Chapter 59

Harry had avoided public appearances at Hogwarts since the fight at Hogsmeade. His return to school, however, had ended his attempts to hide. The Ministry had even attempted to summon him, but his father, as the interim Lord Potter, had attended in his stead.  Reportedly, the families of the Hogsmeade survivors were thankful and wanted to shower him with gifts and gratitude, but Harry couldn't accept their recognition beyond words, not when members of his own family had perished.

Charlus had also told Harry that after many long conversations with James, they had decided that the oldest remaining Potter should be Lord of the family until the war was over. The Potters needed a strong, unshakable presence in the hollow halls of the Wizengamot, and James was simply not ready. Charlus also believed that it was not impossible that Voldemort could attempt a coup. If this were to happen, then only the old war vet would have a chance at escaping. Harry did not believe the man would attempt such a thing, but anything was possible, particularly now that the man had his eyes on the future.

Speaking of the future, Voldemort had not attacked anywhere since his attempted destruction of Hogsmeade. It had been eerily quiet, and Harry wondered what befell the man's horcruxes.  The thought plagued his mind day and night. Had the Dark Lord scattered them to the wind by now? Would he even continue on his path to seven?

These thoughts had kept Harry awake at night, but so had many other things. The time to tell his friends about where he came from needed to happen sooner rather than later. He was planning to return to school with Elaina that day and confess about the lies he had told his mother and their friends. It was music he didn't feel he was prepared to face, but the longer he allowed the lies to go on, the worse it would be.

Breakfast at Potter Manor was a quiet affair. Dorea and Charlus had taken Elaina and Harry through the ringer that morning. Their training had ramped up in intensity, and now more than than ever,  Harry could tell, his parents, particularly Charlus, were fighting for their lives.  There was a certain edge even in their practice duels that promised retribution in the coming battles. The entire family was on edge and prepared to wage war. The war, however, wasn't what had Harry's legs shaking at the breakfast table though.

Returning to Hogwarts was not something Harry necessarily felt he had to do. His grandfather had been killed while he had been idle, sitting in a charms class where he wasn't learning anything didn't seem productive. Frank's grandfather had been killed. Arcturus had been put in a coma.  How many more would die while Harry was wasting his time in school?

He had vented these frustrations to Elaina the night before, and like a good partner, she sat there letting him blow off his steam, but at the end she had given him her insight. People he cared about may have died, but dozens, if not hundreds, more could've died in Hogsmeade had he not been there. He was closest to the action at Hogwarts, and still needed to protect his parents, which Voldemort may know about. If he decided to make them bigger targets than they already are then Harry would have a full time job at the school keeping them safe.

Harry wasn't sure however if Voldemort saw that part of his past though. The man had seen a lot, but there was no reason to go that far back.  It may however just be logically deduced that if he is from 20 years in the future, then only one living Potter could've possibly brought him into the world. Lily may be safe, but James definitely wasn't. The best place to protect them is being by their side. It was those thoughts that had Harry agreeing to return to Hogwarts despite every instinct telling him to stay at home and keep training.

The hand on his leg stilled his nerves, however, as Elaina casually placed her hand on him.  She hardly glanced up as she forked at her breakfast, but Harry felt the soft squeeze assuring him that it was going to be okay. Placing his fork down he reached for her hand and pulled it to his lips gently placing a kiss on her knuckles before returning it to its spot. She glanced at him with a soft smile, but said nothing. Looking across the quiet table at his mother reading the prophet a content smile that he had begun to miss crossed her face and he felt a brief moment of content.

After breakfast Charlus, placed the paper he had been reading down and rubbed his face with his hand, "Harry? Have you given any more thought into the Horcruxes?"

Elaina softly snorted at this, but said nothing causing Charlus to frown briefly at her, but Harry explained, "I have thought about little else to be honest. Between that and telling my friends the truth of my heritage my mind hasn't had the energy to process much else."

In understanding, Charlus sighed, "What do you think?"

"I think he still has three Horcruxes that he very well could've scattered to the wind." Harry said honestly, "In my time only his pride allowed us to get as far as we did. Since I am not one yet, and I don't believe Nagini is either, then that still leaves us with his Diary, the Locket, and the Cup. All three of those Horcruxes were given to his followers in my time, but I think we can count on that not happening in this time since he knows what I do. In fact I would bet that since he read my mind he is changing his plans on his last two horcruxes. He knows that we have destroyed two so I imagine he will speed up his process to get back to where he was. If he does this I think he will weaken himself to the point that we can stand against him. The issue then is that we will have to figure out what his two new Horcruxes are."

"Do you think he will tell his followers about his anchors?" Dorea asked curiously.

They all knew Harry was the expert in all things Voldemort, and Harry seemed to contemplate the question. Voldemort was sure to be desperate after finding out how two pieces of his soul were already destroyed.  It was possible the man would elaborate more in this time about the importance of the objects, but he doubted he would come out and be truthful to the Death Eaters, " I am not sure. The only way to ensure the safety of the objects would be to trust his followers and tell them exactly what they are and what they mean to him, to improve their chance of victory.  Voldemort doesn't trust people though, even his most faithful followers."

"Which will play to our advantage." Elaina said carefully.

"It will." Charlus agreed, looking thoughtful as he scratched at his unkempt facial hair that had grown out in the few short days he had left it unattended,  The man was looking his age today, and Harry observed the man as he seemed to wrack his brain for answers, "From what Harry tells me, Regulus Black, Lucius Malfoy, and Bellatrix, end up with the Horcruxes in his time.  With Bellatrix having been killed, the Blacks standing against Voldemort, that only leaves Malfoy as a possibility for a follower ending up with one of the items."

"Voldemort took a long look at that moment in my mind." Harry added, "He will certainly know that Lucius failed him.  The Death Eater I am concerned about now getting one is Augustus Rookwood.  He took part in the attack on Potter Manor, and was considered prodigious.  If Voldemort needs a capable follower to hand an item to, it will be him.  Rosier is an option as well.  I may have bested him, but I was not able to do so easily like I did the other Death Eaters.  He was talented and clearly fanatically loyal."

Dorea released a breath, "As I told you, Harry, Augustus was a friend.  He has been to this home.  It has been some years, but he knows the layout.  If the Dark Lord were to launch an attack on Potter Manor he would certainly use this to his advantage."

"Then we should eliminate him." Elaina said calmly sipping her tea, "If we know that Rosier and Rookwood are likely to be two of his most problematic followers then we should hunt them down.  Even if they aren't entrusted with Horcruxes they are valuable to Voldemort."

Harry considered the girl for a long moment.  He knew she was burying the trauma of Hogsmeade deep while he grieved for his grandfather.  He knew the tide would change sooner or later and he would need to be there for her.  She killed many Death Eaters that night.  She watched her first boyfriend get murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange, and nearly watched Harry die in his mother's arms.  Now she was talking about being the hunters instead of the prey.

The look on Charlus face told Harry all he needed to know.  The man was concerned, but Harry knew she was right, "I don't want to stoop to their level, but she's right.  Rosier kills good people in my time, and cripples Alastor Moody.  He was also looking to target mum for some reason."

Dorea frowned at her son's words, but sighed, "I did kill his aunt in the Great War, and was given the Order of Merlin for it, making it a well documented event.  I may have killed other members of his family as well.  I have never personally met the boy, so I can only imagine that is the reason."

Harry continued, "That may be, but If we can eliminate him, stop Rookwood.  While also preventing the intel that he leaks from the Department of Mysteries to Voldemort, and somehow get to Malfoy to cripple the financial side of the movement we could make a lot of headway.  Voldemort is a powerhouse on his own, but with these pieces he is invincible."

The table was silent.  Harry had made it sound simple, but they all knew getting any of these three men would be anything but.  Malfoy was sitting behind defenses that would rival or even best Potter Manor.  Rookwood being unspeakable would make him all but impossible to track, while Rosier had fallen off the map after he graduated from Hogwarts according to the inquiries Charlus made.  It would be an uphill battle.

"I know neither of you will like it, " Charlus began softly, "But the only thing we can do right now is plan and train.  Harry, you have a monumental task ahead of you today.  Bringing our allies into the fold of what is really going on out there and what the stakes are is no easy task.  Add to the fact you will need to prepare them until the end of the school year to the best of your ability will keep you busy."

"Do we just sit around as the attacks continue?" Elaina asked sullenly, "Innocent people are dying everyday."

"Not since Hogsmeade they haven't." Dorea countered, "I think Harry has frightened the man with his knowledge of the future.  I couldn't swear to anything, but my guess is that the Dark Lord will cement his plans with the final two horcruxes and create them as soon as possible.  Until he protects his soul further I would suspect no more major attacks.  This will allow us time to prepare a counter-offensive and prepare to launch more effective defenses around the country."

"The skirmishes are over." Charlus agreed, "It's time for war.  Voldemort has made his statement in Hogsmeade by handling Dumbledore and I at the same time.  People all over Europe will be flocking to him now hoping at a shot to be in his inner circle.  He knows it, we know it, and the next few months will be spent preparing for it.  I have already been in contact with the Auror Department and I will resume my role in training them as I did right after the Great War.  I will have to turn good witches and wizards into soldiers, and deal with the turnover rate the upcoming violence will surely create.  We have a mountain to overcome."

"Together." Harry said, trying to sound confident.

Elaina grabbed his hand on her own and repeated his word, "Together."

The family exchanged nods of approval before Dorea looked at her son, "I think it is time for the two of you to go back to school."

"Don't get caught in any broom cupboards, you two." Charlus teased with a smirk on his face.

The two teens blushed while Dorea chuckled.  Elaina was usually quick to fire back at their friends who made the jokes, but when it was Harry's parents the girl wasn't quite as brave.  The two took the good natured ribbing and said their goodbyes before making their way onto the ground.

Harry slipped his fingers into hers immediately and pulled her hand to his lips pressing a soft kiss on the back of her hand, "Thank you."

"For what?" She asked with a smile forming on her face.

"For being there for me these last few days." Harry explained, "I know you have your own demons to conquer from the battle, but you have set that aside to give me time to grieve.  You have listened to all the hell I have been feeling, and didn't force anymore than I was willing to share.  You are unique in that way, and I appreciate it."

Bumping his shoulder slightly she teased, "A teenage boy that can talk about his feelings.  I should be grateful.  Some of the other girls tell me it's a titanic effort.  I am grateful you have been ready to talk.  I have never seen the need to pry."

"I am grateful." Harry said with a soft squeeze of her hand, "I know you have a lot on your plate as well.  I won't let my father forget what he promised you.  I will bring it up with Dumbledore again as well.  I want you to have answers."

Sighing the girl squeezed back, "If it's not meant to be, it is what it is.  I would just hate to find out one day that I had family out there that would've liked to know I exist.  Call it stupid, but I want to know the history of my family.  All the Grindelwalds couldn't have been bad right?"

Knowing she didn't really want an answer to the question Harry allowed the girl to vent while she let out a breath, "I think about that a lot.  Part of me just hopes there is one good person in the family line.  I would hate to think the line is cursed and I am doomed to follow in the footsteps of my family."

Frowning at her words he stopped and turned to face the girl.  She stopped with him at once looking up at him with a troubled expression, but he recalled words that once meant a great deal to him, "Elaina, we have both light and dark inside of all of us.  What matters is the part we choose to act on."

The two held eye contact for a long moment before a grin creeped across the girl's face, "Merlin Harry, which fortune cookie did you find that on?"

Grumbling Harry let out a full chuckle, "Never quoting Sirius again, got it."

Standing on her tiptoes she kissed Harry softly on the cheek, "Well I suppose he had one pearl of wisdom in his life.  I guess he was right.  I wouldn't mind exchanging Christmas Cards with one family member that wouldn't hate me or think I was a freak though.  One day."

"One day." Harry repeated as the two continued towards the property line.  Right before they crossed the ward line Harry took a deep breath, "We have a long afternoon ahead of us."

"We do." Elaina confirmed, "Just don't forget in all this chaos you owe me another date.  One that won't be ruined by Death Eaters."

"Tough sale." Harry said with a fake look of contemplation, "But I will do my best."

"That's all I will ever ask."


The Marauders all sat at the Gryffindor table with Frank, Alice, and Lily quietly.  The school would be resuming classes on the morrow, and the atmosphere was rather tense.  At breakfast that morning the fallen students had been announced.  Fourteen students were killed in the battle, and eight of them were upper year Pureblood students.  It had taken all of James' restraint to not jump up and start shouting off accusations, because everyone knew the older Pureblood students that had been killed were likely wearing Death Eater garb.

Of course James was responsible for the death of Rabastan Lestrange.  There had been reports that Corvus had been killed as well and that the British family line had been wiped out with the disappearance of Lady Lestrange as well.  No one knew if the woman was involved in the movement, or had fled the continent in fear of retaliation with no Lord Protector.  Either way the family was gone.

In one of the few conversations James and Harry shared about the future, Harry had assured James that he had done the world a service.  The younger teen wouldn't go into details, but apparently Rabastan had taken the lives of people that were close to James, and that he would be thankful if he knew the truth.

The real truth was though that James didn't need counseling for the life he took.  He paid the price in the form of his father's life.  Every bastard that wore those robes that night deserved the fate that was dished out to them for the death of Fleamont Potter.  Reports that the youngest casualty was a second year Huffelupuff Muggleborn had hardened James' heart to it.  Even after the talk with uncle he felt a certain blood lust.  He wanted to get even with those who had taken his father from him.  With Harry's teachings he would make them pay.

Thoughts of Harry reminded him why the group was so quiet.  The teen had written to Frank that he was fully healed and planned to return to school today, but there had been no signs of him thus far.  A glance across the hall to Andromeda who had made eye contact with him, shook her head, indicating the results he expected, Harry was not yet here.

The tension in the castle was thick, and James believed a massive altercation was coming soon if Harry didn't return.  Sirius was the one that asked the question on all their minds, "Do you think Harry changed his mind?  Dropped out of school to prepare for the war?"

Frank sighed, answering the question first, "I admit if I didn't need the grades to become an Auror it is what I would have done."

Alice gripped the Longbottom Heir's hand tightly on the table, "Harry is talented enough to become a duelist or pretty much any career that requires a wand.  He doesn't need the grades if he decided to stay home and prepare with his dad."

Lily countered the idea at once, "He wouldn't have written that he would be back today if he wasn't going to be."

"Then where is he?" Peter squeaked nervously.

Whispers erupted across the tables and Remus let out a breath, "He is here."

James head whipped towards the doors to the Entrance Hall and found the reason for the whispers.  Elaina and Harry were walking hand in hand into the hallway.  It started somewhere in Hufflepuff, but the applause began as the two made it halfway to the Slytherin table.  In a matter of moments students from every table were clapping, but it was clear not everyone was happy about it.  Some seemed furious that they would welcome the pair back with such an inviting welcome, but even the teachers were clapping now.

The two seemed mortally embarrassed as a few tried to approach them and shake each of their hands.  It didn't last long however as Dumbledore's voice trickled to a level that reached the entire hall, "Yes, yes, we all are grateful for the interference of Mr. Potter and Ms. Essex.  It can be without a doubt that without them many of you would not be here today, and for that I am eternally grateful."

The applause increased in volume as Harry appeared to swallow hard, whisper some words to Elaina, and then walk down to the front of the hall.  The clapping stopped when he reached the front, and he said something to Dumbledore that James couldn't make out.  The Headmaster gave the teen a nod of approval before Harry turned to face the crowd, and silence fell over the hall.

Harry seemed to struggle to find the words at first, but then began speaking, "Elaina and I do not deserve your applause.  I am grateful to be welcomed back to school, and I am heartbroken over those we lost in Hogsmeade."

The green eyed teen paused and allowed a brief moment of silence echo across the Great Hall before he continued, "I heard people calling us heroes when we came in, and I do appreciate that sentiment, but we were just two teenagers trying to enjoy our first date in the village when the attack began.  There were other heroes however, in the battle that I would like to acknowledge."

A pen drop could've been heard, but Harry pushed on with every eye in the hall on him, "I saw friends step into harm's way to save each other.  Despite being outnumbered and knowing that lethal magic would be the response they fought to save each other.  Teenagers that were my age, battled unflinchingly to protect their classmates despite not even knowing some of their names.  A couple that had their whole lives and marriage ahead of them to enjoy, lost their lives to protect Elaina when she was being overwhelmed by the Death Eaters.  Their sacrifice kept us in the fight and saved the lives of dozens of students."

Harry paused before looking down for the first time, his voice filling with emotion, "A man that sacrificed his life for his nephew by jumping in front of a curse that he knew meant death."

James felt the blow to his chest, but his eyes couldn't come off Harry, "One of which lost his life in the attack.  A boy, not much younger than me, came to Elaina, Lily Evans, and I, right before the attack began.  He knew what was coming, but he risked his life to come tell us.  He bought us precious minutes that allowed us to prepare a defense and in turn save as many lives as we could.  Without him I believe many more would have been lost."

It was clear to James that no one knew who Harry was talking about, but it was equally apparent that Harry would not leave the hero unanimous, "Eilif Rowle had everything to lose and nothing to gain, but a life in hiding by giving us this information.  Even after giving it to us he chose to stay and try and help defend other students instead of fleeing.  Eilif Rowle chose between what was right, and what was easy.  As I stand here before all of you I ask you one question.  What will you do when presented with that choice?  Because we all have a choice to make in the coming days."

Swallowing emotions that were clearly welling up inside him Harry spoke with finality, "Whatever your choice is let this be a warning to those who wish to choose what is easy.  My Uncle was killed in the fighting.  My godfather has been left comatose by the Heir of Slytherins followers.  My family has chosen our side in this conflict.  Don't stand against us, because we will duel to kill."

Many students shuffled at Harry's words and no one applauded as Harry turned and nodded at Dumbledore who looked grave by his pupils' words.  James knew that Dumbledore was an advent pacifist, but having just lost fourteen students he suspected that the older man was less than sympathetic to the Death Eater cause at the moment.

Several of the older students looked on at Harry with nothing but respect.  James noted that Frank was among those few.  After all everyone in the hall now knew what Harry was really capable of.  He stood toe to toe with students that had become legends in these halls and beat them while still being a student himself.  The only one that they didn't get to see him stand against was the Heir of Slytherin and that was only because he knew they would all die.  Harry might've fought his way into an escape, but at the cost of all their lives, and at the very least, the older students knew it.

When Harry sat down as mumbles turned to quiet conversation around the hall and lunch went on as if the youngest Potter hadn't just threatened the entire Pureblood movement.  Lily was out of her seat as soon as Harry was in his and marched over to the Slytherin table.  James watched with new understanding as Elaina bumped Harry indicating the arrival of the Head Girl.  With a bit of shame James noted that this was the first time there wasn't the slightest bit of jealousy when Harry stood to embrace her.  It had always gnawed at James slightly, but now that he knew the truth he understood why Harry wanted to be around her as much as he did, and why Elaina didn't pitch a fit about it.

The two seemed to exchange a few words and Lily looked concerned before Harry visibly jerked his head back towards Gryffidnor table.  The redhead only hesitated a moment before following what appeared to be a request and returned to the table taking her usual seat next to Frank and Alice.

Alice asked the unspoken question immediately, "What did he say?"

"He wants to meet all of us in the Room of Requirements." Lily said with confusion clearly in her tone, "He said he has a lot to tell us."

James was immediately grateful and turned to see if he could lock eyes with Harry, but instead, his back was to him.  Hoping the truth was coming out soon James remained quiet through dinner with anticipation for what was to come.