Chapter 51

"Did you mean what you said in there, Charlus?" Fleamont asked as the two brothers walked on the grounds of Potter Manor as they did many times over the years as children.

Raising his eyebrows in question Fleamont clarified, "About letting Elaina and Grindelwald meet?"

Nodding his head up and down Charlus kept his eyes forward, "It will be difficult. Other than Dumbledore I don't think anyone has been allowed to visit him. However I think if the right calls are made, and if the old man supports us, we may be able to make it happen. I admit I don't trust myself in Nurmengard with him. The temptation to avenge our father would be too great."

"You have changed a lot since Harry arrived here. I remember a time when you and the rest of your squad talked about raiding Nurmengard to finish the job you started on the continent. Now you are going to allow your charges to visit a man who did so much damage to our world, to our family." Fleamont said with a neutral tone.

"You think I should keep them away from him?" Charlus asked in surprise.

"Not at all." Fleamont explained, "I am just surprised by your willingness."

"Things have changed." Charlus retorted calmly, "We have to adapt and overcome every obstacle we face. If we don't then we may not live to regret it."

In understanding Fleamont sighed, "Who would've thought how much our lives could change in six months. We went from hardly seeing each other at all, to living under the same roof again. Trying to take care of that boy of ours. It's been a lot."

Frowning, Charlus stopped and turned to face his brother, "I understand how hard this must be for you and Mia. The thought of what happened to James, and his family, in Harry's time turns my stomach everyday. The thought never strays far from my mind, and then I become so angry realizing it happened right under my nose. I just wish there was more we could do. I wish Harry would be more open with us about his plans."

"He may be my grandson, but he pulls a lot of his stubbornness from you, and Dad." Fleamont said with a sad smile, "I wish he was here. To guide us. I can't help, but feel a little lost. Harry came to visit me a few weeks ago about James. Harry is so worried about what the future holds for him, and knowing what he does I can't blame him. James seems unwilling to take the necessary steps to prepare for the coming conflict."

"It's not personal to him yet." Charlus said in comfort, "Harfang and Arcturus were basically strangers to him. He feels the pain for his friends, but that is nothing in the face of losing someone you truly love. I am afraid that is what it is going to take. From what Harry tells me about his time, that happened for James, and it changed him. It did to me. Dad's death changed me."

Frowning Fleamont shook his head, "I don't want to have to go into the ground before James realizes he can't run from this."

"Have you talked to him?" Charlus asked.

Running a hand through his hair Fleamont sighed, "I've tried. He says he wants to train with Harry. He said he had interest in becoming an Auror, but he isn't taking the proper steps to do these things. Harry asked for my advice, and I gave him my best, but I feel as if the clock is ticking. What if James had been on patrol last night when Elaina was overcome by this Heir of Slytherin's magic? He wouldn't have stood a chance against her."

"Aye, he wouldn't have." Charlus agreed, "I wish there was a right answer to give you, but we are facing uncharted waters here. James will be an adult here in a few months. He is beyond the age we can make him do anything."

Chuckling, the man couldn't help but agree with his little brother's words, "The days where I could tell James what to do have long since passed. I can ask him to do things, and he has always been respectful, but years of spoiling the boy may be our undoing."

This made Charlus laugh, "Don't be so dramatic Monty. Your boy will come into his own. You should be grateful, mine is in love with the descendant of a man I spent years of my adult life trying to kill."

Fleamont seemed unsurprised by the declaration, "You think Harry will tell her the truth?"

Without hesitation the man nodded, "He talks to Dorea more about these things than me, but I think he intended to do so today. He had written home saying he wanted to bring Elaina here for a serious discussion. I can only imagine that would be it."


As two teens came out of the Potter family pensieve Elaina was simply baffled by what she had seen, "You were 12 years old."

Nodding gravely Harry said, "Without Fawkes I wouldn't have made it. As you saw in this time we didn't have the sword either. That is why your decision to turn the basilisk into a lightning rod was so brilliant."

As agreed Harry had shown Elaina his memory of his first time in the Chamber of Secrets. It was here that he cast aside any remaining doubts as to where he came from. She was given a chance to meet Ron second hand, and even get a look at his Defense Professor from the year, Gildeory Lockhart. Suffice to say she wasn't too impressed by the fact that Harry didn't cast a single spell in his own defense. Sheepishly he reminded her that his talent for magic didn't come till much later in his education.

She was even amused by the stuttering of Ginny Weasley and Harry was forced to tell her about Ron's little sister having a crush on him through their Hogwarts years. Elaina was laughing at his embarrassment when Dorea entered the room offering the children a soft smile, "I am glad to see you both in good spirits after what happened last night."

"I was just showing Elaina my memory of my first visit to the Chamber of Secrets." Harry offered to indicate she now knew the truth of his origins.

This made the woman nod, "I am happy to hear you are sharing some of your formative memories with her. I was so excited to learn that Harry was a parselmouth. We have not had one in the Black family for centuries."

"You should have had a snake familiar, Harry." Elaina teased, "Then the whole school would've been even more terrified of you."

Chuckling Harry noticed the smile on Dorea's face seemed more forced than before and he questioned, "Mum?"

"Dumbledore floo called." The older woman explained, "He is coming, soon."

Harry nodded in understanding, while Elaina looked concerned, and the teen consoled her, "He said he was going to come by and answer any questions. If we don't want to draw too many questions we should probably return to school too. We don't want any suspicions about Filch's disappearance and ours coinciding too close together."

In understanding Elaina visibly swallowed hard before accepting her best friend's words, while Dorea added, "I have already told Charlus. He is not thrilled, but is understanding."

"Maybe the Headmaster will know more." Elaina said hopefully.

Dorea patted the girl on the arm gently, "I hope so, dear."


James was sitting at lunch eying the Slytherin table with morbid curiosity. Harry nor Elaina had been at breakfast, which wasn't that unusual, but with their disappearance from lunch as well meant the whispers were starting. The talk of the castle today had been the blue lights in the courtyard, but no one had seen their origin. By chance all the Common Rooms faced away from the courtyard entrance, and all the prefects had been sent back to their dormitories when whatever happened began.

James and the Marauders had last seen Harry and Elaina in the Headmaster's office when they called it a night. The next morning there were no traces of them on the map. This was not uncommon either though, because the Potter Heir knew that Harry liked to train in the Forbidden Forest which wasn't shown on the map. It wasn't until this afternoon when he never returned that he became slightly alarmed.

James wasn't the only one worried about Harry and Elaina being no shows for their meals by the looks of Lily. He could see the girl covering her mouth with her hand subtly biting the nail of her thumb in anticipation. Glancing to see the girls in Slytherin that he knew his cousin was on friendly terms with, they had completely neutral expressions. If they knew something they weren't letting anything on.

The only consolation that James could find in the situation was that all the usual suspects of Slytherin 6th and 7th years, who had openly antagonized Harry, were in the hall, seemingly in normal health. None of it added up.

Sirius had suggested that maybe magical creatures had attempted to invade the castle last night. That did make some sense to James. After all, they had all seen the Professors, Harry, and Elaina down in the courtyard around the times of the blue flashes of light. It would make sense that maybe some of the Acromantulas in the forest had attempted to invade and a force was sent to stop them. Not many other explanations made sense.

"You look like you are going to stare a hole into the staff table, Prongs. Relax." Sirius said lightly.

"They know what happened last night, and they are trying to keep it quiet." James said bitterly.

Remus shrugged his shoulders, "I am sure they have their reasons."

Peter grimaced, "Did you see how many portraits were missing in the staircase this morning? I wonder what happened there?"

"It has to be all related." James said resolutely.

"There are no signs that a confrontation took place in the castle." Remus countered, "I glanced at the courtyard this morning too as we came to breakfast. Nothing."

"So they covered it up well." Peter said quietly, "Because we know something happened. Half the school saw the light show. Plus we had the map"

Frowning in thought, the Marauders stayed quiet until Remus asked, "Did you send a letter home?"

"First thing this morning." James confirmed, "But it could be tomorrow at the earliest before I get a response."

Peter squeaked out, "McGonagall said they were okay. I don't think she would lie."

Sirius observed his Uncle rise from the staff table and rose to his feet as the man tried to make his way out of the hall. Without hesitation Sirius attempted to follow, with James hot on his heels. They didn't catch up with the man until they were outside the Great Hall, but Sirius called out, "Uncle Alphard!"

The man didn't turn, but slowed in his step as his great nephew came to match his step, "Hello Mr. Black."

The man's voice held a tinge of amusement, but also a reminder of public formalities that Sirius didn't care for, "Where is Harry?"

The Defense teacher resumed his strides towards his classroom while answering without looking at the heir to his family, "I did not realize I was supposed to be the keeper of Mr. Potter." Glancing at James the man corrected, "The youngest Mr. Potter that is."

"We know he isn't here." James said with some heat in his voice, "McGonagall told us he was fine, but now he hasn't shown up for either meal, nor has Elaina Essex. We already visited the Hospital Wing and know they aren't there, plus their Slytherin friends are playing their poker faces too well. We know something isn't right."

The Defense Professor stopped in his tracks turning to face the two seventh year boys eyeballing both of them with scrutiny. It was only technically true that they had checked the hospital wing with the map, but the Professor didn't need to know that. The man scratched at his beard before glancing around the hall as if he expected to be overheard before saying, "Follow me."

The two teens glanced behind them to see that Remus and Peter were catching up to them, and the group began to follow behind Professor Black, but he called out, "Just you two."

Sirius and James glanced towards their fellow Marauders and shrugged before following Professor Black.

When they arrived at the younger man's classroom he immediately flicked his wand at the door behind him seemingly sealing the teens in with him. Then the man folded his arms across his chest before saying, "I can confirm what Professor McGonagall said was honest. I witnessed Mr. Potter and Ms. Essex depart the castle last night with the Headmasters approval."

James shook his head, "Why? What really happened last night?"

Narrowing his eyes the man looked at the Potter Heir, "I can't speak to what happened last night. The only reason I brought you here is because it is not good practice for a Lord to lie to his heir."

Sirius frowned in confusion, while James' eyes widened in surprise. In confirmation Alphard ran a hand across his face taking a breath before saying, "It's true. The family has agreed to appoint me to Interm Lord Black. I agreed to the stipulation of confirming you as the Heir to the family if something were to happen to me."

"I don't want it." Sirius said without thought.

"I know." Alphard said plainly, surprising both James and Sirius, "To be frank, I don't think you are ready for it, but it doesn't take a seer to know that something serious is brewing out there. If Harry is to be believed, Civil War may be upon us. I scoffed at the notion originally, but the attack at Grimmauld Place, and the assassination of Harfang Longbottom makes me think maybe he is closer to the truth than I first thought. We need all the strength the family can get. Arcturus knew that, and told your grandmother as much. There isn't time to allow you to grow into this."

"I will cast out half the family at the first chance I am given." Sirius stated with anger in his voice and in his expression.

"As would be your right." Alphard answered with a nod, "But as I said, we need all the strength the family can get. Best case scenario, Arcturus wakes up soon, and resumes control of the family. We can't say for sure that will ever happen. If he doesn't, these could be the cards we are dealt."

Sirius seemed to be fuming internally, but finally shook his head, "We just wanted to know about Harry. If there is nothing else, we will be going."

"There is more." Alphard said in a concise voice.

Sirius had already turned his back and began making his way towards the door, while James now felt very uncomfortable by the family drama unfolding. Sirius reached for the door handle, and seemed to stop before he could storm out. Without turning back to face his uncle he said quietly, "You are the first one in this family to speak to me with any sort of respect in years. I would just as soon watch this family burn, before I would lift a finger to help it. Now are you going to let me out or I am going to have to blast the door down?"

Alphard sighed before waving his hand towards the door. With the charms being undone Sirius yanked the door open and all but ran from the room. James turned apologetically towards his Professor, "I will talk to him, sir."

Alphard had an even expression on his countenance, but James could see in the man's eyes that Sirius' defiance hurt, "Do what you can lad…I know it isn't what he wants, and I don't think this was anyone's first choice, but Sirius is the only one most of us believe is beyond this Heir of Slytherins corruption. He could do a lot of good at the helm of the family, with you at his side in particular. In contrast, if he refuses, someone like Regulus could do a lot of harm to our side."

James' mouth seemed to dry at the thought. Regulus Black was at best a sympathizer to the Pureblood movement, and at worse, a Death Eater in training. This would be the approach James would have to take to Sirius, because Alphard was right, the Black fortune supporting the Heir of Slytherin could be decimating.

James offered the man a nod as he went to follow after his friend. Before he made it out Professor Black called out to him, "Potter. Between you and I when Harry left here last night he was beat up, but nothing serious. He went home to have his mother look over Miss Essex, but she too will make a full recovery. I am afraid that is all I can tell you. I ask you not to mention this to anyone else."

James turned back to look at the youngest Professor on staff and simply nodded before following after Sirius feeling slightly relieved at the more forward information about his cousin.


Dumbledore had not been to Potter Manor in many years. The last time he had been here was not a particularly good memory either. He could remember as if it were yesterday. William Potter had told him that the British forces would be taking the fight to Grindelwald, and hoped the Transfiguration Professor would join them.

The two had been on amicable terms for years, and had even attended Hogwarts together for a brief time. There had always been a mutual respect between them, but it had been ruined the afternoon that Dumbledore had told his friend that he could not stand against Grindelwald.

Sighing, Dumbledore thought about the number of relationships he had ruined by waiting so long to join the war. Charlus Potter had been one of his favorite students, but the Headmaster knew that William must have told his youngest son about their last conversation, because through the years he had never received a warm welcome from his old pupil.

Dorea Potter may not have been one of his favorite students, but the girl had always done her best in his class, and helped others who were struggling in her house. Dumbledore could have claimed a good relationship with the woman and even wrote her a letter of recommendation to St Mungos when she first graduated. When the woman greeted him as he stepped out of the floo though he knew this was not the grateful 18-year-old graduate he once knew.

Lady Potter's eyes were cold as they set upon him. Trying not to be dissuaded by the less than warm welcome he offered the woman his best smile, "Lady Potter, an honor to be back in the ancestral home of your husband's family."

"Headmaster." The woman offered in short greeting, "I take it you brought the item my son wishes to dispose of?"

The weight of the small satchel around Dumbledore's shoulder seemed to weigh him down as he shifted it ever so slightly, "I have."

The woman eyed the satchel as if it were a bomb waiting to detonate before her eyes drifted to the older man's, "My charges, and husband are waiting in the family room. Follow me."

Dumbledore said nothing as he followed the woman through the house. His eyes glanced at the paintings, portraits, and pictures on the wall, but did not voice any questions to stimulate conversation. Instead, the woman pushed open two double doors at the end of a long hall and showed Lord and Lady Potter, Charlus, Harry, and Elaina. The Headmaster offered a bow to the group, "Good evening. It is comforting to find you all in good health."

Turning his eyes to face the only person who was not of Potter blood he gave the girl a soft smile, "Particularly you, Ms. Essex. I fear you were not at your best in our last encounter."

Elaina nodded subtly in acceptance of his words, and an uncomfortable silence stretched. Harry sighed, breaking the silence, speaking, "Welcome to Potter Manor, Headmaster. Thank you for coming."

Dumbledore bowed his head to Harry, "Thank you for accepting me. I know tensions are high, and this conversation is long overdue, but I wish to begin making amends."

"No lies or half-truths then, Headmaster." Charlus said tightly, "Answer the girls' questions, and don't try to leave anything out. As you know, my wife is quite talented at seeing through lies. We would not take kindly to that."

The warning was there, and Dumbledore stiffly nodded at the man's aggressive undertone. Turning his eyes to Elaina he offered her a short smile, "Please my dear, I know you have many questions. Ask, and I shall do my best."

"Who was my grandmother? Was she also a witch?" Elaina asked, trying to keep her curiosity under control.

"Her identity is a mystery to me, I am afraid. I can however guarantee you that she was a witch. I knew Gellert for many years growing up, and I am confident in saying that he would not have procreated with a muggle. I would also hazard a guess that the witch was likely a talent. Gellert always had powerful witches and wizards flock to him, and if he were to have children he would've wanted the highest probability of a talented gene pool."

Elaina frowned at his words, but nodded in acceptance, "How did you find out about my mother?"

Dumbledore remained quiet for a long moment. The eyes of the room bore into him as if they dared him to lie. Finally the man took an audible breath, "Gellert told me where to find her. I visited him in prison for the first time in 1947, years after our final encounter in the war. He told me he had a daughter that was going to be a great magical marvel, and that I had to help her. Show her a better path than the one he had trekked. I found the girl at a magical orphanage and kept a close on her, visiting often. When she turned 11 I had every intention of bringing her to Hogwarts under false names, but it was not meant to be. The girl had not managed to produce the tiniest sliver of magic. It was then I took her to a muggle orphanage, and removed her memories of magic. With no magical guardians, and Germany still having rather backwards views on squibs at the time I feared no good would come to her there."

"Did my grandfather ever know?" Elaina asked quietly.

Dumbledore did not meet her eyes when he told her the truth, "Yes. He was upset that his legacy was, in his own mind, ruined. He begged me to never tell a soul, and I saw no reason not to honor the promise. Any descendant of his would be hated and hunted. I did not wish that for little Esmerelda. A sweet and gentle soul that did not deserve the hand she had been dealt."

"What happened after that?" Elaina asked with a trembling voice. Harry took the girl's hand hoping to offer some strength, and she squeezed his hand in appreciation.

"I kept an eye on your mother over the years, and everytime I provided Gellert an update on her wellbeing while he would act disinterested. When you were born and began exhibiting signs of accidental magic I naturally updated him expecting him to feel comforted that his legacy had a chance at survival, but strangely he never found comfort in the matter." Dumbledore said with a frown as if the thought troubled him.

Harry froze at the words. Was it possible that Grindelwald had seen the death of his granddaughter in his visions as a seer? Was that why the man was disinterested? He could hardly imagine anyone who valued magical might would dismiss Elaina so easily. Other than himself, Elaina was likely among the most powerful magical beings under the age of 20. Her potential was limitless, and the fact that her grandfather was disinterested was concerning.

A long silence fell over the group as they all considered the final words of the Headmaster. Charlus and Dorea had grim looks on their countenance as they seemed to intake everything the older man had admitted. Elaina for her part squeezed Harry's hand painfully as she spoke softly, "How is it that I am performing magic I have never seen before? At first, I thought it was the influence of Voldemort, but now…I guess…I am thinking about other times I have used spells I have never conceived. After watching what I did to Harry with the blue flames…I am scared. I don't want to hurt my friends."

Dumbledore looked pained by the confession and took his time to consider his explanation, "It is my belief that Gellert delved deeply into ritualistic magic. As I mentioned he had a desire to have his magical legacy continued. It is my belief he sacrificed much to allow his magic to instinctually appear in his family line. I believe this dangerous magic will only come to you in dire situations, or in moments where emotions are frayed and you are relying on instinct alone."

Elaina glanced at Harry and he knew she was thinking about their encounter with the basilisk. Dangerous magic indeed, Harry thought morbidly. Anything that could fry a class-five magical beast was something spectacular.

"I would like to meet him." Elaina said suddenly, "I need to. I want to know who my grandmother was, and if I am going to be spouting highly dangerous magic I am hoping he will tell me what I am capable of."

Dumbledore frowned at her words, and glanced around the room as if he expected resistance to come from other corners, but instead the eyes of the Potter family just continued to bore into him. The man coughed, "I am not certain that is a good idea. Gellert is highly manipulative, and impossible to predict."

"I will have Harry with me, if possible." Elaina defended, "With him at my side, I am confident he will keep me straight if necessary."

Dumbledore's sour look didn't let up and of all people, he glanced at Charlus for backup, but the man just had his arms crossed with a blank look. In defeat, the Headmaster nodded, "With the assistance of Lord Potter I believe we could culminate the right resources to schedule a visit. I would however insist on being present."

"At the prison, but not in the cell." Charlus said firmly, "This is a private moment between Elaina and a man you spared. We will wait outside while Harry and Elaina speak with the man. Your job will be to prevent me from entering the cell and taking the man's life who killed my father."

Elaina winced at his stern words, while Dumbledore looked as if he would've preferred any other job in the world, "Very well. I insist this waits till the end of term, however."

"We have already agreed that would be for the best." Dorea chimed in.

Fleamont took his moment to speak, "I will use the Potter family contacts to get the access approved. It won't be a popular favor to call in, but I think with your approval Headmaster we should face little resistance."

Euphemia added concisely, "We should also keep this as below the radar as possible. We would not want our enemies, or Grindelwald's enemies looking into who has visited him."

"We should leave as little connection between Elaina and Grindelwald as possible." Charlus agreed.

"It is the risk we take by allowing the two to meet." Dumbledore countered, "This type of request will leave a paper trail. No matter how small. Whispers may be exchanged, especially knowing that Charlus himself was there."

All eyes went to Elaina at this, but her resolve didn't waver. Dorea voiced the question, "Elaina, it is your decision."

The girl didn't hesitate, "There are many battles to come. I can't be a liability to Harry or anyone else in this family. My magic could have killed him yesterday. If there is a chance my grandfather can prevent that from happening, then I have to take it."

Harry released the girl's hand and put an arm comfortingly around her waist as she leaned her head onto his shoulder, seemingly grateful for the contact.

Dumbledore let out a deep sigh, before nodding in understanding. Rising to his feet the man spoke, "Well I believe it would be best if we see to the destruction of the item I brought tonight."

With a flick of the Elder Wand Dumbledore carefully pulled the Diadem out of his bag and levitated it to the center of the room where everyone could see the historical artifact. There was little doubt that the item possessed a presence. Even Fleamont and Euphemia who had the least amount of exposure to dark magic knew that the item was certainly demented.

Harry rose to his feet, eying the item warily before saying, "Elaina should be given a chance to destroy it."

His words were met with silence and he turned to face the girl, "This item tried to tear us apart. It controlled you for a brief time, and would've seen your life upended. It is your right to destroy it."

Instead of looking at the object she rose to her feet and looked into Harry's eyes. He knew something like this would haunt her if she were not given a chance to face her fears, "I will do it."

Dorea spoke up after confirmation, "We are all here for you, dear. Nothing will happen to you this time."

Elaina nodded gratefully to the woman who had been looking after her over the last few months. While the Headmaster confirmed her words and provided a suggestion, "Perhaps we should take this onto the grounds. The destruction of the item could cause some magical backlash."

Charlus grunted his approval and stepped towards the door giving the headmaster a gesture with his hand, "After you then, Dumbledore."

The old man offered a tight smile to his former student and began making his way to the grounds while the rest of the Potter family plus Elaina followed in silence. The Diadem stayed in front of Dumbledore and the entirety of the party kept their eyes on the object as if they expected it to throw up a fight. A good distance was put between the house and the gathered group before Charlus declared that they had gone far enough.

Dumbledore dropped the Diadem on the grass and gestured to the gathered family, "Let us make a circle around the object. We do not know if any last defense mechanisms are in place. I do not believe there to be, but we do not wish to see anyone else get hurt to see the destruction of the Diadem."

Harry grabbed Elaina's hand and squeezed it comfortingly as the family did as Dumbledore suggested. The girl eyed the piece of magical history with disdain as Harry pulled a basilisk fang from the pouch of his mokeskin necklace. Carefully he placed it in the girl's hand, and offered her a final pearl of advice, "Don't let your doubts control you. You beat it once. Don't give it any more power over you."

Elaina didn't even glance back at Harry, but nodded as she took the basilisk fang from Harry before going down to her knees. Harry drew his wand in anticipation and realized he was the last to do so. Everyone was ready for this to go wrong, but Harry believed they had seen the worst of it.

Seeing that his friend's knuckles were white with how tight her grip was around the fang he wondered if she would freeze. Suddenly, she raised it to the sky and slammed it down with a scream of fury. When the strike connected the Diadem immediately split in two causing a massive magical backlash that sent Elaina sprawling onto her back. The rest of the group was merely pushed back a step as a wail of agony resounded from the Horcrux and a black smoke-like substance rose from above it.

Harry was at her side in an instant helping her back to her feet. Her eyes were wide with amazement over what she had done and he kissed the girl softly on the side of the head, "Well done."

Immediately Harry could tell the girl's spirits had been lifted by her success and took a hold of his hand with a satisfied expression on her face. Dumbledore summoned the broken pieces of the Diadem, shaking his head he muttered just loud enough for Harry to hear, "Oh Tom. What have you done?"

In defeat, the man slid the pieces of the Diadem back into his satchel. Looking around the older man eyed each person in the gathered group before saying, "A great step towards victory we have taken tonight. If not for the circumstances last night brought upon us I would say celebrations are in order. For now I believe it would merely be best if myself, and my students returned to Hogwarts this evening. There is still time to make dinner, and perhaps that will slow down the rumors that are already circulating around the school about what happened last night."

Harry looked to his parents and they both offered slight nods giving their approval. Harry rose to his feet, and moved to hug his grandparents, before stepping to where Elaina had hugged Charlus and Dorea. With brief farewells given the seventh-year Slytherin students followed the Headmaster towards the grounds.

When they reached the open air the cool winter breeze stung slightly as they moved towards the property line. Dumbledore walked beside the couple, and after a moment of uncomfortable silence the man said, "I am afraid I owe you an apology, Miss Essex. The truth should have not remained hidden for as long as it had. I should have known it would come out eventually, one way or another."

Harry wanted to snap at the man that keeping secrets like this usually ended up getting people killed, but bit his tongue. He couldn't let his own anger at the man from his time cloud his judgment. Elaina however was not silent, "I understand the severity of the secret."

Her voice was a whisper, but to Harry, it sounded like the warning sound a snake would make before striking its victim, "What I can't understand is the decision to never tell me the truth of my heritage. I have come up in this world believing I was nothing. Believing that I would never make it in this society because of my blood status. Come to find out I hail from one of the most powerful sorcerers to ever live. I can't say I am proud of the legacy my grandfather paved, because the death and destruction he caused sickens me, but I have a legacy to live up to even if the world is to never know it."

Dumbledore sighed as he slowed in his step, but never stopped, "I never wished for you to hold the burden of knowing what your family has done. I never wished the world to target an innocent young woman for crimes she had no part in."

"I think I had the right to make that decision myself." Elaina said with a little heat now in her voice.

Dumbledore bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement, and when they reached the property line the girl turned on her heel and apparated away before Harry and the Headmaster could follow.

"I fear I have alienated Miss Essex against me." Dumbledore said looking out in the distance as if he were remembering a particularly painful memory.

Remembering the stories from The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, and all the things he had learned about his former mentor after Snape killed him he took a breath, "You have the power to fix things with her. You knew him better than anyone. If you aren't willing to do that, then yes, you will have turned her against you."

Leaving the man behind Harry apparated and arrived at Hogwarts in an instant.


Andromeda and Pandora were exchanging nervous looks as they made their way to dinner that evening. Propaganda for the Heir of Slytherin from Rabastan and the other Jr Death Eaters were louder than ever without the presence of Harry and Elaina in the Common Room today. They had loudly heard Rabastan saying that anyone who stood against the Heir was going to meet a sticky end, and that only fools would side with the Mudbloods. The accusation seemed to be directed straight at the Slytherin girls who usually stayed close to Harry or Elaina with hopes of safety in numbers.

Pandora had tried to assure Andi with all the training they had been doing with Harry they could likely hold their own, but the daughter of the Black family was not so keen to test her skills against the Lestrange Heir and his unforgivable curses.

Rabastan had been quiet the last few weeks, but one day without their friends around and the boy found his bravery. They could only hope wherever their friends were they would return soon, and with good news.

Even walking to dinner made the two nervous. Pandora whispered under her breath, "Where is Nate when you need him?"

Andi frowned at the girl's words. It was true that Nate had hardly been around since before the winter holidays. The young man had appeared troubled often, but then seemingly disappeared off the radar outside of classes. She couldn't imagine what was going on with the boy, but there had to be something. She would have to speak with Amelia soon and see if something could be uncovered.

Arriving at the dining hall Andi let out a deep sigh of relief at the sight of her friends sitting in their usual spots at the Slytherin table. Harry was digging into his dinner, while Elaina picked around at her food. The two girls exchanged looks before hurrying to join them for dinner ignoring the whispers around the hall at the sudden arrival of the two.

"Where have you two been?" Andi hissed quietly.

"Tell you later." Harry answered, trying to offer the girl a reassuring smile, but looked more like a grimace on his countenance.

Andi prepared to argue, but the mood she was detecting from Elaina gave her pause. Trying to read the girl's emotions before responding, Pandora beat her to the punch, "Of course. We are just glad you are both okay. With all the commotion in the castle, we thought you two might have been hurt."

"Nothing a quick visit to home couldn't fix." Harry answered softly, taking Elaina's hand as she seemed to tense up.

"Well we are glad you are back." Pandora said looking at the two in their open display of affection in the Great Hall, "Someone has to shut up those fanatics in our house."

Pandora's eyes glanced towards the entrance to the hall where the upper-year Slytherins were arriving, and Harry followed her eyes with a frown, before nodding in understanding. The whispers were getting louder again. He figured it was only a matter of time before another act against him was made.

Elaina spoke with venom in her voice, "They wouldn't dare try anything with us here. We have already put them in their place. They know they don't stand a chance against either of us, much less us together."

"Something is making them braver." Andi said, "Like you said they know they can't beat either of you, so something is going on behind closed doors."

Harry frowned at the girl's words, but didn't comment further. Elaina met his eyes and they promised nothing but pain to those who stood against them. Glancing at Rabastan Lestrange who winked at him gave him an unsettled feeling in his stomach. Something was coming, and he would need to find out what, before it was too late.