Chapter 55

James was sitting in the Hogs Head having a pint with Remus in the late afternoon of their Valentine's Day Hogsmeade visit.  Sirius was off in the village somewhere with Marlene, while Peter was Merlin only knows where.

Remus offered his best mate a grateful nod as Aberforth, the bar head, put two glasses of firewhiskey in front of them.  Remus gratefully took the drink and lifted it to toast with his friend, "Thanks for the drink, Prongs."

Offering his friend a half-hearted smile he returned the toast, "I was hoping for a prettier date, Mooney, but beggars can't be choosers."

Remus snorted as he took a long swig, "Git."

James chuckled, but he felt a heavy weight sitting in the bottom of his stomach.  He had a good feeling all year that Lily would finally say yes to him, give him a chance.  He had held hope for years of course, but this last one really felt right, like it was meant to be, but then he had gone and botched it.

For the first time in all their years at Hogwarts, it had seemed like she had wanted to say yes.  Maybe it was wistful thinking on his part, but he could've sworn he saw it in those uniquely green eyes that she wanted to let him take her out.

In years passed he had made extravagant parades of asking her to be his Valentine, but this year after their evening patrol he had merely summoned her a single red lily and asked her to join him for the afternoon in Hogsmeade.  When she had accepted the flower he was so certain she would say yes, before she had turned him down yet again.

James was long past getting teary-eyed over the rejections, but he would be lying if he said this one hadn't hurt.


Snapping out of his thoughts he looked over to see a concerned Remus looking at him, "Are you alright?"

"Of course." James said, shaking off the bad feelings, "Just a little down about Lily.  I saw her walking into the village with Alice and Frank this afternoon."

Nodding his head Remus said, "Ah, yes. I heard Alice say that they were going to be shopping for Bridesmaid Dresses.  I believe Alice asked Lily to be the Maid of Honor."

"Oh, wow.  That's really great.  I am happy for them." James said, trying to sound upbeat.

Remus took a moment to observe his friend before rubbing his eyes with his right hand and then turning to face the man he had come to think of like a brother, "James.  You have to let her go."

Deflating James shook his head, "I can't Mooney.  I have been in love with her since we were eleven.  I know I was prat to her for a long time, but I can't move past her.  At least not while I see her everyday.  Maybe when we graduate it will be easier."

Frowning Remus sighed, "I hope so, Prongs.  A lot of girls would love to have been sitting in the chair I am today, but you ignored them for a shot with a girl who frankly doesn't seem interested.  Something has to give."

"A few more months, my friend." James said, trying to raise his own spirits with the glass in his hand, "When we graduate Hogwarts we will all go our separate ways, and then, it will be time to move on."

Remus seemed to think on his words before nodding in acceptance, and raising his glass, "To a few more months then, our last few months, being a Marauder has been my greatest pleasure in life.  I will be sad to see this place behind us."

James clicked the glass with his own, "Oh Mooney, old chum, being a Marauder is for life.  Hogwarts or not, we will always have our Legacy as Marauders."

They toasted, downed their drinks, and then chuckled. Remus then began to speak, "I remember when-"


A scream from outside the pub made both wizards jump to their feet.  Before anything that could be done that scream for help turned into a cry of pain. In the span of seconds, several of the pub's occupants were apparating out to escape whatever was happening inside, while James and Remus tried to push forward the door to see what was going on.  When they made it outside a cold feeling passed between the two, and a horrible feeling crept into their chests.

Out on the horizon were dozens if not a hundred dementors coming towards the village.  The two teens widened their eyes, while Remus said, "We have to evacuate.  We need to get the younger students out of here."

Before either could act a wizard appeared in black smoke and cast a killing curse at a wizard who was attempting to apparate away.  The green light connected with a small pudgy man that had been caught up in what looked like anti-apparition wards, and the two teens watched in horror as the life left his eyes.

When the arriving wizard turned his gaze to a fifth year that James vaguely recognized running out of the pub they watched in horror as the man raised his wand prepared to deal another deadly strike.  As the man leveled his wand however James yelled, "Stop!"

With a whip of his wand he blasted the wizard in all black attire through the wall of a nearby home.  James' eyes widened at what he had done, but the fifth year was now running towards him, "Potter! Thank Merlin! What do we do?"

The fifth year was a Hufflepuff by the looks of his robes, and clearly drinking in an area he wasn't supposed to be in.  James stared at the area the wizard had been standing in, surprised by his own actions still, so Remus spoke for him with grim determination, "Stick with us.  We will fight our way back to the castle if we have to."

Before James could be snapped out of his funk he saw a massive bear and stag charging the incoming dementors and he whispered, "Harry."

The two patroni trampled dozens of dementors as they met the charge of the horde with ease.  Turning to Remus and their new Hufflepuff companion James said, "Harry is out there and he will be our rallying point.  Our best chance is at his side."

Remus nodded in understanding while the fifth year Hufflepuff looked terrified.  Sounds of spellfire were increasing all over the village and James yelled out, "Come on!  We have to move."


Frank and Alice were just outside of Hogsmeade looking at the shrieking shack.  The two had moved to where they were feet from the entrance of the old home, and were searching for signs of it being inhabited.  Rumors of the house being terribly haunted had circulated for years, and the two seventh year Gryffindors had an interest in investigating the truth of the matter.

"You know the villagers say they hear the howls of pain from the family that was lost in the house." Alice said with interest as her eyes scanned the old home.

Grinning at his fiance Frank said, "You know most girls would want fancy dinners and champagne after picking out her wedding dress."

"A good thing I am not most girls then, huh, Longbottom.  You would be bored to tears!" The girl said happily as she pulled out her wand casting the homenum revelio charm to see if anyone was inside.  When the charm came back with nothing she grabbed his wrist, "Come on Gryffindor, let's see what kind of adventure we will find today."

With the alohomara charm Alice unlocked the front door to the house and made entry without even looking to see if Frank was behind her.  The desire for adventure was deep in the girl's blood as she held up a simple lumos charm with her wand.  Frank for his part had his wand gripped tight in case he needed to defend his fiance, but as they progressed the young man licked his lips which felt suddenly dry.  Was this where they took Remus? Frank thought quietly.

The Longbottom Heir had known for years that his roommate was a werewolf.  He had always wondered if they had caged Remus somewhere in the depths of the castle, but after seeing all these claw marks that looked fresh he knew that he may have just found where Dumbledore sent his longtime friend.

Frank had covered for the Marauders for years once they had become animagus.  He knew they were keeping Remus company, wherever the werewolf transformed, in animal form, but he planned to take the secret to the grave.  James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, were good people on the inside.  The malicious pranking over the years was something he often berated the boys for, but the last two years had been different.  The Marauders had dialed back on things as it became apparent that something big was going on outside the walls of Hogwarts. Frank was grateful for that, and everyday he felt like he could depend on them more.

His mind drifted to Harry after thoughts of James passed.  The young man that he had met on the train as school started had become one of his most trusted confidants over the last several months.  He had turned Frank's skills into something formidable, and he was grateful for every lesson he received that might protect him and his future wife.

Alice had also taken to Harry quickly.  Frank believed Alice to be an excellent judge of character, and the way she seemed to just innately trust Harry was enough for him.  He had done nothing to make Frank doubt the teen, but he knew Harry was a man of many secrets.

"Frank." Alice called out with a tone he was not familiar with.

Turning to the girl she was looking out the window with a frozen expression.  Frank walked to her side and saw over a dozen men who were hairy to the point it was unnatural.  Their faces were deformed, and Frank knew he was looking at werewolves, "We have to warn the others.  There could be more."

"That many are enough." Alice said worriedly.

"The wards around Hogsmeade won't allow us to apparate directly in.  We need to get close, evacuate the students, and link up with Harry.  He will know what to do." Frank said with authority reaching for her hand so he could apparate them as close as possible.

Alice looked determined as she took his hand, "The kids first.  Something tells me finding Harry won't be difficult.  We will just follow the fighting."

Frank nodded and apparated the pair of them.  Upon arrival, Frank saw several students mulling around in the Hogsmeade square.  He immediately began shouting at them, "Werewolves on the way!  Go towards the castle.  Now!"

Many people seemed to look at him skeptical but a howl from nearby spurred them into action as they began making their way across the village in a panic.  Turning his head he drew his wand and saw several figures advancing on a bridge that would allow them easy access.  Turning to Alice he offered her what he hoped was a confident smile, "Let's make it difficult for them."

For a moment her face held confusion, but as Frank gestured his head towards the bridge she showed understanding and together the two of them blew apart the bricks and caused it to fall into the river below.

The werewolves that had begun their charges snarled, but Frank merely tipped his imaginary hat to them, grabbed his fiance by the arm and shouted, "Come on let's go!"


Sirius was in heaven.  He had been waiting for two years to have a chance with the beautiful Marlene Mckinnon and now his hands rested on her backside with a soft grip as he had her pressed up against the wall in the alleyway of the Three Broomsticks.

"Come on Sirius, we should go find somewhere nice and private in the castle." The girl moaned softly as the young man began to kiss her neck.

"You mean you don't want to be groped in public?  You could've fooled me." Sirius chided in jester.

Marlene giggled, but moaned again as he began to gently suck on her neck, "You are too good at that."

Sirius could feel the goosebumps on the girl's arms and had a great feeling about how the night would go from here.  Before he could agree with the girl and return to the castle several haunting howls were heard in the distance.  A chill went down the teens spine as it struck him what kind of beast would howl like that, he had after all spent many nights in the presence of one.  Separating from the girl, he looked up at the night sky and whispered, "Impossible, it's not a full moon."

Preparing to suggest they escape Sirius saw a lone figure enter the alleyway.  The figure was hairy, and had his button up shirt undone.  A half transformed werewolf.  Sirius went for his wand and prepared to confront the beast, but he was disarmed from behind prior to acting.

A ghoul-like laugh echoed through the alleyway as a deep voice said, "What do we have here?  A little pup trying to get his snout wet.  I can certainly understand your taste.  She does look delicious."

Sirius snarled, sweeping Marlene behind him to protect her.  The wizard that had disarmed him then said, "I think we will take the lass off your hands pup.  Teach her what it's like to be with a real man."

Feeling his inner animal begin to leak out Sirius growled, "Marlene hold-off the wizard.  I will take the wolf."

Without further thought Sirus lunged forward into his animagus state and charged the half werewolf. His teeth were instantly snapping at the beast and attempting to claw at its throat while Marlene screamed.  Sirius wasn't sure if it was in surprise at what he had done, or if the wizard had already gotten the better of her, but he hardly had any time to find out as he was in a fight for his life against a beast that had him beat in brute strength.

The werewolf had tossed him backwards into the wall with ease and when he thudded back to the concrete Sirius knew they were in trouble.  Desperation overtook the grim as the wolf attempted to pick him up and Sirius went for the throat of the creature.  His teeth sank into flesh, and before he could finish his opponent off he was thrown once again.

"I've had enough of this!" The wizard in all black garb barked, "Avada-"

"Oh no you don't." A female voice interrupted.

Flashes of light flooded the alley, and the wolf that Sirius injured was stuck to the wall with a silver stake in his chest while the wizard had his hands full to the point that he was overwhelmed in seconds.  Turning back into a human teenager Sirius felt a pair of soft familiar arms wrap around him as Marlene sobbed into his neck, "Oh Sirius!  Are you okay?  Why didn't you tell me you were an animagus?"

Confused at the turn of events and the haze of his vision he heard the familiar voice again, "There is no time.  Harry and Elaina have set a rallying point with their patroni.  If we want to survive we have to get to them.  We were rounding up strays when we found you two."

The voice of his cousin Andi shouldn't have surprised him, but he had never been more grateful to hear his cousin's voice than he was right then.

"Rallying point for what?" Sirius asked loudly as Andi and Ted Tonks took off with Marlene already on their heels without hesitation.


"Let's not start pointing fingers about who was tossed at whose wedding.  You could barely stand during mine!" Fleamont accused with a laugh.

"At least I remember your wedding."Charlus returned as Dorea, Euphemia, and Melania all laughed heartily. "By the time Arcturus was done feeding us firewhiskey that night I am surprised any of us remember it."

Euphemia scoffed, but her smile gave away the fondness of her memories, "I could've strangled all three of you that day.  I honestly thought Alexandra was going to roast all of you. When she came out of your dressing room I had never seen her so riled up."

"She didn't even come back to see us after that." Charlus said with a chuckle.

"That's right!" Fleamont remembered, "She sent Minnie to deal with us after that."

"That's because when Alexandra came back to our dressing room she said she would be going to Azkaban that evening if she had to deal with Arcturus again." Dorea said with a laugh, causing the other two women to giggle.

The family was gathered at the dinner table in Potter Manor sharing a meal together on Valentine's Day evening.  It had been a peaceful day, and the group was all happy to sit together and share memories.

"I am just thankful Arcturus was sober during our wedding." Melania said with fond memories dancing in her eyes, as she sipped at her glass of wine, "We always talked about renewing our vows after the war, in front of our friends and family, but we never got around to it."

Dorea took the woman's hand in her own, "Arcturus was never one for the spotlight.  He loves you dearly though, and even after all these years, I am sure if you suggested it when he wakes up he would accept it."

Melania looked grateful at her sister-in-law as she wiped her face with a sad smile.  Charlus added, "I personally think you should make the old codger do it.  Demand it as repayment for making us all worry.  Wedding of the century, thirty years after it really happened.  We can get Arcturus pissed, and you can share the desire to throttle him like our own wives do!"

"I second this idea!" Fleamont added cheerfully.

Sighing, the woman looked at her surrogate family with a wistful smile, "I think I just might.  He will wish he remained in that hospital bed!"

This made everyone around the table chuckle, while Fleamont asked Dorea and Charlus, "What is Harry up to tonight?  I think James and Remus are having a bachelor's day at the pub, but no mention of Harry makes me hope he has plans."

"With a certain dark-haired girl?" Euphemia asked, looking optimistically at her in-laws.

"Oh yes." Dorea said smugly, "It seems my boy is capable of listening to my advice on occasion.  Mia pushed him in the right direction the other night I think."

Charlus snorted, "She all but spelt it out for him.  I am glad he decided to take her out.  A blind man could see what they have together.  They always seem so happy when they train together, and spend time together.  I have never seen two people enjoy magic as much as they do."

"I have." Fleamont said with a smile looking between Charlus and Dorea.

"It's not just the magic they enjoy.  It's who they enjoy it with." Euphemia corrected, "Much like the people who took in our boy.  They will find deep happiness with one another."

A moment of content silence passed before Melania asked, "If James and Remus are out on their own does that mean my Grandson had a date today?"

The curiosity in the woman's voice amused the gathered group, and Euphemia answered the woman, "Oh yes, I hear he is out with Robert McKinnon's girl."

Melania took a breath of relief, "Well that would be a good match, indeed.  Arcturus would approve."

As the group continued to chat Charlus rubbed his thumb on the back of Dorea's hand, smiling at his wife with affection.  He knew his wife had to have missed these moments while they were in isolation.  He had missed that sparkle in her eyes, and the way she had brought light to every room she had walked into.  The years may yet bring more trials and tribulations, but he would be forever grateful that Harry had walked into their lives.  He had brought that light back into the woman he loved, and he could only hope the boy he saw as his son would get a chance to find the type of love he had.

Leaning over to kiss his wife on the cheek he squeezed her hand affectionately.  When the woman looked at him with a questioning smile, and he prepared to mutter three little words, but her eyes darted to the side and a light that began filling the room stopped him.  Turning his head a stag had made its way to the center of the room and looked at Charlus.  His heart sank at the words from his son, "Hogsmeade is under attack."

Rising to his feet he made for the door without hesitation.  Dorea was hot on his heels as were Euphemia and Fleamont.  Brief words were heard by Charlus between Dorea and Melania that sounded like, "Protect Arcturus."

When they made it to the ward line Charlus stopped and turned to his brother, "Are you sure you want to do this?  This could be like Godric's Hollow, but worse.  He will be there."

Charlus wasn't sure how he knew, but he did.  Voldemort would be in Hogsmeade tonight. A rematch was inevitable.  Fleamont for his part did not even hesitate, "My son is there, Charlus.  As is my grandson.  You think so little-"

"I don't." Charlus said, "We will do as dad taught us."

Nodding in affirmation, Charlus glanced at his sister-in-law who looked worried, but her wand was sparking dangerously in anticipation. She was ready to protect her family.  His wife squeezed his hand, and when they made eye contact he felt his resolve strengthen.

With a turn, the group all disapparated to Hogsmeade.


Lily had never been so scared in her life.  She had already been forced to duel with two death eaters and banished a partially transformed werewolf into a wall, but she had warned all the shops, and had over a dozen students behind her depending on her for protection.  She could not fail them.

Where were her other friends?  Everyone behind her was from the lower years, and none would stand a chance against the enemies they faced.  She needed help.

Batting aside a purple hex that was thrown towards her group she animated hanging garlands and turned them into snakes that dropped down on the man in black that was attempting to curse her.  The man screamed in pain as the snake bit into him, and she cursed him to his knees with a trauma curse that Harry had taught her.

She never thought she would have to use such magic, but with the lives of the children behind her, she was glad to have known it.  A girl behind her shouted in a shaky voice, "Stupefy!"

Lily's eyes followed the jet of red light, and watched a death eater lazily bat it aside.  The Death Eater was not alone as two others stepped into the street and Lily protectively stepped in front of her charges.

"Hello Mudblood." A familiar voice said to her.

A feeling of dread took over Lily as she turned to her charges, "Run.  Down the street.  Harry Potter and Elaina Essex are defending the village.  Get to them."

"Lily." A girl in her house, a sixth year named Victoria Spinnet, called out questioningly.

"Just go.  Send help if you can." Lily said, tightening her grip on her wand.

The group hesitated, but did as they were told as Lily stared at her opponents who seemed only interested in her, "Real brave.  Three on one."

"We will see the job done this time." The familiar voice said again.

Scoffing Lily tried to think of anything that would buy her time, but the Death Eater on the left said, "No stalling.  Kill her now."

The lead Death Eater nodded his head raising his wand, but Lily knew there was no more time to wait.  With a flick of her wrist, a blasting charm left her wand.  The spell was absorbed by a shield, and a green one came barreling towards her, but Harry had trained her for this.

With a summoning charm, a vendor cart from nearby, was brought in front of the curse causing it to explode.  She was not idle in this as she transfigured the rubble coming at her into dust, and then charmed a nearby statue of a wizard to life, disrupting the three.

In the time they scattered Lily conjured a rudimentary dagger and charmed it quickly with the duplication charm and began animating them to attack.  The Death Eaters quickly found themselves with their hands full with the red-haired witch, but it didn't last as one of the members black robes froze the charmed objects and the other sent them flying back at her.  At the same time the third sent another killing curse at her and she knew it was over.

Her wand moved to bring the ground up in front of her to stop the killing curse, but one of the blades lodged into her shoulder as she fell below the others that sailed over her head.  She screamed in pain and fell to the ground with her wand barely in her hand.

Tears fell from her face as she felt one of her attackers fight her flailing legs and mount on top of her as he yanked the blade from her shoulder causing her to scream in agony.  The man on top of her ripped his mask off as he grabbed her face forcing him to look at her, "I have waited for months to get you back little Mudblood.  Your bitch friend Essex is next.  Don't worry I will visit her real soon, while the Dark Lord deals with your little friend, Potter, but not before I have fun with you."

Lily looked into the eyes of Rabastan Lestrange as he pointed his wand at her chest, "Cruc-"

"NO!" Another voice from down the alley called out.

The body of Rabastan Lestrange fell backwards off her, and spellfire was rapidly being exchanged above her.  As her hazy vision came around she saw the lifeless body of Rabastan Lestrange on the ground just a few feet in front of her.  His eyes were wide and lifeless, but she ignored the dead teen as she attempted to level her wand towards one of her attackers. With a final exertion she cast a jet of red light towards a death eater knocking him out cold.  She slumped from the effort and heard a different familiar voice, "Don't let him get away Prongs!"

Several more spells flew from the wands of her saviors before a cry of pain was heard.  Before she could see who won a pair of arms scooped her up, "It's going to be okay, Lils.  We have you."

Lily sobbed as she met the eyes of James Potter.  The teen's brown eyes were filled with concern, and he said, "We have to get out of here."

The girl couldn't even voice anymore thoughts as she suddenly felt a wave of comfort pass over her.  With that wave, her eyes began to roll back into her head with a final few grateful words escaping her lips, "Thank you."


Back to back Harry and Elaina had taken down no less than a dozen werewolves, and half a dozen death eaters.  They were each dueling two at a time with no room for mistakes between the pair.  They fought like they had never fought before.

Early on they had managed to disrupt a large group of Death Eaters trying to fight in formation.  After Harry and Elaina broke their lines however they formed ranks attempting to overwhelm them.  Elaina pushed her wand forward causing a familiar blast of lightning to erupt from her wand electrifying her opponents to their knees unmoving, while she then turned to shield Harry as he thrust his wand in a circle causing bricks to come up from the ground, turn to deadly points, and impale his enemies.

A scream to his left told him there was more trouble and with a turn of his head he caught a Death Eater cast a killing curse at a Hogsmeade resident who was running towards the ward line, but the curse missed narrowly.  Before Harry could respond, the bastard had a hole appear in his chest as he dropped to the ground lifeless.  Gratefully Harry offered the arriving Frank a nod who grimly returned it as he joined in the defense.

Combat was everywhere and Harry hardly had time to realize that Sirius and Marlene had joined them with Ted and Andi.  With numbers coming to their side Harry knew they needed to begin pushing back towards the castle or to the meadows where students could escape.  An attack this size could only mean the Inner Circle and Voldemort would follow.

In the brief pause of chaos, Harry grabbed Frank by the arm, "We need to start making our way towards the grounds.  Let everyone escape into the forest.  We can't hold this position.  Lily went to spread the word as fast as possible, but we haven't seen her since the start of the attack.  She had a head start, so hopefully she has made her way back to this side of the village or escaped with the others."

Frank nodded in understanding as Alice summoned a nearby barrel left out from The Three Broomsticks to intercept a killing curse that had been thrown towards their group.  Elaina turned the debris back on the enemy and transfigured it into a pair of animated wolves Commanding them to attack.

The retreat began from there as Frank, Alice, Elaina, and Harry fought to keep over two dozen students protected.  Ted and Andi had been leading the retreat from the other end, but Harry had a feeling it wouldn't be enough.  They did everything they could to keep them safe, and the only good news was they seemed to have run out of werewolves.  Each that had attempted to charge the group was met with a vicious end courtesy of Harry or Elaina, and Sirius with the help of Marlene were doing a good job of helping evacuees as they carried on.

"Harry!" A familiar voice called out from behind and the teens' eyes turned to see a panicked James Potter and Remus Lupin.

In the arms of James Potter was Lily and Harry felt as if his world was beginning to spin.  The girl looked terrible.  She was bleeding profusely and Harry wondered what happened to her.  James was covered in her blood, and he seemed desperate for help.  Before he could provide instruction or formulate a plan his eyes widened as a blasting spell of a power he had yet to see that night rocked the street.  With daring he forced himself forward desperate to block it and protect his friends.  His shield shimmered under the impact, and a lone death eater strode forward.  Harry moved to engage the Death Eater, but a female voice behind him, from his nightmares, filled him with dread, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

His eyes turned and he saw the spell heading right for the arriving James Potter.   Moving his wand to attempt something desperate he knew he was too late, "JAMES!"

Harry wasn't even sure the name left his mouth.  The spell seemed to move in slow motion.  Before it could connect with the teen however James was shoved to the ground as Harry attempted to move to intercept.  In the place of James Potter a teen that couldn't have been much younger than Harry was struck. Harry watched as the curse sent the young teen sprawling back towards him.  With wide eyes Harry stopped the boy with a flick of his wand and laid him gently on the ground.  The lifeless eyes of Eilif Rowle were looking up at the sky and he watched as his breath left him.  The boy that had warned them of the attack had just been killed, and saved his birth mother and father in the process. There was a debt now between them that he would never be able to repay.

The laughter that followed the killing curse told Harry who had just killed the boy.  They were in trouble and quickly became surrounded by the Death Eaters that were backing up Bellatrix Lestrange.

The group that had been defending the students closed ranks forming a circle around the students they were trying to protect.  At Harry's side were Elaina, Alice, Ted Tonks, and Andi.  At his back Kingsley Shacklebolt had arrived standing next to Frank, Remus, Sirius, and James.  Between them were over thirty students, many of whom were crying.

Glancing around and realizing the severity of the situation Harry glanced in the direction of the castle.  Where is Dumbledore?  Where are Charlus and Dorea?

The Death Eater who had nearly broken Harry's shield strided forward in front of the others in masks asking in a deep voice, "Where's your mum, Potter?  We have unfinished business."

In rage, Harry pointed his wand at the Death Eater, "You will be dead long before she gets here."

With a shove of his wand Harry sent a wave of fire at the masked man.  To the credit of the Death Eater he hardly batted an eye at the fire as he swirled it around him and pushed it back towards Harry.  Elaina was not complacent during this however as she shot the glacius charm at the man's chest, which he deflected quickly.

Harry then flicked his wand like a whip hoping to lasso the man down, but the death eater caught the whip with his arm, that he seemed to have transfigured into something metal, and yanked Harry forward.  Elaina called out his name, but he was hit with a blasting curse in the chest sending him sprawling backwards.  When he thudded on the ground against the cobble of the street his ribs felt like they had been severely bruised, if not broken.  His vision was blurry for a moment, but he limped his way back to his feet seeing Elaina struggle with the two vicious Death Eaters.  Harry knew that Bellatrix was a powerhouse, and whoever her friend was he was talented enough to land a hit on Harry.  He had to get in there and help her. Trying to find his way back into the fight to help Elaina he watched as the girl became overwhelmed and just before Bellatrix could press her advantage the woman was forced to defend from one of the businesses nearby.

A young man and woman had stepped out of the cafe to the defense of Elaina attacking Bellatrix at the same time.  They were instantly familiar to Harry as the couple that served them breakfast at Steeples and Sons that morning.  Before Harry could be grateful about their interference Bellatrix cackled with glee yelling out, "Imperio!"

In an instant the man's eyes glazed over.  Harry moved to point his wand at the young man to disarm him, but before anything could be done the young man hit his wife with a blast of green light.  Elaina screamed in horror, and Harry watched numbly as the kind woman from their morning hit the ground dead.  The horror of the situation made him lower his wand just enough to make the mistake of forgetting about the man that was still under the unforgivable curse.  The young man deliberately raised his wand to chin and Harry in alarm tried to disarm him, but it was too late.  As the man hit the ground he laid beside his wife, and Harry felt grief for the loss couple in an instant.  Their sacrifice saved Elaina's life.

Elaina turned her wand on Bellatrix with fury and began casting with renewed vigor.  Harry turned to face the other powerful player and allowed the rage to course through him.  These were good people that had stepped in to try and save their lives.  People who had been nothing but kind to Harry and Elaina.  People who had bright futures ahead.  Their deaths could not go unpunished.  Raising his wand he drove it into the ground like butter and the area became clouded in a purple shadow dome.  Causing the two aggressors to stop momentarily.  Bellatrix grinned flirtatiously at Harry as she held a finger to her lip, "He knows how to play.  You and I could have a lot of fun together, Potter."

Elaina growled out, not letting the witches' attention stay on her boyfriend, "You are going to pay for what you did to Lord Black.  Dorea Potter wants your head on a platter, and I will bring it to her."

"You hear her confidence Rosier?  I love it.  Her screams will bring ecstasy to my ears." Bella said with a giggle.

Evan Rosier?  Harry thought with a small bit of dread.  The one that nearly killed Mad-Eye in the aftermath of Voldemort's fall.  Not good.

"The folly of youth." The man simply said.

"Let us teach them a lesson, old friend." The woman said and flung her wand dispelling the dome around them.

Turning towards Frank Harry said, "Protect the students.  We will keep them distracted."

Frank's nod was all Harry needed to strike, because he knew there may not be many chances to take the offensive.  A deadly dance between the four erupted at the start of Harry's opening spell.  Bellatrix fought like a mad-woman flinging unforgivables around.  Rosier on the other hand sought to engage Harry and Elaina at the same time.  As they fought together the tactic proved tough to beat.  Rosier was causing them problems with the power of his spells, but with Bellatrix throwing unblockable curses towards the students it would only take one mistake to end the fight.

Harry was wheezing as the fight prolonged, the pain from his rib injury becoming overwhelming.  Any that attempted to interfere Bellatrix pushed back claiming them for her own.  The group was trapped.

In a surge of spells Bellatrix and Rosier teamed up to take down Elaina and the girl screamed under their combined efforts to put her under the cruciatus curse.  Harry in a panic flung his wand at Bellatrix who had managed to land the torture curse on his friend, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

The curse struck the woman dead in the chest, blowing her backwards into the cafe that Elaina and Harry had eaten that morning at breakfast.  Harry was in front of Elaina now, blood rushing through his body head to toe, adrenaline pumping.  Rosier then in a fit of fury stepped forward to engage him.  Both wizards were now flinging spells at each other so fast most exploded in the center of the street causing magical backlash to level nearby buildings.  The man was talented, very much so, but Harry had been trained by the best.  Other Death Eaters had begun to attempt to interfere, furious at the sight of Harry killing one of their lieutenants in such a way.

Desperation began to take over, and Harry knew this is where his best work was done.  The world seems to begin bending to his will just like how Charlus had taught him.  The building next to him had collapsed as he pulled more and more of it into his fight.  As he pulled the building down he duplicated pieces of the debris, set them on fire, and tossed them at Rosier who was attempting to get an edge in the fight.

The other Death Eaters were no longer remaining idle as they joined the fight that Harry had taken the advantage in.  Elaina was at his side again, shaking,  as the two held back a force of Death Eaters who were now actively trying to kill everything in sight.  The teens were in trouble as they quickly became overwhelmed on all sides.

Before lives could be a loss they were interrupted by a voice that froze everyone, "Enough."

A man seemed to materialize out of the shadows and walked forward with a black cloak lifted over his face.  Harry knew him from the presence the man carried that Voldemort was walking among them.  The path of Death Eaters split for him, dropping to a knee, as he walked down the middle of the street, "Harry.  We meet again.  What secrets will you leave us with today?"

Harry took an involuntary step backward, and shielded Elaina by pushing her slightly behind him.  Before he could speak Tom chuckled, "Noble of you to protect her from me, Harry.  Smart even.  I fear it will be futile though.  She is already spoken for by some of my followers."

"No one will touch her." Harry said feeling fury overtake his sense of self-preservation.

"You can't possibly believe you could stop all of us.  Or even me alone.  I am enough, dear boy.  Your time ends here.  You could have been revered on my side.  A parselmouth and a seer.  You could've had anything, but you chose to stand against me.  Ruined multiple attacks I tirelessly planned, and I am afraid I can allow no more transgressions."

Destiny had arrived all the same.  Harry knew he was not getting a third chance at life. He was tired, injured, and holding on by threads against the fresh Voldemort and his inner circle.  There was only one choice, and maybe if he was careful his friends would live to see tomorrow.  In surrender he held his wand in the air and began walking forward slowly, "I can show you the future.  Just let the others go, and you can see into my mind.  When you see what happens you will know why I chose to oppose you.  You will see that it was my destiny."

This last word said in parseltongue and pulled the man's attention.  Elaina hissed his name, as Harry approached the man.  Soon they were mere meters apart.  Elaina had not followed him so he could only assume one of the defenders stopped her.  He was now looking at the man that took everything from him in his previous life in the eyes, "Let them go.  My mind will shatter long before you can learn everything.  Willingly you could see all the futures I have seen.  You will understand."

Harry was bluffing, big time, and did everything he could to occlude his mind.  He knew Voldemort was a talented Legillmens.  If he figured out Harry was lying they would all be killed.  Voldemort seemed to consider him for a long moment before finally nodding.  Harry closed his eyes, releasing the breath in him.  This was the same sacrifice he made in his previous life with hopes of saving his friends.  This time he could only hope it would be worth it.

Voldemort made a motion with his hand and the circle of Death Eaters broke allowing the students they were protecting to flee.  It was a mad rush towards the castle, and Harry heard Elaina scream his name.  He turned his head and saw that Frank had to manhandle the girl to keep her from charging to Harry's side.  She was crying, fighting the teen with everything she had, but he forced himself to look away.

Voldemort summoned Harry's wand to his hand and held it up the sky looking it over, "What an interesting creation.  The wand is made from a Wampus.  I sense its power.  A fitting partner for one that had such a great tale to tell."

Harry was used to the man's monologue so said nothing.  Voldemort didn't even look at Harry as he commanded him, "Kneel."

With a hard swallow Harry went to one knee.  His pride wasn't worth the lives of his friends.  Looking at the ground Harry felt his head get forced up as two hands gripped his jaw and forced them up.  The red eyes of the Dark Lord met his own and he felt the man enter his mind.

Visions of his past flew through his mind.  The man saw so much.  Harry did everything he could to force images of his childhood forward, and then his early years at Hogwarts to keep the man off his trail.  When the death of the basilisk appeared Harry felt the first bout of rage, but then confusion.  The destruction of the diary?  How was that possible?

Voldemort delved further trying to find more about the diary, but suddenly he was seeing visions of the Diadem from just a few weeks before and the ring from the night before.  A scream of rage filled his brain as Voldemort broke their connection, shoving Harry back to the ground and casting the first spell that came to his mind, "CRUCIO!"

Harry felt like he was being electrocuted.  Every nerve in his body had a hot needle in it.  It was short lived however as the man had magically lifted him off the ground, "You destroyed my Ring and my Diadem?"

Grinning at the angry man Harry spat blood, "Keep looking, Tom.  Surely you have figured it out by now."

Voldemort raged as he delved back into his mind much more aggressively this time.  Harry was ready though.  This time he showed the Dark Lord how he discovered the diadem the first time, and how Crabbe destroyed it with Fienfyre.  Then he saw the destruction of the cup, the locket, and the diary in rapid succession, so fast that Harry couldn't stop what he saw next.

The memory of his first meeting with Charlus and Dorea.  He watched as Voldemort heard Harry describe the Horcruxes, " In my timeline by the time I died he had created 7, and we had destroyed 6. Only his Snake, Nagini, was left when I died. I know what every Horcrux he created was, and now the task will be finding them."

Voldemort broke the connection and Harry began panting on the ground out of breath.  The anger of the man before him was suffocating, "You aren't a seer."

The words weren't an accusation, but the poison his tone was filled with told him all he needed to know.  Voldemort grabbed Harry with wandless magic and lifted him into the air, choking him, "I will tear your mind apart and leave you a shriveling husk, you mewling quim."

Before Voldemort could make good on his threat the monster was ripped backwards into some nearby wreckage with Harry's wand left behind.  Harry seized the chance to defend himself as Charlus Potter apparated in front of him, offering a hand, "My son doesn't belong on his knees."

Harry wanted to cry realizing he had a chance now accepting the man's hand that helped him to his feet.  Dorea, Fleamont, Dumbledore, Professor Black, McGonagall, and Euphemia appeared in the wards and immediately began engaging with the Death Eaters who were throwing spells at the arrivals.

The panic cries of the Death Eaters rang out, "It's Dumbledore and Potter!"

Some panicked right away and apparated out of Hogsmeade others delved into a fight allowing their lord time to re-enter the fray.  When Voldemort did his rage was towering.  With a blast of his wand black destructive magic came spilling out of his robes as if it were materializing from his body.  Charlus pushed Harry back with a shove of his wand and absorbed the spell with a massive shield.  Dumbledore was on Voldemort in an instant trying to stop the man, but Voldemort swiftly roared out causing a magical shockwave that sent everyone backwards.

"I will tear your house down brick by brick, Harry Potter!" Voldemort said as he stomped towards him the ground shaking in his path.

Harry crawled backwards to his feet deflecting a spell that came at him with blistering speed.  Fleamont was at his side now attacking the Dark Lord, but the red-eyed man barked out a spell in parseltongue that Harry only recognized as, "Destroy!"

The spell came out so fast there was no hope of blocking it.  Harry closed his eyes and felt the spell tear into his side knocking him backwards with blinding pain.  Blood pooled around him instantly and he heard nothing but ringing in his ears, before his world went dark.