Chapter 52

The Pureblood movement had arrived at Hogwarts by storm.  Attacks had begun inside the castle by students from seemingly every house.  Muggle-borns of all ages and houses had been attacked, and Harry was furious over the matter.  He had taken to studying the map in his room hoping to catch one of these fanatics out at night, but so far they had been lucky.

Of course, no further attack had been made on Lily.  The girl was talented, and now being trained by Harry and Elaina twice a week or sometimes more in the Room of Requirements with the others.  Their practical magic and tactics were increasing exponentially with the training they have received to the point that the 3 on 1 duels were becoming very difficult to navigate.  In the confines of a room, and no battlefield to transfigure Harry was relying on taking three skill opponents curse for curse.  It was an exhausting exercise, but one he was benefitting from, and there was no doubt his friends were making leaps and bounds as well.

With the rising confidence of his pupils, it also meant that they were preparing to rise to the challenge that the increase of attacks brought.  Frank wanted blood.  Just last week, a girl from his house who happened to be a friend of Lily's, was assaulted viciously by who they suspected was Mucliber.  There has been no proof, and the girl's memory had been modified, but not very well.  She remembered the Slytherin green robes, and a voice, but being a Muggle-born she feared to accuse a Pureblood student without proof.

This had been the second time the girl had been attacked this year, and Frank was fed up with it.  He had confided in Harry that he wanted to put the bigots in their place, but also didn't want to sink to their level.  Harry assured the boy that they would catch them in action one day, and that they wouldn't be able to keep hiding in the shadows forever.  Frank had not been appeased, but seemed to understand that their opportunity was coming.

The entire castle seemed to be expecting open combat any day now.  With the attacks in the muggle and magical communities increasing, and the boldness of the Pureblood sympathizers in the school it could all only lead to blood.

Harry was walking around with Elaina telling her more about his life in his previous time here at Hogwarts.  Despite it being a cold winter evening, away from the castle was the only place Harry felt comfortable talking about such sensitive topics.

The girl had been shocked when she found out about Harry's parents and his path.  Needless to say, she understood him and his motives now more than ever.

It had only been a few days since the Diadem had been destroyed at Potter Manor.  Elaina had been asking Harry everyday for chances to know more about his past, and he told her small stories, but he knew she wanted to know his true heritage.  She had also asked about the faint lightning bolt scar on more than one occasion now, and he knew the time to tell her the whole story was upon them.  He had asked if she wanted to take a walk with him as they had planned a night's rest from training to recover.

The snow had fallen earlier that morning, and with simple charm work they remained in comfortable silence as they walked towards the forest that would lead them to the Black Lake.

He often wondered where he would start his story, and took a breath. He prepared to give the girl answers she had waited so patiently for, ""They called me 'The Boy Who Lived' in my time."

The girl frowned at the opening to the conversation, "'The Boy Who Lived?'"

When she said his name it sounded as if she were testing the words in her mouth, and Harry simply nodded, "Yes.  The Wizarding World widely believed that I was the sole survivor of a curse that promises death to any who are hit by it."

Stopping the girl looked to her magical mentor in surprise and her eyes went to the lightning bolt shaped scar she had wondered about for so long.  Stepping closer to him she gently moved some hair off his brow, and whispered the words causing him to shiver for reasons beyond the cold, "Avada Kedavra."

Nodding Harry just waited for her to finish examining his scar before explaining, "It was because of my mother.  She sacrificed herself for me in Godric's Hollow.  I am sure you have at the very least pieced together that my father was, James Potter?"

Agreeing with him instantly she spoke softly, "I couldn't imagine any other answer being possible.  It also made sense why you wanted to push him to train with you as much as you did.  It made sense because it bothered you so much that he kept making excuses.  Voldemort kills him?"

"July 31st 1981." Harry confirmed, "My mum on the same night."

Elaina swallowed heavily while remaining close, "Lily.  Your mum is Lily Evans?"

"The eyes gave it away, huh?" Harry asked with a slight smile.

"Yes, but I also remembered the very odd encounter you had with her family on the platform at 9 3/4s.  I couldn't make heads or tails of it.  I didn't think you were interested in Evans that way, but you went so far out of your way to meet her family, and then her mother's reaction to you just confused me even more." She admitted.

Harry nodded, "I suspect I share some resemblances to some of the Evans'.  That is the only solution I could think of.  I thought about attempting Legilimency on her to find out, but I didn't want to do that to my grandmother."

"James and Lily.   Who would've guessed that prat would win her over.  I honestly can't imagine how it happened." Elaina said with a thoughtful look on her face.

Sighing, Harry agreed, "I know.  I was told it happened in their seventh year, but no one mentioned it came down to the end.  There isn't much time left in the school year and they don't seem any closer than before.  To be frank they seem further apart, and I hope that isn't all because of my arrival."

Shaking her head the girl took a step back from him, "This all is just so unbelievable."

"I have been here for 9 months, and it doesn't seem any more real than it did on the first day.  Mum has been everything I hoped she was.  My dad, well, let's just say I hope I see the man he became in my time sooner rather than later." Harry said not wishing to rag on his birth father, "Besides, Charlus and Dorea have been amazing with me.  They have become my family in ways I have never had a family before."

"What about me?" She asked, whipping her head towards him, "Did you know me in your time?  Or know of me?"

"No." He answered truthfully, "I had never heard of you.  I can only guess what happened to you, and with your power and abilities I would guess you either fled to the continent or were killed by Voldemort before the Order of the Phoenix was formed."

"The Order of the Phoenix?" She asked curiously.

"The group Dumbledore formed to fight Voldemort." Harry explained, "Both my parents were in it.  As were the Marauders, Frank, and Alice."

"Did you know Frank and Alice?  Why didn't they take care of you?  Your families are close right?" She asked, but the look on her face told him she suspected the answer.

"Both tortured to insanity." Harry said quietly, "They had a son my age.  Neville.  One of the bravest wizards I ever knew.  Wasn't much in terms of magical might, but he grew into a son that his parents would have been proud of before we graduated.  He was leading the resistance inside Hogwarts all the way up to the final battle, while I was off trying to find ways to destroy Voldemort.  Without him, I doubt the battle would've lasted more than an hour."

It was true. Neville had kept hope alive in the castle.  He led their friends, and kept them fighting the good fight.  Had he ran like some of the others there may not have been much of a resistance to stand with him those final nights of the war.  Some good it did, Harry thought bitterly.

The girl was silent as she walked to where a fallen tree was and took a seat on it, "All our friends.  Andi?  Pandora?  Nate?"

"Andi was alive when I was gone.  She was also looking after her grandchild so wasn't at the final battle.  She might have made it.  Pandora left a little girl behind who was a good friend of mine, Luna.  She didn't die in the war though.  I don't really know much beyond it being a charms accident.  That's what Luna told me.  Nate had a family, and did his best to keep them neutral during both wars as far as I know.  He had a daughter in my year, that was never cruel to me, but also definitely not a supporter."

Elaina just shook her head in disbelief.  Taking a seat next to her he took her hand gently, "It's why I am so grateful to be here.  So grateful to be given a chance to fix things.  Elaina, no words can explain what it was like to lose them.  All of them.  To know I lost.  I could tell you hundreds of stories, and show you dozens of memories, but nothing compares to slowly losing every single person I ever loved.  It's why I have pushed so hard.  It is why I am so desperate now to pursue these artifacts that keep Voldemort intact.  It's all I did in the dying days of the war.  At the time I didn't even know what they were, but now, I not only know that, but I also know where some are, or where some of them will end up."

"Why did you wait so long to start hunting for them?" Elaina asked quietly.

"I was caught up in enjoying my time here." He admitted freely, "I was enjoying getting to know my friends' parents, my parents, my family, and you.  I wanted to take some time to build a life here before I took the fight to him.  When Arcturus was attacked though I knew I made a mistake.  I lost sight of how important, and how time-sensitive my mission here is.  Not anymore though.  I am prepared to pursue these objects, and give my friends the weapons they need to win this war with or without me."

These last words were said quietly and Elaina squeezed his hands to the point they nearly hurt, "With you, Harry.  Only with you."

"It will have to be me or him at some point.  You saw how he fought Charlus.  You see how difficult our task will be." Harry said, trying to explain how hopeless it seemed.

"You will have me, Harry." The girl said standing to her feet and dragging him to his, "We have thrown up great fights against your dad.  We will keep training.  We will beat him.  Then together we will take down Voldemort. We will make him regret the day he decided to target our friends and their families.  You said we are in this together.  You said till the end of the line.  You said-"

Before she could finish Harry put a hand around her waist and pulled her to him in a kiss.  The girl put up no defense to this, and he didn't stop at one.  As she began returning his kiss her arms snaked around his neck, and unlike the other tender kisses they shared this one seemed to burn with desire.  It was different.  When they separated and Harry laid his forehead against hers he breathed out, "Together then."

"So Sirius went to Azkaban for killing Peter even though he was innocent.  No trial, nothing." Harry explained.

Elaina could hardly believe that someone of Sirius Black's ancestry could go to Azkaban as she shook her head she merely murmured, "Harry, it sounds like things were really fucked up in your time."

Chuckling he nodded, "It's true. It's also a big part of why I haven't been as close to the Marauders as I'd like to be. I can't just forgive what happened. Even though Peter has not technically done anything wrong yet, to our knowledge at least, I can't just let go of the fact that he betrayed my family."

Nodding in understanding Elaina said, "The fact that they haven't found the little rat strung up somewhere in the forest is quite astounding to me, honestly.  I am not sure how you refrained."

"Fleamont warned me not to judge people for things that happened in my timeline." Harry sighed, "You never know quite how much I have changed."

Elaina pondered his words for a long moment not adding anything further to the conversation as the two carried on.  It was getting late and the time to begin their path back to the castle was upon them.  Tomorrow they would resume training as normal in the morning and conduct other exercises at night with their friends.

Harry had been thinking about Frank's words to him over the last few days as the big Valentine's Day, Hogsmeade weekend approached.  Elaina and Harry had yet to discuss the official terms of their relationship that seemed to become more comfortable everyday, and the teen did feel it was time to do as his mother suggested and reassure her.

"Do you think Ted and Andromeda will go to Hogsmeade together next weekend?" Harry asked, trying to subtly bring the conversation up.

Elaina chuckled, "You never struck me as the type to learn girls drama, Harry."

"Andi is a friend. I am just looking out for her!" Harry defended as he laughed through her amusement.

"I think Ted is emboldened by the news that Sirius is the Heir, and Arcturus is still comatose.  With the current Lord Black being a professor I think he feels like his chances of surviving a date with Andi is safe.  I have not heard anything, but I still doubt it.  They may do something together, but not somewhere as public as Hogsmeade." Elaina explained.

"I think I heard Pandora say she is going home for that weekend?" Harry asked.

"Professor Slughorn gave her permission." Elaina confirmed, "You think James will ask Lily?"

Frowning at the thought Harry shrugged, "He might. We haven't spoken much. I think these attacks around the castle, against some of his friends, are really starting to get to him.  He has been uncharacteristically quiet.  Quidditch matches are coming back up though, so I am sure that changes soon."

Elaina hummed as Harry thought about his last conversation with James.

The days after Harry had returned to Hogwarts the whispers and rumors were flying around the castle about his involvement in the light show on the grounds.  Some had been bold enough to openly question him on it, but Harry tried to tell people that Elaina and he had a training accident when they lost track of time.  It was hardly believed by anyone that heard it, but regardless the two kept up appearances.

Upon completion of Defense one afternoon Harry and Elaina were preparing to depart for a free period as usual when James blocked their path at the exit.  James looked resolved to speak and swallowed hard in front of the duo, "Harry, can we talk?  In private?"

Glancing towards Elaina she nodded in understanding, kissed him on the cheek, and sped off in the direction of Andi and Pandora who were watching the interaction in curiosity.

When the trio of girls headed off Harry gestured with his head towards an empty classroom and James followed his cousin without hesitation.  Once they arrived in the empty room James offered him a forced smile, "How are you?"

Harry glanced at the boy with no emotion, "Spectacular."

James immediately lost steam in his greeting and the smile began to fall from his face, "That's great.  I was worried about you the other night."

"It was just a-"

"Training accident." James interrupted, "Yeah that's what I heard.  Pretty good cover up, because that's what Mum and Dad said too.  Professor Black was vague as well, and just told me that you and Elaina were banged up."

If James was fishing for what really happened he was doing a poor job at it.  Harry was not about to come out and tell him anything about the events that went on that night and James seemed to pick that up rather quickly, "Well I guess we will be rooming together at Potter Manor for a bit.  They mentioned in their last letter that with everything that happened the family should stay together.  I guess it really is getting crazy out there."

Harry at this point crossed his arms, and James fidgeted for a moment before sighing, "Look Harry, I know you are disappointed in me.  I know Lily is disappointed in me, and I think even the boys are as well.  I…I reacted poorly to the hex Elaina used on Lily.  I had never heard her scream like that, and…well I guess I just can't stand the thought of her getting hurt.  You know I care about her."

Softening at the point Harry nodded slowly before sighing, "I know you do, James.  We all know you do.  The whole thing could have been forgotten had you just apologized to Elaina.  You let your pride get in the way, and damaged your relationship with everyone involved."

James looked down as he was chastised, but nodded in understanding, "I've been trying really hard, Harry.  I want Lily to notice me.  I want to be a better wizard so I can protect my friends and family, but Harry…this stuff really scares the hell out of me.  War.  I don't think I am ready for all that."

Now Harry felt like he had been too hard on the boy.  Hearing the proud young man admit his fears like this hurt Harry.  He knew it must have been hard for James to say these things, and he didn't want to admonish him any further, "I get it, James.  I am scared too."

James looked at Harry in surprise at his words, and Harry confirmed his words with a nod, "I am.  I am taking responsibility for our friends' training.  They are putting their lives in my hands, and I am doing everything I can to make sure they are ready.  James, you said you wanted to be an Auror, and that means you as much as anyone should be in these training.  Frank is becoming a great duelist, but he doesn't have your transfiguration abilities.  You could be great training partners.  They need you.  I need you."

"You need me?" James asked skeptically.

"More than the others." Harry confirmed, "You're my family, and I need you to be able to defend yourself better than all of them.  I need you to be able to help protect our family.  James, if they went after you, I would move the Earth to get to you.  It's only a matter of time before they realize that.  When they do, I need you to be ready."

Running a hand through his hair James took a deep breath that held much stress behind it, "I really botched this didn't I?"

Finally offering the teen a small grin Harry confirmed, "You said it, not me."

Since that day James and the Marauders had been attending training on occasion that was increasing in frequency with the attacks around the school.  Sirius, Remus, and James seem to take it more seriously after every passing session, and with that their skill were increasing exponentially.  In this time Harry began observing Peter as if he were under a magnifying glass.

Peter was very timid in the training sessions that followed, and was holding himself back from improving.  The fear seemed to roll off the boy, and he was more jumpy than usual everyday.  Harry couldn't help but wonder if his interference would speed up the betrayal of the rat animagi instead of preventing it all together.

If Peter betrayed his family again it would be Harry's fault this time.  He had all the knowledge and foresight in the world, and still couldn't prevent exactly what happened the first time around.  The desire to kill the teen welled up inside him, and he wondered if there was another answer.  James would never forgive him or understand if it was ever found out what Harry had done.  The others may very well hold it against him as well, except Elaina.

Peter wasn't the only concern either.  Harry needed to make a move on another Horcrux as quickly as possible.  Dumbledore had told him about the destruction of the Gaunt Family ring and the traps around it.  He had even seen a bit of the memory.  It was the only other Horcrux he could get to, and the sooner he could destroy it the better.  There was also the matter of the resurrection stone.  It would be there in the house, within the ring.  Regardless of whether he believed in the Deathly Hallows or not, there is no doubt that the ring was an immensely powerful object that he could not leave in the clasps of Voldemort.  He could destroy the Horcrux and take the stone in one swoop.  Another step closer to victory, but not without his family this time.

"Are you alright, Harry?  I feel the weight of your thoughts.  Your magic is unbalanced, I can sense it." Elaina said as she closed her eyes.  Her sense of magic had risen to prominence over the last few months.  With the help of Dorea over the holidays the girl was discovering that she was gifted in the Mind Arts, and with that included her ability to feel magical signatures.

"There is just a lot on my mind.  Thoughts of James and what will happen to him if I don't do enough is going to keep me awake at night.  I don't want to talk about that right now though." He said softly.

Respecting the privacy of his thoughts Elaina said nothing.  He had always appreciated that about his friend.  She never pushed or pried.  Just listened to what he had to say.  Taking a breath he said the words in his mind, reassure her.

"There is something else I want to ask you though." He said stopping under the lights that shined down from the castle. They were almost back to the entrance Courtyard and Elaina looked at him curiously.

"What is it, Harry?"

"Will you go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?" Harry asked, taking her hand in his own.

Grinning, the girl teased, "We always go to Hogsmeade together."

"How about just the two of us then?" He asked hopefully, trying to spare himself from the teasing as he felt his cheeks heat up.

"That sounds an awful lot like a date, Harry." The girl said with mirth all over her countenance.

Reminding himself that he was a Gryffindor in his previous life he stood tall, "That is exactly what I want it to be.  I don't think it could be any more obvious that I care for you.  My enemies know it, my family knows it, our friends know it, and if you don't know it by now, then I only have myself to blame."

The girl looked up at his eyes shaking her head, "A bit dramatic don't you think?"

Harry laughed, feeling an ease that only she tended to bring to him, "Well you know by now that the men in my family are all quintessential Gryffindors.  Would you just expect or accept anything less?"

"No." She admitted with a chuckle, while wrapping a hand around the back of his neck and pulling him into a soft kiss.  By now the two had shared many kisses, but this one seemed to promise so much more.  When they separated, Elaina nodded, "Well I suppose if you keep kissing me like that I have no choice, but to accept."

Pulling the hand he was holding his lips he looked into the eyes he had been enraptured by for months before saying, "It's a date then."


"Are the plans all ready, Rosier?" The Dark Lord asked.

"The world is not ready for what comes next, my lord." The young man answered in a bow.

Nodding his head, Voldemort looked out the window of Malfoy Manor with a sinister smile on his face, "Good, then let the games begin."