Chapter 53

The decision to go after another one of Voldemort's Horcruxes was made before Valentine's Day.  Harry had written to his father requesting a late-night drink in Hogsmeade the night before his date with Elaina with as few details as possible.  He was pretty nervous about the upcoming event and figured a drink and plan with his dad would ease his nerves.

Long after curfew Harry slipped out of the castle at the agreed-upon time, and made his way into Hogsmeade undetected with the help of his family cloak.  He had not had many opportunities to use it since his arrival in this time, but knew it was still an invaluable resource for occasions such as this.

Harry didn't bother to glamor himself as he walked in the door to the HogsHead.  The clientele around here shouldn't recognize him and even if they did Harry doubted Dumbledore would put him in detention.

A different Dumbledore greeted him gruffly at the bar.  Aberforth had his usual scowl on his face and jerked his head in the direction of a table in the back where his father sat alone two glasses with a few ounces of liquid in each before him.  Offering the owner of the bar a grateful nod Harry passed with no words, and felt himself cross the privacy ward Charlus had in place.  It tasted like iron in his mouth for a moment and he greeted his father warmly, "Dad."

Charlus smiled at the greeting standing to pull Harry into a tight hug clapping him on the back, "Good to see you, Harry.  Take a seat."

Harry accepted the offer gratefully and asked immediately, "How's Mum?"

"A little bitter she wasn't invited tonight." Charlus chuckled, "She is now having a girl's night with Mia and Melania.  I am afraid Lady Black needs it.  There isn't much going right for the poor woman."

Sympathetically Harry nodded, "At least she and her husband had good enough friends to take care of her in his absence.  I imagine company is what she needs the most."

"It is." Charlus admitted, "Dorea is all too happy to provide it as well.  She missed her sister-in-law, and I think she enjoys having her at Potter Manor.  Between them and my brother and Mia joining us the house feels much fuller than it has since I was a young boy."

"Silver linings." Harry said, trying to sound upbeat.

Charlus nodded while picking up the small glass before him with a bit of wandless magic smirking at his son, "To silver linings."

Meeting the challenge with a bit of magical muscle Harry toasted his father and downed the firewhiskey and felt the warmth wash over him.  Charlus nodded approvingly before asking, "Now before we get to whatever you wanted to talk about, I wanted to apologize to you for reacting the way I did the other night.  I regret being cold towards you, and I know your mother does too, but we just really worry about you, Harry.  We would be devastated if anything happened to you."

Swallowing hard at the show of emotion Harry nodded in appreciation of the apology, though it was unnecessary, "I'm sorry.  I don't even remember if I said it that night because it's all such a blur, but I know for as long as my mind still holds onto the horrible things from the last war I am a liability, and should take every measure possible to ensure everyone's safety.  I should've been more aware of the danger we were in and informed you two of what was going on.".

Charlus waved his son off, "Alright, enough of that.  We are both sorry and we will both be better.  Now let's talk about something more pleasant, are you excited for your date tomorrow?"

"Almost as nervous as I am excited." Harry confirmed.

Charlus scoffed playfully, "That girl would walk through fire for you just as you did for her.  You are both connected in ways that not many your age could possibly relate too.  You have chemistry that I have rarely seen in couples twice your age a decade into their relationship.  Relax son, it's going to go great."

"I wish I had your confidence." Harry chuckled, "I just want it all to go right."

"Trust your instincts, kid.  They have hardly ever let you down." Charlus advised sagely.

Nodding Harry accepted the advice while his dad leaned forward with a more serious expression, "Now I know if you were having girl trouble you would've written to your mother.  If it was about James it likely would've gone to my brother, which makes me think you are facing a magical conundrum.  What can you tell me?"

Despite the magical protection on their privacy Harry felt nervous to have the discussion in public with so many around, "Can we take a walk?"

Charlus frowned for a moment, seeming to understand the severity of the situation.  The look on his face hardened and he accepted his son's request by standing up and walking towards the door.  As he passed the bar he tossed two gold coins on the counter, "Thanks Abe.  Have a good night."

Aberforth swept up the coins instantly and continued washing dirty dishes with an equally dirty cloth that made Harry's stomach turn slightly as he followed his father outside the door.  The two walked in cold silence down the street of Hogsmeade taking quiet crunch steps in the fresh powder snow.

Looking around the village Harry took in the beauty of the winter evening.  The village was like something out of a dream.  The beautiful lights faded as they reached the edge of town in silence.  Charlus seemed to know that Harry wanted to put some distance between them and the village before he started speaking, but when Harry drew his wand and casted the spells around them to protect their conversation Charlus asked, "I feel as if you are about to drop something heavy on me.  What's on your mind, Harry?"

Harry really didn't know how he wanted to start this conversation.  It was a difficult line of questioning and he wasn't sure if his father would think he is crazy or laugh him off.

"Did you know our family's cloak is one of the Deathly Hallows?" Harry asked with genuine curiosity.  Everything in their talks as a family made Harry believe that his father was a man of fact and magical science.  They didn't delve often into the intricacies of magical theory, nor did they speak much on what most would assume are fantasies.

Charlus frowned at his question, and took a long moment to answer, "My brother and I have theorized that this was the case, but obviously we had no way of proving it.  If our father knew for sure he never told us.  After he died we expected the charms to eventually fade away and we would have to reapply them to the best of our ability.  Monty has had the cloak for over thirty years and after the first ten passed we knew it was different.  They didn't even wane.  They are as strong as the day it was passed down to us.  Do you really think-"

"It is." Harry confirmed, "They are all real."

Charlus seemed amazed by the news for a moment before shaking his head skeptically, "All of them?  The Deathstick?  The stone that brings back the dead?"

Harry nodded and Charlus hummed before asking, "How can you be sure?"

"I at one point or another have been in the presence or seen them all in action." Harry admitted.

Charlus stopped walking now and turned to face his son with wide eyes, "You have seen them all?"

Sighing, Harry confirmed his words, "In the final hours of the war I think I was even the rightful owner of them all.  The cloak has obviously been passed around in our family for generations.  As for the wand, the earliest I could track it to was a wand maker by the name of Gregovich who had the Elder Wand for some years, before a thief in the night stole it.  A thief that would one day bring Europe to his knees."

Charlus looked comical now as he began running his hand through his hair in disbelief, "Grindelwald."

Harry nodded, and continued walking, Charlus desperately following to keep up, "That must mean that Dumbledore holds it now?"

"He does." Harry confirmed, "I would recognize it anywhere now."

"That explains how he became so powerful…" Charlus whispered, trailing off in thought clearly with many questions on his mind.  Before he could ask any he seemed to refocus, "What about the stone?"

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about." Harry said simply.

"You know where it is?" Charlus asked in amazement.

"Yes.  A very dangerous place, but one we are going to have to visit.  Sooner rather than later.  Do you remember what I told you about the Gaunt Family Ring?" Harry questioned.

Frowning for a moment Charlus nodded, "Yes, you said it was a Horcrux, Voldemort left it at their family home protected by some powerful curses.  What about it?"

"The stone is the jewel attached to the ring." Harry explained, "Something is coming, Charlus.  I have been feeling it in the air.  Voldemort is going to make a move soon and whether he knows it or not he has a Deathly Hallow in his possession.  We need to remove this piece off the board before he discovers what he has.  These thoughts of having him in my head again have made me nervous.  I think we need to act before it's too late."

Taking a deep breath, Charlus seemed to consider his son's words before eventually nodding in acquiescence, "You're right.  I wish we could bring the others into this, but it shouldn't wait.  The artifacts are in a way, our birth right, we should reclaim it."

In acceptance Harry nodded while offering his hand in a handshake style, "Then I can take us to the Gaunt ancestral home."

Charlus took his son's offered hand and the two were whisked across the country.  It was a few seconds before the disorientation passed, and Harry's eyes came to focus on the building that was half hidden among the tangle of trunks and shrubbery.  It appeared that it had not been inhabited for a long time, as the walls appeared to have plant life and vegetation growing up and down the shack.

Glancing around the area Harry looked out towards the small village in the distance.  Seldom few lights could be seen, but at the top of the hilly area he could spot the Riddle House.  In its surrounding area was where Harry had endured the worst night of his life, and that was saying something.

Charlus seemed to have found his bearings and surveyed the scene to his content before saying, "Charming place."

Harry merely nodded for his part staring off in the distance until Charlus came to stand beside him.  The youngest Potter remained quiet for a long moment.  The moments of the night Voldemort was resurrected played fresh in his mind as he spoke, "Just over that hill there is a cemetery for the Gaunt family.  It is there I experienced the worst night of my life."

Charlus remained quiet allowing his son to speak the heavy words on his mind.  Harry felt his heart rate increase and felt anxiety course through his veins.  His hand began shaking as he spoke of the memory, "I had just grabbed the Tri-Wizard cup with my friend Cedric.  We had agreed to share the win, for Hogwarts.  When we grabbed it, the cup took us to the graveyard on the other side of the hill, where Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort were waiting for us.  Peter killed Cedric and tortured me as he attempted a ceremony to bring back Voldemort."

Harry felt the strong hand of his father on his shoulder as he felt a tear fall from his face.  He had not been back in this area since the day Cedric died, and immediately regretted coming here as he swallowed hard, "Of course it worked.  It was here that Voldemort returned.  We dueled after he summoned his followers.  He would have killed me if Lily and James hadn't come to my defense."

Turning to face the shack now Harry wiped at his eyes saying, "In my time our wands were connected.  Ollivander believed we could only wound but not kill the other, because they were brothers.  When they connected the last few spells that took the lives of James and Lily Potter caused shades of them to appear.  It was the first time I heard my dads voice.  Mum's voice I only heard in screams as she begged for her life when dementors attacked me."

"Merlin, Harry." Charlus said quietly.

Harry shook the hand off him shaking his body as a chill ran down his back, "Sorry.  This place isn't full of happy memories for me.  We should take the ring and go.  I don't know if the traps will be any different twenty years before Dumbledore came through here."

In understanding Charlus nodded following Harry's slow step towards the house.  The place was severely dilapidated and as they approached the front door a decayed snake was hanging by a nail.  In disgust Charlus grunted waving his wand banishing the snake, "I have to say I never encountered any of the Gaunts to my knowledge, but my father told me about Marvolo Gaunt.  Apparently they had gone to Hogwarts together, and the man was lunatic."

Snorting Harry said, "Must run in the family.  I saw memories of Marvolo's children and the apple didn't fall far from the tree."

Before Harry could open the door he paused.  Remembering how horrible the diadem incident was he searched his mind for anything Dumbledore might have told him about the ring, "Dumbledore was nearly killed by the traps inside this house.  The main one was a compulsion charm so powerful he succumbed to it.  We should keep our wits about us."

Charlus nodded in understanding before waving his wand in a large arc.  When he completed his semi-circle the house turned a shade of dark green that Harry was unfamiliar with and the older Potter frowned, "It's heavily fortified.  It could take us hours to bring down the magic surrounding the house.  I don't recognize any of the magic at work here."

Frowning Harry stared at the front door and with a gentle prod of his magic attempted to push the door open.  The door however remained unmoving and a slight shimmer occurred around it.  Deciding to push his luck Harry whispered in parseltongue under his breath, "The Heir of Slytherin, returns."

At once the door opens and Charlus looks dumbstruck by what occurred.  Harry for his part narrowed his eyes and attempted to conjure a snake that easily slithered its way into the house.  Charlus then attempted the arc of his wand searching for more wards and he shook his head at once, "The defenses are down.  Parselmagic…I should have known."

"I am uncertain as to whether I guessed the password, or if any words in parseltongue would have worked." Harry said with a puzzled look on his features.

"There would have been no need for a password.  The Dark Lord is the only known parselmouth on this side of the world." Charlus said considering what his son said, "We should stick to the side of caution.  There may be more traps that we aren't detecting."

Harry didn't believe this to be the case, but knew Charlus was right.  Voldemort should never be underestimated.  As Harry toed his way into the house carefully he felt his sense dial to eleven.  He could sense danger everywhere around him.  It was an oppressing feeling.  Charlus visibly tightened his grip on his wand and unleashed a quick tactical blasting curse at the floorboards in front of them at the end of the entry hall.  When he did, a levitation charm allowed the appearance of a small black box to appear.  Staring at the box Harry knew that the Gaunt family ring, and the resurrection stone were in there together, as one.

Charlus glared at the box as he levitated it a few meters in front of them, "Is it safe to destroy the ring without corrupting the stones magic?"

"It worked in my time." Harry said after some thought, "Dumbledore used the sword of Gryffindor.  The basilisk fang should work no differently.  Admittedly I didn't bring it with me."

Shaking himself from the oppressive magic, Charlus spoke tightly, "It needs to be destroyed immediately.  This magic is too dangerous."

Frowning Harry turned to face the man he had come to admire so much.  He had a look in his eye Harry had never seen before and he wasn't sure he liked it, "The only other way I can think of is to cast the cursed flames and that would destroy the stone.  It could be a valuable weapon to us.  I don't think we should risk it."

Charlus shook his head, "There is another way.  A way I under normal circumstances would never consider, but I fear I am about to impart a very hard lesson on you."

A sense of dread began to settle over Harry.  Before he could question Charlus the man motioned with his head to follow him back outside the house and Harry did so.  When they were outside the Shack Charlus stared at the box hard not looking at his son when he asked, "In all the horrors you have experienced Harry, have you ever cast the killing curse?"

Surprised by the question Harry immediately choked, "Not many times.  I have failed to cast it before and always feared using it too liberally."

"Why?" Charlus questioned softly, "In many ways, it is much more merciful in comparison to some of the ways I have taught you to kill."

Considering the man's words for a moment Harry shook his head, "That type of magic leaves an impression on you.  There is a reason it is considered unforgivable."

Sighing Charlus spoke with thick emotion laced in his voice, "Harry, the enemy we face, he is very powerful.  No magic can be off limits when it comes to fighting this monster."

"Then how does that make us any better than him?" Harry asked sharply.

"We all have to do things we aren't proud of, Harry.  Take this moment for example.  What if we wait to destroy the Horcrux because we don't have the basilisk fang.  I take this back to Potter Manor and it gets to Dorea.  My wife, the woman you call mother, dies, because we didn't act in a way we knew we could.  Dorea is an empath.  This type of magic w-could tear her apart." Charlus said heavily.

"Then let's go back to the school and get the fang.  Destroy it in the forbidden forest."  Harry countered.

"We could do that." Charlus admitted, "But what if the next Horcrux we face isn't so defenseless.  What if we need to make a game winning decision in a split second and we don't have a basilisk fang.  I need you to be capable.  I want you to be capable of protecting your friends, and our family.  Using any means necessary."

Harry could hardly believe what Charlus was saying.  From everything he deduced, Charlus wanted to teach Harry the killing curse.  It wasn't something Harry was particularly comfortable with, and Charlus could clearly sense that.  The older man turned to look his son in the eyes now, "We have both agreed that magic is all about intent right?"

Hesitation.  Then a nod from Harry allowed the man to continue, "This is no different.  The curse may be evil.  You may go into with the intent to kill, but with this kill you move to save hundreds, maybe thousands.  Harry, I don't think we could have hoped for a better situation for you to learn this curse.  To have as risk-free of an environment as we could possibly make.  Fate doesn't often give chances like the one we have now."

Fate.  Harry felt like he would be sick, but he knew the man was right.  What if he needed the spell?  What if he needed the spell and it failed him?  Horcruxes could only be destroyed a few ways and this spell could do it.  At this moment there was no pressure.  They had options.  The next time they were faced with a similar decision he may not get time for a lesson on the spell.

Finally, Harry bowed his head slightly to Charlus in acknowledgement and the man lowered the box to the ground and opened it gently revealing the Gaunt family ring with a simple spell.  Charlus then spoke, "It is not as simple as wanting to kill.  It is more complicated than that.  The killing curse is unforgivable for a reason, Harry.  You have to truly hate the thing you cast this spell on.  You have to truly desire the death of what you intend to hit."

Frowning at the man's words Harry just inclined his head slightly to indicate he heard what was being said.  Charlus continued, "You once told me that it was your dreams of home that kept you going.  The desire to prevent the future from happening all over again.  Desperation will help you with this curse.  Desperation and Hate."

Placing a hand on the teens shoulders Charlus said, "Focus.  Focus on the hate.  Focus on what will happen to our family, your friends, and everyone else in this country if we don't stop Voldemort."

Trying to take the words in, Harry raised his wand and Charlus took a step back.  The oppression of the magic from the ring seemed to sense danger and heightened instantly, but Harry was so wrapped up in his own mind he hardly recognized it, "Avada Kedavra."

A green light left his wand and splashed over the ring, but the item didn't so much as flinch.  Harry frowned at the results and Charlus shook his head, "Come on, Harry.  This man plans to take everything from you.  He is going to burn our world down.  Don't let him."

"Avada Kedavra." Harry said again, poking his wand more aggressively at the cursed object with the same results as before.

"Harry!" Charlus shouted, nearly startling him, "This man intends to kill our family.  To kill James and Lily.  What are you going to do?"

Gripping his wand tighter now Harry pointed his wand at the ring again and thrusted it forward, "Avada Kedavra!"

This time the ring sizzled as if he had burnt it, but nothing more.  Harry was heaving for breath now, as his eyes began to burn with fury that he couldn't get the spell right.  He hated Voldemort.  He wanted him dead.  He wanted to protect his family.  Why would it not work?

Charlus was silent for a moment before he leaned towards Harry speaking much quieter than before, "Harry.  How many more of your friends are going to die because you can't kill this man?  Who is going to be next?  Me?  Your mother?  Elaina?  How many will die while you can't stomach the magic to win?"

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Harry yelled out with a bark of magic.

This time a sharp jet of green light left his wand and lanced its way through the ring.  An inhuman scream filled the air and a puff of black ink-like smoke began levitating above the box.  Harry wanted to investigate, but Charlus held up a hand to prevent him from going forward.  Instead the man approached the box with his wand leveled at what was once a Horcrux.  A few waves of his wand indicated that Harry had been successful.  Charlus then summoned the stone that had rolled its way into the grass, off the ring, into his palm.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Charlus said softly.

In confusion, Harry slowly approached his father not saying a word as the older man seemed to piece together what he wanted to say, "To take a life with the unforgivable is completely different than what we do out there on the battlefield.  It is a tough lesson.  One that Arcturus taught me in Europe.  We were getting closer to Grindelwald everyday and we couldn't take any chance that whatever spell we hit him with wouldn't kill him.  It took me weeks to be able to take an enemy's life on the battlefield using it.  I had intended to use it on Grindelwald, but I never had the chance.  It was one of the reasons I was so bitter about Dumbledore getting there first.  I spent weeks of my life corrupting myself to the point I could cast it for nothing."

Turning to face his son now Charlus said, "I knew at some point you would need that lesson as well.  I had hoped you wouldn't need it, but the message the Dark Lord is sending right now makes him seem invincible.  If we get a shot at him, and the killing curse is the only one we know for sure will put him down, we have to take it.  I hate it. I hate that it may be our only option.  I hate that I had to teach this to you, but one day it may save your life.  For that I can never be truly sorry.  I am sorry it was necessary, but I am not sorry it may save your life or our families lives one day."

Gulping down the emotions he felt Harry pulled the man into a hug.  Charlus didn't hesitate to wrap the teen in his arms and rub his back soothingly as Harry choked back a sob.  Of all the lives he had taken he had never felt so dirty, but his mentor attempted to reassure him, "You're okay, Harry.  All you have proven to me is that you are ready to do whatever it takes to protect our family. The Heir of Slytherin now also has one less thing binding him to life, and our family has gained a powerful weapon.  One that may assist us in winning this war."

When the two separated Harry stared at the stone still in the palm of Charlus' hands, "We could speak to your father.  To test it.  I used it right before Voldemort killed me to bring my parents and Sirius to my side.  They walked with me to the end."

Charlus looked at the artifact in his hand with wonder and also a hint of skepticism, "I haven't seen my father in over thirty-five years, Harry.  Besides, I don't think we should disturb the dead on a whim."

"We have to know it works." Harry pushed gently, "In the hands of our family I can't imagine it wouldn't.  When I used it, I just turned it in my hand a few times, and pictured the person I wanted to see.  When I opened my eyes they were there in a form that was less than a ghost."

Charlus furrowed his eyebrows in concentration before shaking his head and closing his eyes for a long moment.  The stone began to turn in his hands and before long Harry saw the ghost of a man begin to materialize and his eyes widened.

The man resembled Charlus and Harry in many ways.  The jaw and hairline were identical.  The man was wearing war robes of the ICW and Harry realized it was very likely the last outfit the man had ever worn.  When Charlus opened his eyes he turned quickly following the line of sight of his son and immediately his jaw fell at the sight of his father beaming at him, "Hello Charlus.  It has been many years my son.  I am so proud."

"Dad." The man whispered and moved forward as if to embrace him, but Harry stopped the man with his hand and a shake of his head.  Charlus looked upset for a moment, before realizing what Harry had said about the shades being less than a ghost.

"I should have known you would assemble more of our family's artifacts.  You always were the overachiever of our family." The man said with a chuckle.

Swallowing Charlus shook his head and tears welled up in his eyes, "I am sorry I never had the chance to avenge you.  I never had a chance to make Grindelwald pay."

"You did everything you were supposed to as the Commander of the British forces." William corrected gently, "I could not have asked for anymore.  You led our troops to victory when I fell.  For that I will be forever grateful."

Charlus brightened at his fathers words and began to smile, "Wait till Monty sees this.  He would love to see you.  My wife, she can see Henry again."

Harry immediately became alarmed at how much Charlus wanted to use the artifact, and before he could advise against it, William beat him to it, "Easy there son.  This is a very dangerous magical object you have come to possess.  You should use it very sparingly.  The power of controlling the dead is very addictive.  The Hallows are as much of a curse as they are a gift.  I must ask unless it is absolutely urgent you allow me to rest.  I of course will assist you if there is dire need, but my place is with your mother in the afterlife.  Not among the living.  Not anymore."

Swallowing hard, Charlus looked like he wanted to argue, but logic seemed to win out, "I understand."

William nodded at his son looking as proud as ever, "I know you do."

The soldier then turned to face Harry with another wide smile, "I don't recognize you, but I would recognize a Potter anywhere.  Your son Charlus?"

"Fleamonts grandson.  Dad, this is Harry…his story is rather complicated." Charlus explained.

William looked at his great grandson with a large smile, "I believe you.  I wish we had more time for it."

Charlus looked like he had been struck by his words, and Harry took his opportunity to speak, "Did you know what our family's cloak was?  When you were alive."

"Oh yes." William said with a nod, "Our Peverell legacy has been passed down for generations.  I had intended to tell the boys about our part in the Deathly Hallows, but it never came to pass.  The war was sprung on us so quickly.  I never had the proper time."

"Can you tell us anything else about them?  Stories from our family?" Harry asked carefully.

Frowning, the man seemed to think, "The cloak is obviously truly invisible.  No spell can detect it when worn by someone of our bloodline.  My father once told me that the stone was in the hands of the Slytherins.  He believed it was how so much necromantic magic came from the family, but it was never confirmed.  The wand was passing hands so fast it was lost track of somewhere in central Europe.  I am afraid that is all I know."

The man was now scratching at his neck as if he were in pain and Harry spoke to Charlus, "We need to release him.  Leaving him among the living for to long…I am not sure what could happen, but-"

"I understand." Charlus said shortly.

William offered his son another smile before saying, "You and Monty were the pride of my life.  Nothing could ever have changed that.  I love you son."

"I love you, dad." Charlus said back his voice thick with emotion.

In the blink of an eye the ghost dissolved and just Harry and Charlus were left by the ruins of Gaunt Manor.