Chapter 9: Final Preparations


"Now my question is the following: do you really believe that Nicolas Schneider is the best detective in the world?" Nahir says, and after she said that, thunder rumbled, illuminating her face.

Shina and Catherine remained silent, thinking about what Nahir had asked them. But is her brother really like that, or is he just joking or testing their trust?

Is Nicolas Schneider really capable of doing those things?


"Yes, he's the best detective in the world for me, no matter what he does," Shina says with a tone of certainty, surprising Nahir, who looked at her.

"I agree with Shina, but why are you asking us this, Nahir?" Catherine says as she looks at Nahir.

"Because I wanted to know if you would really accept him knowing that," Nahir says with a smile, to which Shina approaches her and takes her hand.

"I promise you one thing, Nahir. I will always accept Nico, no matter what past he has or who he really is. Never forget that, okay?" Shina says with a smile, making Nahir smile too.

After their conversation, they went back inside with the rest of the guys to finish the final preparations for the party and ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The party would be in five days in Washington DC, something Nico found out at the last minute because the President of the United States offered the mayor the White House for the party, clearly with his presence.

Now things would be easier for Shina and Catherine as they would only have to avoid the guards at the mayor's house. But what really worried Nico was that he sensed something odd about all this happening now.

Moreover, they had to leave New York early to get to Washington DC. During the journey, everyone except Roman, who was driving, and Nico, were awake.

"Tell me something, Nico, what will you do when you catch the killer?" Roman asks as he stops at a traffic light.

"Well, I never really thought about it. I'll probably leave the country or something, but what I really want is for Nahir to finish her studies after this," Nico responds as he glances at Nahir, who was asleep on Shina's shoulder.

"I see. And what about Shina? Do you plan to tell her how you feel, or will you keep it to yourself like everyone else does?" Roman says as he starts driving again, but he notices Nico blush a bit at what he said.

"I don't know. Part of me wants to, but the other part thinks it would be better not to. I don't want our relationship to be awkward afterwards," Nico says as he looks out the car window at the stars.

"Of course, the typical excuse of someone who's afraid of the future. You know what, Nico? I propose this: when we finish this case, you'll confess to Shina how you feel about her. If you do it, I'll do the same with Nahir," Roman says as he glances at Nico, who smiles at what he said.

"Deal. We have a deal then, Roman," Nico says with a smile, to which Roman also smiles.

After four hours of travel, our team arrived in Washington DC.

They went to the hotel to stay, but their room was different from the others as it was filled with computers that Nahir would use along with all the other things they would need.

They settled in the room, which had three queen beds. Nico and Nahir would sleep in one, Roman and Jacob in another, and Shina and Catherine in the last one.

As soon as they settled in, Nico and Roman went to sleep since they had been up since the morning until the moment they arrived in Washington DC.

On the other hand, the rest who slept during the whole journey, Nahir started to look at the information about the place and the guests along with Catherine, while Shina and Jacob organized the clothes they would wear.

With all those things organized, they only had to wait for the day of the party for our protagonists' plan to be set in motion.

"Whatever happens, I'll put an end to this," Nico said in his mind before falling into a deep sleep. The end of this case is drawing nearer with each passing moment.