Chapter 58

Fleamont Potter




The Last Enemy To Be Destroyed Is Death

Harry stared at the words on his grandfather's tombstone with a weight in his stomach. Elaina was holding his arm with her head on his shoulder. The young woman had been a rock to Harry as he recovered over the last few days. A scar that dwarfed the others on his body was left in the area of his kidney, but he was grateful to be alive.

In his recovering days, Harry had been moved to Potter Manor. He had not seen any of his friends or the students of Hogsmeade since the battle had taken place. He had received many well wishes and letters of concern about his health, but he ignored them all as he grieved the loss of his grandfather.

Glancing across the cemetery, Harry observed that well over a hundred people had gathered for the funeral of the previous Lord Potter. It seemed that people from all walks of life had come to mourn for the man, but none did so more than the family that took up the first row of seats. James held the arm of his mother, who was veiled in black.

Mia Potter had hardly said a word to Harry when the two had greeted each other. According to Dorea, the woman had hardly spoken at all. Harry had embraced his grandmother tightly, and promised her that he would be there anytime he was needed. He was already planning to dedicate some of his summer evenings to spending time with his grandmother.  Harry would do anything to uphold his final promise to Fleamont to look after his grandmother, and would ensure James did the same.

Harry's eyes went to his father, who was staring blankly at the tombstone in the graveyard of Godric Hollow. Generations of Potters were buried here, and now James' father lay among them. The teen had constantly been asking Harry about life in his time, but Harry was reluctant to tell him much. James was eager to learn about what his son had endured. Harry however thought it would be too much for him. His past was far from sunshine and rainbows, but still, Harry had told his father about some of the friends he had made in Gryffindor, and even about Remus being a Professor. Learning that Remus had taught Harry the Patronus charm had made the first smile since Fleamont's death appear on James' face.  It was not something he saw very often, and figured that was unlikely to change anytime soon.

Elaina squeezed Harry's hands, and his focus snapped back to reality as he watched Charlus stand in front of the gathered people looking rather solemn.  The man was wearing all-black wizarding robes that had military accolades across the front breast area.  The war vet had a hard look in his eyes when he began speaking, "As the younger brother, I always knew it was a possibility this day would come."

Pausing for a moment, the man looked down at the memorial of his brother, he blinked hard before continuing, "If you had asked my mother she would've sworn on her grave that I would go first.  She called me a wreckless prat on a regular basis, and Fleamont often agreed with her after we lost our father."

This led to some chuckles in the crowd, but Charlus' countenance did not change, "I never thought I would lose him at this age. I never truly believed I would be the one to bury my brother. He was always such a force. A picture of good health. A powerful Lord that my father would've been so proud of."

At these words, the man's face seemed to swell with anger, "But he was taken from us.  By a cowardly bastard who was trying to kill my son. A teenager whose only goal that day was to protect his friends and the other students in Hogsmeade. I owe him the life of my son."

Many eyes fell upon Harry, but for his part, his eyes stayed on Charlus as the man seemed to take a deep breath, reigning in his temper, "I owe a lot more than that to my brother.  He held our family together while I was on the continent. He helped keep the peace in our own country while my friends, my wife, and I, were a long way from home. He kept the people inspired, ensuring them that we would be victorious. No one in my life had more faith in me than Fleamont. That is something I will never forget and forever miss."

A tear seemed to build up in the man's eyes, but they never fell as he raised his voice, "Now I swear before all of you that my brother's death will not go unanswered. I will uproot the ones who took him from me and those who have conspired against Britain by the stem. This I swear over the grave of a man I greatly respected. A man that many admired. A brother that I loved dearly."

With the final words of his speech concluded, Charlus stepped away from the podium, grabbed the hand of Dorea, and began making his way towards the exit of the cemetery and to the main street of Godric's Hollow. Complete silence followed the man, and after a few moments, so did many people.

Harry stood rigid for a long while, however.  Elaina never attempted to move or prompt him. Instead, the grip on his hand just relaxed and the two looked on to the grave of a man that both respected. Not long passed before it was just Elaina, James, Mia, and Harry in the front row.  A glance behind him showed that the other three Marauders stayed a respectful distance.

Noting how cold it was, and not wanting the woman to become sick, Harry released his hold on Elaina's hand and approached his grandmother. Placing an arm around the shoulders of Mia Potter, Harry gently pulled on the woman, whispering, "Come on, grandma, let's make you some warm tea. It is getting cold out here."

The woman hardly acknowledged her grandson, but allowed Harry to guide her away. Harry hoped James would follow, but with a glance towards the Marauders, Sirius offered Harry an assuring nod that they would look out for him.

As they began to walk out towards the street, Harry glanced behind him to see Elaina scanning the area. It was clear that the young woman was prepared to defend them if necessary. He felt at ease with her watching his back. The two had stood toe to toe with some of Voldemort's best and walked away. It was possible that had the Dark Lord not arrived Harry would have slaughtered all of his followers, but that day had not yet arrived.

It was only a short walk once the trio made it to the main road to the old Potter family home, that Harry unlocked with a flick of his wrist. Guiding the woman inside, he led her to a rocking chair in the family room while Elaina stated she would prepare some warm tea.

Taking a seat across from the woman, he carefully eyed his grandmother, who had once been so full of life.  It hurt his heart to see a member of his family hurt this way.  He wished he could nullify the woman's pain, but knew only time could heal such a wound.  He did not know much of his grandmother's family, and wondered how often she had experienced grief.

Harry wondered how James would handle the grief as well. While he was not sure about his grandmother's experiences, he knew with certainty that James had never experienced anything of the sort. He worried what his father would do when they returned to Hogwarts. He hoped his father was prepared to take training more seriously now. Invest his remaining days at Hogwarts into being the best student and Head Boy he can be, but Harry feared differently.  He knew what it was like when the desire for vengeance pumped through your veins.  When blood was the only thing that would satisfy your rage.

"Monty loved you very much, Harry." Mia said quietly, nearly startling Harry with her voice.

Swallowing hard, Harry said softly, "I loved him too. I wish he were still here. I didn't want any more of my family to die for me.  Not again."

"We will, if we have to." Mia said with a firmer voice than Harry expected, "We all failed you in your time.  If our sacrifices mean that one day you avenge my husband, your grandfather, and all those lost along the way, then it will all be worth it."

"Not to me." Harry countered, "Just because I lost it all once, does not mean I want to do so again. I don't know if I can handle it a second time."

"You are a Potter." Mia said with quiet confidence, "That means more now than ever before. We will not allow Voldemort to get away with this. We will endure. Somehow, someway."

"Together." Harry said with finality, "I made a promise."

Euphemia Potter gave her grandson a sad smile, "So did we."

Giving the woman a questioning look, he prepared to ask what she meant, but Elaina entered the room, taking a seat next to Harry as she served the tea with wandless magic. Upon sitting next to Harry she took his hands, and his grandmother latched onto the subject change, "You too remind me so much of Charlus and Dorea when they were young.  Both so powerful and ready to change the world."

"I'm happy to just protect our own little world." Elaina countered softly, squeezing Harry's hand.

Agreeing with the girl Harry elected to drop the subject, while Mia hummed softly, "Sometimes those best suited to power are those that have never sought it.  Yet when it is thrusted upon them they find that they wear it well."

Harry's mind whirled back to something Dumbledore had said to him what felt like a lifetime ago.  It was similar in nature, but familiar nonetheless, "I've heard that before."

Harry's muttering was caught by his grandmother, and she offered him a smile, "Your great grandfather, William Potter, used to say it often.  It was words that Monty and Charlus both lived by when the situation called for it."

Stiffening at her words he became lost in the thought of how Dumbledore would have come to hear those words.  Dumbledore kept so many secrets from Harry, and shook his head as he realized he may never know the truth.

The truth weighed heavily on Harry's mind these days. He knew leaving Dumbledore out of the Horcrux hunt was out of the option. They would need every advantage they could get. Keeping the secrets from the powerful wizard would only harm them more than help. The time to tell a select few of his friends the truth of his heritage. Harry doubted Voldemort would tell his followers the truth, but maybe he would. If the man had seen enough he would know that his side won the war. He would know that he was a conqueror in the future. Would he use that to solidify his position? The unknown haunted him, and with the loss of his grandfather, the stress of what was to come ran high.

Harry hardly processes the words of Euphemia and Elaina as they exchange soft words, but the young woman had placed a hand on the side of his leg as if trying to silently comfort him.  Taking a breath he shook his head and thought of the consequences of his failure to act and what the future may hold for his family, and the girl beside him.


"I'm fine, Padfoot. I just need sometime." James said stubbornly as he marched his way to the main street of Godric's Hollow.

"We just want to be there for you, Prongs." Remus interrupted before Sirius could retort.

Peter nodded frantically, hoping to avoid the brewing row between his friends, "Yeah, we should all just go to the pub. Have one for your Dad."

"Don't shut us out, James." Sirius pleaded.

James wanted to scream at his friends, but he found that he couldn't. His energy was all but gone, and he really just wanted some alone time at Potter Manor. He couldn't bring himself to be at his mother's side right now, and knew Harry would take care of her, "I don't want to shut anyone out. I just want a few hours to myself. That's all. You all go to the pub. Maybe I will join you in a little bit."

The three looked skeptical, and Sirius just stared at his best friend before shaking his head pulling the teen in for a brief embrace, "Potter Manor. That's it. Don't make us come find you."

Nodding his head stiffly, James allowed Sirius to clap him on the back and did the same with Remus and Peter. The other Marauders all looked very solemn as James turned and apparated with an easy twist.

Sirius swore under his breath, and Remus sighed, "There is nothing we could do. He just lost his father and nearly watched his cousin be on the brink of death for days. He just needs some time."

"I need some time!" Sirius snapped, but immediately regretted it, as he put his hand in his face, "I'm sorry Mooney. I just feel like they aren't telling us something."

Peter nodded his head, "Things do seem tense in the family. Did you notice James refused to look at Charlus or Harry during the service?"

Remus shrugged, "Charlus and Harry are both exceptional wizards. Maybe a part of James blames them for what happened to his Dad."

"No, that's not it." Sirius said, "It's more than that. They faced insurmountable odds.  James isn't unreasonable. He knows the fact that any of us survived is a miracle. Had Harry not kept them back…"

"We would all be dead." Remus said in an even voice.

"Yes…well not all of us." Sirius said, looking at Peter.

The rat fidgeted under the stare. He had told the group that he was moping in the castle after a girl turned him down for a Valentine's date. Of course, he had been too embarrassed to admit who his date was, but the Marauders all had other things on their minds.

The group said no other words as they all wondered after their friend, and hoped he was going to be okay.


James huffed as he unleashed spell after spell into the woods surrounding Potter Manor. His grief had overtaken him, and all he wanted was to make the Death Eaters pay. His wand was moving faster than he ever remembered pushing it and he felt his energy waver after a long minute.

Slowing down, he heaved for breath. The anguish of not having a body to bury for his father hurt him. Whatever had hit him left nothing in its wake. It didn't even feel real yet. The pain of his exhaustion was better than the mental grief he had been experiencing since he learned about his father's fate, and his son's future.

Harry. His supposed cousin stepped into his life from nowhere. The teen that brought his family back together after years of being in their own separate little words, turned out to be his son from twenty years in the future.  James scoffed as he rolled his wand in his palm, wanting to restart the cursing.

Harry had all this information about the future, but he didn't want to share it. A haunted look crossed his face every time the subject was broached. James could hardly believe that all his friends and family would be killed in Harry's time. He could hardly believe that Lily was his mother.  The math hardly added up, but any way it did it seemed grim.

Letting a frustrated sigh pass his lips he pointed his wand towards the trees and prepared to start cursing again, but a voice stopped him, "You will feel better cursing something that will fight back."

James closed his eyes as the voice of his uncle entered his ears, "I came out here to be alone."

"I can see that." Charlus noted, "It seems your temper is closer to mine than it was to my brothers. I rarely ever saw him lose control."

"I don't want to talk about Dad." James said, whirling around to face the man.

Charlus didn't look good.  His eyes had heavy bags under them, he needed a shave as his facial hair seemed unkempt, "Good, I don't want to talk about him either.  I want to talk about you, and what you are going to do next."

"Me?" James asked with a tint of anger, "I am going to join up with you, and Harry. Kill Death Eaters! Isn't that what you both wanted?"

Looking older than before, Charlus ran a hand through his scruff, "James I don't think Harry wanted a life like this for you. More than anything, I believe he hoped to avoid it."

"He should've told me everything!" James said fiercely.

"He wanted a life with his family, James. An orphan dreams of the chance Harry has been given." Charlus defended.

"If I had known the stakes I would have-"

"James." Charlus cut off, "There is no version of this story where your father is still standing with us. I'm sorry, but that is the truth."

James acted as if he had been slapped, and Charlus quickly explained, "Even if you were at Elaina's level, and had worked your ass off from the time Harry arrived, you would have been no match for Voldemort. We all would've ended up in the same position or worse. There is no outcome where your father would've allowed Harry to take that curse."

Angry at the words of his uncle, James felt his magic thrum against his skin as if a guitar cord had been struck. Charlus seemed to sense what was about to happen and, with ease deflected the spell that came hurtling at his head. James didn't let up there. With whips of his hand curses came flying towards Charlus who seemed to handle the magic with ease. This only infuriated James more as he increased his ferocity. Days of pent up anger and grief unleashed in a cacophony of magic.

James didn't know how long he was casting for, but tears started falling at some point.  Memories good and bad flashed before his eyes. His father was flying with him on Christmas day.  Then he remembered when Fleamont had taken him to get his first wand, the look of pride that had been on his face when James found his match. He remembered how happy his Dad was when he told him stories about the family growing up, and felt his resolve to attack his brother weaken as he thought about how disappointed his father would be if he could see him now.

When he fell to his knees in exhaustion, he was in hysterics as his wand fell from his hand to the ground, placing his hands behind head, hunching over.  An arm wrapped around his shoulder as his uncle sat beside him pulling him close, "Let it out, son.  Don't hold those emotions in."

Choking on a sob, James cried out, "Why did it have to be my Dad?"

James fell into his uncle's arms, while Charlus pulled the crying teen into his side, "I don't know, James.  I wish it wasn't him.  I would give anything to have protected my brother, but all we can do now is make sure his sacrifice isn't in vain.  Harry and I won't allow it to be."

Trying to come back to his senses James felt embarrassed by his outburst and for attacking his uncle.  He stifled his sobs and tried to swallow them down.  Hiccuping after a long pause James asked, "Why did you all keep Harry a secret from me?  Why did my Dad agree to it?"

Looking pained by the question, Charlus squeezed his nephew's shoulder, "We all thought it was for the best.  We all wanted to protect you.  Especially Harry.  He trained so hard hoping to shield you and your friends from this life.  I think after training with Dorea and I he believed we could do it together.  I admit that I shared this belief.  You have seen how talented he is, and you have seen glimpses of his drive.  I thought it would be enough.  Now we all see that it will take an army to stop Voldemort and his followers.  We will all have to band together.  Something I wish we didn't have to lose Monty, Arcturus, and Harfang to see clearly."

"Do you think he really won in Harry's time?  Do you really think he wiped out all our families?" James asked with fear evident in his voice.

"Yes." Charlus said simply, "We are already standing together more than we did in Harry's original time, yet we are still losing.  If Dorea and I had still been in mourning and these things were happening, or we joined the fight any later than we did, I think hope would already be lost.  I see how we lost.  I will be damned if I let it happen again."

James felt a new wave of grief, but it had nothing to do with his father.  He could hardly imagine Harry having done this all alone the first time.  He couldn't imagine how scared his orphan son must have been.

"How did Harry do it?  How did he keep on fighting?" James asked in a quiet voice.

Charlus grunted at this, "You will have to ask him.  I can tell you this though, that boy of yours is a survivor.  He doesn't understand what it means to quit.  When people say that they will fight to the last man they seldom mean it, but Harry does. I watched Elaina's memory.  He was willing to fight them all just to give you and your friends a chance to escape. I would've done the same now, but at his age?  I am not sure I could have found the bravery he had."

Wiping at his eyes now, James asked, "Do you think we can win?"

"Yes. I have to believe that we can." Charlus said without hesitation.

In understanding James took a deep breath and Charlus patted him on the shoulder standing up and then offering his nephew a hand.  When James accepted it he was hoisted to his feet, and Charlus said, "I believe we will win, because our will is greater than his.  We have more to lose, therefore we will fight harder.  I won't lie and say it will be easy.  I won't lie and say we won't lose others along the way.  James, war is a horrific thing.  I thought that day in Germany when we won I would never have to be in another, but here we are.  This time the stakes are higher.  It's in my backyard, and my whole family is prepared to fight.  I don't just believe we can win, I know we have too.  There is no other option."

"I am with you." James said, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

Charlus offered his nephew a small sympathetic smile, "You don't believe in yourself yet, but you will.  We will get you there.  For now train with Harry.  Prepare. Just because we lost someone doesn't mean the war will stop.  We have to be ready."

In acceptance James nodded and allowed his uncle to guide him back towards Potter Manor.  The war ahead weighed heavily on his mind, but not as much as the grief at the loss of his father.  As he walked the halls to his room in Potter Manor he felt the eyes of his ancestors upon him.  The eyes all seemed to follow him, but they seemed to be silently encouraging him.  One foot in front of the other, no matter what.

Generations of Potters had defended the lands of Britain and rose to meet every challenge.  He could hardly even stomach the thought of what was to come, but as his thoughts drifted back to his son from the future he knew he would have to learn to overcome it.

As he laid in his bed his thoughts drifted to the future.  His long-awaited chance with Lily seems to have fallen into his lap, and if Harry were to be believed it may be the opportunity he had spent many nights hoping for.  He could only hope if he were to be blessed again to have another child with Lily in the future that he would be there to raise it.  He would not allow history to repeat itself.  Not this time.