Chapter 50

Arriving at Potter Manor the lights were already on and his arrival expected. Before he had departed the Hogwarts Grounds he had sent a patronus ahead notifying Charlus and Dorea of his impending arrival, and that Elaina had been hurt.

Keeping the girl close to him he had not bothered to cast any magic on her as he carried her across the front lawn of Potter Manor. It was as if he had gone numb to the events of the night. It had all gone wrong and a man had been killed. Then the knee-shaking revelations of Elaina's heritage, which seemed so much worse now that he knew it was the reality his friend truly would face if the truth ever came out. There was also the fact that the Diadem had nearly escaped his grasp tonight. Had that happened many good people could have been put in harm's way with how much Elaina knew about Harry and his family.

As he arrived at the front doors they opened in his presence revealing a worried-looking Mipsy. The little elf had huge eyes as she saw him carrying his friend and she asked, "Is Missy Lany okay?"

"She will be Mipsy. My mum just needs to work on her a bit." Harry consoled the elf in a soft voice.

Before he could ask where his parents were Charlus and Fleamont came around the corner looking grim. Charlus spoke first, "Give her to me son. Your mom and Aunt Mia are setting up the room next to Arcturus."

Harry didn't say anything as Charlus took the girl from his arms gently. No sooner had he done so did Fleamont put an arm around his shoulders, "Are you alright, son?"

With Elaina in the safety of Charlus' arms, the man he trusted the most, he allowed the pain from tonight to take over, and his legs buckled slightly. Fleamont did not allow him to fall however as he shook his head, "What were you hit with?"

"The cruciatus curse. I also walked through fire, but other than the pain it didn't seem to leave a mark." Harry said with a matter-of-fact style tone.

Fleamont glanced at his grandson in horror, but Harry merely continued forward to catch up with where his father was taking Elaina. When he entered a room that was usually empty he saw Dorea had made a makeshift hospital room to take care of his friend.

In a no-nonsense type of voice, Dorea asked Harry, "What happened?"

Before Harry could even answer, the woman was waving her wand around the girl looking for issues, "Elaina was possessed by Voldemort tonight."

This stopped all activity in the room. The woman who was usually so soft and kind turned to her son with a furious look in her eye, "What?"

"We went to destroy one of Voldemort's Horcruxes tonight. One that was inside Hogwarts." Harry explained, and the look on his mother's face made him want to stop, but he continued, "I became lost in the wake of a bad memory and Elaina was hurt because of it. It's my fault."

"How could you be so reckless?" Dorea asked scathingly, causing Harry to look down in shame.

Euphemia offered him a look of sympathy as he had no response for the angry witch. Finally the woman scoffed as she put her wand away and placed both hands on Elaina's temples, closing her eyes while taking deep breaths. After a moment of silence, she whispered, "Legillmens."

Elaina seemed to stiffen for a moment before relaxing. Charlus had come to stand by his son placing a hand on his shoulder, "We should talk outside, give your mum some room to work. It could be a while if she needs to repair damage to Elaina's mind. By the time she is done, she will have seen what happened."

"I will wait here and keep an eye on them. I will let you all know when Dorea resurfaces." Mia comforted.

In understanding Harry felt his shoulder slump as he exited the room with his father with Fleamont in tow. When Fleamont closed the door Charlus sighed, "Dorea has been tense since the New Year. Arcturus is not getting any better and it is taking a toll on her. She is not upset with you, just upset that someone she cares about could've been hurt or worse tonight."

In understanding and shame, Harry nodded his head once in acknowledgment. Fleamont took a breath before saying, "Was anyone else hurt?"

"Argus Filch, the caretaker, was killed in the crossfire by Elaina while she was possessed. Dumbledore knows everything and promises to keep it quiet. We shouldn't be facing an inquisition from the Aurors." Harry assured the alarmed-looking wizards.

"Are you sure it was wise to trust, Dumbledore?" Charlus asked.

"He is not the same man I knew and respected. He treats me like the stranger I am, which is to be expected." Harry said heavily, "But I think he trusts our family's legacy. He trusts the judgment of his familiar who recognizes our bond from when it saved my life in my time. I am not sure I would count on Dumbledore, but I trust that he wants Tom gone as much as anyone else, and will not leak the information willingly. He also gave me some information we needed, but I think it best that I wait till everyone is around to share it. Even Elaina has a right to it."

Charlus seemed to understand at once, as if he expected such an answer while his grandfather looked puzzled. Harry then explained what had occurred. He started from their evening dueling session, then continued on with the search for the Diadem. Both men took grim expressions when Harry explained about slipping into his thoughts of the past, and flinched when he said that Elaina struck him with the Cruciatas curse.

By the time Harry had talked about the flames, Charlus was pacing while Fleamont was looking at the teen in complete horror. After a moment Charlus swore under his breath, "I don't mean to be hard on you, Harry, because I know you had a tough night, but your mother was right, this was very reckless. You both could've been killed! And we would have had no idea why or how!"

"I had to do it." Harry said simply, "I made mistakes along the way, but we have now taken a piece of Voldemort's soul. Every single one we destroy is a step towards peace."

Charlus moved towards Harry and placed both hands on his shoulders looking him in the eye, "But an innocent man was killed tonight in the crossfires. I am not saying bloodshed could have been prevented, but you should have at least discussed it with us so we could advise you of the best possible strategies. Maybe we could've smuggled ourselves into the castle to assist you. The risks taken tonight were unnecessary. I want you to promise me you won't take such drastic, dangerous, steps again without talking to us first."

Moving away from the man Harry felt his frustration begin to take over, "I am trying to win a war! I can't second guess every move we make."

"Had she gotten away tonight, Harry, we would've lost." Fleamont said quietly, "Voldemort would have scattered his other Horcruxes in the deepest darkest corners of the world, never to be found. Right now he allows his pride, and his foolish belief that his immortality will never be discovered due to his decision-making. If that were to change we could be facing a very different, and much more calculated enemy. One that is already too dangerous to comprehend."

"We've been in this together since you arrived here." Charlus said quietly, "Why all of a sudden do you wish to keep us in the dark?"

Unable to face the men, Harry glanced down the hall that had the portraits of his long-passed family members. His thoughts of his family making his insides twist and turn, "Because I don't want to lose anyone else."

Turning back to face the men now, the emotions of the night catching up with him, "I don't want any of you to end up like Arcturus. Twice now Elaina has ended up in a Hospital bed because of me, and it hurts me everytime, but she's a survivor."

Taking a breath Charlus stared at the boy he had come to love like a son before shaking his head and returning to the hospital room to be beside his wife. Fleamont turned to his grandson with a wary smile, "You should get some rest, Harry. I will send Mia to give you a once over, and I will come wake you when Elaina wakes up. I am sure Dorea will put her right back to sleep or tell her to rest for the night. The conversations of what happens next can take place tomorrow when everyone has had time to come to terms with what has happened."

Harry considered arguing, but he knew he was at his wit's end. He was tired, aching, and if he continued his current rate he would just snap at his family who didn't deserve it. Offering a nod to his grandfather Harry began making his way toward his room

As he passed through the halls of Potter Manor he could almost feel the disapproving eyes of his long-past family members. All these great and powerful wizards, surely they had made mistakes too? Surely they had walked his path and would understand the decisions he made?

Walking a little faster in hopes of avoiding the knowing eyes of his ancestors he made it to his room and closed the door behind him taking a seat at his desk putting his hands in his face. When he closed his eyes the flash of green light filled his mind as he thought about the lifeless body of Filch being tossed across the hallway.

Grimacing, he twitched hoping to put his mind at ease, but instead, the blue flames that Elaina had summoned filled his vision. He remembered the pain of walking through the fire. The hate-filled expression on her countenance overtook the eyes he had come to adore. Had he lost her tonight he would never have forgiven himself. Charlus was right, he had been reckless.

A soft hand on his shoulder jolted him out of his thoughts as he looked up into the soft blue eyes of his paternal grandmother. Mia Potter offered him a soft look, "Harry, are you okay?"

Searching for an answer to that question he hesitated just long enough for the woman to shake her head and embrace him without question. When her arms went around his neck he buried his face into her shoulder and immediately began to cry. What had he been thinking? A man was killed, Elaina or himself nearly followed.

Soft words however rang in his ear, "It's okay, Harry. We may not agree with the decisions you made tonight, but we are still here. We are still ready to fight for you and our family. Everyone is just upset that we nearly lost you. We just found you, Harry. None of us are ready to lose you."

"It's not just about me." Harry choked, "Charlus was right. I could've killed Elaina, or she could've killed more innocent people."

Soothingly the woman shushed him, "When Elaina wakes up she will be hurt by her own actions. Hurt that she killed someone. Devastated she nearly killed someone else she cares about so deeply. She will have a hard time facing everyone, but we as a family will guide her."

"It's more than that." Harry said, feeling a sense of panic, "She doesn't know the truth about her family yet. Is it all going to be too much?"

Mia clearly didn't understand, but she continued to be calm, "Harry, you can't choose the family you are born to, but you can choose the people you will call family. We will help her see that."

Harry slowly pulled away from the woman, giving her an unsure look, "Do you think she will see it that way? Grandma, when she finds out who her family is she may think she is evil. What will I do then?"

"I don't know Elaina as well as my brother and sister do," The woman admitted, "But for her to have captured the heart of such good people I believe there to be greatness in her. You as her friend, and maybe something more one day, need to just assure her. Assure her that she is wanted, and welcomed, no matter her circumstances of birth. Assurance is a powerful thing, Harry, particularly for women. Do you understand?"

Feeling his cheeks color at her insinuation about being something more than friends he felt himself look out towards a window in his bedroom that showed the grounds of Potter Manor. He allowed himself to consider the words of his soft-spoken grandmother for a long moment. He thought about how little he had assured Elaina about anything. His past, his birth family, his feelings towards her, and in these thoughts he realized now more than ever it was important to be more forward and open towards the girl. He often spoke to her about how she earned his place at his side, but that needed to be more than mere words.

Turning to face the kinder woman he offered her a nod and she stood to her feet, "Good, now I have brought you two potions. With your exposure to the cruciatus curse, there is little I can do except mitigate the discomfort and aches. I notice you are not twitching like so many of its usual victims are, so I will spare you the second one. I have also cast several diagnostics and have not discovered any burns or physical damage to your body. Whatever Elaina cast on you must have been a different sort of magic, because I can feel her residual magic all over you. Nevertheless, I believe you will be okay with this potion and some rest."

The woman offered a green potion to the teen who grimaced and took it and tossed the liquid to the back of his throat. Shaking his head as the liquid felt unnaturally cold going down his throat he felt himself become instantly lighter, "Thanks grandma,"

Patting the boy on the cheek with her hand she began making her way towards the door, Harry stopped her before she could exit, "Wake me when she does?"

Mia Potter glanced at her grandson wanting to deny his request so he could rest, but the pleading in his eyes made her hesitate, "Okay, Harry. Goodnight."

Flicking her wrist at the light on his bed side table it became dark in the room at once as Harry moved to lay in his bed as the door closed behind the woman. Taking a deep breath he tried to clear his mind from the heartaches of the day, and his exhaustion overtook him in moments.


Glancing around she couldn't quite determine where she was. She had been in the Room of Hidden Things with Harry just moments before, but now she found herself outside. At a glance it seemed like the area that she trained in with her mysterious friend. They had spent many hours in the Forbidden Forest pushing their magic to its limits. It was oddly discomforting to be here without him however as her eyes glanced around the well lit forest.

Observing her own outfit she was even in her comfortable Slytherin garb that she usually wore during their training. Odd she couldn't remember how she came to be here, or when she had put on this outfit. Was this some kind of test by her magical mentor?

Calling out hoping to find answers, "Harry?"


A soft feminine voice said, and she whirled around to see the face of Dorea Potter. The woman was in her battle robes and looked prepared to fight if necessary with her wand in hand. Going for her own wand, believing they could be under attack at any moment, she found it was not on her, "Where's my wand, Dorea?"

"Harry is protecting it. There was a fight at the school. What is the last thing you remember?" The woman asked with some concern in her voice, but not coming any closer.

Elaina looked towards the ground, her eyebrows furrowing in concentration, "Harry and I were looking for something in a hidden room at Hogwarts."

"The Diadem of Ravenclaw." Dorea stated instead of questioned.

Knowing the woman must've already spoken with her son, Elaina just nodded, "Yes. Harry believed we needed to destroy it to beat Voldemort. We found it, but…it must have…"

Flashes of what occurred when Harry had become distracted by something in the room. She had felt compelled to put the diadem on, and she had, and then she had hit Harry with…what had she done? Feeling her legs go weak she began to wobble, and Dorea looked like she wanted to come to her, but was still hesitant, "I didn't mean to hurt him."

Her voice was soft, and searching for forgiveness, but Dorea shushed her as she cautiously approached, "We know you didn't, dear. Harry is okay. Keep searching your memory. Tell me what else you remember."

Suddenly they were no longer in the Forbidden Forest, but in a familiar Hogwarts corridor on the fifth floor. She saw herself running through the hall when a man stepped into her path. Whispering to herself she said, "What is this?"

"We are in your mind." Dorea said carefully, "You are asleep at Potter Manor, but you were possessed by Voldemort's power. I have entered your mind to ensure there was no damage done, and ensure you would wake up, yourself."

Elaina was about to question the situation when she saw herself launch a green curse at an unsuspecting man that she recognized as Argus Filch. She watched as someone posing as her laughed while Professor Flitwick came barreling into the scene. In horror, she watched as she blasted the Professor she had respected so much in her time at Hogwarts, into a wall. Her jaw dropped as she fled and Harry destroyed the Grand Central Staircase in attempts to slow her down.

Then her heart sank when they reached the courtyard. Professor Dumbledore had arrived in her path. Killing curses were being thrown from her wand with reckless abandon making her watch in disbelief. When she summoned the blue fire and began destroying the courtyard, trying to kill her professors in the process she nearly crumbled, "What have I done?"

"This was not your fault, Elaina." Dorea explained, "Voldemort's power is immense. You experienced it tonight. No one blames you. Even the Headmaster, Flitwick, and other Professors are prepared to protect you. Harry explained to Dumbledore the circumstances of what-"

Her voice ran dry as the two women watched Harry plunge into the flames and scream in pain. They watched as the teen pushed against the flames that were trying to devour him, and both felt tears sting their eyes. When Harry reached her in the memory she sobbed upon hearing his words, "And I am with you till the end of the line."

Elaina was no longer able to stand on her own two feet as she went to the ground holding her head with both her hands rocking back and forth. What had she done? She nearly killed her best friend. How would she look his family in the eye? How would she look him in the eye?

Nearly hyperventilating at this point she felt a pair of arms go around her shoulder as Dorea pulled her in close, "I am so sorry, Dorea. I didn't mean to hurt him. I never wanted to hurt him."

"We know you didn't, dear." The woman's voice sounded slightly hoarse, and Elaina knew watching her son suffer in such a way was hard for the witch, "You fought against the Dark Lord with everything you had. You beat him and saved my boy. You recognized he didn't want to hurt you, because if you hadn't the flames would've killed him."

"I've never even seen that spell before. It was so powerful. I remember trying to fight it. I remember hearing Harry's voice. It felt like I was trying to contain the power of the sun though. Is this one of Voldemort's creations?" Elaina asked desperately.

"No…that was not one of Voldemort's spells." Dorea said quietly, releasing the girl and standing back to her feet.

Elaina wiped at her face with her robes and turned to face the woman as she tried to stand up and find her balance again, "I don't understand. I have never used a spell like that before. If it isn't his then-"

"It is your family magic." Dorea said not looking at the girl, her voice still quiet.

"My…family magic? I don't understand, how could I know that if no one ever taught it to me?" Elaina asked desperately.

"It's unprecedented." The woman said softly, "Instinctual family magic. I can't imagine the type of blood magic it took for something like that to work. Rituals of the darkest arts. He must have sacrificed a lot for his legacy to carry on. I have no other explanation of how it could have been possible."

"He?" Elaina asked, feeling like she was miles away from the woman she had come to respect so much.

"Your grandfather." Dorea said in a whisper, "Gellert Grindelwald."

Before Elaina could question this any further her vision went black.


"Harry." A familiar strong voice said disturbing the sleep of the youngest Potter.

The teens eyes shot open and he turned quickly to face the door to see Charlus Potter standing in the entryway looking grim, "Elaina is awake."

The sleep was gone from his mind in a moment, feeling like he had been electrified. Throwing the blanket off him he quickly moved to his feet still in the clothes from the night before. Glancing towards a window he could see that it was still mostly dark outside, but dawn was showing signs of arrival.

Charlus had already exited the room and Harry was beside him in matching him step for step in no time at all, "She knows."

Swallowing hard, Harry merely nodded, "She deserved the truth."

Saying nothing the man just continued his long strides back to the makeshift hospital room. When they arrived Elaina was sitting up looking tired, but well. Her heterochromia eyes were back to normal, and her dark hair was pulled back neatly into a ponytail. As Harry entered the room the two locked eyes, and they might as well have been the only two in the Manor. Quickly he came to her bedside, and without hesitation the girl threw her arms around him, "I am so sorry, Harry."

"It's not your fault, Elaina. It's my fault. I became distracted. This was on me." Harry said, rubbing circles into her back.

"What did Dumbledore say?" She questioned worriedly.

"He is going to protect you." Harry comforted, "I told him about what we were after, and he knows about the Horcruxes. He understands what is at stake. Now tell me about you, are you okay?"

Choking out a laugh the girl shook her head, "I hit you with the cruciatus curse and you want to know if I am okay?"

"Humor me." The teen said, placing a hand on hers squeezing it in an attempt to comfort the girl.

"I'm scared, Harry." Elaina said faintly looking down, afraid to meet the eyes of any in the room.

"You don't have to be. We are with you. We will protect you, I will protect you, and we will protect each other. As we have since we met." Harry said with assurance.

"Are you worried about what I will become?" She asked delicately, "I have always been prone to powerful magic, some I couldn't even understand, and now I think I understand why."

"My parents suspected it long before I did." Harry admitted to her.

Elaina's eyes widened at this and she looked up at Charlus and Dorea who were standing together nearby and she questioned, "Why didn't you say anything? Were you not worried about housing your enemies-"

"You are not our enemy, Elaina." Charlus said cutting the girl off before she could get hysterical, "You have proven to be anything, but. You may share blood with a man that was once an enemy to this family, but that has nothing to do with you. You have proven yourself to us."

"Elaina." Harry said tenderly, "I have answers. If you are ready for them. Dumbledore, he knew all along. He has been watching over you for years. I don't have all the answers, but-"

Gripping his hand tighter to indicate she was desperate for information Harry nodded, and began relaying everything Dumbledore had told him. About her mother, and the events that Dumbledore believed led up to her death. He explained that he had watched over her mother as a girl, and determined she was a squib which was likely why none of Grindelwald's followers wanted anything to do with her.

Harry even went on to explain that Dumbledore had been carefully watching Elaina and ensuring she did not follow in her grandfather's footsteps. By the time he was done explaining Elaina had slow tears rolling down her face. The rest of the family had remained respectfully quiet during the tale, and Harry knew they were all processing the information he had relayed.

"What about my grandmother? Who was she?" Elaina questioned with trepidation.

"If he knew he didn't say." Harry admitted.

"Grindelwald had no shortage of female fanatical followers." Dorea interjected, "I am afraid it could have been anyone."

"I would like to know." Elaina said softly, "I could still have family out there. Even if they wanted nothing to do with me I still want to know."

Harry nodded in understanding and looked to his parents who were exchanging nervous glances. Charlus sighed after a moment, "When you two graduate we could try to make arrangements. I can't promise anything, but maybe a few minutes with the man isn't out of the question. I would insist one of us be there though. Grindelwald was a master manipulator. We can't take any chances. Even in his weakened state he would be a major threat if something were to happen."

Elaina nodded her head rapidly, "I understand."

Silence enveloped the room as if they had just sealed some kind of deal. Dorea was the one who broke the silence, "I think I will have Mipsy prepare some breakfast before I take some rest for the day. It was a long night. Elaina, I am so happy you are okay. Both of you. You have nothing to worry about your welcome here at Potter Manor, my dear. Now if you will excuse me."

Elaina offered a soft thanks as the woman exited the room followed by her husband. Fleamont tapped his grandson on the shoulder smartly, "We will give you two some privacy."

As his grandparents left the room leaving him alone with his friend he took her free hand in his own now holding both of them. Bringing her hands to lips he kissed them looking her in the eye, "I am really grateful to be sitting here with you right now. There was a moment last night that I thought I was going to lose you."

The girl seemed surprised by his display of affection, but didn't shy away from it, "I am really sorry for hurting you, Harry. I never wanted to do that."

"I saw something in the Room that distracted me. Something that caused me some serious grief in-"

"Your time." She interrupted softly.

Harry's eyes darted to her confusion clearly on his face and she offered him a small smile, "I know, Harry. I figured it out after the Chamber. I think I have known for a while, but the idea seemed too far-fetched. How far did you come back?"

Gulping Harry refused to take his eyes off her. He wanted his sincerity and honesty to show in his countenance, "20 years."

Her eyes widened at this, "20 years…how is that possible?"

"I only know what Fleamont told me on the other side. It could've been my imagination, it could've been real, but I just know I was given another chance. A chance to fix things." Harry explained.

Harry stood now releasing his hold on her. He paced a little, rubbing his face with his hand trying to convey his past to her in the simplest terms possible, "Elaina, in my time, we lost the war. We lost everything. Voldemort rose to a power that no one in our world could dream of matching. He killed all my friends, my family, and me."

"You died?" She asked with her eyes wide as saucers now.

"Dozens of killing curses after I tricked the Dark Lord into a false sense of safety. I defeated him for a night, but his army conquered Hogwarts in the final night of the war. His power was restored not long after. At least that is what I was told." Harry explained quietly.

Shaking her head, "This is all so unbelievable."

"Yeah, I get it." Harry agreed, "When I came back everything up until my arrival seemed to be the same. Obviously, I have already changed a lot…there is so much I have to tell you."

Leaning back into a resting position on her bed, Elaina looked up to the ceiling before closing her eyes, a content smile crossing her face, "We have time, Harry. All the time in the world, when we win."

In confusion, Harry just looked at the relaxed girl, "I don't understand. Don't you want to know more?"

Opening her eyes to look at him with an amused look she said, "I just found out my best friend is from 20 years in the future, and that my grandfather is the most powerful Dark Wizard of the last century. I think I need a little time to wrap my head around it all, before you shake my world any further. For now, I am happy to have the truth between us."

"No more lies." Harry promised.

"No more lies." She repeated with a satisfied smile crossing her features.

With that, the girl closed her eyes again and her features began to relax. Harry for his part merely brought a nearby chair closer to the bed and took the girl's hand before laying his head down near her arm, determined to stay at her side until she was well rested.