Chapter 8: He is the best detective in the world

After Shina and Nico showed the place to the rest of the members, they told them what they would do now that everyone knew about the letter killer.

They were surprised by the plan Nico and Shina had, but they accepted it since they knew it was the only way to find him.

"All right, let me see if I understood. We're going to infiltrate the mayor's party, right?" Catherine says, looking at Nico and Shina.

"Technically, yes, but the mayor knows why we're going," Nico says as he sits down.

"You're really crazy, Nico, but since I'm intrigued by this, I'm not against it. And I'm also not against it if you, Lieutenant Shina, accept to go out," Jacob didn't finish speaking as Nico punched him in the stomach, leaving Shina confused.

"Were you going to say something, Jacob?" Nico says with a smile, making Jacob, besides complaining about the pain, frightened.

"N-n-no, calm down, Nico. Keep going with the rest," Jacob says as he stands up, holding his stomach.

"That's what I thought. Well, continuing with what I was saying, we'll infiltrate the mayor's party to prevent Mr. Calahan from being murdered," Nico says as Nahir shows the invitation from the mayor to Mr. Calahan to the rest, which was made public during a meeting.

"So the killer will continue targeting that billionaire until he kills him. It's incredible that Calahan is attending another party after what happened at his event," Roman says as he looks at some images from Calahan's event, specifically the part where Nico prevents Calahan from being killed.

"Hey, brother, just out of curiosity, are you the only one invited to the mayor's party?" Nahir says, making everyone look at Nico with a glare, especially Shina.

"Before you beat me up, Lieutenant, let me finish what they will do, okay?" Nico says, scared by Shina's furious look.

Nico told them what they would do from the outside, as Jacob and Roman had a better knowledge of the place, they would infiltrate to go upstairs and have a better view from above.

On the other hand, Shina and Catherine would infiltrate the mayor's office to hack into the police database and give Nahir access to download all the information there.

"All right, setting aside when you came up with all this, I want to ask you, since when are we the criminals now, Nico?" Catherine says as she looks at Nico, who was seated.

"We're not criminals; we're just borrowing the information my uncle won't let us have," Nico says as he stands up and approaches a chair next to Nahir.

"But they can see it however they want. What I'm really asking is, if we're discovered, are we prepared to be the number one fugitives from the police?" Nico says with a smile as he sits down, making Nahir turn around and stand up behind her brother, putting her arms around him.

"Perhaps I'm the only one aware of it, but seeing this situation, it seems like you're the criminals in this story. But since you told us that Lieutenant Shina agreed to do this, I won't complain. Count me in," Jacob says with a smile identical to Nico's.

Everyone accepted Nico's plan; now they just had to wait for the day of the party for the team to set in motion.

Shina and Catherine went to talk to Nahir on the rooftop of the building of her apartment, who had called them to talk to them alone.

"What do you want to talk to us about, Nahir?" Shina asks as it starts to rain, and the water hits her hair.

"Shina, Catherine, I want to know something. Do you both know why they call my brother the best detective in the world?" Nahir says as she looks at the other two, who simply shook their heads at Nahir's question.

"Why?" Catherine asks as the rain intensifies.

"Because he can solve cases that no one else can, but in reality, there's something more behind that, and that is, if the person he caught escapes or tries to do something again, Nico simply doesn't help anyone to catch that person again. On the contrary, he gives false clues to the police so they can't find that criminal," Nahir replies as she sees Shina realize what she means.

"So, Shina, you can imagine why no detective could catch the letter killer all this time. But this doesn't mean that Nico covered his tracks; it means that the letter killer waited for you to give the case to my brother to now get to work," Nahir says as a lightning bolt illuminates her face.

"And what happens if Nico catches the person who escaped again?" Shina asks as she looks at Nahir intently.

"Well, depending on what that person has done, he'll torture them or simply send them back to prison, or kill them as soon as he finds them," Nahir replies with a cold look, surprising the others.

"Now my question is, do you really think Nicolas Schneider is the best detective in the world?" Nahir says, and after she said that, thunder rumbled, illuminating her face.

Shina and Catherine remained silent, thinking about what Nahir had asked them, but is her brother really like that, or is he just joking or testing their trust?

Is Nicolas Schneider really capable of doing those things?