Wrath of the Forecast

"Heed me."

Ess scoffed.

"Tell me who you are before you go off telling me what to do," he said threateningly.

Of course, even as he said this, he could tell that the figure of the old woman wasn't something he could interact with physically. He could actually see through it, however bold the colours and contrast of her skin and clothing were.

The woman's golden eyes flashed deeply. The wrinkles on her face grew darker and her lips drew taut with what seemed like fury.

"I saw that you were a tough, powerful and stubborn boy, but it's only now that I see you in person, interacting with you that I realise how much of a stab to the side it's going to be explaining everything to you," she said, her voice faint, and oddly distant.

Ess slotted his hands into his pockets.

"Explain what exactly? Why you were stalking me last night?" he said.