, there was no question now, "You knew?  You knew she was related to Grindelwald."

Dumbledore did not question how he came to the conclusion, but leaned back in his chair, his wand still sitting in front of him as if he kept it close in case he needed to use it, "Naturally.  It was I that tracked down her mother, and determined that she was a squib.  I had kept an eye on the woman over the years until she returned to Germany and was killed by those who had discovered her heritage.  It was I who buried the daughter of Gellert Grindelwald."

Harry's knees felt weak as he dropped back into his chair, "My parents suspected her heritage, but not your involvement.  It started with the eyes, and her beyond natural abilities.  None of us had ever met a Muggleborn as naturally gifted as she is.  She was born to wield magic most could not even imagine."

Bowing his head in acknowledgement the man asked, "There is no ill will between your family and Miss Essex then?  Even knowing her heritage?"

"Of course not." Harry answered defensively, "She earned her place among us."

"Does she know your suspicions?" The man asked carefully.

Swallowing hard, Harry felt a lance of guilt in his chest, "No…we wanted to have something concrete before we took it to her.  She was just getting used to the idea that her family might have been witches and wizards."

"I never wished to burden the girl with the truth." The older man admitted, "I thought it best to allow her to think she was just a talented muggleborn from nowhere.  The knowledge of her heritage is dangerous.  People will come for her if it was ever discovered."

"My family will protect her." Harry swore, and after glancing to see the girl resting peacefully he said quieter, "I will protect her."

A soft trill brought peace to the room and Harry glanced up to the arrival of Fawkes at the top of the room.  The Phoenix looked happy to see Harry, and Dumbledore offered a nod of approval before saying, "Fawkes is happy you are here.  It is because of him I continue to trust you.  It is because of him I have given you a secret that I alone have carried for many years.  In return, I would like to know a few things as well."

Harry closed his eyes for a moment.  He knew Dumbledore was trustworthy.  He knew the man would never join Tom.  Whatever questions he had, if Harry could answer them he would, and he indicated so with the nod of his head.

"The items you spoke of holding Voldemort's power.  What do you believe them to be?" Dumbledore inquired calmly.

"Soul fragments sir.  I believe Voldemort severed pieces of his soul to become immortal.  Horcruxes." Harry explained darkly.

"Your family has dealt with one of these before.  It would explain how you are aware of such magic." Dumbledore said with interest as he pulled at his beard in thought while Harry said nothing, "What is your method to destroy them?"

"Basilisk venom." Harry answered without hesitation.

This sent the man reeling, and before he could ask the youngest Potter forced a smile on his face, "Slytherins Monster in the Chamber of Secrets, it was a basilisk.  Elaina and I killed it.  We knew we would need a way to destroy the items without using the cursed flames.  Neither of us have attempted to control them, and I knew someone who died attempting to.  It didn't seem worth trying to learn it."

Dumbledore's jaw seemed to fall at the explanation.  Time passed before he questioned quietly, "This creates more questions than I would have imagined."

"The best I can do is tell you that I know he plans to create 7 Horcruxes.  As I told you earlier he has already created at least 3 but as many as 5.  When we destroy the Diadem it will only be the beginning." Harry explained.

"What other items do you suspect?" The Headmaster inquired.

"I believe he was hunting items belonging to the founders.  There are not many left even in the most extensive collections.  I believe the Cup of Helga Hufflepuff and the Locket of Salazar Slytherin are both horcruxes as well." Harry did not know how to explain how we would know about the diary, or Nagini so kept those thoughts to himself now as he watched the men's reactions.

"Both have been missing for some time." Dumbledore whispered, his eyes trailed off to a nearby shelf with many trinkets on it and his eyes widened and before returning to Harry, "You are a seer?"

"Voldemort thinks so." Harry confessed, "He read my mind for only a moment, but he saw a lot.  The origin of my knowledge is best not discussed.  For the Greater Good sir."

Dumbledore visibly flinched at his words, but after they held eye contact the man concurred, "There is much to think about.  I will need to see to the burying of our caretaker. I will also begin the repairs of the Courtyard.  We will chalk this up to students dueling in the hall.  The Aurors will be contacted in a few days, but a story will be fabricated.  Knowledge of Voldemort's Horcruxes can not get out."

Harry took this moment to make his own statement, "I will need to take Elaina to Potter Manor. My mother will want to treat her.  Plus her abilities as an empath makes her a very gifted legillmens.  If there is any damage to her mind my mum will be able to fix it."

"You will tell the girl of her heritage?" Dumbledore questioned softly.

"I will." Harry admitted, "She has the right to know."

"Then with your family's permission I will bring the Diadem of Ravenclaw to Potter Manor tomorrow." Dumbledore acquiesced, "I will also be available to answer any of Miss Essex's questions."

Harry stood to his feet accepting the casual dismissal as he moved to carry his friend, but before he scooped her up he turned to the Headmaster, "These are steps towards peace, sir.  I promise."

The old warlock said nothing as Harry scooped the girl into his arms bridal style, and began making his way out of the room.


James, Frank, and Lily had not even made it out of the seventh floor corridor when McGonagall came through with a fire in her eyes neither had ever seen before, "Return to your Common Rooms at once."

"What's happening Professor?" Lily asked, her wand clutched tightly in her hand.  They had heard the commotion in the dormitories.  They had most of the house in the Common Room right now waiting to see what was happening.

"We are investigating the matter as we speak.  That is all I can tell you right now." The woman answered sternly, "Now back to the Common Room.  Assure the students that everything is now in hand."

"Is Harry okay?" James asked worriedly somehow just knowing his cousin was involved in what happened.  The woman's nostrils flared for a moment before shaking her head, "Last I saw Mr. Potter was fine.  I cannot say more until the investigation is over, now please."

The Professor was done speaking to her head students and turned on her foot at once to depart the corridor.  Frank scoffed, "A battle just took place in the castle and they don't want us asking questions?"

"There's an investigation pending, and judging by McGonagall's reaction someone must have been hurt or worse." Lily stated worriedly.

Frowning at the line of thought James already had the intention of grabbing the cloak, checking the map, and investigating further.  After calming the house, and returning everyone to their dormitories James returned to his dormitory where the Marauders and Frank were all waiting with the map on a bedside table that had been brought into the middle of the room.  James wasted no time in walking over to see what they were all looking at and Sirius sighed, "The Professors are all gathering in this area.  Harry, Elaina, Flitwick, and Dumbledore are all in the Headmaster's Office."

"At least they are alive." Remus said softly, "Whatever happened must've been huge to shake the castle the way it did."

Sirius glanced towards the window before saying, "We could see massive blue lights as well, but we couldn't tell what they were coming from."

"You didn't see any names you didn't recognize on the map?" Frank asked curiously.  The teen had watched the Marauders peer over this map for years, and though he was interested in its development he usually kept out of the pranks the four got up to.  His family would not have it any other way.

Peter squeaked out, "By the time we figured out something was happening some of the Professors, Harry, and Elaina were all in the Courtyard.  There was no one else around, and nothing seemed to be happening."

"Could the map have been wrong?  Or missed something?" Frank asked.

"No!" All four answered at once.

The teen held his hands up in surrender with a slight grin at the defensive nature of his roommates, "Of course not.  Well I guess the only thing to do is ask Harry tomorrow.  I am sure he will tell us."

The four exchanged looks at this and Frank rolled his eyes, "You four are avoiding him not the other way around.  He would be happy to talk to any of you."

"He said that?" James asked skeptically.

"No, but I have come to know Harry." Frank said honestly, "He doesn't hold grudges like that.  Though it would've gone a long way if you all had shown up to training tonight."

"It would've been awkward." James defended.

Frank crossed his arms looking at the teen pointedly, "Look James, don't let me tell you how to mend your relationship with Harry, but I can guarantee that he wouldn't even have mentioned last week's nonsense.  Nonsense you started."

James flinched and the other Marauders shifted uncomfortably, while Sirius muttered, "Geez Longbottom tell us how you really feel."

Rolling his eyes the prefect turned to head back to his bed, "Harry is really trying to make things right.  People are dying out there, and something bad just happened right here in the castle.  He is just trying to make sure we all know how to defend ourselves.  Nothing to me is more important than that right now.  I have a family to protect, and I will be damned if something happens to Alice while there is breath in my body.  Goodnight."

With that the boy slid into his bed, and lowered the curtains with a flick of his wand.  The group all exchanged looks, and James scratched the back of his neck feeling properly scolded.  No further words were exchanged between the Marauders as they all took the journey to bed with heavy thoughts on their minds.


A group of Professors were gathered around the body of Argus Filch.  His eyes had been closed by Alphard Black, and they were all holding vigil over the man for sometime.  Professor Sprout spoke softly, "We should call the Aurors."

"Miss Essex was not in her right mind." Flitwick answered, "We condemn an innocent girl to Azkaban if we make that call."

"If she is innocent then the Aurors will be able to prove that." McGonagall returned evenly having just arrived back from her side of the castle.

"Miss Essex is a good girl.  A bright student.  What caused this outburst?" Slughorn questioned.

"Potter and the Headmaster claim it was this Heir of Slytherin everyone is talking about." Flitwick answered quietly.

All eyes went to the diminutive man and he clenched his fist, "There is much going on here.  More than we are being told.  Our students are in danger.  War has reached our halls."

Scoffing Black retorted, "War reached our halls the moment Harry Potter stepped into this castle.  He means to wage war on the Dark Lord's followers. If our students are naive enough to follow this mad man then they will get what is coming to them."

"Do you truly believe Miss Essex is one of his followers?" Horace asked skeptically.

"Absolutely not." Flitwick answered without hesitation, "As I said she was not in her right mind.  Her eyes were not even the same color.  She was completely-"

"Filius." A voice came from down the hall warningly.  Albus Dumbledore was strolling to the gathered teachers looking much older than any could remember seeing him, "The situation we are handling is extremely delicate.  The truth cannot fall into the hands of his followers."

At this, Dumbledore looked directly at Slughorn, and the man flushed, but said nothing.  McGonagall scowled, "A man was murdered here tonight Albus.  By one of our-"

"Miss Essex did not murder Argus.  When she awakes I have doubts she will even have memory of what occurred.  Turning her into the Aurors would only serve as a benefit to the enemies of the people." Dumbledore said with finality.

Alphard looked at the man questioningly, "What will you tell the Aurors?"

"Nothing." The man said simply, "Lying to our Law Enforcement would be highly illegal.  I am Chief Warlock, and if an official member of our government were to open an investigation I would be bound by honor to be truthful.  My plan is to have a small funeral for Argus at the edge of the grounds and lay him to rest here.  As for our other students, we will say that a duel broke out and caused some destruction in the Courtyard and staircase.  I will speak with Peeves and Portraits to ensure their silence of what really happened."

The heads of house and Professor Black all looked down at the fallen man with differing views.  Argus Filch was a spiteful man, and often cruel to students when they were left in his care.  None would have wished death on the man, but no tears would be shed over the fallen staff member.

"Is there any that wishes to create an issue over the matter?  I must stress the consequences of doing so are far more severe than any of you could imagine." Dumbledore attempted to convey.

The man made eye contact with each member of his staff on scene and received varying methods of acceptance.  Professor Black for his part shook his head, "It will be as you said Headmaster.  I wish to speak with Potter and Essex over the matter, however."

"Both students have departed the school for now.  Miss Essex is in need of help that she cannot receive here.  I do not know when they will return." The Headmaster confessed.

Professor Black nodded, "Very well."  As the man walked away he called over his shoulder, "The students will have questions when they notice Potter and Essex aren't in the castle tomorrow!"

With that being said the man took a final look at Argus Filch before turning and heading back towards his staff quarters.  Flitwick was the next to follow while the other three heads of house remained behind.  Sprout questioned, "I have known you for many years, Albus.  I trust your judgment, and will not speak of tonight's events."

The Headmaster offered a bow to the woman who glanced at each of her colleagues before departing.  McGonagall followed suit shortly after and Slughorn glanced at his friend asking, "Will you be able to beat him, Albus?"

Sighing the man wandlessly lifted the body of his caretaker, "I am not as young as I once was, but with the right people on our side I believe Tom will be stopped, but he must remain ignorant of what happened tonight."

Horace swallowed hard before nodding his acceptance and returning in the direction of the Dungeons.  Leaving the fallen Caretaker and the Headmaster alone as he sought to undo the damages done tonight by his old student.