Chapter 54

Harry awoke on Valentine's Day feeling heavier than he had in months.  Thoughts of destroying the Horcrux last night and then the interaction with his great-grandfather had left him a little sullen.  Charlus had been quiet for the remainder of the evening and clearly was contemplative over the power of the artifact they had recovered.  Harry was concerned to the extent Charlus would use it, but the teen trusted his magical mentor.  Charlus knew more than anyone the dangers of playing with magic they couldn't possibly understand.  Harry regretted encouraging Charlus to summon the spirit, but now they knew for sure what kind of item they possessed.

Harry had warned the man against summoning Henry.  It seemed very uncertain how a child so young would react to being summoned from the afterlife.  The child could melt down, or panic.  William knew that such magic was possible before he died, so was calm.  Lily and James were both so happy to see their son in his time that they didn't care, but a little boy may not feel that way.  Harry couldn't stand the thought of hurting Charlus and Dorea anymore than they had already suffered and hoped the two could resist the temptation.

Taking a deep breath Harry immediately began occluding his mind.  He was never the most talented practitioner of the Mind Arts, but he just wanted to focus on Elaina today.  She deserved nothing less.  No thoughts of the war, or the fallen Marauders from his time.  No thoughts of his past life, Horcruxes, or what the Dark Lord could be planning.  Today he looked towards a possible future with a girl who had slowly made her way into his life, family, and heart.

Deciding on a simple outfit he stuck to a light tan jacket, with a gray zip-up hoodie underneath.  It was still cold so the decision to wear comfortable trousers was an easy one.  No outfit or display of wealth would impress Elaina.  The girl was singularly minded, and only magical abilities could make the girl turn her head.

Elaina had grown up with little.  As little as Harry had.  Their bond through similar poor upbringings helped develop a mutual respect for one another.  They both carried the marks of survivors, and between that and their love for magic, they had built their ever-growing relationship.  It was something he had cherished since his arrival at Hogwarts, and something he wanted to nurture in the coming days.

Stepping into the corridor that would lead to the Common Room, Harry heard heated whispers coming behind him.  It was the opposite direction to where he was supposed to be heading, but a familiar voice pulled him away from his original objective.  As he came around the corner he saw Nate Greengrass pushed up against the wall by a sixth-year Slytherin Harry vaguely recognized, "You have to warn him!  What is your plan? Hide up in here all day and pretend that the world isn't going to shit out there?  I thought these people were your friends?"

"You don't know what they will do to me if I even look in their direction today." Nate spat back trying to push the younger Slytherin off him.

"What's going on here?" Harry asked thunderously with his wand in his hand prepared to strike the younger boy if he went for his own.

To Harry's surprise, Nate did not look relieved to see him, in fact, he looked like he might faint at the sight of him.  The younger Slytherin had curly black hair, and a pale face.  He had a few freckles on his nose, and he seemed shorter than the average sixth-year.  The teen had a passing familiarity to Harry, but he wasn't sure why.  Harry would be surprised if Nate could not have manhandled the boy who stood half a head shorter, but before his friend could speak the sixth-year spat quietly, "Yes Greengrass, tell Potter what is going on here."

Nate's eyes wouldn't even stay on Harry as they flitted around the hallway as if he expected the arrival of others.  When Nate said nothing the sixth-year pushed Nate against the wall, and looked like he wanted nothing more than to punch him before saying, "Coward!"

With that, he stormed past Harry and didn't even glance back at the duo.  Harry watched the boy until just Nate and him were in the hallway and he asked, "Friend of yours?"

Nate sighed, "We used to be.  Eilif Rowle.  Our families used to be quite close.  I grew up with him, but we have grown apart this year… With me studying for my NEWTs."

The last part was added quickly, and Harry raised his eyebrows at the teen, "Is that where you've been hiding?  Studying in your room at all hours of the day and night?  I've hardly even seen you in class."

"My family is really pushing me to get the best grades I can.  Self-studying and all.  They want me to join the family business right out of school." The teen said quickly, glancing around just as rapidly as before as if he were searching for a way out.

Frowning Harry took in the appearance of his friend.  The teen in front of him was a far cry from the well-groomed young man he met back in September.  His hair seemed slightly matted, and his eyes were sunken in as if he hadn't slept in days, "Nate?  Is everything okay?  Anything you want to tell me?"

Instead of answering the teen began moving back towards where Harry knew his dorm was, "No!  Actually, I was thinking I am going to catch a little more sleep.  See you around,  Harry."

Frowning as the teen went towards his dormitory Harry shook his head at the interaction.  Thinking about the teen before, Eilif Rowle, he realized that there must have been some relationship between him and Thorfinne.  Harry now understood why the boy had a passing familiarity.  Harry had dueled with Thorfinne on multiple occasions in the war.  The decision not to kill him at the coffee shop in Charrings Cross was one that still haunts him to this day.

"He would do the same to us if our backs were turned." Ron had said.

Ron had been right.  Yaxley and Thorfinne both killed friends of Harry's in the Battle of Hogwarts.  Had they killed them that day perhaps some of their friends would have been spared.  They were so young and naive at the end of that Summer.  They thought they had all the answers, and had seen the worst of the atrocities that the war would bring after Snape had killed Dumbledore.  They had no idea.

Occluding his mind once again Harry pushed all the negative thoughts aside and shook his head as he continued on towards the Common Room.  The talk and gossip weren't what Harry expected them to be.  In fact, for a Hogsmeade day, it was borderline quiet. It is Valentine's Day.  Maybe the couples are already down at Breakfast. Harry thought to himself.

The thoughts of the morning's oddities were gone when his eyes found Elaina in the furthest area of the Slytherin Room Common area.  She was seated in a tall chair with her back pressed against the cushion.  Behind her was the massive 5-meter-tall glass pane that led to the Black Lake.  It was one of her favorite spots in the Common Room, because she could see most of the area, and no one could come up behind her.  Harry could see she was reading The Minds Secrets, a book lent to her by his mother, but her eyes constantly shifted up.  Years of being attacked or harassed by her peers trained her to be ready for anything, and during one of those times, her eyes caught his.

The blue and green eyes of his date softened at the sight of him and she smiled warmly.  She was wearing a dark white and black striped jumper with a puffy black jacket lingering on the end table nearby, along with gloves, and a Quidditch scarf that had the #7 on it, his number, a gift from Andi for Christmas.  Her jeans were also well-fitted, and he admired the girl.  As if sensing his thoughts her cheeks seemed to turn a pretty shade of pink.

Approaching her he offered the simplest of smiles, "Good morning, Elaina."

"Good morning, Harry." She returned, "Want to get breakfast in the Great Hall or in the village?"

"Whichever you prefer.  I wouldn't say no to an early trip to the village." Harry offered kindly.

Looking at her watch, a gift from Fleamont and Eupehmia, she returned a smile, "Let's go into Hogsmeade then.  Andi said if we get there early enough we may catch a spot in Steepley and Sons.  I'm told it's the best tea and breakfast in Hogsmeade."

Accepting the decision Harry offered a hand to the girl to help her up.  Gratefully she accepted it while wandlessly shrinking her book, grabbing her jacket, and placing the book in a pocket.  She then wrapped her arm through his and followed him through the Common Room.  As they crossed through it Harry caught the furious eyes of Eilif Rowle who looked away when Harry stared back.  What was his problem? The teen thought to himself.

The thought didn't leave his mind as he exited the Common Room, and when the two started making their way to the Great Hall he thought he would pose an innocent question, "Elaina, do you know anything about Eilif Rowle?"

Grinning in a slightly uncharacteristic manner the girl asked, "Is this jealousy prompting this question?"

Whatever he thought she might say it certainly wasn't that, as he stopped to look at her in confusion, "What?"

"Really Harry?  Eilif?  That's ancient history." Elaina said with a slight laugh.

"I don't think we are talking about the same thing here." Harry said with a curious note in his voice.

Elaina wasn't laughing anymore and instead frowned, "You didn't know that Eilif was my first and only boyfriend here at Hogwarts?"

"Boyfriend?" Harry asked as if the word was bitter in his mouth.

"You didn't know…then what's your interest?" She asked with suspicion rising in her voice.

Glancing around to see that there were some stragglers he shook his head, "Not here.  Let's talk on the way to Hogsmeade."

The girl looked like she wanted to question it more, but now Harry was having a harder time occluding his mind as he wondered what exactly he stumbled upon in the dormitory corridors.  Attempting to make conversation Elaina asked, "How was the drink with your dad last night?"

Of course, Harry had mentioned to the girl he was leaving the castle just in case.  These were dangerous times, but the grimace on his face seemed to put her on edge, "It was more eventful than I thought it would be."

The girl's curiosity seemed to peak at this as she raised her eyebrows, "It always is with you.  What happened?"

Sighing Harry placed his hands in his pockets roughly, "Let's just say we both learned some tough lessons last night.  We did manage to get rid of one of those objects we have been looking for, but it's a story we shouldn't have here."

Frowning, the girl seemed to want to push the subject, but instead, she exhaled deeply before offering him a bit of a forced smile, "Sure, Harry."

When they reached the Bell Tower Wing and went out the North Exit, Harry felt it was safe to tell her about the interaction he had caught the end of between Nate and Eilif Rowle.  By the time he was done telling his story, she knew this was no laughing matter.

"Nate has been acting odd for months now.  Ever since you killed Rodulphus, but they weren't friends by any means, so I can't see that being the issue." Elaina said quietly.

"What about this Rowle guy?  Anything I should know." Harry asked, trying not to sound too interested.

Shaking her head she shrugged, "His family is from the continent.  His brother, Thorfinne, was a real piece of work too.  The reason we didn't work out in fact.  Eilif is by no means a blood supremacist, but the rest of his family is.  His brother roughed him up pretty badly in the Common Room when he saw us having dinner together one evening.  After that, I couldn't be responsible for him getting hurt.  He didn't like it, but I knew we weren't going to workout either way.  He was nice though, and very gifted in charms.  It was how he caught my attention."

She said this last part with a blush and Harry thought about the info he had been given, "Him and Nate though, do they have a past?"

"Nothing I have ever known.  Nate and I didn't really become…I say the word friends roughly, but even acquaintances until 4th year.  If there was anything there I never knew or heard of it." Elaina finished thoughtfully.

Humming in thought Harry couldn't piece together anything significant from what he had seen that morning.  Instead, he decided to remind himself of the mission he sought out this morning as he attempted to clear his mind.

Taking the girl by the hand, "I'm sure it was nothing too important.  Now you said he was gifted at charms, but…not as gifted as me right?"

This made the girl laugh and push Harry away from her as he chuckled following her towards the carriages that would take them to their first date.


They had been lucky at Steepley and Sons that morning.  They managed to snag the last table, and get outstanding service from the owner's family.  It was an intimate setting with only a few tables in the small shop.  That however didn't mean the store wasn't busy.  People were coming in and out all morning with confectionaries and teas to-go.  The table they had gave them an outstanding place to sit down and people watched customers and other patrons of Hogsmeade pass by the windows of the shop.

Conversation had been much lighter since they had left the castle walls, and both were clearly looking to avoid any possible drama between them.  Whatever politics were being played in Slytherin House could wait for the time being, while they enjoyed each other's company.

Taking Harry's hand Elaina offered him a soft smile, "When we finish our business in Austria we should take a little vacation.  I know we can't be away long, but what harm could a few days on the continent cause?"

Returning the smile Harry rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, "Would you want to go back to France, or dive into Italy?"

"France would be closer to home in case something happened." Elaina said, "We could visit Alexandra again.  She was a lot of fun, and said there was still so much left for us to see. Maybe we could even get spots to compete in the Palais de Champions."

"You want to be a duelist?" Asked the woman who had arrived to replace their kettle of tea.

Elaina looked at the waitress a little surprised at the question, but nodded her head, "I plan to compete on the circuit after graduating this year."

The woman couldn't have been out of her twenties yet, with young features, dark blonde hair, and soft blue eyes.  She was a well built woman, with signs of having enjoyed her time working in a bakery showing in figure, "That's great!  My boyfriend, Henri, was a duelist on the local circuits for a few years.  Even competed in the European Open at the Palais, in France.  That's what caught my attention.  Are you any good?"

Harry chuckled, gathering the attention of their waitress, "She is going to make a name for herself rather quickly, would be my guess."

"A future champion then." A male who had brought them their biscuits earlier said as he shuffled by kissing the woman serving them on the cheek, "I loved the sport, but I was injured a lot.  My love did not enjoy putting me back together, so now I help her run her family's restaurant."

Rolling her eyes the waitress offered, "He exaggerates, besides it will be our restaurant one day soon."

Harry offered the pair a grin, "That's exciting, congratulations.  Big plans for the space?"

The young man beamed at Harry, speaking with a French accent, "Oh yes!  More seats, and an expansion upstairs.  We will need to work on our enchantment to prepare the place, but you can bet we will get it done.  Some advise, mon amie, learn your basic medical charms if your woman is going to be a duelist.  It can be a rough sport."

Elaina had blushed at Harry's complement earlier, but had returned to normal stating, "We have some experience putting each other back together.  We duel a lot, so I hope Harry won't become faint at the sight of blood all of a sudden."

This caused the group to chuckle as the couple carried on serving the other tables.  Harry nodded his head at the couple, "They seem nice."

"They can't be much older than us." Elaina said.

Chuckling Harry shook his head, "Well I can't imagine too many people being able to cause you any injury until you are on the international circuit.  You were destined to be of a higher caliber than everyday magicals."

Elaina beamed at his praise, "I could certainly say the same about you.  Let's face it, if we entered the circuit at the same time you would overshadow me."

Shrugging Harry countered, "You are much faster.  Speed is more important in the sport."

The two continue discussing the finer points of dueling they observed and would like to practice over the Summer as she prepared to enter the circuit until it was time to depart.  When they did so they left hand in hand waving farewell to the young couple who served them, while Harry wished he had remembered to ask for their names.

Treading on the light snow that had fallen from the night before, Elaina leaned her head against Harry's shoulder as they walked by each of the shops observing that the crowds were not what they would've expected for Valentine's Day.  The streets were far from deserted, but Harry did think it odd that there were as few as there were mulling about.  In a way he was grateful.  He was not looking for the drama of the school to follow them on their date today, and was happy to enjoy the quiet afternoon.

The afternoon came and went as they sat down in the Three Broomsticks to have a drink.  It was here they were greeted by the first of their friends in the form of Lily Potter.  Her red hair and pink cheeks were a welcome sight as Elaina was light heartedly debating with Harry over the proficiency of charms vs transfiguration in a fight vs a duel.

When Lily arrived Harry was surprised how happily Elaina greeted her, "Lily!  Have a drink with us.  I am trying to explain to Harry that Charms are the superior method of winning a fight and a duel."

Lily shook her head looking exasperated, "It's always business with you two.  I was hoping you were on a date."

"We are." They said together causing the two to chuckle as Harry put an arm around the girl.

Giggling Lily retorted, "Well I don't want to intrude."

"Please." Elaina said, kicking the chair out in front of her to invite Lily to take a seat, "You can help me knock some sense into this man."

"I think that is a lost cause." Lily joked as she eyed the chair before saying, "Well I insist I buy the round since I am stepping on your date."

Harry tried to protest but the girl ignored him and went for three butterbeers.  When she was out of earshot Harry offered his date a smile, "You continue to surprise me."

Scoffing, but holding a smile on her face as well she countered, "Are you kidding?  I spent a good portion of the year thinking Lily was my competition."  Leaning in to whisper in his ear she said, "Now that I know she is your mother, I think I like my odds."

This made Harry roll his eyes, but he felt his hairs stand up on the back of his neck from their proximity during her whisper.  Kissing the girl softly on the cheek he said, "We can discourage any who think they have a chance.  Give me a second date, and let me tell everyone you're my girlfriend.  I think that would do it."

The girl blushed heavily at his words, but he had a feeling he wasn't fairing much better, "Your Gryffindor roots show more everyday." She said with a smile before tilting his chin to face her with one finger pressing a kiss on his lips, "I do however like your way of thinking."

"Is that a yes?" He asked hopefully.

Before she could answer Lily coughed, "Alright you two, I am back.  Stare lovingly into each other's eyes later.  I believe we are talking about my favorite topic here.  My friends discussed Quidditch until I was blue in the face, so please give me a new topic."

Harry laughed at the girl and felt the squeeze of Elaina's hand in his telling him all he needed to know about their relationship status.

The evening carried on as the three teens discussed magic in great detail, and feats they dreamed of accomplishing in their lifetime.  Lily wanted to contribute to the development of potions and charms, while also taking an interest in becoming a master in the subjects.  The topic even turned to each of their respective progress on the Patronus Charm.  Both were now very close to producing fully corporeal charms, and were quite proud of the fact.

"I am sure Harry can give you some great memories to help power the charm." Lily said teasingly as she sipped at her butterbeer.

This made Elaina chuckle and fired back, "Maybe you're right.  Harry fancy making out in the toilets and then we can try to light up Hogsmeade?"

Harry blushed refusing to meet Lily's eyes causing the girl to nearly spit her drink out smacking the table with laughter, "Don't break him, Elaina!"

Folding her arms with a triumphant smirk Harry could feel the heat on his face, while Elaina didn't hesitate, "Maybe your patronus would progress if you let one of these boys treat you right.  I find it hard to believe Ms. Head Girl didn't get asked to Hogsmeade today."

Lily sighed with a smile still on her face, "As you can imagine James did ask me."

Elaina rolled her eyes while Harry chuckled, "How'd that go?"

"I almost said yes." Lily said wistfully.

Elaina's eyes widened at this, and internally Harry felt triumphant, maybe their hopes weren't ruined, "What stopped you?"

"The timing isn't right.  He's been better this year, and his care for me is rather sweet, but he still never apologized to you that night he bit your head off.  I don't want to be with someone who can't recognize when he did something wrong." Lily said softly.

Elaina nodded in understanding while Harry frowned.  Did he cause that riff?  Did his arrival put his parents on a path that meant they wouldn't end up together?

"Lily I think-"

"Elaina." A voice said as a new arrival interrupted whatever the dark haired girl was going to say.

Harry furrowed his eyes as he turned his head to where the voice was and the face of Eilif Rowle greeted the table.  The boy seemed paler than when he had seen him earlier, and seemed to have the weight of the world on his shoulders.  Preparing to ask what the teen wanted, Elaina beat him to it, "What is it, Eilif?"

He glanced from Elaina to Harry to Lily in rapid succession before slumping and leaning into the table whispering quietly, "I…I…I need to tell you, tell all of you something."

The group stared at the nervous teen who was glancing around as if he was expecting to be attacked.  When he didn't offer anything Lily tried to console the boy, "You can take a seat if you need it?"

The boy looked alarmed by the offer and immediately shook his head, "No, I can't. We don't have time."

Harry felt a cold feeling well up inside him.  He wasn't sure what was going on, but he had a horrible feeling that they were missing the play, "Eilif right?"

The boy nodded looking like he was going to cry, "Is this about what Nate wouldn't tell me earlier?"

"None of them would tell you!" The boy spat, causing Harry to hold his hands up in peace, noticing they were starting to draw the attention of nearby tables, "They are all cowards."

This last part was said quietly and Harry frowned, but before he could say anything Eilif continued in his soft tone, "I don't want to be like the others who are sitting in their Common Rooms doing nothing.  They all knew it was coming, that's why they aren't here.  I don't want to be like them." Eilif said and seemed to be fighting back tears.

Harry rose to his feet now sensing the dread of the situation.  What was coming?  Elaina moved to stand in front of the boy putting a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down, "We know you aren't like them Eilif.  Now tell us what you can.  Maybe we can do something about it."

"They will kill me for this." The boy said with tears rolling down his face, "I had hoped Greengrass or one of the others would speak up, but now…I couldn't live with myself for saying nothing."

"My family can protect you." Harry assured the boy moving to stand beside Elaina, "Please just tell us what's happening.  Give us time to prepare.  It can make a difference."

"The Heir is coming." The teen whispered trembling, "They want to make a statement in Hogsmeade today.  All the Purebloods were warned to stay away."

The three at the table were all stunned to silence.  Harry ran a hand through his hair, "Are you sure?"

Nodding his head unable to speak any longer Harry knew the boy may have just signed his death certificate.  People will have seen him talking to Harry and his friends here.  Word would get back to the Dark Lord, and he would hunt the teen for opposing him.  Steadying the boy with a hand to his shoulder Harry said, "Well Eilif, you might have just saved some lives tonight.  Go to the castle.  Go to Professor Black and tell him what you just told me.  He will protect you until this is over."

Turning to face his girlfriend Harry sighed, "I think our first date is about to be interrupted.  Are you ready?"

Sighing, the girl flourished her wand, before meeting his eyes with steely determination, "We should call for help."

Nodding Harry took a breath before turning to Lily, "Find Frank, and the others.  Start evacuations.  We can measure our minutes by the lives we save.  We are on the clock."

Noticing they had now gathered a part of the pub's attention Harry held his wand to his throat, "My fellow witches and wizards we are about to be under attack.  Apparate to a safe place.  The Death Eaters are coming."

Harry didn't even watch to see what they would do, but the panic was clear as many rushed for the door.  Not even waiting to see if his friends would follow he marched towards the exit, his wand flying to his hand singing in anticipation for what was to come.  As soon as he stepped outside his wand was moving, "Expecto Patronum."

The familiar stag appeared nearly in an instant and Harry muttered the words, "Hogsmeade is under attack."

His words were calm, and when he was done talking his patronus took off towards the sky.  Pops were heard around him, indicating the departure of those who listened to him in the Three Broomsticks, but that only lasted for the next few seconds as his eyes searched for arriving enemies.  When his eyes caught something in the distance his heart began pumping with anticipation.  The cold feeling in the air was no longer just caused by the weather as a rolling feeling of despair seemed to sweep over the village.  Dementors were coming.

Before Harry could even think to engage the wave of dark creatures he felt powerful wards pass through the area, and he knew after watching one person twist, disappear, and then reappear, sprawled out on the ground that no one else was escaping the magical way.  Standing in the middle of Hogsmeade Harry felt his magic becoming pent up with anticipation.  Elaina was at his side now holding his free hand.  Her eyes stared out at the oncoming dementors before a loud howl pierced the night from behind them.

From the other end of Hogsmeade, screams sounded, and Harry blinked for a long moment.  Dementors and werewolves, not a good start.

Swallowing hard, Harry wondered where the rest of his friends were and he glanced at Elaina who just shook her head, a grim smile taking over her features, trying to lighten the mood,  "What's a girl going to have to do to get a night of peace?"

Thinking about all the time he had spent with his family and Elaina over the last 9 months he tried to fill his heart with the positives he had experienced as he pointed his wand outward, "Expecto Patronum."

This time Prongs wasn't alone however as he heard the soft voice call out next to him.  Before Prongs could begin to charge off a large bear appeared and raised up on its hind legs as if it were preparing to roar before charging off.  Elaina tutted as Prongs and the patroni that had an uncanny resemblance to Harry's animagus form took off towards the dementors scattering them upon impact.

A snarl drew Harry's attention from behind them and with a snap he turned his wand and conjured a silver knife while banishing it at the incoming werewolf taking him down with one shot.  Elaina for her part didn't hesitate to back him up as she whipped her wand back, conjuring a barbed wire silver lasso and hurling it at two more creatures.  The two immediately yelped in pain, and quickly began choking as Elaina constricted them in the confines of the lasso.

Turning her attention away from the asphyxiation of the magical beasts the couple turned to see a dozen or so wizards in black robes marching down the street in familiar black garb in formation.

They would be outnumbered and overwhelmed if help didn't come soon, and Harry knew it.  Taking a breath he death gripped his wand focusing on how he would get them out of their newest tryst with death, but the soft voice of his girlfriend calling his name broke him out of it.

Glancing at her she offered him a challenging, grim smile, ""Till the end of the line?"

Nodding in agreement Harry responded, "Always."