Chapter Ten.

 The next morning, Xue Ying woke up, did some stretches and went to have his bath. As he entered the shower, Wang was watching him through one of the hidden camera in the room.

 Xue Ying knew that Wang Lang was watching him, so he decided to put on a show by walking out of the bathroom without a towel.

 Wang Lang was baffled by what he did and immediately switched off the computer, Xue Ying seeing that the plan worked puted on some clothes and went downstairs for breakfast. 

 When he got downstairs, he saw that the food had already been prepared but Wang Lang was not at the dinner table.

 Xue Ying didn't think much of it and served himself to breakfast. After breakfast, he went to his room to do some research on the new school he would be attending.

 The name of the school is called seika high school and it is one of the prestigious high school in the country.

According to his memory, the representation of an school had come to meet the previous owner before the accidentally.

 The news of the present owner becoming dumb was not made public and was kept between the family. So, because the scholarship was not transferable so Xue yang was not able to get it.

 Seika high school is one of the most prestigious high school in the country and has kept the record of always bringing out wonderful students. 

 According to his memory of the story, Wang Lang is also going to seika high, same goes for his twin brother. Xue yang was able to get to seika high because the main character father knew someone them and was able to recommend Xue Yang.

 Xue yang was able to pass the entrance exam because the father got the question beforehand and gave it to him to study.

 After browsing the web, he decided to take a quick nap before dinner.

 Don't ask me how time flew so fast.

 When it was time for dinner, Xue Ying woke up and went downstairs, seeing that Wang Lang was not there yet, he decided to have his own dinner and ate.

 When he got back to his room, he decided to sleep, but after sleepy for some time he woke up because he felt someone's gase on him.

 When he woke up, he saw that Wang Lang was in the room staring at him. He asked him what he was doing here, Wang Lang told him that he needed some blood. Xue Ying was surprised that he said it so straightforward. 

 Xue Ying said Okay and began undressing, Wang Lang asked him why he was why he was undressing, Xue Ying answered him and said you want to drink my blood and you have to bite me so I have undress.

 Wang Lang agreed to it and moved closer to him to bite him, immediately he bite him, Xue Ying felt a sting but didn't talk, Wang Lang was surprised as to how a fox blood was so tasty because the previous foxes blood he had drank was not as tasty as this.

 Wang Lang continued drinking until Xue Ying called him asking if the blood he had drank was not enough. Wang Lang snapped out of his thoughts and apologized before leaving for his room.