Chapter Eleven.

 When Wang Lang went back to his room, he was surprised by the way he acted. He has never gotten out of control before, his heart almost skip a beat. 

 In all his entire life, having sucked blood from different beings, he had never felt flushed before like never, even when the people in his school had everb tried flirting with him, he always felt disgusted. 

 Xue Ying had already fallen asleep and didn't know what he was thinking. He needs to rest up because school will start in a few days.

 When he woke up the next morning, he saw that the room designs had changed from the pinkish colour to white and blue. He opened his system and checked what Wang Lang was doing.

 He saw that he was doing some work on his computer, when he zoomed in, he saw that he was checking some work that was sent to him from his father's company.

 Xue Ying remembered that Wang Lang was going to school but also helping his father with some company work.

 Xue Ying decided to check the cameras that he installed in his family's house, when he checked it he saw that the family was having a pleasant breakfast and acted like he didn't even exist.

 After seeing them, he saw that little Hoxie was still feeling down so he decided that when he saw him alone he will send him a message so as to cheer him up.

 He went downstairs for breakfast and saw that Wang Lang was actually there, he thought that he was not going to be there but he guessed that he was wrong.

 Wang Lang seeing him guested for him to come and have breakfast, Xue Ying went to sit down.

 During breakfast he felt that Wang Lang was staring at him, he asked if he had anything to say to him, Wang Lang seeing that he noticed then asked" I heard that you will be attending seika high with me", Xue Ying nodded.

 Wang Lang continue speaking saying that" since you will be attending the same school as me, i will ask sabastian to prepare some books for you." Xue Ying said Okay and went back to his room after finishing breakfast.

 The maid that was serving them was shocked that the new blood servant was not fearful of their master and was calm while their master was actually feeling a little bit of emotion because in all the time she had worked for him, he was always keeping a poker face but she actually felt that the cold aura and killing intent of her master had actually dropped immediately he saw the blood servant.

 Xue Ying went back to his room and received the books and the days flew by with him acting like he was not a blood servant.